"You didn't get there on your own"

Actually, the GOP is mainly rich A-HOLES and red neck haters and fundies nowadays LOL. But thanks for the BS, Rush/Beck/Savage/Sean.

I'm not GOP but I'll take them any day over the progressives....

I'll never vote progressive...

I suppose you think I'm a redneck or rich? :lol:

No I just have a clear understanding of the Bill of Rights - you know the document you alleged "liberals" enjoy taking shits on..... You know attempting to ban guns, free speech, the press, religion, the Fourth and Fifth Amendment and Tenth Amendments entirely...

But you're the "liberals" :lol: - No you're fascist authoritarian fucks who would have absolutely ZERO problem seeing a libertarian go to prison for his or her views because they contradict your own.

You're the fucking bastards that create laws at the state level that violate peoples rights...

Just today I was reading an article about how the progressives in California want to put GPS trackers in peoples cars so they can tax them on "how much they drive." Now BITCH NAZI - do you have any fucking idea how intrusive and just over the fucking line that is??? Thoughts like that shouldn't fucking exist in the US - yet progressives dream them up everyday because they have absolutely ZERO respect for the Bill of Rights...

Then you have the audacity to call non-progressives lunatics??? really? are they the ones who want to put GPS units in peoples cars to "tax them" or better yet "track them."

And yes, here is a whole page of crap someone is feeding you so they don't have to pay taxes. You are screwing yourself by the way.

Oh? "Crap so that they don't have to pay taxes", is it? Would you really like to discuss how much of the federal budget - or any given state budget, for that matter - is going to wasteful pork and inappropriately intrusive programs, rather than the appropriate purviews of government, for which no one sane objects to paying, however much you've deluded yourself that people who complain about high taxes and bloated government "just don't want to pay ANY taxes"?

We can go there, if you think you can muster the intellectual honesty.
No Krauthammer doesn't get it.

Our government is of, for and by the people. That makes it the personification of our society. You can seperate society from a monarch, or a communist committee, or a dictator, but in a democracy, they are one in the same. THAT'S what made America so different at its founding. WE are the government.

And Steve Jobs IS the perfect example because he keeps being credited with building the Mac. Steve Jobs didn't build the Mac! That was Steve Wozniak. Jobs was a salesman. And he sold The Wozs invention.

And every time that little fact is ignored to make the "individual" argument, it not further proves that it's a lie.

Can you reword this so it makes some sense ?

Krauthammer has a point of view that is shared by many of us. There is no getting it or not getting it.

But I can tell you that government is not the personification of our society. That is a really stupid statement.

So you don't believe in We the people?

So you believe the government is "We the people"?
There was literally NO WAY to take Obama's comments out of context. Think about it for a minute... the reason he made the speech that he did was to justify his larger argument about raising taxes. Why he thinks it's okay to ask more of the business community IS the context.

The guy said what he meant. And he did it in such a way as to make it impossible to take it any other way. Just because you see his speech reduced to one sentence, doesn't mean that the one sentence you see isn't actually representative of the whole.
If there was no way to take it out of context, why did you edit out the part regarding roads and bridges?

Already discussed that to a fare-thee-well. Not our fault you weren't here for it.

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