you can't make this stuff up. wtf?

I can only watch it without the sound, what's she saying? If she made 262,000 in 2009 why is she living in a one-room nearly vacant apartment?


Let me get you the transcript.

"What if i didn't come from a famous family
What if I didn't have all their support
What if I couldn't finish my education
What if I didn't have all these opportunities

****cut to empty appartment, frumpy clothes, no makeup*******

Beleive me, It wouldn't be pretty (baby cries)

Pause, Before you Play
:eek: She forgot to say:

What if I didn't pimp my child for profit


:lol: Funny funny.

On a serious note, what do you think now that you know what the ad was about? Do you still feel this way about it?

And yet she's giving lectures about the repercussions of teen pregnancy.
Teen pregnancy sounds awesome based on her life. Everyone should have a baby out of wedlock.
As it was used, with the context of its use, no it was not offensive.

Dr. Laura Schlesinger’s ****** Rant (Transcript) « Emptysuit

^^^^ That's the whole conversation. Dr Laura was not calling anyone the 'n' word, she was using it in an entirely different context.

Context... it's your friend.

So, because she didn't call someone a ******, then it could not possibly have offended anyone, right?

That's fucking retarded!

I understand the offensive nature of the word. It is one I don't use... ever. I don't even type it out... that's how offensive I find it. But.... it is the context that makes it an insult... using the word is either acceptable for everyone or no one.... and some blacks do use it... so if they do... anyone can.... it's calling someone that name that adds offense. This was never about real offense, it was always just about faux outrage.

I just think that the Political Correctness double standard is downright cunty.
So, because she didn't call someone a ******, then it could not possibly have offended anyone, right?

That's fucking retarded!

I understand the offensive nature of the word. It is one I don't use... ever. I don't even type it out... that's how offensive I find it. But.... it is the context that makes it an insult... using the word is either acceptable for everyone or no one.... and some blacks do use it... so if they do... anyone can.... it's calling someone that name that adds offense. This was never about real offense, it was always just about faux outrage.

I just think that the Political Correctness double standard is downright cunty.

Had she called someone a 'n*gger', I'd be outraged. But she didn't. She used the word. Ain't nothing offensive about that. Unless you have an agenda to be 'outraged'... similarly to Bristol. She has done nothing wrong.... but idiots will create a whole load of bullshit about it.
I understand the offensive nature of the word. It is one I don't use... ever. I don't even type it out... that's how offensive I find it. But.... it is the context that makes it an insult... using the word is either acceptable for everyone or no one.... and some blacks do use it... so if they do... anyone can.... it's calling someone that name that adds offense. This was never about real offense, it was always just about faux outrage.

I just think that the Political Correctness double standard is downright cunty.

Had she called someone a 'n*gger', I'd be outraged. But she didn't. She used the word. Ain't nothing offensive about that. Unless you have an agenda to be 'outraged'... similarly to Bristol. She has done nothing wrong.... but idiots will create a whole load of bullshit about it.

I thought that we were talking about Sarah Palin and her selective political correctness over the use of the word "retarded".

I agree Bristol did nothing wrong. Doesn't mean that the whole thing isn't stupid.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

I've been telling you this for a long time. The nastier the liberals treat someone the richer that someone gets. Keep it up.
Didn't Lyle Alzado make a public service spot about steroid use? Of course, I bet that didn't have any impact on kids and young adults who are at risk for steroid use at all. Nope, no impact. I mean, here it is 20 years later and I would bet that many know this.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

Is it any diffferent than when an ex-junkie talks to kids about staying away from drugs?

You Palin haters are hilarious.

A little.
The junkie probably wasnt rewarded for being an ass.

So these ex-junkies don't get paid for their time?

And the only person being an ass is you.
Didn't Lyle Alzado make a public service spot about steroid use? Of course, I bet that didn't have any impact on kids and young adults who are at risk for steroid use at all. Nope, no impact. I mean, here it is 20 years later and I would bet that many know this.


Lyle Alzado made PSAs about the horrors of steroid use, just like Bristol made a commercial about the horrors of teenage pregnancy.

I think it is important that we teach girls about this, because we don’t want them punished with a baby.
As it was used, with the context of its use, no it was not offensive.

Dr. Laura Schlesinger’s ****** Rant (Transcript) « Emptysuit

^^^^ That's the whole conversation. Dr Laura was not calling anyone the 'n' word, she was using it in an entirely different context.

Context... it's your friend.

So, because she didn't call someone a ******, then it could not possibly have offended anyone, right?

That's fucking retarded!
Shorter doctor Laura: Listen bitch, you have no right to be offended if your husband's friends call you a ****** because some black people say ******!

Hell of a spin. That's not even close to what was said.

Why is the truth so hard for you idiot liberals?
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit
The quality of logic that would promote a knocked up out of wedlock kid like Mrs. Palin's daughter is precisely the quality of logic that makes coffee fly from my nose when I encounter it.
Did you see her ad spot? I think you should watch it, its actually pretty good. Not 250k good but its good.

YouTube - Candies Foundation Bristol Palin PSA

whether or not the ad is good is irrelevant, imo.

Its completely relevant. Your upset that they paid Bristol Palin to do something because of her personal life situation and status and this is what they paid her to do.

If you watch the ad it kinda makes your being upset about it seem trivial and a little petty in light of how they used her in this ad.

thanks for sharing.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit
The quality of logic that would promote a knocked up out of wedlock kid like Mrs. Palin's daughter is precisely the quality of logic that makes coffee fly from my nose when I encounter it.

What? You mean the quality of logic of recovering alcoholics and drug addicts using their experience to influence others?

The quality of logic of politicians welcoming celeb endorsements because they know they influence a specific target audience?

The logic of using sports stars to raise awareness, sell products, and that kind of thing?

Yep.... no logic in that at all.

Except, of course, that it is logical because it's been proven to impact on the target audience.
Not only that but a luxury condo in Arizona and a gig on Dancing with the Stars

"Pay attention young do not want this to happen to you"

Maybe next time they can sign up Octo-Mom
This charity is in the business of awareness, and I am now aware of them. Not bad for someone who rarely watches the tube.

Some boys decide that they should devote all their time and effort to playing ball so that they can go pro (foregoing studying, for example) . For most, that is a bad choice as few make it. For most girls, hoping that they could also get this spot and foregoing other avenues of success (studying, for example) would be a poor choice.

Not everyone can be helped. One tries to help the most that they can.

Maybe we should get together and found a charity to 'fix stupid'? :lol:

charity begins at home.

I am, frankly, dumbfounded that anyone has an issue with it.

Advertising works... hence corporations use advertising to sell their products or services.

Del's issue is an occasion to bash Palin using her daughter.

Next Up: Criticising Trig Palin for encouraging Downs Syndrome sufferers.


try again, calamarebreath.

if i wanted to bash her mother, that's what i'd do.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit
The quality of logic that would promote a knocked up out of wedlock kid like Mrs. Palin's daughter is precisely the quality of logic that makes coffee fly from my nose when I encounter it.

What? You mean the quality of logic of recovering alcoholics and drug addicts using their experience to influence others?

The quality of logic of politicians welcoming celeb endorsements because they know they influence a specific target audience?

The logic of using sports stars to raise awareness, sell products, and that kind of thing?

Yep.... no logic in that at all.

Except, of course, that it is logical because it's been proven to impact on the target audience.
The drunks and druggies are the same logic. Celebrity endorsements of politicians has nothing in common. Consider the celebrity is not a politician but a private citizen.

If an athlete like Barry Bonds endorsed abstinence from the use of human growth steroids, then we would have the Palin dynamic. If an athlete was selling shoes or jock itch cream or athlete's foot treatments, I could see no problem with it.

But ya can't hold yer baby on yer hip, text yer BFF and tell teenage girls not to climb into the back seat until they're married and still call yourself credible.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

Is it any diffferent than when an ex-junkie talks to kids about staying away from drugs?

You Palin haters are hilarious.

you let me know when you find an ex-junkie getting $262k to do it, and then we'll talk, otay?
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

"According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

which I think is good stuff!

but we all know what cons would be saying if this was chelsea clinton or one of the obama girls (or any democrat) . They'd be denouncing her as a pig, slut, whore, immoral....

and mocking and ridiculing her and the charity

and OUTRAGED that so much donated money was going to her at the expense of the charity itself

yes, yes i am.
Bully for them. Frankly, Bristol Palin is not 'bowling for cancer', she's trying to earn a living to support her child. Want to hang her for that? I wouldn't. She's trying to do both - by working for a salary - for a charity that she obviously thinks is important. Why the fuck that is so over the intellectual paygrade of some people is, frankly, beyond my intellectual paygrade.

I do not blame here for wanting to make money to support herself and her child. I blame the charity for hiring her to influence unwed teenage girls not to have babies when she so obviously did it herself.

You can call me stupid, and cuss at me all you want, it won't change the fact that the Simon says method of teaching has never worked. It's a waste of money.
Yup, that's why AA, NA, and other programs like that are so awful and useless because all they all are drunks, addicts, etc. who talk to others who want to stop.

Nope, there's absolutely NO benefit from personal examples of what could happen to you if you don't think before behaving in a certain way. :lol:


no one in those programs takes money for speaking.

try again
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

Is it any diffferent than when an ex-junkie talks to kids about staying away from drugs?

You Palin haters are hilarious.

you let me know when you find an ex-junkie getting $262k to do it, and then we'll talk, otay?

So it's the amount of money she was paid that pisses you off.

That's even more hilarious.
Shes living at home with her parents and making money just by being a Palin.
I would have more tolerance of her if she would have denied such a huge sum and said she will take payment, yes, but donate most of the rest to the cause she agreed to be spokesperson for.
Then I stated before...thats just what Id do. And humans tend to judge the actions of others on their own tickled ears.

I fail to see how her living arrangements are an issue. Whether she's living with them or not, she needs to earn a living to support her child.

I don't see why she should be expected to donate any - but she has donated part of it. I don't see why we should hold her to a different standard to the rest of us, just because she happens to have the last name Palin. I wish I could understand it, I just can't see what she did wrong.

Because if one is trying to teach others due to it being the right thing to do, one shouldnt accept such an obscene amount of money if they truly want to help.
You wouldnt keep money you found, CG. Which means youre a standup kinda gal. Would you accept that kind of money even though you already HAVE that kind of money and want for nothing?
My problem with the vid, although done quite well, is she didnt use the IF word strongly enough. There are so many young girls getting pregnant that dont even HAVE an apartment, much less an unfurnished one.
Bristol is just a really bad choice. May as well put Michael Vick as spokesperson for the ASPCA or Peta.

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