"You didn't get there on your own"

There's "America" and there's obama's america. Anyone who believes in obama's america is beyond foolish.
Cuba's about 5 minutes of the movie.

Romneycare for all! Already a great success.

But dear Romney care is not for all, its for the liberals of MA. Why not be American and let each state decide what they want as Romney advocates.

Do we want another near genocide like the Great Society programs that amounted to a war on blacks? Its far better to let each state experiment so we don't have another national near genocide. This is why we have federalism. Over your head??
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I think the final score here is that business owners need to shut the fuck up because they drive on roads.




Yes, entrepreneurship and individualism are wonderful things, but they depend on the stability and infrastructure and schooling provided by government. These do not come free; they must be paid for, and it's only fair that those who are able to do the most with these blessings share some of the rewards with government so that others can one day follow in their path. As Sarlin pointed out in a subsequent post, Romney, even as he was willfully misinterpreting Obama's point, also restated it: "There's no question your mom and dad, your school teachers, the people that provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help."

No man is an island. If you want to blame anybody for poisoning the world with that socialistic idea, blame John Donne.

The New Republic: You-Didn't-Build-That-Gate : NPR

Because I believe in America Any other questions?

yes why do you believe in it??????????????????????

1) Because it was founded on the principle of freedom from liberal government??

2) Because its Constitution was so badly written that it can be subverted into a communist document such that freedom disappears and government controls everything?

Lack of regulation of Wall Street destroyed the world economy.

Lack of regulation of BP spilled 2 million barrels of oil in the Gulf.

Lack of gun control regulation killed 1 million Americans since 1960.

You really don't get it do you?

Unregulated capitalism is the Mafia.
Again you and Willie Wittless are deliberately trying to redefine the "rich" as well to do WAGE EARNERS. The truly rich do not work for the common wage!!!! They are Capital Gains Tycoons, not upper middle class wage earners who actually pay nearly all the taxes.

A Capital Gains Tycoon can make a billion dollars on the stock market and not pay a single dime on it. That gain can grow year after year tax free, like an unlimited IRA, until the tycoon decides to realize some of it, but unlike an IRA where he would pay a tax penalty for cashing it before retirement age, the tycoon not only pays no penalty but also pays a lower tax rate than a wage earner. And still the tycoon is not satisfied. Their puppets, the GOP, are trying to eliminate all capital gains taxes!!!

As to Willie Wittless, the top 1% of WEALTH, not wages, have about 20 trillion in total net worth, so if you confiscated all of it as Wittless postulates with wage earners, you could pay off the entire GOP debt and have enough left over for one hell of a big party. :woohoo:

Total bullshit. Futhermore, you're ignoring the fact that the money is invested in plant and equipment, which means it's providing jobs for thousands of people. You would cut off your own nose to spite your face. That's what liberalism is all about, unfortunately - oganized idiocy,

great point, about 62.4% is held as business assets. Steal it all and we'd have instant depression. See why we are positive liberals have a low IQ??

"In terms of types of financial wealth, the top one percent of households have 38.3% of all privately held stock, 60.6% of financial securities, and 62.4% of business equity."-Dommhoff

Most of the rest is held by institutional investors like pension funds. there's also a huge amount locked up in 401K and IRA plans. In other words, what shit-for-bains is really attacking is granny's pension.
So you are saying that I, as a liberal, have class envy and hatred. Which class do I envy? And who do I hate? And why?

why not cut the BS and give us your best reason for being a liberal??
Why are you so afraid to even try??

Because I believe in America and I believe in Americans.

Any other questions?
Apparently your idea of the ideal American is one who can not make it without government intervention.
I'm sorry I don't meet your criteria.
Because I believe in America Any other questions?

yes why do you believe in it??????????????????????

1) Because it was founded on the principle of freedom from liberal government??

2) Because its Constitution was so badly written that it can be subverted into a communist document such that freedom disappears and government controls everything?

Brainwashed IDIOCY. 1) They WERE liberals, and 2) talk of communism is hysterical Beckism- change the channel.
In one of my bakery I have three very intelligent and very hard working immigrants from Nigeria. The stories they have relayed to me tell me that you dont have a clue as to what youre talking about. And I say that NOT to attack you but to make a point.

The real problem in Africa is they dont have what we have here. A society protected by a government that allows for real opportunity.

You should look at Africa as a lesson of what happens when money controls governments instead of the people.

Nope. That's what happens when government control over business is unlimited. If you try to start a business in Nigeria, 50 government officials will come buy expecting to get their palms greased.

A great reason GOOD gov't is needed. Keep cutting their pay and oversight and we'll have corruption like that.
We had a GOOD government here until it got in the business of handing out other peoples' money in return for votes.
But congratulations! You got through an entire post without using the words "pubdupes" and "change the channel"/
A great reason GOOD gov't is needed. Keep cutting their pay and oversight and we'll have corruption like that.

The phrase "good governmnt" is any oxymoron. The more power government has, the more corrupt it becomes. Corruption comes with government just as fleas come with dogs.
Lack of regulation of Wall Street destroyed the world economy.

you mean lack of capitalism almost destroyed the world economy?

Who can say with a straight face that the housing crisis was not caused by Fanny Freddie Fed when most of the liberal government was organized to get folks into homes the capitalist free market said they could not afford.

See why we are positive a liberal will slow. He has Nazi like faith in genius liberal regulators when capitalism is obviously the best regulator.
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At times we are so used to seeing something that we are blind to the implications of what we are seeing. Sort of reminds me of the law of gravity; how many people were aware of gravity as being unusual until Newton.
How many of us believed that we we're independent creatures not needing anyone or any thing but ourselves. Then we think about it and realize how dependent we really are. People certainly seem to flock together and seem dependent on others despite the Republcian handbook on rugged individualism. And so another Republican truth falls to the floor with so many others. But not to worry, a new manual of snappy Republican truths and phrases will soon be out. How about, "Please Uncle Sam, I'd rather do it myself," it was a grabber in the Sixties?"

Nice try at a straw man, but no cigar. There's no "You think you don't need anyone or anything else" about being offended by the notion that we shouldn't take credit for our own success and should instead thank the government for it.

If I want to thank my mother and father for the upbringing they gave me and the tools it provided me to build my life with, I can and will do that without any pompous sermonizing from Obama.

If I want to thank the handful of teachers who made a difference in my life - and since I attended public schools, you'd best believe that most of my education came through MY work, not theirs - I can and will do that without Obama hubristically announcing it like he's the only one who ever thought of the idea.

I regularly thank my customers for choosing to do business with me rather than my competitors, and I didn't need Obama and his snarky smirk to tell me to do it.

I thank, or did thank, these people because what they gave me was a voluntary choice on their part, and a result of THEIR individual struggle to achieve something in their own, individual lives (Yes, I know that teachers are paid for their jobs, but I think we can all agree that the truly special ones stand out in our memories precisely because they go way beyond what they're paid for).

If you think I'm going to thank the government for doing the job for which I pay it, and at which it does a glacially slow, red tape-laden, bare minimum performance more often than not, you're as delusional as Obama in his belief that we are going to equate the individuals in our lives with the government.
Apparently your idea of the ideal American is one who can not make it without government intervention.
I'm sorry I don't meet your criteria.

A nation is no stronger than each individual in that nation. Liberals subvert the country by encouraging each individual to be a leech. Those few who really cant make it should not be helped by the Federal government since federal government has been the source of evil throughout human history!! Jefferson's America is nothing more than this realization. America's huge success is based on nothing more than this realization.

How important would Hitler have been without a central government?
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Because I believe in America Any other questions?

yes why do you believe in it??????????????????????

1) Because it was founded on the principle of freedom from liberal government??

2) Because its Constitution was so badly written that it can be subverted into a communist document such that freedom disappears and government controls everything?

Lack of regulation of Wall Street destroyed the world economy.

Lack of regulation of BP spilled 2 million barrels of oil in the Gulf.

Lack of gun control regulation killed 1 million Americans since 1960.

You really don't get it do you?

Unregulated capitalism is the Mafia.
There are literally thousands of gun control laws on the book. We don't need more laws, we need to enforce the laws we have.
I can drive 50 miles from here and buy a Glock and walk away with it on the spot, or I can drive 2 miles, buy one legally and wait a week while it goes through the legal hurdles. All more regulation would do is put more hurdles in the way of my legal purchase, but wouldn't effect black market sales one iota. Laws are for those that respect the law. Those that don't, would prefer more unarmed marks.
Try being a REAL Patriot and be thankful and happily pay taxes to the country that made you possible.
Myopic twits...

There's nothing patriotic about selling out your heritage, your community, and your childrens' futures to a bunch of bullshitting politicians, and meekly herding together with the other sheep. I realize that the idea of a "patriotism" that takes the same paucity of thought, effort, and risk as everything else you liberals do is terribly appealing to the leftist mind, but it's as big a lie as all the other things your leaders have told you.
As to the OP, his comments brought about a good discussion. How do those who make it, leverage on public money to get to where they get?

What do you mean by "leverage"?

I pointed out in another thread that 18 wheel gasoline tanker carrying 85,000 gallons of gas will generate over $50,000 in federal/state gas tax alone. Without the tanker carrying this gas how would the drivers buy the gas they need?
Sure the tanker is using the highway.. but it also pays federal/state gasoline taxes.

Then what about water the business uses?
Do they not PAY for the water that comes through the water lines? Businesses will all use collective hundreds of times the amount of water residentials use.

So what about police force? Doesn't the business pay property taxes?
For example in the community I live in, a high profile company pays on $65 million property $1.4 million in taxes.
AND they have their OWN security force around their property.. but they still pay !
So it takes over 600 homes with $100,000/home to equal.. and that means a lot of security!
A great reason GOOD gov't is needed. Keep cutting their pay and oversight and we'll have corruption like that.

The phrase "good governmnt" is any oxymoron. The more power government has, the more corrupt it becomes. Corruption comes with government just as fleas come with dogs.

a liberal will lack the IQ to understand the basics of American freedom:

"Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence"- Jefferson.
Unregulated capitalism is the Mafia.

perfectly stupid as usual, James Bond!! Capitalism is based on peaceful voluntary economic transactions between buyers and sellers.

The Mafia is based on violence. See why we are positive a liberal will be slow??

Do you think Bond would be insulted to see a liberal fool use his image?
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As a side note Foxfyre, I think when you add government there are winners and losers choosen. Rarely does government help everyone equally.

You are correct. There are some who will NEVER use those roads and therefore don't benefit from them in the same way others do, yet we ALL benefit from them because we ALL have to consume something simply in order to live. And most of that which we consume is transported, delivered, and made available to us via the same roads. The guy using them proactively to transport consumable products is of course going to receive more benefit than is the guy who benefits only in the most passive way.

But the point Williams was making is that the way a free people is interconnected is not necessarily in mutual cooperation though the people may find that to be beneficial too. Most of us benefit from each other only incidentally. The guy in Venezuela doesn't know I exist when he operates the oil well that pumps a barrel of crude that eventually, through the participation of millions of people in multiple countries, makes its way into the tank of my car in the form of unleaded gasoline. He doesn't care about me in the least. He might or might not throw me a rope if I was drowining.

But he nevertheless played a role in me having gasoline to fuel my car.

THAT is how we all work together to accomplish what we accomplish. Yes, I couldn't prosper by doing my own thing unless millions of others of you are also doing your own thing to put bread on your respective tables. And not one of us is fully aware of how we are benefitting anybody else, but we do simply by looking to our own interests.

And still, despite all that, nobody built my business and made it profitable but me.

People seem to forget there was an America before the industrial revolution. There was an America before electricity and running water. I guess those early pioneers didn't make it on their own.

Government is not my business partner. It is not an active participant in working toward the success of my life, and it really doesn't give much of a shit about me or my problems. Government is a part of the backdrop against which I conduct my life, a piece of the environment in which I live, much like the ground and the sky and the weather and, yes, the other human beings who happen to live on this planet. I appreciate that the sun shines and the plants grow and the ecosystem exists, but I'm not going to credit my success in life to them, and I'm not going to credit it to two more ubiquitous environmental factors, the government and the billions of other total strangers who share the planet.

Enough is fucking enough with this insistent liberal push toward a collective hive mind.

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