"You didn't get there on your own"

Again you and Willie Wittless are deliberately trying to redefine the "rich" as well to do WAGE EARNERS. The truly rich do not work for the common wage!!!! They are Capital Gains Tycoons, not upper middle class wage earners who actually pay nearly all the taxes.

A Capital Gains Tycoon can make a billion dollars on the stock market and not pay a single dime on it. That gain can grow year after year tax free, like an unlimited IRA, until the tycoon decides to realize some of it, but unlike an IRA where he would pay a tax penalty for cashing it before retirement age, the tycoon not only pays no penalty but also pays a lower tax rate than a wage earner. And still the tycoon is not satisfied. Their puppets, the GOP, are trying to eliminate all capital gains taxes!!!

As to Willie Wittless, the top 1% of WEALTH, not wages, have about 20 trillion in total net worth, so if you confiscated all of it as Wittless postulates with wage earners, you could pay off the entire GOP debt and have enough left over for one hell of a big party. :woohoo:

Total bullshit. Futhermore, you're ignoring the fact that the money is invested in plant and equipment, which means it's providing jobs for thousands of people. You would cut off your own nose to spite your face. That's what liberalism is all about, unfortunately - oganized idiocy,

great point, about 62.4% is held as business assets. Steal it all and we'd have instant depression. See why we are positive liberals have a low IQ??

"In terms of types of financial wealth, the top one percent of households have 38.3% of all privately held stock, 60.6% of financial securities, and 62.4% of business equity."-Dommhoff
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I would also like to point out that our leftist brethren who are so enamored with those high tax rates of decades ago never want to look at all the tax shelters, loopholes, and deductions available to high wage earners back then. That would be those tax shelters, loopholes, and deductions that were eliminated and no longer exist as the tax rates came down.

That, plus making it more attractive for the rich to re-invest some of the assets, is why tax revenues went UP as the tax rates came down and the bounty to the federal treasury actually increased and why the top 20% shoulder far more of the tax burden than they did back then.

But to some of our leftist friends they don't really care about that. What is important to them is that more prosperous people are stripped of much more of their earnings so those who earn less can feel righteous.
They also don't give a shit when their great avatars -Kennedy, Rockefeller, Kerry, Kohl, Frankenstein, Blabberman-Schultz, etcetera- stash or "invest" some of their massive wealth in offshore banks and take advantage of the lower rates in their investment incomes.

This is true. Nor do they care that a fair and equitable flat and certain tax system would bring a whole big boatload of those offshore dollars back home where most would be reinvested in the American economy again and this interminable recession could be ended.

It isn't about America really. It isn't about what is 'fair'. It isn't about what produces the most benefits for the most people. For them it is pure fuzzy logic class envy and hatred. So long as they THINK the rich are paying more, they are happy no matter what else goes to hell in a hand basket.
Why don't you move to a country where you pay more taxes if it makes you so happy ?

I keep pointing out that Cuba would love to have you and we would love to be rid of your sorry liberal ass.

Because they know that in Cuba - everyone is just like them - a worthless parasites. So they have no one to mooch off of like they do here. Despite falsely demonizing conservatives to further their Communist agenda, they know they need us conservatives to provide for them.

Actually, remember Michael Moores Sicko? He took people to Cuba to get perscription drugs? And the bottle of pills was like 12 bucks whereas the woman was paying over 100 here in the States?

They get their drugs so cheap because BigPharma is making its money off of US.

Maybe we ought to find a way to stop paying for Cubas perscription drugs huh?

PS and dont say you didnt see it. There was a big hubbub about it in the news and Im sure everyone on this forum was screaming about that pinko Michael Moore for at least a week.

Michael Moore didn't show you the hospitals where the families of patients have to bribe the doctors to provide medication or treat their loved ones. they have to bribe the staff to provide clean linen and decent meals. These hospitals are filthy and the patients recieve no care without greasing a lot of palms.

Only the terminally gullible believe the Cuban medical system is superior to ours.

Here are some examples of the great healthcare the masses recieve in Cuba:




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Only liberals are on welfare? Talk about self righteous with a huge dose of obtuse.

No - but only liberals are proud to be on welfare and make a concerted effort to stay on it for life...

Youve accused ME of being a liberal. Ive never been on welfare...and never will.

Perhaps, but it's almost gauranteed that you're sucking on the government tit.

[So its not ALL liberals then right? Just the ones that are actually on welfare.

But not Michelle Bachman who gets farm subsidies, or Walmart who gets LAND donated to them for their stores, or any of the other multibillion dollar corporations reciving government hand outs. Theyre all ok right?

There's a simple solution to the problem: put an end to the subsidies and the donated land. But liberal turds like you won't do that, will you?
Everytime I buy a gallon of gasoline I help build a road or a bridge. obama didn't do that, he had help. bussiness is the engine of American life.

An excellent point. Rather than Obama arrogantly telling business that "You didn't get there on your own", business should be telling Obama and the rest of the government, "Look, if you've got a lot of money and power, you didn't get it on your own.

We're always struck by politicians who say, 'Well, the country works because I'm just so smart, because I know better than everyone else. If you're spending a lot of money, someone along the line had to give it to you. There were a whole lot of taxpayers funding your pork projects. Taxpayers funded and worked for this unbelievable American system you're now taking credit for. If you've got roads and bridges, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

The Internet didn't become the driving economic and cultural force that it is because of government. Private business created the ideas, did the research, and spent the money to make it what it is today.

The point is, when we do things together, we the taxpayers foot the bill and actually do the work. There are some things, like fighting fires, for which we tolerate government as a necessary evil. We are proud to be one nation, but WE are the driving force of America's success, not government."

They can say that because they ran for office and had the majority of the voters agree with them. Now Mob rule doesnt make one smart by any means, but we all said their ideas were good ones when we elected them.

which is kind of the point. oure absolutely correct when you say WE are the driving force of Americans success, but you failed to connect that all the way to a government "of the people, by the people, for the people".

WE are also the government.

At least we are supposed to be.

No, Sparkles, they CAN'T say that. At all. I don't give a fuck HOW many voters voted for them. This country doesn't work because politicians are smart, or know better than other people. This country doesn't work because of politicians. Period. End of discussion.

I failed to connect the people as the driving force of America "all the way" to the government precisely because the government is NOT the driving force of America. At its best, it is a necessary evil that the people tolerate in order to act in community with each other, but that doesn't make it the driving force of America, or even part of it. And our government hasn't been at its best for a very, VERY long time. As it stands now, our government is more often than not a millstone around the neck of the people it's supposed to serve, an anchor tied to our legs and holding us back.
For them it is pure fuzzy logic class envy and hatred. So long as they THINK the rich are paying more, they are happy no matter what else goes to hell in a hand basket.

great point!! BO is basing his campaign on raising taxes from 36% to 39% on the rich when it will collect only $80 billion/year against a $1.5 trillion deficit and $17 trillion debt!!

Its working too!! The liberals are completely distracted from BO's depression!!
Of course companies get land donated to them! After all they are going to hire workers, pay taxes. A gift of land is a cheap price to pay. Actually the land isn't ever given, there is a grace period of usually five years before they have to pay for the land.

Sometimes liberals are so stupid they follow their heads right up their own asses.

Actually all that happens is that they are exempt from paying property taxes for a few years.

Of course, liberals are the people who vote for this bullshit. Then they whine about capitalists for accepting it. If the government is giving out stuff for free, only a fool would turn it down.
Because they know that in Cuba - everyone is just like them - a worthless parasites. So they have no one to mooch off of like they do here. Despite falsely demonizing conservatives to further their Communist agenda, they know they need us conservatives to provide for them.

Actually, remember Michael Moores Sicko? He took people to Cuba to get perscription drugs? And the bottle of pills was like 12 bucks whereas the woman was paying over 100 here in the States?

They get their drugs so cheap because BigPharma is making its money off of US.

Maybe we ought to find a way to stop paying for Cubas perscription drugs huh?

PS and dont say you didnt see it. There was a big hubbub about it in the news and Im sure everyone on this forum was screaming about that pinko Michael Moore for at least a week.

Michael Moore didn't show you the hospitals where the families of patients have to bribe the doctors to provide medication or treat their loved ones. they have to bribe the staff to provide clean linen and decent meals. These hospitals are filthy and the patients recieve no care without greasing a lot of palms.

Only the terminally gullible believe the Cuban medical system is superior to ours.

You just described the hospital system in the UK.
This whole general welfare argument could end if we made everything equal and fair, my challenge

take everything away from everyone, give everyone the same thing, baggers would be BEGGING for govt intervention within hours

No, actually they would arm themselves and march on Washington.
In one of my bakery I have three very intelligent and very hard working immigrants from Nigeria. The stories they have relayed to me tell me that you dont have a clue as to what youre talking about. And I say that NOT to attack you but to make a point.

The real problem in Africa is they dont have what we have here. A society protected by a government that allows for real opportunity.

You should look at Africa as a lesson of what happens when money controls governments instead of the people.

Nope. That's what happens when government control over business is unlimited. If you try to start a business in Nigeria, 50 government officials will come buy expecting to get their palms greased.
So you are saying that I, as a liberal, have class envy and hatred. Which class do I envy? And who do I hate? And why?

why not cut the BS and give us your best reason for being a liberal??
Why are you so afraid to even try??

Because I believe in America and I believe in Americans.

Any other questions?

is your IQ so low that you think that is a meaningful response??

Don't we all believe in America??????? See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be plain slow or down right stupid??

Ask a conservative the same questions and see if he has to run for the hills. What does that tell you?
For them it is pure fuzzy logic class envy and hatred.

So you are saying that I, as a liberal, have class envy and hatred. Which class do I envy? And who do I hate? And why?

I don't know. Do you think Obama is right? Do you honestly believe that business owners don't earn or deserve their profits as our President and his supporters on this board seem to think?

Do you really believe the government can facilitate us all helping each other out and make it great for almost everybody if it just has a bunch more of our money?

Do you reject Adam Smith's and the Founders' and Walter Williams' concept that it is not government and it is not welfare or wealth distribution that creates a thriving healthy economy but rather it is everybody doing what they can to put money in their own pocket and put bread on their table?

If you answer yes, yes, yes, then yep. You are a member of the class envy and hatred group.
Because I believe in America Any other questions?

yes why do you believe in it??????????????????????

1) Because it was founded on the principle of freedom from liberal government??

2) Because its Constitution was so badly written that it can be subverted into a communist document such that freedom disappears and government controls everything?
In one of my bakery I have three very intelligent and very hard working immigrants from Nigeria. The stories they have relayed to me tell me that you dont have a clue as to what youre talking about. And I say that NOT to attack you but to make a point.

The real problem in Africa is they dont have what we have here. A society protected by a government that allows for real opportunity.

You should look at Africa as a lesson of what happens when money controls governments instead of the people.

Nope. That's what happens when government control over business is unlimited. If you try to start a business in Nigeria, 50 government officials will come buy expecting to get their palms greased.

A great reason GOOD gov't is needed. Keep cutting their pay and oversight and we'll have corruption like that.

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