"You didn't get there on your own"

No one said the Constitution says so, dipshit. However the Declaration of Independence does.

T said it...dipshit. Next time you throw insults maybe you should actually READ the thread...dipshit.

Sorry about the insults but you asked for it by ignoring the post I was responding to. I even quoted it. So you have no excuse...dipshit.)

You are correct, he did say it. I didn't read it carefully enough.

[And yes, I am aware of the unalienable rights...which is why I am for Single Payer Health care...dipshit

( see how stupid the insult is? )

Healthcare is an inalienable right? What happens to your INALIENABLE right if you're stranded in the middle of some primitive African hell hole?

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are considered to be inalienable rights here, but if you're stuck in the place you just described, your rights to those things are pretty limited as well, especially if you're in an area controlled by a war lord.

Try again.
What a coincidence... I was just fixing that on another thread for you. :D

And what a coincidence, I gave you some missing info there. :D

And you are trying to deny credit where credit is due. Businesses do not pay their fair share, most Fortune 500 companies pay nothing. See the below report for the BOOM years 1998 to 2005!!!!

The Government Accountability Office said 72 percent of all foreign corporations and about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005.

More than half of foreign companies and about 42 percent of U.S. companies paid no U.S. income taxes for two or more years in that period, the report said.

There are almost 6 million individual businesses in the US, and all you can talk about is the Fortune 500.

If 57% paid no tax in at least one year of 7, one of 2 things happened. Either that business A.)made oodles of money and paid a sharp accounting firm, or B.)they barely made ends meet. Since the average business usually takes 3 years to actually make a profit, chances are better than 50/50 that the answer is B.

Also, 57% over 7 years breaks down to 8% per year, meaning 92% of businesses PAID taxes EACH AND EVERY YEAR.
As I pointed out in an earlier post, those are BOOM years and these are Fortune 500 companies. And in your hasty 92% calculation you missed that 42% paid no taxes for 2 or more years.
And do you think that 'for the support of this declaration' translates into for the support of each other? Do you really think that is what it says?

I read the rest of the sentence. Pledge to each other our LIVES, FORTUNES AND SACRED HONOR.

It means exactly what it says.

And just like Obamas statement, it not means what you think it means if you take it out of context and put partisan spin on it.

To accomplish the REVOLUTION Vidi, to accomplish the REVOLUTION, not for all purposes for all reasons for the rest of their lives. To a man they were almost 100% opposed to ANY form of welfare state or ANY action of government that would obligate anybody beyond the most narrow of definitions.

Except once the Revolution was over, they wrote the Constitution and formed a nation instead of staying as individual states.

Again, they united for the common good.

Im sorry but the facts of history simply do not support your narrative.
It's not the Individual States of America. It's the UNITED States of America.

Just what do you think all of this means?

Dear, we are united merely as a federation, but we have no national government.

The Founders intent was very very clear. They gave the Federal government a few enumerated powers in the Constutution. When the Founders governed under their Constutition they maintained a very very limited government.

Welcome to your first lesson in American History

You have got to be the dumbest of the dumb. The Constitution specifcally enumerates the powers of a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

We have no national government? LOL You should tell Mitt Romney that. Hes trying to become the head of a fictious government.
Oh I know who is on welfare and who isn't......

You might want to get a street education first...

Obviously you have never seen a fucking housing project - EVER, or even taken a trip through the ghetto. They're all on welfare, and many are selling drugs or selling their "link cards" (food stamps) for 50 cents on the dollar.

Once I overheard a poor woman meeting someone she had not seen since high school. She bragged about her Section 8 subsidy just the way a real American would brag about the great job or business they had.

Liberals have all but destroyed the soul of America. THey should be made illegal as the Constitution intended.

Last year they closed the last of the Cabrini Green housing projects and on the front of the Chicago Tribune they showed this old woman in a nice "northern" jacket drinking a 6 dollar large Starbucks cup of coffee while bitching about how America is so racist, and it's not fair how she is being relocated to a brand new free apartment....

It was pretty disgusting....

She lives her life off the taxpayers and is bitching about it in a 150 dollar coat while drinking a 6 dollar cup of coffee...... And she wants sympathy???

You should worry more about what they are putting in your kool-aid. Hey, did you hear that there are no homeless vets living under bridges also?

(Different day, same brainless shit.)
Funny how communist dictators/leaders learned their lesson yet idiots like you haven't even investigated the idea beyond squatting or living in a commune...


yes Red China just switched to Republican capitalism from liberalism to save 60 million from slow starvation but our liberals still love liberalism.

Now we can understand why millions followed Hitler Stalin and Mao and why our liberals spied for Stalin. Humans mostly don't think.

Our Founders thought they had made liberalism illegal, but they were not specific enough; so now the cancer is spreading.

Funny you should say that..... I watched a documentary today called "My Perestroika" where those who live in Russia were pretty much mocking how brainwashed they were and how conformed they were in the USSR during the late 70's to the collapse....

It's obviously not Stalin or Lenin era (although it does have film footage from that era). The movie really updates the lives of kids involved in a propaganda "education" video from 1980 and then it shows their lives in the present day after the collapse and what they think politically....

If you have Netflix you can check it out (highly recommended) - it's called: "My Perestroika" It's entirely in subtitles , so it may be too difficult for progressives to understand - that and they don't know shit about the revolution or life under true communism...

Funny part is that the academics in Russia are totally anti-communists, while here in the states the academics are communists.... Two of the kids in the film got married and are now teachers who are clearly anti-communist...
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Try being a REAL Patriot and be thankful and happily pay taxes to the country that made you possible.
Myopic twits...

Says the liberals who HATE this nation, accuse our founders being hateful racists, cry for oppresive Communist control, and disrespect the flag AND the men & women who serve it....

I told you that if you stood in line patiently we would get you some medication.

It will be worth the wait, you will no longer be stunningly ignorant or entirely full of shit if you take it as prescribed.
Only liberals are on welfare? Talk about self righteous with a huge dose of obtuse.

No - but only liberals are proud to be on welfare and make a concerted effort to stay on it for life...

Unless you count the Waltons, the Kochs and Michelle Bachman just to name a few.

Walmart started in 1962. It is now the third largest retailer in the world. That's why they aren't liberals.
Liberals, how will this time be any different then all the other attempts at it? If you mess up. We all end up poorer for it. :eusa_shifty:

Giving the economy into the hands of people that don't understand how to work it. May not be a good idea.

I'm all for new idea's, but damn.
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Try being a REAL Patriot and be thankful and happily pay taxes to the country that made you possible.
Myopic twits...

Why don't you move to a country where you pay more taxes if it makes you so happy ?

I keep pointing out that Cuba would love to have you and we would love to be rid of your sorry liberal ass.

Because they know that in Cuba - everyone is just like them - a worthless parasites. So they have no one to mooch off of like they do here. Despite falsely demonizing conservatives to further their Communist agenda, they know they need us conservatives to provide for them.

Actually, remember Michael Moores Sicko? He took people to Cuba to get perscription drugs? And the bottle of pills was like 12 bucks whereas the woman was paying over 100 here in the States?

They get their drugs so cheap because BigPharma is making its money off of US.

Maybe we ought to find a way to stop paying for Cubas perscription drugs huh?

PS and dont say you didnt see it. There was a big hubbub about it in the news and Im sure everyone on this forum was screaming about that pinko Michael Moore for at least a week.
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I read the rest of the sentence. Pledge to each other our LIVES, FORTUNES AND SACRED HONOR.

It means exactly what it says.

And just like Obamas statement, it not means what you think it means if you take it out of context and put partisan spin on it.

To accomplish the REVOLUTION Vidi, to accomplish the REVOLUTION, not for all purposes for all reasons for the rest of their lives. To a man they were almost 100% opposed to ANY form of welfare state or ANY action of government that would obligate anybody beyond the most narrow of definitions.

Except once the Revolution was over, they wrote the Constitution and formed a nation instead of staying as individual states.

Again, they united for the common good.

Im sorry but the facts of history simply do not support your narrative.

They united for the common good, not to provide the common welfare. They united for mutual protection, mutual recognition and defense of unalienable rights, and mutual expectation that everybody would prosper as he or she was able. Ben Franklin's remark pretty well summed up their view of giving other a hand up vs a hand out:

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”​

Again, the Founders to a man were opposed to any form of welfare state or on any restriction on freedom imposed by the federal government. The Constitution was designed to impose the necessary regulation to prevent the states from ganging up on each other, and then would recognize and respect and defend our unalienable rights and then leave us alone to live our lives and form whatever sort of society we wished to have.

The Founders had absolutely no intention of EVER allowing the federal government to become what governments are in other countries.
Only liberals are on welfare? Talk about self righteous with a huge dose of obtuse.

No - but only liberals are proud to be on welfare and make a concerted effort to stay on it for life...

Youve accused ME of being a liberal. Ive never been on welfare...and never will.

So its not ALL liberals then right? Just the ones that are actually on welfare.

But not Michelle Bachman who gets farm subsidies, or Walmart who gets LAND donated to them for their stores, or any of the other multibillion dollar corporations reciving government hand outs. Theyre all ok right?
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fox, you have no idea at all what you are talking about

how sad for you and anyone in your sphere of influence

You are particularly full of shit, i mean I have read some ignorance on this board but you take the prize, you really do
Vidi, can you even see a concept of us all working together and helping each other simply by each doing his/her own thing to prosper rather than the government picking and choosing who does what and who is entitled to what and who must give up what?
Liberals, how will this time be any different then all the other attempts at it? If you mess up, we all end up poorer for it. :eusa_shifty:

born racist or did someone beat the shit out of you when you were a kid?

I can think through things and if the fbi(including every other police department) says this is so...Well, it is worth considering. Why are you so closed minded to reality? :eusa_boohoo:

I was just pointing out how your past attempts at charging the economic system have failed. Maybe northern Europe is the best idea of going by it within my opinion. Well, at least that has remained somewhat successful.:eusa_shifty:
really feel that way when he said:
“If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that,” Obama told a crowd in Roanoke, Va., on Friday. “Somebody else made that happen.”
Can we see the rest of the quote so we can see what "that" refers to - or would that just blow your mind into tiny little bits?

If Obama intended to say well the Internet was a government project... he was right!
BUT OBAMA.... what funded that research? TAX dollars make up 97% of Federal revenue!
Just because the revelation that tax dollars fund government is something new and exciting that you learned the other day - it doesn't mean the president of the united states isn't aware of it. Why do you assume he's as stupid as you evidently are? You're basically saying that when tax dollars are spent by government and it turns out bad - that's bad big government - but when it turns out good, its yet another example of private enterprise succeeding. Do you know how retarded that is?
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