"You didn't get there on your own"

I own three fully functional small town bakeries. In each I spent several years being the main baker first learning the business then teaching it to others so they could run it for me. Eventually though, I needed parts for my ovens which were no longer being manufactured so I went to a local machine shop. The owner and I got along well ( especially because I was a CNC machinist for seven years before I started my first bakery ) and eventually I invested in his business. Eventually he wanted to retire so I bought him out. I found a few more cleints and saw an opportunity to gain an account that required a major expansion. I split off a several of my employees into a new busiess to serve that signle account, but eventually expanded to include sevral other accounts. The first machine shop is pretty much a job shop. Small runs of parts from 10 to 1000 parts. The second is in constant production where we run about 30 different parts at least 20,000 parts each year.

The chemical business is something Im trying from scratch. Its a new industry that I think has a lot of potential for accumulating some serious wealth. Better than 1% type wealth. It could pan out...but it could not. So its not something Im putting a lot of eggs from my basket into.

Im a member of the local chamber of commerce and even ran for county commissioner several years back ( I lost oh well ).

I also took over my fathers rental properties for him after he needed triple bypass surgery and couldnt run them himself. He had it soooo screwed up. The last time he rented from anyone all that was reuired was a handshake and he just didnt get that times had changed. I set up his company with background check providers and got the delinquent renters out of his properties and got new paying customers in. When I stepped into his business, it was hemerraging money, when I stepped out, it was in the black. My friends at the time used to joke that I was a part time slum lord.

I did have one major failure. The local dry cleaner was going out of business and I thought I could turn that business around and turn a profit doing it. But I couldnt. It took far too much of my time and I found I couldnt really trust others to do the work well. Half assed work drives away customers. I lost a lot of money on that one. Ah well. Such is life.

So hey, mock all you want. I have two houses, five kids, one granddaughter and while the economy has slowed me down, it hasnt devastated me ( though my father in law went from millions in the bank to working nights at wal mart. I offered to stake him in a new business but he says hes done with it. He helped me greatly over the years so I wish hed take it but thats a whole other story. ) Your mockery doesnt change the fact that I am correct in my assertion that success is not predicated solely on the acts of the individual but also of the group within the business itself.

What about the gov't? Do you think you owe more in taxes cuz the gov't built roads and bridges and stuff with our tax dollars? How much credit do you think they deserve for your success?

I owe what the government asks of me. If Reagan say 28% I owe 28%. If Clinton say 39%, I owe 39%. And if Obama wants to go back to 39%, and its passes, then THAT is what I owe.

If I dont like the tax rate, I am more than within my rights to petition my senator and congressperson and ask them to propose changes.

What I do not do is whine about how I "earned" my money and how dare these "parasites" try to sponge the sweat of my brow, the fruit of my labor. I dont whine that my success puts me in a higher tax bracket. Its like movie stars who whine that they lost their privacy. Everytime I see one on TV complain about it I yell at the TV," Thats what 12 million dollars for 6 weeks of work gets you asshole! Good trade! "

Same thing. Im in a higher tax bracket. I pay more in taxes. But I bring home more than most people as well.

Good trade.

Owe them morally, ding dong, not owe them legally. I'd be nice if you leftists quit trying to evade arguments about what the laws should be by citing what they are at the moment.

No one's "whining" about being successful enough to go into a higher tax bracket. Another evasion on your part. The problem - which is quite real, even if you and your fictional businesses just smile happily and say, "Whatever you want, Papa Government!" - is being treated like the goose that lays the golden eggs, BEFORE the townspeople realize that gutting it is a bad idea.
I would also like to point out that our leftist brethren who are so enamored with those high tax rates of decades ago never want to look at all the tax shelters, loopholes, and deductions available to high wage earners back then. That would be those tax shelters, loopholes, and deductions that were eliminated and no longer exist as the tax rates came down.

That, plus making it more attractive for the rich to re-invest some of the assets, is why tax revenues went UP as the tax rates came down and the bounty to the federal treasury actually increased and why the top 20% shoulder far more of the tax burden than they did back then.

But to some of our leftist friends they don't really care about that. What is important to them is that more prosperous people are stripped of much more of their earnings so those who earn less can feel righteous.
They also don't give a shit when their great avatars -Kennedy, Rockefeller, Kerry, Kohl, Frankenstein, Blabberman-Schultz, etcetera- stash or "invest" some of their massive wealth in offshore banks and take advantage of the lower rates in their investment incomes.
There are no enough of these people to win an election so they have to fill ignorant people full of lies about liberals taking all the money and buying slacker, druggies Cadilacs.

I would feel more inclined to expand social programs if I could just once some see one iota of a sincere effort to prevent gaming the system instead of the constant defense of it like your statement.

Do not piss down my leg.

I know rain when I see it.
I tell my friends about you disgusting pieces of human filth, but they dont believe me, the type who dont think they care about politics, they dont know you disgusting scum exist, sitting there hating everything and everyone the way you do...

You must work for the government.
I would also like to point out that our leftist brethren who are so enamored with those high tax rates of decades ago never want to look at all the tax shelters, loopholes, and deductions available to high wage earners back then. That would be those tax shelters, loopholes, and deductions that were eliminated and no longer exist as the tax rates came down.

That, plus making it more attractive for the rich to re-invest some of the assets, is why tax revenues went UP as the tax rates came down and the bounty to the federal treasury actually increased and why the top 20% shoulder far more of the tax burden than they did back then.

But to some of our leftist friends they don't really care about that. What is important to them is that more prosperous people are stripped of much more of their earnings so those who earn less can feel righteous.

And you base all this left/right bullshit on what???

My only regret is that I haven't kept track of all the names I've been called because I didn't like what Obama said about business owners. Just a few, off the top of my pointy little head:

Fucking idiot

Crap. There has to be at least a half dozen more. I always think about compiling lists like this when it's too late. Good thing I've been married nearly 30 years, the name-calling doesn't bug me.


The name calling is a surefire clue that criticism of Obama's admission is scoring a direct hit. You don't see fireworks like that when you miss.

Seems to me we should just let the government launch all businesses from now on. Since business owners are irrelevant, the government can do all the hiring and take all the risks. I'm sure it can do that stuff better anyway, plus it has bottomless pockets.

yes we'd have 1000's of crony capitalist Solyndras. BO gave 71% of his energy investments dollars to his bundlers- those who raised campaign cash for him. Have the green jobs of the future been invented yet???
You dont know who is on welfare and who isnt...

You dont know anything about history, you really are an incredibly stupid person, seriously

You might want to get a real education first.

It's spelled "don't" and "isn't."

I just thought you might clear that up before you go around calling people stupid.
There are no enough of these people to win an election so they have to fill ignorant people full of lies about liberals taking all the money and buying slacker, druggies Cadilacs.

I would feel more inclined to expand social programs if I could just once some see one iota of a sincere effort to prevent gaming the system instead of the constant defense of it like your statement.

Do not piss down my leg.

I know rain when I see it.

There is gaming of the welfare system, and government contracts, and library loans, and road hogs, and everything else. What we need is to look at the issues intelligently and logically. Hearing about how the whole problem is sneeky poor people and lefties want to take your guns and your God just makes a difficult problem worse.
No, because it says "but ALSO" as you well know. Clearly he is saying that individual initiative goes together with cooperation to produce the GREATEST success. The rest of what you say is what GOP hate radio has brainwashed you with.

Government isn't "cooperation." Government is compulsion, force, macht.
I tell my friends about you disgusting pieces of human filth, but they dont believe me, the type who dont think they care about politics, they dont know you disgusting scum exist, sitting there hating everything and everyone the way you do...

If there are reasons not to hate liberals please present your best one??
Why are you so afraid to even try? What does that tell you about the liberal IQ? You insist that you are right yet you know you lack the IQ to even present a reason. That must tell you something about your blind Nazi-like self assurance?
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I know, lets erase 200 yrs of racism and having whites in charge of everything at the end of a gun, and start over, game?

Here is how we do it, take all the land and money and natural resources away from everyone in the USofA...

Make everyone equal, for instance members of the Walton family wont have billions that they worked not one hour for, and poor people wouldnt be living in shacks, etc.

Then give each adult person a check for One Million dollars, and say go!


You white old fat baggers will then have the same chance as everyone else, fair?

It's neither fair nor just. Why should anyone have everything they've worked for taken away from them? Only a commie would imagine that to be just.
Again you and Willie Wittless are deliberately trying to redefine the "rich" as well to do WAGE EARNERS. The truly rich do not work for the common wage!!!! They are Capital Gains Tycoons, not upper middle class wage earners who actually pay nearly all the taxes.

A Capital Gains Tycoon can make a billion dollars on the stock market and not pay a single dime on it. That gain can grow year after year tax free, like an unlimited IRA, until the tycoon decides to realize some of it, but unlike an IRA where he would pay a tax penalty for cashing it before retirement age, the tycoon not only pays no penalty but also pays a lower tax rate than a wage earner. And still the tycoon is not satisfied. Their puppets, the GOP, are trying to eliminate all capital gains taxes!!!

As to Willie Wittless, the top 1% of WEALTH, not wages, have about 20 trillion in total net worth, so if you confiscated all of it as Wittless postulates with wage earners, you could pay off the entire GOP debt and have enough left over for one hell of a big party. :woohoo:

Total bullshit. Futhermore, you're ignoring the fact that the money is invested in plant and equipment, which means it's providing jobs for thousands of people. You would cut off your own nose to spite your face. That's what liberalism is all about, unfortunately - oganized idiocy,
I know, lets erase 200 yrs of racism and having whites in charge of everything at the end of a gun, and start over, game?

Here is how we do it, take all the land and money and natural resources away from everyone in the USofA...

Make everyone equal, for instance members of the Walton family wont have billions that they worked not one hour for, and poor people wouldnt be living in shacks, etc.

Then give each adult person a check for One Million dollars, and say go!


You white old fat baggers will then have the same chance as everyone else, fair?

It's neither fair nor just. Why should anyone have everything they've worked for taken away from them? Only a commie would imagine that to be just.

And of course slavery existed all over the world and still exists today in parts of Africa. And of course many other injustices have existed since the dawn of time, at least by modern standards.

American freedom has done the best job of correcting them not the Stalinist Nazi Maoist totalitarian violence for which Conshate prays.
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Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are considered to be inalienable rights here, but if you're stuck in the place you just described, your rights to those things are pretty limited as well, especially if you're in an area controlled by a war lord.

Try again.

In other words, they aren't inalienable.

Do you even know what the word means?

You just proved that people become liberals because they are stupid.
I read the rest of the sentence. Pledge to each other our LIVES, FORTUNES AND SACRED HONOR.

It means exactly what it says.

And just like Obamas statement, it not means what you think it means if you take it out of context and put partisan spin on it.

To accomplish the REVOLUTION Vidi, to accomplish the REVOLUTION, not for all purposes for all reasons for the rest of their lives. To a man they were almost 100% opposed to ANY form of welfare state or ANY action of government that would obligate anybody beyond the most narrow of definitions.

Except once the Revolution was over, they wrote the Constitution and formed a nation instead of staying as individual states. .

No, they formed a federation. Only later did propagandists claim they formed a nation.

[Again, they united for the common good.

Im sorry but the facts of history simply do not support your narrative.

People join Rotary for the common good. That doesn't mean Rotary has a claim on all their earnings and property.

I think the final score here is that business owners need to shut the fuck up because they drive on roads.




Yes, entrepreneurship and individualism are wonderful things, but they depend on the stability and infrastructure and schooling provided by government. These do not come free; they must be paid for, and it's only fair that those who are able to do the most with these blessings share some of the rewards with government so that others can one day follow in their path. As Sarlin pointed out in a subsequent post, Romney, even as he was willfully misinterpreting Obama's point, also restated it: "There's no question your mom and dad, your school teachers, the people that provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help."

No man is an island. If you want to blame anybody for poisoning the world with that socialistic idea, blame John Donne.

The New Republic: You-Didn't-Build-That-Gate : NPR
You have got to be the dumbest of the dumb. The Constitution specifcally enumerates the powers of a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

We have no national government? LOL You should tell Mitt Romney that. Hes trying to become the head of a fictious government.

You obviously don't understand the meaning of the word "federation."
You should worry more about what they are putting in your kool-aid. Hey, did you hear that there are no homeless vets living under bridges also?

(Different day, same brainless shit.)

Do you have any evidence of one that is?

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