"You didn't get there on your own"

it is a disastrous process when the government presumes it has the expertise and ability to do that.

that?? those in government throughout history all presumed they had the expertise to do that and everything else. That is why Jefferson gave us freedom from liberal government when he created America.
Freedom from government expertise is why America reversed all of human history and became the greatest country in all of human human history

Who in the world told you that Jefferson created America? You certainly didn't read that in any history book, and not even Limbaugh would tell you that. Even Limbaugh thinks his listeners are smarter than that.
Why did they need roads and bridges?
It comes down to which came first, businesses or roads and highways?
Why would you need a highway or roads if not for businesses which employ people who live in towns that grow into cities?
The town came first, the business came second.

Name me one city that started with a business and not local residents.

Actually, the businesses came at the same time as the "local residents", since the local residents started doing business as soon as they arrived. They had to, if they didn't want to starve.

Can't imagine how YOU think this worked.

If you're entertaining some hazy picture of a handful of homesteaders on isolated farms hanging out and attracting a store owner to come and open a mercantile, you might want to also add in the little detail that the homesteaders wouldn't have bothered to build roads.
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There was literally NO WAY to take Obama's comments out of context. Think about it for a minute... the reason he made the speech that he did was to justify his larger argument about raising taxes. Why he thinks it's okay to ask more of the business community IS the context.

The guy said what he meant. And he did it in such a way as to make it impossible to take it any other way. Just because you see his speech reduced to one sentence, doesn't mean that the one sentence you see isn't actually representative of the whole.
If there was no way to take it out of context, why did you edit out the part regarding roads and bridges?

Already discussed that to a fare-thee-well. Not our fault you weren't here for it.

It wasnt answered. It was dodged with partisan hackery.
Listen, dupes, he said business owners are great BUT they didn't do it w/o gov't. Try it with no law and order, corrupt officials, no schools, no defence etc etc etc. DUH.

All your graphics and out of context lies are pure PUBCRAPPE, and under Reaganomics and voodoo we've lost our edge in infrastructure, physical and mental- ie education and roads, airports ETCETCETCETC. Myopic non reinvestment and greed...
A great reason GOOD gov't is needed. Keep cutting their pay and oversight and we'll have corruption like that.

The phrase "good governmnt" is any oxymoron. The more power government has, the more corrupt it becomes. Corruption comes with government just as fleas come with dogs.

So any and all government is therefore bad?

You must hate the Founding Fathers then.
Why did they need roads and bridges?
It comes down to which came first, businesses or roads and highways?
Why would you need a highway or roads if not for businesses which employ people who live in towns that grow into cities?
The town came first, the business came second.

Name me one city that started with a business and not local residents.
Little America, Wyoming

Hershey, Pennsylvania

Eloy, Arizona, as well as many other cities and towns in America that were built up around railroad stops and switch stations.
Lack of regulation of Wall Street destroyed the world economy.

you mean lack of capitalism almost destroyed the world economy?

Who can say with a straight face that the housing crisis was not caused by Fanny Freddie Fed when most of the liberal government was organized to get folks into homes the capitalist free market said they could not afford.

See why we are positive a liberal will slow. He has Nazi like faith in genius liberal regulators when capitalism is obviously the best regulator.

I can say it with a straight face. ecause your scenario isnt true. YES the Fms definitely played a part in it, but the problem wasnt them but how they were used as a buffer between private banking and mortgage defaults.

Do you remember the days before the DO NOT CALL list? When it seemed like every other phone call was from some financial institution telling you how much money you could have if only youd refinance your house with them?

And then our neighbors started showing up with new cars and oh my isnt it wonderful. All they had to do was refi and it didnt matter because their house would only go UP in value. After all, God isnt making more land is he?

All that debt. Everyone owing everyone until one day, someone needed that money and they called in the marker. And when they did everyone looked over their shoulder expecting the OTHER GUY to pay the bill and guess who was at the end of the line? The FMs.

So we blame THEM, but the truth is the entire system was fucked from the get go. And BOTH parties pushed this country headlong into that quagmire all the while congratulating themselves on what a greatjob they were doing.

And what REALLY put it all in play was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Republican legislation HAPPILY signed into law by Democratic President Bill Clinton.

It removed the barriers in the market among banking companies, securities companies and insurance companies that prohibited any one institution from acting as any combination of an investment bank, a commercial bank, and an insurance company. So everyone was playing russion roulette with the economy.

And pay attention Partisan Hacks!



And fucking Bill Clinton signed it with THIS signing statement:

Heres an exerpt:

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act makes the most important legislative changes to the structure of the U.S. financial system since the 1930s. Financial services firms will be authorized to conduct a wide range of financial activities, allowing them freedom to innovate in the new economy. The Act repeals provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act that, since the Great Depression, have restricted affiliations between banks and securities firms. It also amends the Bank Holding Company Act to remove restrictions on affiliations between banks and insurance companies. It grants banks significant new authority to conduct most newly authorized activities through financial subsidiaries.

Removal of barriers to competition will enhance the stability of our financial services system. Financial services firms will be able to diversify their product offerings

William J. Clinton: Statement on Signing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

And that allowed for banking institutions to package mortages as securities and start selling them to each other all backed by their own insurance firms.

Right there in that document is the Great Recession.

And BOTH partys were happily united in passing it.
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You can see why the GOP is such a total failure at governing- they don't believe in it- incredibly shortsighted...

Listen, dupes, he said business owners are great BUT they didn't do it w/o gov't. Try it with no law and order, corrupt officials, no schools, no defence etc etc etc. DUH.All your graphics and out of context lies are pure PUBCRAPPE, and under Reaganomics and voodoo we've lost our edge in infrastructure, physical and mental- ie education and roads, airports ETCETCETCETC. Myopic non reinvestment and greed...

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