"You didn't get there on your own"

Why don't you move to a country where you pay more taxes if it makes you so happy ?

I keep pointing out that Cuba would love to have you and we would love to be rid of your sorry liberal ass.

Because they know that in Cuba - everyone is just like them - a worthless parasites. So they have no one to mooch off of like they do here. Despite falsely demonizing conservatives to further their Communist agenda, they know they need us conservatives to provide for them.

Actually, remember Michael Moores Sicko? He took people to Cuba to get perscription drugs? And the bottle of pills was like 12 bucks whereas the woman was paying over 100 here in the States?

They get their drugs so cheap because BigPharma is making its money off of US.

Maybe we ought to find a way to stop paying for Cubas perscription drugs huh?

PS and dont say you didnt see it. There was a big hubbub about it in the news and Im sure everyone on this forum was screaming about that pinko Michael Moore for at least a week.
NIce try...You forgot the part where the prices are at that level because the Cuban government subsidizes the cost....That applies to every nation where "price" is controlled.
I would not watch a MIchael Moore movie if it were the last motion picture on earth.
Moore is a partisan angry liberal hack and a hypocrite.
Fuck him.
It pisses me off that a gentleman such as Steve Jobs who put tens of thousands of people to work, contributed to charity passes away at such a young age, while a big fat disgusting 12 sandwich eating cholesterol laden fuck like Micheal Moore who contributes absolutely NOTHING to man kind, gets to stay here on earth.
Where the fuck is the justice in THAT!
I am getting the idea that some believe the 'liberals' on this board want to take Walton's money and by a homeless person a Cadilac. We don't.

you do but as a liberal you're far too stupid to know it!! There is no end to how big a liberal wants the government to be. BO took over the biggest government in history and the direction is still straight up!!!

Recently, Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, testified before the House Budget Committee on the growth of the 10-largest “means tested” federal programs that serve people who qualify by various definitions of poverty.

Here’s what Haskins reported: From 1980 to 2011, annual spending on these programs grew from $126 billion to $626 billion (all figures in inflation-adjusted “2011 dollars”); dividing this by the number of people below the government poverty line, spending went from $4,300 per poor person in 1980 to $13,000 in 2011. In 1962, spending per person in poverty was $516.

Haskins’s list includes Medicaid, food stamps (now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), the earned-income tax credit (a wage subsidy for some low-income workers), and Pell Grants. There are other, smaller programs dedicated to the poor. A report from the Congressional Research Service estimated the total number at 83; Haskins puts the additional spending on programs below the 10 largest at about $210 billion. The total of all programs for the poor exceeds $800 billion.

To be sure, some spending reflects the effects of the Great Recession. But most doesn’t. As Haskins shows, spending on the poor has increased steadily for decades. Consider food stamps. There are now about 45 million Americans receiving an average of $287 a month in food stamps, up from 26 million in 2007, according to a new Congressional Budget Office report. But the number in 2007, when the economy was healthy, was roughly 50 percent higher than in 2001.

And programs for the poor pale beside middle-class transfers. The giants here are Social Security at $725 billion in 2011 and Medicare at $560 billion. Combine all this spending -- programs for the poor, Social Security and Medicare — and the total is nearly $2.1 trillion. That was about 60 percent of 2011 non-interest federal spending of $3.4 trillion.
Oh I know who is on welfare and who isn't......

You might want to get a street education first...

Obviously you have never seen a fucking housing project - EVER, or even taken a trip through the ghetto. They're all on welfare, and many are selling drugs or selling their "link cards" (food stamps) for 50 cents on the dollar.

Once I overheard a poor woman meeting someone she had not seen since high school. She bragged about her Section 8 subsidy just the way a real American would brag about the great job or business they had.

Liberals have all but destroyed the soul of America. THey should be made illegal as the Constitution intended.

Last year they closed the last of the Cabrini Green housing projects and on the front of the Chicago Tribune they showed this old woman in a nice "northern" jacket drinking a 6 dollar large Starbucks cup of coffee while bitching about how America is so racist, and it's not fair how she is being relocated to a brand new free apartment....

It was pretty disgusting....

She lives her life off the taxpayers and is bitching about it in a 150 dollar coat while drinking a 6 dollar cup of coffee...... And she wants sympathy???

I am getting the idea that some believe the 'liberals' on this board want to take Walton's money and by a homeless person a Cadilac. We don't.

you do but as a liberal you're far too stupid to know it!! There is no end to how big a liberal wants the government to be. BO took over the biggest government in history and the direction is still straight up!!!

Recently, Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, testified before the House Budget Committee on the growth of the 10-largest “means tested” federal programs that serve people who qualify by various definitions of poverty.

Here’s what Haskins reported: From 1980 to 2011, annual spending on these programs grew from $126 billion to $626 billion (all figures in inflation-adjusted “2011 dollars”); dividing this by the number of people below the government poverty line, spending went from $4,300 per poor person in 1980 to $13,000 in 2011. In 1962, spending per person in poverty was $516.

Haskins’s list includes Medicaid, food stamps (now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), the earned-income tax credit (a wage subsidy for some low-income workers), and Pell Grants. There are other, smaller programs dedicated to the poor. A report from the Congressional Research Service estimated the total number at 83; Haskins puts the additional spending on programs below the 10 largest at about $210 billion. The total of all programs for the poor exceeds $800 billion.

To be sure, some spending reflects the effects of the Great Recession. But most doesn’t. As Haskins shows, spending on the poor has increased steadily for decades. Consider food stamps. There are now about 45 million Americans receiving an average of $287 a month in food stamps, up from 26 million in 2007, according to a new Congressional Budget Office report. But the number in 2007, when the economy was healthy, was roughly 50 percent higher than in 2001.

And programs for the poor pale beside middle-class transfers. The giants here are Social Security at $725 billion in 2011 and Medicare at $560 billion. Combine all this spending -- programs for the poor, Social Security and Medicare — and the total is nearly $2.1 trillion. That was about 60 percent of 2011 non-interest federal spending of $3.4 trillion.

I would guess the average household income of this board's liberals is about $75k. Do you really think we don't care about our income?
Actually, remember Michael Moores Sicko? He took people to Cuba to get perscription drugs? And the bottle of pills was like 12 bucks whereas the woman was paying over 100 here in the States?

They get their drugs so cheap because BigPharma is making its money off of US.

Maybe we ought to find a way to stop paying for Cubas perscription drugs huh?

PS and dont say you didnt see it. There was a big hubbub about it in the news and Im sure everyone on this forum was screaming about that pinko Michael Moore for at least a week.

You don't know shit about exchange rates do you??

Of course in your ignorant mind $12.00 US is the same as $12.00 in Cuba, China, Japan, UAE etc.. Funny how I can go to Mexico and get a beer for .50 cents at the bar but here in the US I pay $3.00. Of course you probably just see that is greed and not economics because you're a fucking idiot.

You progressives turn economic ignorance into an art form.....

Yeah ignorant is the operative word.

The EQUIVILENT of 12 US dollars

Which by the way at CURRENT exchange rates is 12 CU.
Calculator for Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion.

So you want to try again about who doesnt know shit about exchange rates?


Are you seriously that fucking stupid??

You don't even have a common denominator to even make your assessment...
one could argue that theres a disporportionate amount of minorities on government assistance because of discrimnitory hiring practices.

capitalism really prevents discrimination. The less you pay your workers the more competitive you become and the more your competition is forced to bid up wages of minorities.

Youre deluding yourself if you think thats true.
one could argue that theres a disporportionate amount of minorities on government assistance because of discrimnitory hiring practices.

capitalism really prevents discrimination. The less you pay your workers the more competitive you become and the more your competition is forced to bid up wages of minorities.

Youre deluding yourself if you think thats true.

if its not true why is the idiot liberal so afraid to explain??? What does your fear tell you??
Our Founders are scum??

Who wanted more limited government and taxaction than them???

If you think overthrowing a monarchy and forming their own nation is the work of right wingers youre sadly mistaken.

Go look up the Boston tea Party. Find out what it was REALLY about. Find out in which direction their taxes actually went. And if you come back with the standard Taxation without represenation slogan...youre wrong. Keep looking.

You're not a liberal - you're a fascist right winger just like Obamafuck.....

This nation was founded on individual freedom - especially freedom of religion (ironically the settlers came here for freedom of religion yet would attack anyone that didn't agree with their religious philosophy) but the founders of our founding documents understood the tyranny via fascist theocracy that was happening in Europe. They were religious people however they wanted choice or freedom- they wanted freedom and separation from a ruling power - they wanted to be individuals - not collectivists... Not all were like that tho - Federalists believed in a strong central government and Democrat-Republicans believed only a state/local government was necessary....

Both believed in limited government....

You little boy are not a "liberal" - If you were you wouldn't be championing big government Obamafuck bullshit........

Just because you believe in "gay rights" or are for womans suffrage or against Jim Crow laws makes you a liberal - you're mistaken - not to mention ignorant because it was the alleged liberals er democrats that pushed and defended all that nonsense into the mid 20th century, at least in the south.

Learn some history kid....

I have never claimed to be a liberal. Nor am I opposed to limited government.

I have said many times I am for EFFECTIVE NON WASTEFUL government.

Other than your assessment of me, I agree with pretty much everything you said.

Hmmm...wait a minute...if we agree...what does that make YOU?

I see myself as someone who bases my opinion on the Constitution on an issue by issue basis. You too?
You don't know shit about exchange rates do you??

Of course in your ignorant mind $12.00 US is the same as $12.00 in Cuba, China, Japan, UAE etc.. Funny how I can go to Mexico and get a beer for .50 cents at the bar but here in the US I pay $3.00. Of course you probably just see that is greed and not economics because you're a fucking idiot.

You progressives turn economic ignorance into an art form.....

Yeah ignorant is the operative word.

The EQUIVILENT of 12 US dollars

Which by the way at CURRENT exchange rates is 12 CU.
Calculator for Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion.

So you want to try again about who doesnt know shit about exchange rates?


Are you seriously that fucking stupid??

You don't even have a common denominator to even make your assessment...

Yes I am seriously stupid enough to go check the exchange rate and post it when someone makes accusations. How ignorant of me to actually find PROOF of my opinion instead of just posting insults like...I dont know who...OH YEAH...YOU!
Last edited:
Once I overheard a poor woman meeting someone she had not seen since high school. She bragged about her Section 8 subsidy just the way a real American would brag about the great job or business they had.

Liberals have all but destroyed the soul of America. THey should be made illegal as the Constitution intended.

Last year they closed the last of the Cabrini Green housing projects and on the front of the Chicago Tribune they showed this old woman in a nice "northern" jacket drinking a 6 dollar large Starbucks cup of coffee while bitching about how America is so racist, and it's not fair how she is being relocated to a brand new free apartment....

It was pretty disgusting....

She lives her life off the taxpayers and is bitching about it in a 150 dollar coat while drinking a 6 dollar cup of coffee...... And she wants sympathy???

I am getting the idea that some believe the 'liberals' on this board want to take Walton's money and by a homeless person a Cadilac. We don't.

you do but as a liberal you're far too stupid to know it!! There is no end to how big a liberal wants the government to be. BO took over the biggest government in history and the direction is still straight up!!!

Recently, Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, testified before the House Budget Committee on the growth of the 10-largest “means tested” federal programs that serve people who qualify by various definitions of poverty.

Here’s what Haskins reported: From 1980 to 2011, annual spending on these programs grew from $126 billion to $626 billion (all figures in inflation-adjusted “2011 dollars”); dividing this by the number of people below the government poverty line, spending went from $4,300 per poor person in 1980 to $13,000 in 2011. In 1962, spending per person in poverty was $516.

Haskins’s list includes Medicaid, food stamps (now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), the earned-income tax credit (a wage subsidy for some low-income workers), and Pell Grants. There are other, smaller programs dedicated to the poor. A report from the Congressional Research Service estimated the total number at 83; Haskins puts the additional spending on programs below the 10 largest at about $210 billion. The total of all programs for the poor exceeds $800 billion.

To be sure, some spending reflects the effects of the Great Recession. But most doesn’t. As Haskins shows, spending on the poor has increased steadily for decades. Consider food stamps. There are now about 45 million Americans receiving an average of $287 a month in food stamps, up from 26 million in 2007, according to a new Congressional Budget Office report. But the number in 2007, when the economy was healthy, was roughly 50 percent higher than in 2001.

And programs for the poor pale beside middle-class transfers. The giants here are Social Security at $725 billion in 2011 and Medicare at $560 billion. Combine all this spending -- programs for the poor, Social Security and Medicare — and the total is nearly $2.1 trillion. That was about 60 percent of 2011 non-interest federal spending of $3.4 trillion.

I would guess the average household income of this board's liberals is about $75k. Do you really think we don't care about our income?


I'd bet my dick that the progressives that post here are one of four things 1) union workers 2) college students 3) employed at a remedial job or 4) unemployed and living off welfare or in their moms basement....

90% of the non-union private sector that makes 35-40k a year and up are non-progressives....

Oh trust me I know.... I know what professions make what and what don't and you can search contributions via this site by profession. I've been doing it for years..

Campaign Finance - Money, Political Finance, Campaign Contributions

Now go see what professions donate to republicans and which donate to democrats.

Democrats are either super rich or super poor- republicans are typically the middle class - they hold middle class jobs.
Thanks for the depression, morons. Blame the victims of your greedy rich masters...

There are as many white Pubs as White Dems on assistance, they're just the loudmouth racist cheats...your stereotypes of blacks, victims of your bigotry, are disgusting. Let's try opportunities in education and training and taxing the bloated rich fairly...Voodoo and deregulation is a catastrophe...see sig pp1.

There are about as many white republicans on welfare as there are black republicans - lets also not forget that whites are 72% of the population... So I'll guess and say 1,000-3,000.

Blacks are only 15% of the population but they are responsible for 50% of the welfare handouts... Mexicans are 20% "other" is 5% and whites are 25%... That is just the welfare program tho - meaning the race of those who are on welfare program - not the general population.

Food stamps pretty much have similar racial statistics.......Then again not everyone on food stamps is on welfare.

Actually, Blacks are 33%, and yes they ARE discriminated against...
There are about as many white republicans on welfare as there are black republicans - lets also not forget that whites are 72% of the population... So I'll guess and say 1,000-3,000.

Blacks are only 15% of the population but they are responsible for 50% of the welfare handouts... Mexicans are 20% "other" is 5% and whites are 25%... That is just the welfare program tho - meaning the race of those who are on welfare program - not the general population.

Food stamps pretty much have similar racial statistics.......Then again not everyone on food stamps is on welfare.

Just playing devils advocate here...

one could argue that theres a disporportionate amount of minorities on government assistance because of discrimnitory hiring practices.

How would you answer that argument? And CAN it be answered honestly without sounding racist?
The answer to that argument is that the argument is full of shit and fail.

So you deny that racism exists at all. Gotcha.

...filing Pho King under moron...

carry on

I'd bet my dick that the progressives that post here are one of four things 1) union workers 2) college students 3) employed at a remedial job or 4) unemployed and living off welfare or in their moms basement....

90% of the non-union private sector that makes 35-40k a year and up are non-progressives....

Oh trust me I know.... I know what professions make what and what don't and you can search contributions via this site by profession. I've been doing it for years..

Campaign Finance - Money, Political Finance, Campaign Contributions

Now go see what professions donate to republicans and which donate to democrats.

Democrats are either super rich or super poor- republicans are typically the middle class - they hold middle class jobs.

Personally I really don't want your dick so let's just forget that idea right now.

Campaign contributions aren't going to give you an idea of who is on this board. Your model is overly simplistic.
Last year they closed the last of the Cabrini Green housing projects and on the front of the Chicago Tribune they showed this old woman in a nice "northern" jacket drinking a 6 dollar large Starbucks cup of coffee while bitching about how America is so racist, and it's not fair how she is being relocated to a brand new free apartment....

It was pretty disgusting....

She lives her life off the taxpayers and is bitching about it in a 150 dollar coat while drinking a 6 dollar cup of coffee...... And she wants sympathy???

you do but as a liberal you're far too stupid to know it!! There is no end to how big a liberal wants the government to be. BO took over the biggest government in history and the direction is still straight up!!!

Recently, Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, testified before the House Budget Committee on the growth of the 10-largest “means tested” federal programs that serve people who qualify by various definitions of poverty.

Here’s what Haskins reported: From 1980 to 2011, annual spending on these programs grew from $126 billion to $626 billion (all figures in inflation-adjusted “2011 dollars”); dividing this by the number of people below the government poverty line, spending went from $4,300 per poor person in 1980 to $13,000 in 2011. In 1962, spending per person in poverty was $516.

Haskins’s list includes Medicaid, food stamps (now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), the earned-income tax credit (a wage subsidy for some low-income workers), and Pell Grants. There are other, smaller programs dedicated to the poor. A report from the Congressional Research Service estimated the total number at 83; Haskins puts the additional spending on programs below the 10 largest at about $210 billion. The total of all programs for the poor exceeds $800 billion.

To be sure, some spending reflects the effects of the Great Recession. But most doesn’t. As Haskins shows, spending on the poor has increased steadily for decades. Consider food stamps. There are now about 45 million Americans receiving an average of $287 a month in food stamps, up from 26 million in 2007, according to a new Congressional Budget Office report. But the number in 2007, when the economy was healthy, was roughly 50 percent higher than in 2001.

And programs for the poor pale beside middle-class transfers. The giants here are Social Security at $725 billion in 2011 and Medicare at $560 billion. Combine all this spending -- programs for the poor, Social Security and Medicare — and the total is nearly $2.1 trillion. That was about 60 percent of 2011 non-interest federal spending of $3.4 trillion.

I would guess the average household income of this board's liberals is about $75k. Do you really think we don't care about our income?


I'd bet my dick that the progressives that post here are one of four things 1) union workers 2) college students 3) employed at a remedial job or 4) unemployed and living off welfare or in their moms basement....

90% of the non-union private sector that makes 35-40k a year and up are non-progressives....

Oh trust me I know.... I know what professions make what and what don't and you can search contributions via this site by profession. I've been doing it for years..

Campaign Finance - Money, Political Finance, Campaign Contributions

Now go see what professions donate to republicans and which donate to democrats.

Democrats are either super rich or super poor- republicans are typically the middle class - they hold middle class jobs.

Linda Mcmahon - $767,631 in Political Contributions for 2012
Bob Perry - $6,789,200 in Political Contributions for 2012
John Raese - $10,500 in Political Contributions for 2012
Harold Simmons - $14,105,460 in Political Contributions for 2012
Miriam Adelson - $15,165,900 in Political Contributions for 2012

Hmmm according to your link. The top FIVE contributors are all uberrich people from Linda McMahon ( WWE ) to Miraim Adelson ( Sheldons wife ) and ALL of them gave to the Republicans.

( 4 of the next 5 gave to Obama though )

and I dont get why Linda McMahon is listed first she didnt even break a million. Maybe your link has flawed data?
Last edited:
Yeah ignorant is the operative word.

The EQUIVILENT of 12 US dollars

Which by the way at CURRENT exchange rates is 12 CU.
Calculator for Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion.

So you want to try again about who doesnt know shit about exchange rates?


Are you seriously that fucking stupid??

You don't even have a common denominator to even make your assessment...

Yes I am seriously stupid enough to go check the exchange rate and post it when someone makes accusations. How ignorant of me to actually find PROOF of my opinion instead of just posting insults like...I dont know who...OH YEAH...YOU!

You don't have a fucking common denominator dummy.....

In other-words I could buy a can of pop in Cuba for 10 cents US but in order for me to figure out that the can of pop costs I would need something to compare it to on a monitary scale........

Not to mention the Cuban Peso is worthless outside of Cuba - hell their peso is usless in Cuba....

From an economic perspective you have absolutely ZERO idea what the fuck you're talking about..... Hell you're a fucking moron that cant even understand scale or perspective.

I know the exchange rate - now I need product pricing or living standards in Cuba. I'd be willing to bet my dick the prices of products are pretty similar.... At the same time comparing a capitalist currency to a communist currency is downright bonkers considering the models are complete opposites.

Cubans only fork over 75% of their pay to the government for basic shit....
Because they know that in Cuba - everyone is just like them - a worthless parasites. So they have no one to mooch off of like they do here. Despite falsely demonizing conservatives to further their Communist agenda, they know they need us conservatives to provide for them.

Actually, remember Michael Moores Sicko? He took people to Cuba to get perscription drugs? And the bottle of pills was like 12 bucks whereas the woman was paying over 100 here in the States?

They get their drugs so cheap because BigPharma is making its money off of US.

Maybe we ought to find a way to stop paying for Cubas perscription drugs huh?

PS and dont say you didnt see it. There was a big hubbub about it in the news and Im sure everyone on this forum was screaming about that pinko Michael Moore for at least a week.
NIce try...You forgot the part where the prices are at that level because the Cuban government subsidizes the cost....That applies to every nation where "price" is controlled.
I would not watch a MIchael Moore movie if it were the last motion picture on earth.
Moore is a partisan angry liberal hack and a hypocrite.
Fuck him.
It pisses me off that a gentleman such as Steve Jobs who put tens of thousands of people to work, contributed to charity passes away at such a young age, while a big fat disgusting 12 sandwich eating cholesterol laden fuck like Micheal Moore who contributes absolutely NOTHING to man kind, gets to stay here on earth.
Where the fuck is the justice in THAT!

BS, we pay a much higher price than anywhere else for American drugs- thanks to Pub and their cronies, hater/dupe.
Try watching sicko and stop being such a tool of greedy corps/rich...ay caramba.

Obama is a fascist RWer now? Change the channel, you're whacked. And Hitler was no socialist, Beckbot, JFC Read something.
I am getting the idea that some believe the 'liberals' on this board want to take Walton's money and by a homeless person a Cadilac. We don't.

On the other side we do believe that you want to throw them under the bus.

What did Walton start off with in 1962?

If you took Walton's money and bought all the poor people Cadillacs they would sell the cadillacs to buy stuff from Walton. Pretty soon Walton would have all the money and the poor wouldn't have any Cadillac's either.

Poor people are poor because of the way they think. Because of the decisions they make. They will never be rich, not even if you gave them a million dollars every year. They would have the money for 2-3 months, then be homeless derelicts again.
And Your answer was shot down in that thread too.

Your Freudian Slip contradicts your stupid video. :D
Now of course, it all depends on who you are defining as "rich." If taxing thr rish doesn't work because they are too poor, taxing the poor because they are too rich must be the answer. (sarcasm) In reality the people the Right call "rich" are merely upper middle class WAGE EARNERS, not the truly rich. It's wage earners who pay the taxes, not the wealthy. It is the wealthy who are waging "class warfare" against the wage earner. Even your MessiahRushie admits it.

August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.

You seem to be missing the point again. We could confiscate every dime from "the rich" and maybe pay one year of current spending, leaving nothing for any subsequent year.
Bill Whittle On Eating "The Rich" | RealClearPolitics

Obama is playing games with you. And you... are letting him.
Again you and Willie Wittless are deliberately trying to redefine the "rich" as well to do WAGE EARNERS. The truly rich do not work for the common wage!!!! They are Capital Gains Tycoons, not upper middle class wage earners who actually pay nearly all the taxes.

A Capital Gains Tycoon can make a billion dollars on the stock market and not pay a single dime on it. That gain can grow year after year tax free, like an unlimited IRA, until the tycoon decides to realize some of it, but unlike an IRA where he would pay a tax penalty for cashing it before retirement age, the tycoon not only pays no penalty but also pays a lower tax rate than a wage earner. And still the tycoon is not satisfied. Their puppets, the GOP, are trying to eliminate all capital gains taxes!!!

As to Willie Wittless, the top 1% of WEALTH, not wages, have about 20 trillion in total net worth, so if you confiscated all of it as Wittless postulates with wage earners, you could pay off the entire GOP debt and have enough left over for one hell of a big party. :woohoo:

Ohhhhh... I get it now. Pardon me for mistaking you for a critical thinker. I thought you were interested in a discussion of political issues, but what's readily apparent is that you're simply envious that other people have more money than you do.
I mean, we both KNOW that capital gains are taxed several times before any checks are cut, so what else could it be? :eusa_eh:

You know, the REAL difference between leftists and capitalists is that leftists believe there's only so much pie to go around. They think everyone should be guaranteed a little sliver, even though when that sliver is finally passed down by government it arrives as crumbs.
Capitalists, on the other hand... know that we can always make more pie. :tongue:
Are you seriously that fucking stupid??

You don't even have a common denominator to even make your assessment...

Yes I am seriously stupid enough to go check the exchange rate and post it when someone makes accusations. How ignorant of me to actually find PROOF of my opinion instead of just posting insults like...I dont know who...OH YEAH...YOU!

You don't have a fucking common denominator dummy.....

In other-words I could buy a can of pop in Cuba for 10 cents US but in order for me to figure out that the can of pop costs I would need something to compare it to on a monitary scale........

Not to mention the Cuban Peso is worthless outside of Cuba - hell their peso is usless in Cuba....

From an economic perspective you have absolutely ZERO idea what the fuck you're talking about..... Hell you're a fucking moron that cant even understand scale or perspective.

I know the exchange rate - now I need product pricing or living standards in Cuba. I'd be willing to bet my dick the prices of products are pretty similar.... At the same time comparing a capitalist currency to a communist currency is downright bonkers considering the models are complete opposites.

Cubans only fork over 75% of their pay to the government for basic shit....

You REALLY need to stop betting your dick. Thats not something you want to lose.

So Im going to ASK questions because HEY you may actually know more than me on this subject.

So if the exchange rate is one to one. Then if I can buy a product for one CU, then whats it cost me in US dollars?

I do understand what youre saying about ratios. If I work for 10 dollars a day and a cuban works for a dollar a day, the 10 to 1 ratio makes the price the exactly the same in respects to income of the purchaser.

But how does it effect the sellers profit?

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