"You didn't get there on your own"

No - but only liberals are proud to be on welfare and make a concerted effort to stay on it for life...

Only liberals are OWED welfare.

You dont know who is on welfare and who isnt...

You dont know anything about history, you really are an incredibly stupid person, seriously

You might want to get a real education first.

Oh I know who is on welfare and who isn't......

You might want to get a street education first...

Obviously you have never seen a fucking housing project - EVER, or even taken a trip through the ghetto. They're all on welfare, and many are selling drugs or selling their "link cards" (food stamps) for 50 cents on the dollar.
The rest of what you say is what GOP hate radio has brainwashed you with.

does the brain dead liberal think our founders listened to GOP hate radio too since they also wanted limited government and limited taxes??

why not go to Cuba instead of subverting our country. BO has an excuse, he had 2 communist parents. What is your excuse?
Only liberals are OWED welfare.

You dont know who is on welfare and who isnt...

You dont know anything about history, you really are an incredibly stupid person, seriously

You might want to get a real education first.

Oh I know who is on welfare and who isn't......

You might want to get a street education first...

Obviously you have never seen a fucking housing project - EVER, or even taken a trip through the ghetto. They're all on welfare, and many are selling drugs or selling their "link cards" (food stamps) for 50 cents on the dollar.

wanna take my challenge

I know, lets erase 200 yrs of racism and having whites in charge of everything at the end of a gun, and start over, game?

Here is how we do it, take all the land and money and natural resources away from everyone in the USofA...

Make everyone equal, for instance members of the Walton family wont have billions that they worked not one hour for, and poor people wouldnt be living in shacks, etc.

Then give each adult person a check for One Million dollars, and say go!

You white old fat baggers will then have the same chance as everyone else, fair?
As a side note Foxfyre, I think when you add government there are winners and losers choosen. Rarely does government help everyone equally.

You are correct. There are some who will NEVER use those roads and therefore don't benefit from them in the same way others do, yet we ALL benefit from them because we ALL have to consume something simply in order to live. And most of that which we consume is transported, delivered, and made available to us via the same roads. The guy using them proactively to transport consumable products is of course going to receive more benefit than is the guy who benefits only in the most passive way.

But the point Williams was making is that the way a free people is interconnected is not necessarily in mutual cooperation though the people may find that to be beneficial too. Most of us benefit from each other only incidentally. The guy in Venezuela doesn't know I exist when he operates the oil well that pumps a barrel of crude that eventually, through the participation of millions of people in multiple countries, makes its way into the tank of my car in the form of unleaded gasoline. He doesn't care about me in the least. He might or might not throw me a rope if I was drowining.

But he nevertheless played a role in me having gasoline to fuel my car.

THAT is how we all work together to accomplish what we accomplish. Yes, I couldn't prosper by doing my own thing unless millions of others of you are also doing your own thing to put bread on your respective tables. And not one of us is fully aware of how we are benefitting anybody else, but we do simply by looking to our own interests.

And still, despite all that, nobody built my business and made it profitable but me.

People seem to forget there was an America before the industrial revolution. There was an America before electricity and running water. I guess those early pioneers didn't make it on their own.

Even those early pioneers benefitted from other people who had never met the pioneers and didn't give a damn about them except maybe for some as customers. Only the guy who winds up naked and alone on a desert island is truly whole self contained. He has to find native raw materials to make every tool, every piece of his shelter, etc. etc. if he survives.

The Pioneers benefitted from somebody originally bringing horses or mules or oxen to this country and most likely from people they would never meet who manufactured harnesses, wagon wheels, and wove the flour sacks that doubled to carry flour, other provisions, and also were made into clothing. Even the Amish, despite their chosen relatively primitive lifestyle, still sell stuff to others and use the money they earn to buy stuff at the store.

The concept here though is whether us 'all being in this together' is everybody earning their own bread for their own benefit but inadvertently helping everybody else in the process, or whether this is supposed to be a proactive process with everybody intentionally helping everybody else as the President and his defenders seem to suggest. Not only would the latter likely be really detrimental to an efficient and effective economy if WE tried to do that, it is a disastrous process when the government presumes it has the expertise and ability to do that.
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I know, lets erase 200 yrs of racism and having whites in charge of everything at the end of a gun, and start over, game?

Here is how we do it, take all the land and money and natural resources away from everyone in the USofA...

Make everyone equal, for instance members of the Walton family wont have billions that they worked not one hour for, and poor people wouldnt be living in shacks, etc.

Then give each adult person a check for One Million dollars, and say go!


You white old fat baggers will then have the same chance as everyone else, fair?

In one year, maybe less, all the formerly rich people would be rich, and and the formerly poor people would be poor.

How does that work? Lets give poor people millions of dollars, for lack of a better word, let's call it the Lotto. Megabucks maybe. See how long it takes them to be back on welfare.

Take a rich person and give then a bad year in the stock market. They lose all they have. How long does it take them to be rich?

Only liberals are OWED welfare.

You dont know who is on welfare and who isnt...

You dont know anything about history, you really are an incredibly stupid person, seriously

You might want to get a real education first.

Oh I know who is on welfare and who isn't......

You might want to get a street education first...

Obviously you have never seen a fucking housing project - EVER, or even taken a trip through the ghetto. They're all on welfare, and many are selling drugs or selling their "link cards" (food stamps) for 50 cents on the dollar.

Once I overheard a poor woman meeting someone she had not seen since high school. She bragged about her Section 8 subsidy just the way a real American would brag about the great job or business they had.

Liberals have all but destroyed the soul of America. THey should be made illegal as the Constitution intended.
You dont know who is on welfare and who isnt...

You dont know anything about history, you really are an incredibly stupid person, seriously

You might want to get a real education first.

Oh I know who is on welfare and who isn't......

You might want to get a street education first...

Obviously you have never seen a fucking housing project - EVER, or even taken a trip through the ghetto. They're all on welfare, and many are selling drugs or selling their "link cards" (food stamps) for 50 cents on the dollar.

Once I overheard a poor woman meeting someone she had not seen since high school. She bragged about her Section 8 subsidy just the way a real American would brag about the great job or business they had.

Liberals have all but destroyed the soul of America. THey should be made illegal as the Constitution intended.
nobody believes your lies, trust me

look, this isnt a debate, there is not a single topic where you are right and i am wrong

not one

I know, lets erase 200 yrs of racism and having whites in charge of everything at the end of a gun, and start over, game?

Here is how we do it, take all the land and money and natural resources away from everyone in the USofA...

Make everyone equal, for instance members of the Walton family wont have billions that they worked not one hour for, and poor people wouldnt be living in shacks, etc.

Then give each adult person a check for One Million dollars, and say go!


You white old fat baggers will then have the same chance as everyone else, fair?

So you condone stealing from self-made people????

Then you Marxists have the fucking audacity to claim those with money are greedy when you want the MONEY THEY FUCKING EARNED???

Besides how did that Marxism nonsense workout for China or the USSR??? oh yeah - both are capitalist nations now after they realized Marx ideas were fucking "flawed" to say the least....

Hey genius what will we do when there are not enough resources to sustain the populace? what will we do when a bad crop season occurs? murder or purge the excess population like Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot??

Got any answers for any of that ignorant one?

Funny how communist dictators/leaders learned their lesson yet idiots like you haven't even investigated the idea beyond squatting or living in a commune...

What you think is useless because you're ignorant....
it is a disastrous process when the government presumes it has the expertise and ability to do that.

that?? those in government throughout history all presumed they had the expertise to do that and everything else. That is why Jefferson gave us freedom from liberal government when he created America.
Freedom from government expertise is why America reversed all of human history and became the greatest country in all of human human history
it is a disastrous process when the government presumes it has the expertise and ability to do that.

that?? those in government throughout history all presumed they had the expertise to do that and everything else. That is why Jefferson gave us freedom from liberal government when he created America.
Freedom from government expertise is why America reversed all of human history and became the greatest country in all of human human history

I blame the schools, clearly you guys didnt learn a god damn thing...
wait, not the schools fault, you are just stupid
That was shot down in the other thread too, Ed. #155

What's more, small businesses owners don't typically organize their businesses in the same way giant corporations do. We're talking LLC's and S corps. But the biggest fallacy in this entire argument is that it's not political gamesmanship. Obama and his Democrat cronies already KNOW that "taxing the rich" isn't really a drop in the bucket.
Would Taxing the Rich Fix the Deficit? | LearnLiberty

This is all political rhetoric on his part, designed to divide Americans and create the "class warfare" scenario he thinks will benefit him. Envy is a natural human emotion, easy enough to stimulate. What he's doing is attempting to capitalize on that.
And Your answer was shot down in that thread too.

Your Freudian Slip contradicts your stupid video. :D
Now of course, it all depends on who you are defining as "rich." If taxing thr rish doesn't work because they are too poor, taxing the poor because they are too rich must be the answer. (sarcasm) In reality the people the Right call "rich" are merely upper middle class WAGE EARNERS, not the truly rich. It's wage earners who pay the taxes, not the wealthy. It is the wealthy who are waging "class warfare" against the wage earner. Even your MessiahRushie admits it.

August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.

You seem to be missing the point again. We could confiscate every dime from "the rich" and maybe pay one year of current spending, leaving nothing for any subsequent year.
Bill Whittle On Eating "The Rich" | RealClearPolitics

Obama is playing games with you. And you... are letting him.
Again you and Willie Wittless are deliberately trying to redefine the "rich" as well to do WAGE EARNERS. The truly rich do not work for the common wage!!!! They are Capital Gains Tycoons, not upper middle class wage earners who actually pay nearly all the taxes.

A Capital Gains Tycoon can make a billion dollars on the stock market and not pay a single dime on it. That gain can grow year after year tax free, like an unlimited IRA, until the tycoon decides to realize some of it, but unlike an IRA where he would pay a tax penalty for cashing it before retirement age, the tycoon not only pays no penalty but also pays a lower tax rate than a wage earner. And still the tycoon is not satisfied. Their puppets, the GOP, are trying to eliminate all capital gains taxes!!!

As to Willie Wittless, the top 1% of WEALTH, not wages, have about 20 trillion in total net worth, so if you confiscated all of it as Wittless postulates with wage earners, you could pay off the entire GOP debt and have enough left over for one hell of a big party. :woohoo:
Funny how communist dictators/leaders learned their lesson yet idiots like you haven't even investigated the idea beyond squatting or living in a commune...


yes Red China just switched to Republican capitalism from liberalism to save 60 million from slow starvation but our liberals still love liberalism.

Now we can understand why millions followed Hitler Stalin and Mao and why our liberals spied for Stalin. Humans mostly don't think.

Our Founders thought they had made liberalism illegal, but they were not specific enough; so now the cancer is spreading.
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You dont know who is on welfare and who isnt...

You dont know anything about history, you really are an incredibly stupid person, seriously

You might want to get a real education first.

Oh I know who is on welfare and who isn't......

You might want to get a street education first...

Obviously you have never seen a fucking housing project - EVER, or even taken a trip through the ghetto. They're all on welfare, and many are selling drugs or selling their "link cards" (food stamps) for 50 cents on the dollar.

Once I overheard a poor woman meeting someone she had not seen since high school. She bragged about her Section 8 subsidy just the way a real American would brag about the great job or business they had.

Liberals have all but destroyed the soul of America. THey should be made illegal as the Constitution intended.

Last year they closed the last of the Cabrini Green housing projects and on the front of the Chicago Tribune they showed this old woman in a nice "northern" jacket drinking a 6 dollar large Starbucks cup of coffee while bitching about how America is so racist, and it's not fair how she is being relocated to a brand new free apartment....

It was pretty disgusting....

She lives her life off the taxpayers and is bitching about it in a 150 dollar coat while drinking a 6 dollar cup of coffee...... And she wants sympathy???
Funny how communist dictators/leaders learned their lesson yet idiots like you haven't even investigated the idea beyond squatting or living in a commune...


yes Red China just switched to Republican capitalism from liberalism to save 60 million from slow starvation but our liberals still love liberalism.

Now we can understand why millions followed Hitler Stalin and Mao and why our liberals spied for Stalin. Humans mostly don't think.

dear god, this is a joke, right? you are kidding right?

nobody in the world is this dumb, right?
Funny how communist dictators/leaders learned their lesson yet idiots like you haven't even investigated the idea beyond squatting or living in a commune...


yes Red China just switched to Republican capitalism from liberalism to save 60 million from slow starvation but our liberals still love liberalism.

Now we can understand why millions followed Hitler Stalin and Mao and why our liberals spied for Stalin. Humans mostly don't think.

dear god, this is a joke, right? you are kidding right?

nobody in the world is this dumb, right?

of course if dumb you would not be so afraid to explain exactly why. What does your fear tell you about your liberal IQ and character
yes Red China just switched to Republican capitalism from liberalism to save 60 million from slow starvation but our liberals still love liberalism.

Now we can understand why millions followed Hitler Stalin and Mao and why our liberals spied for Stalin. Humans mostly don't think.

dear god, this is a joke, right? you are kidding right?

nobody in the world is this dumb, right?

of course if dumb you would not be so afraid to explain exactly why. What does your fear tell you about your liberal IQ and character

:clap2: kudos to me, i drove it right out of it's mind! :lol:
dear god, this is a joke, right? you are kidding right?

nobody in the world is this dumb, right?

of course if dumb you would not be so afraid to explain exactly why. What does your fear tell you about your liberal IQ and character

:clap2: kudos to me, i drove it right out of it's mind! :lol:

of course if dumb you would not be so afraid to explain exactly why. What does your fear tell you about your liberal IQ and character
of course if dumb you would not be so afraid to explain exactly why. What does your fear tell you about your liberal IQ and character

:clap2: kudos to me, i drove it right out of it's mind! :lol:

of course if dumb you would not be so afraid to explain exactly why. What does your fear tell you about your liberal IQ and character

You were broken to begin with but looks like I have managed to completely break you :lol:
I know, lets erase 200 yrs of racism and having whites in charge of everything at the end of a gun, and start over, game?

Here is how we do it, take all the land and money and natural resources away from everyone in the USofA...

Make everyone equal, for instance members of the Walton family wont have billions that they worked not one hour for, and poor people wouldnt be living in shacks, etc.

Then give each adult person a check for One Million dollars, and say go!


You white old fat baggers will then have the same chance as everyone else, fair?

So you condone stealing from self-made people????

Then you Marxists have the fucking audacity to claim those with money are greedy when you want the MONEY THEY FUCKING EARNED???

Besides how did that Marxism nonsense workout for China or the USSR??? oh yeah - both are capitalist nations now after they realized Marx ideas were fucking "flawed" to say the least....

Hey genius what will we do when there are not enough resources to sustain the populace? what will we do when a bad crop season occurs? murder or purge the excess population like Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot??

Got any answers for any of that ignorant one?

Funny how communist dictators/leaders learned their lesson yet idiots like you haven't even investigated the idea beyond squatting or living in a commune...

What you think is useless because you're ignorant....

It is amusing though. I mean every day immigrants come here with even less that blacks on welfare have and in a few years are the "rich" that liberals love to hate!

The minds of the poor do not work like those of the rich. They just don't think the same way. Give a poor person five bucks and they will immediately buy whatever beer they can afford with five bucks. A rich person might save it to buy new equipement with, or pay off a debt. I knew the young man who got $50.00 in an income tax refund and used it to buy as many cases of paper as it would buy from a downtown warehouse. He turned that into a major company, California Copy Systems and sold it for 10 million dollars in five years. The brains of the poor just don't think along the same paths. Give one person a needle and a spool of thread and it will lay in a drawer. Give it to someone else and that person sees a design house.

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