you can't make this stuff up. wtf?

How about this: instead of hiring Bristol Palin for $262K, they could have hired 10 teenage moms from a variety of walks of life...people that other girls could associate with...and had them on a series of commericials showing their life and their hardships...and paid them each $26,200.

You know what would have been ideal?

if Bristol Palin, coming from a family that can afford to and has helped her with her teen pregnancy, did the whole thing free of charge.

Great message, too high a price tag.

Excellent idea.

Why is it an excellent idea? They already have a whole bunch of seriously famous people working with them. Difference between most of these guys and Bristol Palin... one, she's 'been there, done that', she's trying to make a career of working to promote a message of abstinence. What is wrong with that?

the candie's foundation
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

Is it any diffferent than when an ex-junkie talks to kids about staying away from drugs?

You Palin haters are hilarious.

Interesting point. The ex junky is speaking from experience, she's not. She's saying "what if...."
Bully for them. Frankly, Bristol Palin is not 'bowling for cancer', she's trying to earn a living to support her child. Want to hang her for that? I wouldn't. She's trying to do both - by working for a salary - for a charity that she obviously thinks is important. Why the fuck that is so over the intellectual paygrade of some people is, frankly, beyond my intellectual paygrade.

I do not blame here for wanting to make money to support herself and her child. I blame the charity for hiring her to influence unwed teenage girls not to have babies when she so obviously did it herself.

You can call me stupid, and cuss at me all you want, it won't change the fact that the Simon says method of teaching has never worked. It's a waste of money.

International research suggests that you are wrong. That's why corporations spend billions on advertising. Because it works. And this is no different to advertising a product, it's informing kids in a way they relate to.

Do you mind showing me some of these "international studies" that show the Simon says method of teaching works????
yes, yes i am.

You're outraged that a charity spends money donated by those who recognize that campaigning is an important way to influence young people? This charity, the candie's foundation, are a campaigning organization. You are aware of that, are you not? You know that they raise money specifically to spend on awareness raising campaigns, and that includes paying people they deem are influential to their target audience, right?

How about this: instead of hiring Bristol Palin for $262K, they could have hired 10 teenage moms from a variety of walks of life...people that other girls could associate with...and had them on a series of commericials showing their life and their hardships...and paid them each $26,200.

You know.....if Candies foundation was truly interested in helping, I think that what equates to most in that situation as a whole years income for 10 mothers in 10 different cities, working as consultants for a year, visiting schools in the area would be much more effective than giving all that money to just one person who isn't all that available for speaking engagements.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

"According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

which I think is good stuff!

but we all know what cons would be saying if this was chelsea clinton or one of the obama girls (or any democrat) . They'd be denouncing her as a pig, slut, whore, immoral....

and mocking and ridiculing her and the charity

and OUTRAGED that so much donated money was going to her at the expense of the charity itself

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Chelsea Clinton never had a child as a teenager out of wedlock, right? And neither one of the Obama girls are pregnant, right?

Chelsea would be a better choice for their spokes person. I think Obama's girls are too young.
You know what would have been ideal?

if Bristol Palin, coming from a family that can afford to and has helped her with her teen pregnancy, did the whole thing free of charge.

Great message, too high a price tag.

Excellent idea.

Why is it an excellent idea? They already have a whole bunch of seriously famous people working with them. Difference between most of these guys and Bristol Palin... one, she's 'been there, done that', she's trying to make a career of working to promote a message of abstinence. What is wrong with that?

the candie's foundation

There is nothing wrong with it in general at all.

Unfortunately for Bristol the very same thing that makes her a good choice also puts her under a different level of scrutiny than your average young american mother.
"According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

which I think is good stuff!

but we all know what cons would be saying if this was chelsea clinton or one of the obama girls (or any democrat) . They'd be denouncing her as a pig, slut, whore, immoral....

and mocking and ridiculing her and the charity

and OUTRAGED that so much donated money was going to her at the expense of the charity itself
Kinda like the liberals are doing here?
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

Is it any diffferent than when an ex-junkie talks to kids about staying away from drugs?

You Palin haters are hilarious.

Interesting point. The ex junky is speaking from experience, she's not. She's saying "what if...."

Well, let's just assume - for arguments sake - that most young people are reasonably intelligent.

Now let's assume that these kids have seen celeb after celeb becoming a single parent.

Now let's assume that those celebs drag their kids out like an accessory, similar to a new purse, looking glamorous, with kid dressed in designer clothes, looking all adorable.

Now let's assume those kids reading that magazine thing that's how it is when you have a kid.

Now let's assume that some of those kids see that ad from Bristol Palin.

Now let's assume that one or two of them think 'oh shit, maybe that's not such a good idea'.

Now do you get WHY they took this approach? Because this charity uses academic research - like most campaigning charities do - to develop very specific, impactive campaigns for very specific audiences.
If I remember correctly, Candies donated roughly 35,000 in support of programs for teen mothers

However, they paid Bristol 262,000 for her speaking engagements. Shouldn't those figures have been reversed?

Pay Bristol 35,000 and donate 262,000 in support of programs for unwed mothers.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

"According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

which I think is good stuff!

but we all know what cons would be saying if this was chelsea clinton or one of the obama girls (or any democrat) . They'd be denouncing her as a pig, slut, whore, immoral....

and mocking and ridiculing her and the charity

and OUTRAGED that so much donated money was going to her at the expense of the charity itself

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Chelsea Clinton never had a child as a teenager out of wedlock, right? And neither one of the Obama girls are pregnant, right?

Chelsea would be a better choice for their spokes person. I think Obama's girls are too young.

Chelsea Clinton has no name recognition with the target audience. The Obama kids are children... totally not appropriate.

And.... please can we get into the thought process that this is a campaign.... NOT a one off ad... it is part of a bigger campaign... go look at their website to see the rest of it and who's involved.

I don't think people are seeing the whole picture, y'all are just pissy because it's Bristol Palin. I find that very narrow minded.
"Kids, don't fuck like I did!"

If I remember correctly, Candies donated roughly 35,000 in support of programs for teen mothers

However, they paid Bristol 262,000 for her speaking engagements. Shouldn't those figures have been reversed?

Pay Bristol 35,000 and donate 262,000 in support of programs for unwed mothers.

If I remember correctly, you could be pulling any numbers from out of your ass.
If I remember correctly, Candies donated roughly 35,000 in support of programs for teen mothers

However, they paid Bristol 262,000 for her speaking engagements. Shouldn't those figures have been reversed?

Pay Bristol 35,000 and donate 262,000 in support of programs for unwed mothers.

Oh good... we're back to that one... again. Answer: the £35k was excess funding.... the Candies Foundation is not a 'ground based' charity, ie it does not work directly with teen moms. It is a campaigning charity.... ie, it focuses on prevention.... one of the ways it does that is through the use of celebrity messaging... hence the use of Bristol Palin.

This has already been explained.... twice. Idiot.
I do not blame here for wanting to make money to support herself and her child. I blame the charity for hiring her to influence unwed teenage girls not to have babies when she so obviously did it herself.

You can call me stupid, and cuss at me all you want, it won't change the fact that the Simon says method of teaching has never worked. It's a waste of money.
Yup, that's why AA, NA, and other programs like that are so awful and useless because all they all are drunks, addicts, etc. who talk to others who want to stop.

Nope, there's absolutely NO benefit from personal examples of what could happen to you if you don't think before behaving in a certain way. :lol:


no one in those programs takes money for speaking.

try again
Oh, now the goal posts have changed for what AgainSheila said? She seems to think that there is no educational value to those suffering the consequences of their poor judgments. She mentioned nothing of pay.

But, you're right, they do no get paid.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

Is it any diffferent than when an ex-junkie talks to kids about staying away from drugs?

You Palin haters are hilarious.

Interesting point. The ex junky is speaking from experience, she's not. She's saying "what if...."
So, she planned to be pregnant as a teenager?

This just gets crazier and crazier.
If I remember correctly, Candies donated roughly 35,000 in support of programs for teen mothers

However, they paid Bristol 262,000 for her speaking engagements. Shouldn't those figures have been reversed?

Pay Bristol 35,000 and donate 262,000 in support of programs for unwed mothers.

If I remember correctly, you could be pulling any numbers from out of your ass.

He remembered correctly, he just ignored the actual context.... that Candie's are not a 'ground based' charity, they are a campaigning charity. So the $35k was excess funding. GayBiker struggles with basic shit like 'context'.

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