"You didn't get there on your own"

I would guess the average household income of this board's liberals is about $75k. Do you really think we don't care about our income?


I'd bet my dick that the progressives that post here are one of four things 1) union workers 2) college students 3) employed at a remedial job or 4) unemployed and living off welfare or in their moms basement....

90% of the non-union private sector that makes 35-40k a year and up are non-progressives....

Oh trust me I know.... I know what professions make what and what don't and you can search contributions via this site by profession. I've been doing it for years..

Campaign Finance - Money, Political Finance, Campaign Contributions

Now go see what professions donate to republicans and which donate to democrats.

Democrats are either super rich or super poor- republicans are typically the middle class - they hold middle class jobs.

Linda Mcmahon - $767,631 in Political Contributions for 2012
Bob Perry - $6,789,200 in Political Contributions for 2012
John Raese - $10,500 in Political Contributions for 2012
Harold Simmons - $14,105,460 in Political Contributions for 2012
Miriam Adelson - $15,165,900 in Political Contributions for 2012

Hmmm according to your link. The top FIVE contributors are all uberrich people from Linda McMahon ( WWE ) to Miraim Adelson ( Sheldons wife ) and ALL of them gave to the Republicans.

( 4 of the next 5 gave to Obama though )

and I dont get why Linda McMahon is listed first she didnt even break a million. Maybe your link has flawed data?

Linda McMahon is also her only contributor........ All she does is donate to herself...


You do know you can search by profession on that site do you not??

Good after that you can see which profession donated to which party...

I'm not shocked that site is too difficult for you to navigate..... You only need an IQ of 90+ apparently you're slow...
You seem to be missing the point again. We could confiscate every dime from "the rich" and maybe pay one year of current spending, leaving nothing for any subsequent year.
Bill Whittle On Eating "The Rich" | RealClearPolitics

Obama is playing games with you. And you... are letting him.
Again you and Willie Wittless are deliberately trying to redefine the "rich" as well to do WAGE EARNERS. The truly rich do not work for the common wage!!!! They are Capital Gains Tycoons, not upper middle class wage earners who actually pay nearly all the taxes.

A Capital Gains Tycoon can make a billion dollars on the stock market and not pay a single dime on it. That gain can grow year after year tax free, like an unlimited IRA, until the tycoon decides to realize some of it, but unlike an IRA where he would pay a tax penalty for cashing it before retirement age, the tycoon not only pays no penalty but also pays a lower tax rate than a wage earner. And still the tycoon is not satisfied. Their puppets, the GOP, are trying to eliminate all capital gains taxes!!!

As to Willie Wittless, the top 1% of WEALTH, not wages, have about 20 trillion in total net worth, so if you confiscated all of it as Wittless postulates with wage earners, you could pay off the entire GOP debt and have enough left over for one hell of a big party. :woohoo:

Ohhhhh... I get it now. Pardon me for mistaking you for a critical thinker. I thought you were interested in a discussion of political issues, but what's readily apparent is that you're simply envious that other people have more money than you do.
I mean, we both KNOW that capital gains are taxed several times before any checks are cut, so what else could it be? :eusa_eh:

You know, the REAL difference between leftists and capitalists is that leftists believe there's only so much pie to go around. They think everyone should be guaranteed a little sliver, even though when that sliver is finally passed down by government it arrives as crumbs.
Capitalists, on the other hand... know that we can always make more pie. :tongue:

See thats where youre wrong.

The leftist isnt envious. He's pissed that someone else got breaks that are not available to him and will never become available to him because he believes that he'll never be rich.

The righty is protecting those breaks because he believes that he'll someday get those breaks when they too become rich.

One is deluded.
I am getting the idea that some believe the 'liberals' on this board want to take Walton's money and by a homeless person a Cadilac. We don't.

On the other side we do believe that you want to throw them under the bus.

What did Walton start off with in 1962?

If you took Walton's money and bought all the poor people Cadillacs they would sell the cadillacs to buy stuff from Walton. Pretty soon Walton would have all the money and the poor wouldn't have any Cadillac's either.

Poor people are poor because of the way they think. Because of the decisions they make. They will never be rich, not even if you gave them a million dollars every year. They would have the money for 2-3 months, then be homeless derelicts again.

The point is we are not offering Sam's money. We offering our own money, liberal's that is. We are offering to do it through the government because we don't want to be the only ones to make sure the homeless don't starve. We don't want some druggie, slacker to have a Cadilac anymore than anyone else.

I'd bet my dick that the progressives that post here are one of four things 1) union workers 2) college students 3) employed at a remedial job or 4) unemployed and living off welfare or in their moms basement....

90% of the non-union private sector that makes 35-40k a year and up are non-progressives....

Oh trust me I know.... I know what professions make what and what don't and you can search contributions via this site by profession. I've been doing it for years..

Campaign Finance - Money, Political Finance, Campaign Contributions

Now go see what professions donate to republicans and which donate to democrats.

Democrats are either super rich or super poor- republicans are typically the middle class - they hold middle class jobs.

Linda Mcmahon - $767,631 in Political Contributions for 2012
Bob Perry - $6,789,200 in Political Contributions for 2012
John Raese - $10,500 in Political Contributions for 2012
Harold Simmons - $14,105,460 in Political Contributions for 2012
Miriam Adelson - $15,165,900 in Political Contributions for 2012

Hmmm according to your link. The top FIVE contributors are all uberrich people from Linda McMahon ( WWE ) to Miraim Adelson ( Sheldons wife ) and ALL of them gave to the Republicans.

( 4 of the next 5 gave to Obama though )

and I dont get why Linda McMahon is listed first she didnt even break a million. Maybe your link has flawed data?

Linda McMahon is also her only contributor........ All she does is donate to herself...


You do know you can search by profession on that site do you not??

Good after that you can see which profession donated to which party...

I'm not shocked that site is too difficult for you to navigate..... You only need an IQ of 90+ apparently you're slow...

Have you considered that your ratio argument might also apply here?

Or are you so wrapped up in partisan hackery that youre unable to make simple connections between issues?
I am getting the idea that some believe the 'liberals' on this board want to take Walton's money and by a homeless person a Cadilac. We don't.

On the other side we do believe that you want to throw them under the bus.

What did Walton start off with in 1962?

If you took Walton's money and bought all the poor people Cadillacs they would sell the cadillacs to buy stuff from Walton. Pretty soon Walton would have all the money and the poor wouldn't have any Cadillac's either.

Poor people are poor because of the way they think. Because of the decisions they make. They will never be rich, not even if you gave them a million dollars every year. They would have the money for 2-3 months, then be homeless derelicts again.

you should ask yourself what the tax rate was in 1962. And did it stop good old Sam?
Actually, the GOP is mainly rich A-HOLES and red neck haters and fundies nowadays LOL. But thanks for the BS, Rush/Beck/Savage/Sean.

I'm not GOP but I'll take them any day over the progressives....

I'll never vote progressive...

I suppose you think I'm a redneck or rich? :lol:

No I just have a clear understanding of the Bill of Rights - you know the document you alleged "liberals" enjoy taking shits on..... You know attempting to ban guns, free speech, the press, religion, the Fourth and Fifth Amendment and Tenth Amendments entirely...

But you're the "liberals" :lol: - No you're fascist authoritarian fucks who would have absolutely ZERO problem seeing a libertarian go to prison for his or her views because they contradict your own.

You're the fucking bastards that create laws at the state level that violate peoples rights...

Just today I was reading an article about how the progressives in California want to put GPS trackers in peoples cars so they can tax them on "how much they drive." Now BITCH NAZI - do you have any fucking idea how intrusive and just over the fucking line that is??? Thoughts like that shouldn't fucking exist in the US - yet progressives dream them up everyday because they have absolutely ZERO respect for the Bill of Rights...

Then you have the audacity to call non-progressives lunatics??? really? are they the ones who want to put GPS units in peoples cars to "tax them" or better yet "track them."
Again you and Willie Wittless are deliberately trying to redefine the "rich" as well to do WAGE EARNERS. The truly rich do not work for the common wage!!!! They are Capital Gains Tycoons, not upper middle class wage earners who actually pay nearly all the taxes.

A Capital Gains Tycoon can make a billion dollars on the stock market and not pay a single dime on it. That gain can grow year after year tax free, like an unlimited IRA, until the tycoon decides to realize some of it, but unlike an IRA where he would pay a tax penalty for cashing it before retirement age, the tycoon not only pays no penalty but also pays a lower tax rate than a wage earner. And still the tycoon is not satisfied. Their puppets, the GOP, are trying to eliminate all capital gains taxes!!!

As to Willie Wittless, the top 1% of WEALTH, not wages, have about 20 trillion in total net worth, so if you confiscated all of it as Wittless postulates with wage earners, you could pay off the entire GOP debt and have enough left over for one hell of a big party. :woohoo:

Ohhhhh... I get it now. Pardon me for mistaking you for a critical thinker. I thought you were interested in a discussion of political issues, but what's readily apparent is that you're simply envious that other people have more money than you do.
I mean, we both KNOW that capital gains are taxed several times before any checks are cut, so what else could it be? :eusa_eh:

You know, the REAL difference between leftists and capitalists is that leftists believe there's only so much pie to go around. They think everyone should be guaranteed a little sliver, even though when that sliver is finally passed down by government it arrives as crumbs.
Capitalists, on the other hand... know that we can always make more pie. :tongue:

See thats where youre wrong.

The leftist isnt envious. He's pissed that someone else got breaks that are not available to him and will never become available to him because he believes that he'll never be rich.

The righty is protecting those breaks because he believes that he'll someday get those breaks when they too become rich.

One is deluded.

Nope. If the left wasn't envious and was simply "pissed that someone else got breaks", they'd be willing to understand that it's the Nanny-State which prevents poor, perspective entrepreneurs from catching a break. They'd be for LIMITING the power of government in our personal lives instead of strengthening it.

Earlier in this thread, kwc57 put on a very thought-provoking thread about "Jose the Tamale Salesman". My suggestion to you would be to go back to that post #298, and really THINK about what it would take for Jose to get that business off the ground by the standards we use today. I mean, consider the hurdles in his path and the consequences of not being able to even try due to his lack of resources. WHY should it be so difficult to sell homemade tamales? And why should we be surprised if he and his family end up on food stamps and public welfare after denying him the chance to improve his family's circumstances? Dig down into it, and see if you don't see what I see. We're in Jose's way. And because we are, he's dependent instead of resourceful.
I have to go in a couple minutes so let me just spell this out right quick.

Some people, both rich and poor, believe that everyone should help out in the common good to some degree. That would mean that, yes, richer would sometimes give to those that need help.

Some people don't want to help out, ever. There are no enough of these people to win an election so they have to fill ignorant people full of lies about liberals taking all the money and buying slacker, druggies Cadilacs.

Now I am not saying Romney is a lying, greedy person. We can see from his tax returns that he feels part of America and does his part every year. We can see that, right?
Actually, the GOP is mainly rich A-HOLES and red neck haters and fundies nowadays LOL. But thanks for the BS, Rush/Beck/Savage/Sean.

I'm not GOP but I'll take them any day over the progressives....

I'll never vote progressive...

I suppose you think I'm a redneck or rich? :lol:

No I just have a clear understanding of the Bill of Rights - you know the document you alleged "liberals" enjoy taking shits on..... You know attempting to ban guns, free speech, the press, religion, the Fourth and Fifth Amendment and Tenth Amendments entirely...

But you're the "liberals" :lol: - No you're fascist authoritarian fucks who would have absolutely ZERO problem seeing a libertarian go to prison for his or her views because they contradict your own.

You're the fucking bastards that create laws at the state level that violate peoples rights...

Just today I was reading an article about how the progressives in California want to put GPS trackers in peoples cars so they can tax them on "how much they drive." Now BITCH NAZI - do you have any fucking idea how intrusive and just over the fucking line that is??? Thoughts like that shouldn't fucking exist in the US - yet progressives dream them up everyday because they have absolutely ZERO respect for the Bill of Rights...

Then you have the audacity to call non-progressives lunatics??? really? are they the ones who want to put GPS units in peoples cars to "tax them" or better yet "track them."

And yes, here is a whole page of crap someone is feeding you so they don't have to pay taxes. You are screwing yourself by the way.
If you think overthrowing a monarchy and forming their own nation is the work of right wingers youre sadly mistaken.

Who is all of human history wanted more limited government and taxaction than our saintly founders??

Our saintly founders were of different political pursuasions. If they had all thought alike they would not have needed all summer and all those compromises to make a Constitution. And what the saintly founders did was take a government with no taxes, no power, so limited it almost didn't exist and created a government of much larger size, gave it numerous new enumerated powers, including the power to tax, and made those new laws superior.
With our form of government the political party not in power usually sets up the usual whine that the government is doing nasty things and violating the Constitution.
Actually, the GOP is mainly rich A-HOLES and red neck haters and fundies nowadays LOL. But thanks for the BS, Rush/Beck/Savage/Sean.

I'm not GOP but I'll take them any day over the progressives....

I'll never vote progressive...

I suppose you think I'm a redneck or rich? :lol:

No I just have a clear understanding of the Bill of Rights - you know the document you alleged "liberals" enjoy taking shits on..... You know attempting to ban guns, free speech, the press, religion, the Fourth and Fifth Amendment and Tenth Amendments entirely...

But you're the "liberals" :lol: - No you're fascist authoritarian fucks who would have absolutely ZERO problem seeing a libertarian go to prison for his or her views because they contradict your own.

You're the fucking bastards that create laws at the state level that violate peoples rights...

Just today I was reading an article about how the progressives in California want to put GPS trackers in peoples cars so they can tax them on "how much they drive." Now BITCH NAZI - do you have any fucking idea how intrusive and just over the fucking line that is??? Thoughts like that shouldn't fucking exist in the US - yet progressives dream them up everyday because they have absolutely ZERO respect for the Bill of Rights...

Then you have the audacity to call non-progressives lunatics??? really? are they the ones who want to put GPS units in peoples cars to "tax them" or better yet "track them."

And yes, here is a whole page of crap someone is feeding you so they don't have to pay taxes. You are screwing yourself by the way.

They pay PLENTY of taxes. The top 20% of earners pay 94% of income tax. That's almost ALL. What you folks are suggesting is that they start paying us more directly... dare I say?... "spreading the wealth"? :eusa_whistle:
Already, nearly half of American households are receiving some sort of government check.
I have to go in a couple minutes so let me just spell this out right quick.

Some people, both rich and poor, believe that everyone should help out in the common good to some degree. That would mean that, yes, richer would sometimes give to those that need help.

Some people don't want to help out, ever. There are no enough of these people to win an election so they have to fill ignorant people full of lies about liberals taking all the money and buying slacker, druggies Cadilacs.

Now I am not saying Romney is a lying, greedy person. We can see from his tax returns that he feels part of America and does his part every year. We can see that, right?

Yeah, we can. Romney gave 15% of his annual income to charity last year. Barack and Michelle Obama gave 1%.

Charity is voluntary. Not taken at the point of a gun.

Oh... and did you further know that not only is Mitt Romney generous with his cash... he's also been known to snag a few human (and canine) potential drowning victims from disaster?
Good guy all around.
Last edited:
Linda Mcmahon - $767,631 in Political Contributions for 2012
Bob Perry - $6,789,200 in Political Contributions for 2012
John Raese - $10,500 in Political Contributions for 2012
Harold Simmons - $14,105,460 in Political Contributions for 2012
Miriam Adelson - $15,165,900 in Political Contributions for 2012

Hmmm according to your link. The top FIVE contributors are all uberrich people from Linda McMahon ( WWE ) to Miraim Adelson ( Sheldons wife ) and ALL of them gave to the Republicans.

( 4 of the next 5 gave to Obama though )

and I dont get why Linda McMahon is listed first she didnt even break a million. Maybe your link has flawed data?

Linda McMahon is also her only contributor........ All she does is donate to herself...


You do know you can search by profession on that site do you not??

Good after that you can see which profession donated to which party...

I'm not shocked that site is too difficult for you to navigate..... You only need an IQ of 90+ apparently you're slow...

Have you considered that your ratio argument might also apply here?

Or are you so wrapped up in partisan hackery that youre unable to make simple connections between issues?

There is no hackery there - It's data.

That site proves that progressives are either extremely wealthy or they're nothing.

Republicans on the other hand get the majority of their contributions from the non-union middle class or on behalf of small businesses.

Romney gets his funds from middle class people who donate 500 bucks and that shit adds up really quick.... Meanwhile Obama gets his money from idiots like Morgan Freeman or Bill Maher...

Given the contributions Obama is going to get TKO'ed in this election...
Actually, the GOP is mainly rich A-HOLES and red neck haters and fundies nowadays LOL. But thanks for the BS, Rush/Beck/Savage/Sean.

I'm not GOP but I'll take them any day over the progressives....

I'll never vote progressive...

I suppose you think I'm a redneck or rich? :lol:

No I just have a clear understanding of the Bill of Rights - you know the document you alleged "liberals" enjoy taking shits on..... You know attempting to ban guns, free speech, the press, religion, the Fourth and Fifth Amendment and Tenth Amendments entirely...

But you're the "liberals" :lol: - No you're fascist authoritarian fucks who would have absolutely ZERO problem seeing a libertarian go to prison for his or her views because they contradict your own.

You're the fucking bastards that create laws at the state level that violate peoples rights...

Just today I was reading an article about how the progressives in California want to put GPS trackers in peoples cars so they can tax them on "how much they drive." Now BITCH NAZI - do you have any fucking idea how intrusive and just over the fucking line that is??? Thoughts like that shouldn't fucking exist in the US - yet progressives dream them up everyday because they have absolutely ZERO respect for the Bill of Rights...

Then you have the audacity to call non-progressives lunatics??? really? are they the ones who want to put GPS units in peoples cars to "tax them" or better yet "track them."

And yes, here is a whole page of crap someone is feeding you so they don't have to pay taxes. You are screwing yourself by the way.

Oh really?

Bay Area Drivers Could Be Tracked By GPS, Taxed Per Mile Driven « CBS San Francisco
I would also like to point out that our leftist brethren who are so enamored with those high tax rates of decades ago never want to look at all the tax shelters, loopholes, and deductions available to high wage earners back then. That would be those tax shelters, loopholes, and deductions that were eliminated and no longer exist as the tax rates came down.

That, plus making it more attractive for the rich to re-invest some of the assets, is why tax revenues went UP as the tax rates came down and the bounty to the federal treasury actually increased and why the top 20% shoulder far more of the tax burden than they did back then.

But to some of our leftist friends they don't really care about that. What is important to them is that more prosperous people are stripped of much more of their earnings so those who earn less can feel righteous.
Actually, the GOP is mainly rich A-HOLES and red neck haters and fundies nowadays LOL. But thanks for the BS, Rush/Beck/Savage/Sean.

don't forget Jefferson , Madision, Monroe since they are the Republican "A holes" who founded the country based on the idea of freedom and liberty from government.

Why not try Cuba?? Its not far away and the climate is great!!
They pay PLENTY of taxes. The top 20% of earners pay 94% of income tax. That's almost ALL. What you folks are suggesting is that they start paying us more directly... dare I say?... "spreading the wealth"? :eusa_whistle:
Already, nearly half of American households are receiving some sort of government check.

"'They' pay PLENTY of taxes."
They? Do 'they' include democrats?

"...start paying 'us' more directly..."
Do us include republicans?

Where do get this 'they' and 'us' stuff? Your model is over simplified.

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