You didn't build that, and now, you didn't earn that

It wasn't nothing (sic) you did. You didn't build that.

That's quite a message. That's our slogan now. America, 2016.
If it's true we have no moral or legal entitlement to our pre-tax income, and we don't, you didn't build it alone.
No it’s not your money: Why taxation isn’t theft
"This feeling that your pre-tax income is ‘your money’ is difficult to shake.

"It’s hard not to see the pre-tax figure on your payslip as representing what’s really owing to you for the work you’ve done, and hence to feel that the state is taking away from you something that is yours by right.

"However, a little careful reflection shows this almost universal assumption to be utterly confused. There is no sense in which you have a right to your pre-tax income.

"To see this, we have to ask what kind of right it might be supposed one has to one’s pre-tax income.

"Presumably, it is either a legal right or a moral right.

"Once we separate out these alternatives, we can see that the former option is incoherent, whilst the latter is utterly implausible..."

I can't remember if it was on this site, but I have had to research and post the printing of money and the route it takes to get to your wallet because a lib claimed the money in my wallet belongs to the government.

He dropped his argument, but never admitted that he was wrong.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

So what past successful nation did not have taxation of some kind?

If your goal is to destroy this nation, then sure, argue for no taxes to be collected by the government.

But every civilized nation from the dawn of mankind had a government tax to sustain the government so it could provide its necessary functions.

Who did not?

So your pre-tax income is truly 'not all yours' until the government has taken out its due, then it is all yours. This is an obvious and plain Truth.

Similarly no person has built their business solely with their own effort and did not get good use of our schools, roads, bridges, communication networks, immigration policies, etc. So no you did NOT build that without some help and because you got that help from the rest of us, you have to play nicely, by the rules and give something back to those who helped you.

And I really dont care if a nitwit like Elizabeth Warren said it first; a broken clock can still be right twice a day, but you still dont set your watch to it.
BTW, some used their own homes as collateral to take out loans to develop a business. Investment bankers were sometimes needed. Each with their own skillset. One needs customers, actual people who want what one makes. That in itself is risky. It's called the risk factor and it is what one wishes to risk that is at stake each and every business. The government was not part of it. Taxes are paid, it is a mandatory need. That money is doled out to different contractors who themselves risk their own careers and lives. The build it on your own is a deflection phrase created to demean a productive citizen. Wow, how fking great that a politician does that. So the pres is saying fk you to the country. well fk him.

Your government played a huge role in what you did. The banker was regulated by the government. The contractors are licensed by the government, and so on.
what's that got to do with anything? we don't need regulations, that is what real businessmen want gone. so bzzzzt, fail, licensed? really? government? nope.

Think insurance.

Gawd the stupid in here from the left.
Obama, July 13, 2012:
I'm always struck by people who think, "wow, it must be because I was just so smart". There are a lot of smart people out there! "It must be because I worked harder than everybody else". Let me tell you something: There are a whole bunch of hard working people out there!

Obama, Howard University, May 7, 2016:

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing (sic) you did.

It wasn't nothing (sic) you did. You didn't build that.

That's quite a message. That's our slogan now. America, 2016.
Obama, July 13, 2012:
I'm always struck by people who think, "wow, it must be because I was just so smart". There are a lot of smart people out there! "It must be because I worked harder than everybody else". Let me tell you something: There are a whole bunch of hard working people out there!

Obama, Howard University, May 7, 2016:

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing (sic) you did.

It wasn't nothing (sic) you did. You didn't build that.

That's quite a message. That's our slogan now. America, 2016.

Luck often times enough plays a huge role in yours and my success. So I can only guess that bible thumpers like you aren't allowed to believe in luck.
As for me, I wouldn't depend on it, but it sure is nice when you find yourself up to your ass in alligators, and still manage to drain the swamp!
Or land in a world of shit, and still come out smelling like a rose! That's all about luck my friend.
"Bible thumper like you"?

Well, first, I'm a comfy agnostic, but thank you for identifying the type of person you are, on multiple levels.

No doubt calling those who have succeeded "lucky" makes you feel a little better about your own life.

I guess that's a good thing.

"skill" if I may be so bold
It wasn't nothing (sic) you did. You didn't build that.

That's quite a message. That's our slogan now. America, 2016.
If it's true we have no moral or legal entitlement to our pre-tax income, and we don't, you didn't build it alone.
No it’s not your money: Why taxation isn’t theft
"This feeling that your pre-tax income is ‘your money’ is difficult to shake.

"It’s hard not to see the pre-tax figure on your payslip as representing what’s really owing to you for the work you’ve done, and hence to feel that the state is taking away from you something that is yours by right.

"However, a little careful reflection shows this almost universal assumption to be utterly confused. There is no sense in which you have a right to your pre-tax income.

"To see this, we have to ask what kind of right it might be supposed one has to one’s pre-tax income.

"Presumably, it is either a legal right or a moral right.

"Once we separate out these alternatives, we can see that the former option is incoherent, whilst the latter is utterly implausible..."

I can't remember if it was on this site, but I have had to research and post the printing of money and the route it takes to get to your wallet because a lib claimed the money in my wallet belongs to the government.

He dropped his argument, but never admitted that he was wrong.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

So what past successful nation did not have taxation of some kind?

If your goal is to destroy this nation, then sure, argue for no taxes to be collected by the government.

But every civilized nation from the dawn of mankind had a government tax to sustain the government so it could provide its necessary functions.

Who did not?

So your pre-tax income is truly 'not all yours' until the government has taken out its due, then it is all yours. This is an obvious and plain Truth.

Similarly no person has built their business solely with their own effort and did not get good use of our schools, roads, bridges, communication networks, immigration policies, etc. So no you did NOT build that without some help and because you got that help from the rest of us, you have to play nicely, by the rules and give something back to those who helped you.

And I really dont care if a nitwit like Elizabeth Warren said it first; a broken clock can still be right twice a day, but you still dont set your watch to it.
BTW, some used their own homes as collateral to take out loans to develop a business. Investment bankers were sometimes needed. Each with their own skillset. One needs customers, actual people who want what one makes. That in itself is risky. It's called the risk factor and it is what one wishes to risk that is at stake each and every business. The government was not part of it. Taxes are paid, it is a mandatory need. That money is doled out to different contractors who themselves risk their own careers and lives. The build it on your own is a deflection phrase created to demean a productive citizen. Wow, how fking great that a politician does that. So the pres is saying fk you to the country. well fk him.

the response is to the argument that you h ave no obligation to the rest of the country or to pay taxes. Not that you dont deserve to keep most of what you create.
Obama, July 13, 2012:
I'm always struck by people who think, "wow, it must be because I was just so smart". There are a lot of smart people out there! "It must be because I worked harder than everybody else". Let me tell you something: There are a whole bunch of hard working people out there!

Obama, Howard University, May 7, 2016:

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing (sic) you did.

It wasn't nothing (sic) you did. You didn't build that.

That's quite a message. That's our slogan now. America, 2016.
Obama, July 13, 2012:
I'm always struck by people who think, "wow, it must be because I was just so smart". There are a lot of smart people out there! "It must be because I worked harder than everybody else". Let me tell you something: There are a whole bunch of hard working people out there!

Obama, Howard University, May 7, 2016:

And that means we have to not only question the world as it is, and stand up for those African Americans who haven’t been so lucky -- because, yes, you've worked hard, but you've also been lucky. That's a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they've been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing (sic) you did.

It wasn't nothing (sic) you did. You didn't build that.

That's quite a message. That's our slogan now. America, 2016.

Luck often times enough plays a huge role in yours and my success. So I can only guess that bible thumpers like you aren't allowed to believe in luck.
As for me, I wouldn't depend on it, but it sure is nice when you find yourself up to your ass in alligators, and still manage to drain the swamp!
Or land in a world of shit, and still come out smelling like a rose! That's all about luck my friend.
"Bible thumper like you"?

Well, first, I'm a comfy agnostic, but thank you for identifying the type of person you are, on multiple levels.

No doubt calling those who have succeeded "lucky" makes you feel a little better about your own life.

I guess that's a good thing.

You need to work on the agnosticism thingy. Otherwise yo are a very intelligent person.

It wasn't nothing (sic) you did. You didn't build that.

That's quite a message. That's our slogan now. America, 2016.
If it's true we have no moral or legal entitlement to our pre-tax income, and we don't, you didn't build it alone.
No it’s not your money: Why taxation isn’t theft
"This feeling that your pre-tax income is ‘your money’ is difficult to shake.

"It’s hard not to see the pre-tax figure on your payslip as representing what’s really owing to you for the work you’ve done, and hence to feel that the state is taking away from you something that is yours by right.

"However, a little careful reflection shows this almost universal assumption to be utterly confused. There is no sense in which you have a right to your pre-tax income.

"To see this, we have to ask what kind of right it might be supposed one has to one’s pre-tax income.

"Presumably, it is either a legal right or a moral right.

"Once we separate out these alternatives, we can see that the former option is incoherent, whilst the latter is utterly implausible..."

I can't remember if it was on this site, but I have had to research and post the printing of money and the route it takes to get to your wallet because a lib claimed the money in my wallet belongs to the government.

He dropped his argument, but never admitted that he was wrong.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

So what past successful nation did not have taxation of some kind?

If your goal is to destroy this nation, then sure, argue for no taxes to be collected by the government.

But every civilized nation from the dawn of mankind had a government tax to sustain the government so it could provide its necessary functions.

Who did not?

So your pre-tax income is truly 'not all yours' until the government has taken out its due, then it is all yours. This is an obvious and plain Truth.

Similarly no person has built their business solely with their own effort and did not get good use of our schools, roads, bridges, communication networks, immigration policies, etc. So no you did NOT build that without some help and because you got that help from the rest of us, you have to play nicely, by the rules and give something back to those who helped you.

And I really dont care if a nitwit like Elizabeth Warren said it first; a broken clock can still be right twice a day, but you still dont set your watch to it.
BTW, some used their own homes as collateral to take out loans to develop a business. Investment bankers were sometimes needed. Each with their own skillset. One needs customers, actual people who want what one makes. That in itself is risky. It's called the risk factor and it is what one wishes to risk that is at stake each and every business. The government was not part of it. Taxes are paid, it is a mandatory need. That money is doled out to different contractors who themselves risk their own careers and lives. The build it on your own is a deflection phrase created to demean a productive citizen. Wow, how fking great that a politician does that. So the pres is saying fk you to the country. well fk him.
BTW, the investment banker is taking a risk loaning the money. Do you leftiest know why?

Wow, the entire program is cyclical. Do you leftest turds know this? wow.
It wasn't nothing (sic) you did. You didn't build that.

That's quite a message. That's our slogan now. America, 2016.
If it's true we have no moral or legal entitlement to our pre-tax income, and we don't, you didn't build it alone.
No it’s not your money: Why taxation isn’t theft
"This feeling that your pre-tax income is ‘your money’ is difficult to shake.

"It’s hard not to see the pre-tax figure on your payslip as representing what’s really owing to you for the work you’ve done, and hence to feel that the state is taking away from you something that is yours by right.

"However, a little careful reflection shows this almost universal assumption to be utterly confused. There is no sense in which you have a right to your pre-tax income.

"To see this, we have to ask what kind of right it might be supposed one has to one’s pre-tax income.

"Presumably, it is either a legal right or a moral right.

"Once we separate out these alternatives, we can see that the former option is incoherent, whilst the latter is utterly implausible..."

I can't remember if it was on this site, but I have had to research and post the printing of money and the route it takes to get to your wallet because a lib claimed the money in my wallet belongs to the government.

He dropped his argument, but never admitted that he was wrong.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

So what past successful nation did not have taxation of some kind?

If your goal is to destroy this nation, then sure, argue for no taxes to be collected by the government.

But every civilized nation from the dawn of mankind had a government tax to sustain the government so it could provide its necessary functions.

Who did not?

So your pre-tax income is truly 'not all yours' until the government has taken out its due, then it is all yours. This is an obvious and plain Truth.

Similarly no person has built their business solely with their own effort and did not get good use of our schools, roads, bridges, communication networks, immigration policies, etc. So no you did NOT build that without some help and because you got that help from the rest of us, you have to play nicely, by the rules and give something back to those who helped you.

And I really dont care if a nitwit like Elizabeth Warren said it first; a broken clock can still be right twice a day, but you still dont set your watch to it.
BTW, some used their own homes as collateral to take out loans to develop a business. Investment bankers were sometimes needed. Each with their own skillset. One needs customers, actual people who want what one makes. That in itself is risky. It's called the risk factor and it is what one wishes to risk that is at stake each and every business. The government was not part of it. Taxes are paid, it is a mandatory need. That money is doled out to different contractors who themselves risk their own careers and lives. The build it on your own is a deflection phrase created to demean a productive citizen. Wow, how fking great that a politician does that. So the pres is saying fk you to the country. well fk him.
BTW, the investment banker is taking a risk loaning the money. Do you leftiest know why?

Wow, the entire program is cyclical. Do you leftest turds know this? wow.

I think most are cognizant of this, but it still doesnt mean that people should not pay taxes or obey regs and laws when they run a business.
If it's true we have no moral or legal entitlement to our pre-tax income, and we don't, you didn't build it alone.
No it’s not your money: Why taxation isn’t theft
"This feeling that your pre-tax income is ‘your money’ is difficult to shake.

"It’s hard not to see the pre-tax figure on your payslip as representing what’s really owing to you for the work you’ve done, and hence to feel that the state is taking away from you something that is yours by right.

"However, a little careful reflection shows this almost universal assumption to be utterly confused. There is no sense in which you have a right to your pre-tax income.

"To see this, we have to ask what kind of right it might be supposed one has to one’s pre-tax income.

"Presumably, it is either a legal right or a moral right.

"Once we separate out these alternatives, we can see that the former option is incoherent, whilst the latter is utterly implausible..."

I can't remember if it was on this site, but I have had to research and post the printing of money and the route it takes to get to your wallet because a lib claimed the money in my wallet belongs to the government.

He dropped his argument, but never admitted that he was wrong.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

So what past successful nation did not have taxation of some kind?

If your goal is to destroy this nation, then sure, argue for no taxes to be collected by the government.

But every civilized nation from the dawn of mankind had a government tax to sustain the government so it could provide its necessary functions.

Who did not?

So your pre-tax income is truly 'not all yours' until the government has taken out its due, then it is all yours. This is an obvious and plain Truth.

Similarly no person has built their business solely with their own effort and did not get good use of our schools, roads, bridges, communication networks, immigration policies, etc. So no you did NOT build that without some help and because you got that help from the rest of us, you have to play nicely, by the rules and give something back to those who helped you.

And I really dont care if a nitwit like Elizabeth Warren said it first; a broken clock can still be right twice a day, but you still dont set your watch to it.
BTW, some used their own homes as collateral to take out loans to develop a business. Investment bankers were sometimes needed. Each with their own skillset. One needs customers, actual people who want what one makes. That in itself is risky. It's called the risk factor and it is what one wishes to risk that is at stake each and every business. The government was not part of it. Taxes are paid, it is a mandatory need. That money is doled out to different contractors who themselves risk their own careers and lives. The build it on your own is a deflection phrase created to demean a productive citizen. Wow, how fking great that a politician does that. So the pres is saying fk you to the country. well fk him.
BTW, the investment banker is taking a risk loaning the money. Do you leftiest know why?

Wow, the entire program is cyclical. Do you leftest turds know this? wow.

I think most are cognizant of this, but it still doesnt mean that people should not pay taxes or obey regs and laws when they run a business.
Still don't get what that means? explain please.
1. I stated that the money I have is my money. YOu twisted it into a strawman of me being against the very concept of taxes. I will not defend your made up point that has no connection to my position.

I was providing a contrasting pair of statements. Your next statement exemplifies why.

2. Your belief that m per-tax income is "truly 'not all yours' until the government has taken out its due" is NOT an obvious and plain truth. It is your position and your position to defend, if you can.

Simple assertion, no matter how strongly you assert it, is not making a case.

So, are you now stating that your pre-tax money is all yours and the government does not have a right to a share or not?

If you are, what example from history of a successful nation that did not collect taxes of any kind can you point to?

3. ONly the most petty and jealous and selfish of people would deny others the full credit for their accomplishments because of the benefit/support/resources they received from society.

A successful businessman deserves full credit WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF BEING PART OF A LARGER ECONOMY AND PUBLIC.

The goal of public education, for one example is not to create a class of people who are totally and completely indebted to society. At least not in America. The goal of public education is to assist children into growing into productive members of society who will take care of themselves and their children and contribute though their individual efforts to society.

Tearing them down by telling them that they are not personal responsible for their personal accomplishments is counter productive to that.

I agree, whether it is actually completely 100% the case or not.

Well, at least Obama was telling the truth when he said he wanted to radically transform America.

What nation was the same when a President first entered on day one as it was when they left it on the last day of the administration?

Obama has left his mark like all Presidents do, and he has accomplished good and bad.

It is only the opinion of the individual voters in the following election that gives the final verdict.
Still don't get what that means? explain please.

It means that all of us have obligations, duties and taxes due in any nation, to include the USA.

IF the draft comes back, you have a duty to honor that draft.

If taxes go up, you have a duty and obligation to pay those taxes.

Any argument based on the idea that the government has no right to tax you is immediately false from the git go.
1. I stated that the money I have is my money. YOu twisted it into a strawman of me being against the very concept of taxes. I will not defend your made up point that has no connection to my position.

I was providing a contrasting pair of statements. Your next statement exemplifies why.

2. Your belief that m per-tax income is "truly 'not all yours' until the government has taken out its due" is NOT an obvious and plain truth. It is your position and your position to defend, if you can.

Simple assertion, no matter how strongly you assert it, is not making a case.

So, are you now stating that your pre-tax money is all yours and the government does not have a right to a share or not?

If you are, what example from history of a successful nation that did not collect taxes of any kind can you point to?

3. ONly the most petty and jealous and selfish of people would deny others the full credit for their accomplishments because of the benefit/support/resources they received from society.

A successful businessman deserves full credit WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF BEING PART OF A LARGER ECONOMY AND PUBLIC.

The goal of public education, for one example is not to create a class of people who are totally and completely indebted to society. At least not in America. The goal of public education is to assist children into growing into productive members of society who will take care of themselves and their children and contribute though their individual efforts to society.

Tearing them down by telling them that they are not personal responsible for their personal accomplishments is counter productive to that.

I agree, whether it is actually completely 100% the case or not.

Well, at least Obama was telling the truth when he said he wanted to radically transform America.

What nation was the same when a President first entered on day one as it was when they left it on the last day of the administration?

Obama has left his mark like all Presidents do, and he has accomplished good and bad.

It is only the opinion of the individual voters in the following election that gives the final verdict.
So, are you now stating that your pre-tax money is all yours and the government does not have a right to a share or not?

well technically, he is correct it is his money. The tax system is voluntary, did you know that?
Render unto Caesar what Caesar is due and render unto God what God is due.
So, are you now stating that your pre-tax money is all yours and the government does not have a right to a share or not?

well technically, he is correct it is his money. The tax system is voluntary, did you know that?
Lol, that is funny, but yeah, I know of Reids ridiculous claim.

Reid meant that we are trusted to voluntarily pay our taxes before the government comes in with tanks and airstrikes to get it if they have to.

The scope and authority that the federal government has claimed is truly breathtaking and 99% of the public has no idea.

For example, the President can declare that your labor is in the interest of national security and move you to any locale he desires to and compel you to work at no compensation?

Our freedom is on loan from the Federal government, that is all. It has been like this since our entry into World War 2.
Render unto Caesar what Caesar is due and render unto God what God is due.
there is a reason why individuals pay taxes. Also for giving to a spiritual organization. There is a purpose. neither is to feed the poor.
safety/ security

That's it.

How many line items do you think exist today?

From the IRS: Understanding Taxes - Theme 1: Your Role as a Taxpayer - Lesson 1: Why Pay Taxes?

"Taxes provide revenue for federal, local, and state governments to fund essential services--defense, highways, police, a justice system--that benefit all citizens, who could not provide such services very effectively for themselves. Taxes also fund programs and services that benefit only certain citizens, such as health, welfare, and social services; job training; schools; and parks"
Render unto Caesar what Caesar is due and render unto God what God is due.
there is a reason why individuals pay taxes. Also for giving to a spiritual organization. There is a purpose. neither is to feed the poor.

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
safety/ security

That's it.

How many line items do you think exist today?

But Congress and the American people decided to expand the federal governments authority back in the 1930s to provide welfare for those who could not get it from extended families as we became a largely urban population.

That is part of the Constitutional process for expanding the role of the government.

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