"You didn't get there on your own"

Because they know that in Cuba - everyone is just like them - a worthless parasites. So they have no one to mooch off of like they do here. Despite falsely demonizing conservatives to further their Communist agenda, they know they need us conservatives to provide for them.

Actually, remember Michael Moores Sicko? He took people to Cuba to get perscription drugs? And the bottle of pills was like 12 bucks whereas the woman was paying over 100 here in the States?

They get their drugs so cheap because BigPharma is making its money off of US.

Maybe we ought to find a way to stop paying for Cubas perscription drugs huh?

PS and dont say you didnt see it. There was a big hubbub about it in the news and Im sure everyone on this forum was screaming about that pinko Michael Moore for at least a week.

You don't know shit about exchange rates do you??

Of course in your ignorant mind $12.00 US is the same as $12.00 in Cuba, China, Japan, UAE etc.. Funny how I can go to Mexico and get a beer for .50 cents at the bar but here in the US I pay $3.00. Of course you probably just see that is greed and not economics because you're a fucking idiot.

You progressives turn economic ignorance into an art form.....

Yeah ignorant is the operative word.

The EQUIVILENT of 12 US dollars

Which by the way at CURRENT exchange rates is 12 CU.
Calculator for Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion.

So you want to try again about who doesnt know shit about exchange rates?

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Actually it's in the Declaration of Independence...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

These rights ARE indeed given to us by the Creator. Not by government.
The US Constitution takes this premise to the extent that the Framers wrote a LIMITING document. In other words WE hold the power to LIMIT government. Not the other way around.
This irritates leftists. Obama is especially disturbed by the limits placed upon him by the Constitution. Hence the reason he acts unilaterally with his arrogance and belligerence toward the Three Branch System with his executive orders.

I am aware that it was the Declaration that said those three rights ( and others not named ) were given by our God. But I was also giving T the benefit of it being late and possibly three beers into his evening :)

however, then you go off the deep end with the leftists hate the Constitution nonsense.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.

hmmm...no where in there does it say we wrote this to limit the power of government. However, I will concede that the Bil of Rights does indeed have a limiting function in that it limits the ability of the government to infringe upon the rights of the people.

However, to make statements about Obamas feeling on the subject is just ridiculous. Has he told you personally that he doesnt like the limits placed upon him by the Constitution? or are you inferring this from what you personally percieve as Constitutional violations?

As far as I know, the ONLY President in recent history to comment on the limits was W. Bush when he joked that it would be easier if it were a dictatorship...and he wasnt wrong. And it was funny ( though many people with very large sticks lodged firmly up their butts did not see the humor in it. Fuck those people )

But you really need to look at it objectively...and its very hard to claim objectivity when you accuse Obama of beligerance and arrogance.
BULLSHIT......The US Constitution IS a limiting document.
You fucking libs are infamous for your moral relativisim.
You people believe that anything goes based on the uncivilized notion of "well, no one said I couldn't."
Right here buckaroo is all that matters...Amendment X..
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
In other words, and I will make this simple for you....If the Constitution does not specifically grant a power or authority to the federal government, the government DOES NOT have such power or authority. Period.

BTW, you post the Preamble to the US Constitution and expect to get away with that drive by nonsense? Forget it.

You really should read the WHOLE post before you explode and start throwing your feces around, little monkey. I agreed that it was a limiting document through the Bill of Rights.
The Radical Right - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Our Founders are scum??

Who wanted more limited government and taxaction than them???

If you think overthrowing a monarchy and forming their own nation is the work of right wingers youre sadly mistaken.

Go look up the Boston tea Party. Find out what it was REALLY about. Find out in which direction their taxes actually went. And if you come back with the standard Taxation without represenation slogan...youre wrong. Keep looking.
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Obama is especially disturbed by the limits placed upon him by the Constitution.

yes he is very famous in legal circles for saying the Constitution is a document of negative liberties, i.e., it is all about what the government can't do. He wanted it to be about what the government can or must do, namely, provide unlimited welfare to be used by liberals to buy votes, infantilize the electorate, and retain perpetual power.
The Radical Right - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Our Founders are scum??

Who wanted more limited government and taxaction than them???

you know nothing about the slave owning founders

Well, slavery was part of all races(cultures). Do you realize who ended it? O'shit that would go against your agenda. :eusa_shhh: Our founders did more to advance freedom than anyone done in the past 800 years. Learn some history. Judging them with our standards that brought good to this world for what was the norm at the time...Isn't showing that you have a solid understanding of the subject.

Pop open a book.
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This whole general welfare argument could end if we made everything equal and fair, my challenge

take everything away from everyone, give everyone the same thing, baggers would be BEGGING for govt intervention within hours

True equality is a myth. Cant happen. And shouldnt. It would require far too much intrusivness on our personal lives.

We can however demand equal protection under the law.

PS and what youre describing is communism. That simply doesnt work. Never has. Never will.
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Thanks for the depression, morons. Blame the victims of your greedy rich masters...

There are as many white Pubs as White Dems on assistance, they're just the loudmouth racist cheats...your stereotypes of blacks, victims of your bigotry, are disgusting. Let's try opportunities in education and training and taxing the bloated rich fairly...Voodoo and deregulation is a catastrophe...see sig pp1.

There are about as many white republicans on welfare as there are black republicans - lets also not forget that whites are 72% of the population... So I'll guess and say 1,000-3,000.

Blacks are only 15% of the population but they are responsible for 50% of the welfare handouts... Mexicans are 20% "other" is 5% and whites are 25%... That is just the welfare program tho - meaning the race of those who are on welfare program - not the general population.

Food stamps pretty much have similar racial statistics.......Then again not everyone on food stamps is on welfare.
The Founding Fathers were the big gov't liberals of the day. Compare the USA with a constitution, bill of rights, juries, etc etc with far right monarchies of the day.And they found out they needed an army and navy and roads and canals and ports.

Back then it was go West young man, now the free land is gone, time to grow up and get civilized...Raising taxes on the bloated rich amd getting our health care costs and scams under control is hardly communism, dupes of the greedy corps/rich.
Thanks for the depression, morons. Blame the victims of your greedy rich masters...

There are as many white Pubs as White Dems on assistance, they're just the loudmouth racist cheats...your stereotypes of blacks, victims of your bigotry, are disgusting. Let's try opportunities in education and training and taxing the bloated rich fairly...Voodoo and deregulation is a catastrophe...see sig pp1.

There are about as many white republicans on welfare as there are black republicans - lets also not forget that whites are 72% of the population... So I'll guess and say 1,000-3,000.

Blacks are only 15% of the population but they are responsible for 50% of the welfare handouts... Mexicans are 20% "other" is 5% and whites are 25%... That is just the welfare program tho - meaning the race of those who are on welfare program - not the general population.

Food stamps pretty much have similar racial statistics.......Then again not everyone on food stamps is on welfare.

Just playing devils advocate here...

one could argue that theres a disporportionate amount of minorities on government assistance because of discrimnitory hiring practices.

How would you answer that argument? And CAN it be answered honestly without sounding racist?
one could argue that theres a disporportionate amount of minorities on government assistance because of discrimnitory hiring practices.

capitalism really prevents discrimination. The less you pay your workers the more competitive you become and the more your competition is forced to bid up wages of minorities.
The Founding Fathers were the big gov't liberals of the day. Compare the USA with a constitution, bill of rights, juries, etc etc with far right monarchies of the day.And they found out they needed an army and navy and roads and canals and ports.

Back then it was go West young man, now the free land is gone, time to grow up and get civilized...Raising taxes on the bloated rich amd getting our health care costs and scams under control is hardly communism, dupes of the greedy corps/rich.

You have a point about the first part. But, How? Many of the idea's being thrown around came directly from Marx. Charging wealth from one class to another is one of them. You can't tax one class and give it to another without the class struggle. The question is with how do we grow all classes and with that our living standard? This is the best course of action I feel and why I support capitalism.

One of flaws is giving the wealth to the poor is giving it to people that aren't as productive(as knowledgeable) in business. This poor person may just blow it on whatever instead of trying to start a business to hire people...While the richer person may do the same, but my point is why is he rich?

I understand the left's feelings about how not all rich deserve it as they had it passed down to them, but not all of them. Someone had to work hard(blood, sweat and tears) and to make more goods that people wanted to have for them to have gotten rich at some point. This is how a successful economy works...It feeds into its self...

Moving wealth from one class to another isn't the way to go. I understand that you want to help the poor, but this will just lower our living standards making us all poorer.
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If you think overthrowing a monarchy and forming their own nation is the work of right wingers youre sadly mistaken.

Who is all of human history wanted more limited government and taxaction than our saintly founders??
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The Radical Right - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Our Founders are scum??

Who wanted more limited government and taxaction than them???

If you think overthrowing a monarchy and forming their own nation is the work of right wingers youre sadly mistaken.

Go look up the Boston tea Party. Find out what it was REALLY about. Find out in which direction their taxes actually went. And if you come back with the standard Taxation without represenation slogan...youre wrong. Keep looking.

You're not a liberal - you're a fascist right winger just like Obamafuck.....

This nation was founded on individual freedom - especially freedom of religion (ironically the settlers came here for freedom of religion yet would attack anyone that didn't agree with their religious philosophy) but the founders of our founding documents understood the tyranny via fascist theocracy that was happening in Europe. They were religious people however they wanted choice or freedom- they wanted freedom and separation from a ruling power - they wanted to be individuals - not collectivists... Not all were like that tho - Federalists believed in a strong central government and Democrat-Republicans believed only a state/local government was necessary....

Both believed in limited government....

You little boy are not a "liberal" - If you were you wouldn't be championing big government Obamafuck bullshit........

Just because you believe in "gay rights" or are for womans suffrage or against Jim Crow laws makes you a liberal - you're mistaken - not to mention ignorant because it was the alleged liberals er democrats that pushed and defended all that nonsense into the mid 20th century, at least in the south.

Learn some history kid....
I am getting the idea that some believe the 'liberals' on this board want to take Walton's money and by a homeless person a Cadilac. We don't.

On the other side we do believe that you want to throw them under the bus.
Thanks for the depression, morons. Blame the victims of your greedy rich masters...

There are as many white Pubs as White Dems on assistance, they're just the loudmouth racist cheats...your stereotypes of blacks, victims of your bigotry, are disgusting. Let's try opportunities in education and training and taxing the bloated rich fairly...Voodoo and deregulation is a catastrophe...see sig pp1.

There are about as many white republicans on welfare as there are black republicans - lets also not forget that whites are 72% of the population... So I'll guess and say 1,000-3,000.

Blacks are only 15% of the population but they are responsible for 50% of the welfare handouts... Mexicans are 20% "other" is 5% and whites are 25%... That is just the welfare program tho - meaning the race of those who are on welfare program - not the general population.

Food stamps pretty much have similar racial statistics.......Then again not everyone on food stamps is on welfare.

Just playing devils advocate here...

one could argue that theres a disporportionate amount of minorities on government assistance because of discrimnitory hiring practices.

How would you answer that argument? And CAN it be answered honestly without sounding racist?
The answer to that argument is that the argument is full of shit and fail.
Our Founders are scum??

Who wanted more limited government and taxaction than them???

If you think overthrowing a monarchy and forming their own nation is the work of right wingers youre sadly mistaken.

Go look up the Boston tea Party. Find out what it was REALLY about. Find out in which direction their taxes actually went. And if you come back with the standard Taxation without represenation slogan...youre wrong. Keep looking.

You're not a liberal - you're a fascist right winger just like Obamafuck.....

This nation was founded on individual freedom - especially freedom of religion (ironically the settlers came here for freedom of religion yet would attack anyone that didn't agree with their religious philosophy) but the founders of our founding documents understood the tyranny via fascist theocracy that was happening in Europe. They were religious people however they wanted choice or freedom- they wanted freedom and separation from a ruling power - they wanted to be individuals - not collectivists... Not all were like that tho - Federalists believed in a strong central government and Democrat-Republicans believed only a state/local government was necessary....

Both believed in limited government....

You little boy are not a "liberal" - If you were you wouldn't be championing big government Obamafuck bullshit........

Just because you believe in "gay rights" or are for womans suffrage or against Jim Crow laws makes you a liberal - you're mistaken - not to mention ignorant because it was the alleged liberals er democrats that pushed and defended all that nonsense into the mid 20th century, at least in the south.

Learn some history kid....

Good post...I strongly disagree rather it was a good thing(wise) a few things on the last paragraph of your post. But as American I have that right.:eusa_boohoo:

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