"You didn't get there on your own"

Everyone of you right-wing idiots are total morons. You deliberately took Obama's statements out of context and changed the entire meaning of what he was saying. He did not say what you say he said. You're bunch of fuckin' liars and I see no reason why anyone would vote for your kind of bullshit!

Obama was talking about the roads and bridges businesses use to transport their products to market. Those businesses did not build the roads and bridges. We did. The American taxpayer built those roads and bridges and made it possible for businesses to flourish.

I swear to God, you people are as dumb as it gets.

Go on and keep thinking that.
We all know on the surface what Obama said, and actually it was a "duh" moment if I've ever heard one.
Everyone knows how our roads, bridges, infrastructure etc. comes about, we're not children needing a Sesame Street lesson.
But we conservatives know the underlying message Obama sent. It's one we're very familliar with.
We know how liberals work, and how they will always give credit only to the workers of a business, or government entity, and all the while vilifying the business owner, or corporate CEO. Never giving credit to the people who front the money, work the long hours, deal with the stress of meeting payrolls, or whether they're going to lose their shirt.
You guys will never understand what we heard between the lines.

I think some of you are in need of a Sesame Street lesson, after the Short Bus picks you up. And what you hear between the lines is more about what you bring into the conversation, not is what actually said.

I frankly get tired of treating the CEO's and Owners like heroes. Most of these people are only kept afloat because their workers put in so many hours, and when I hear one of these assholes say how lazy their employees are on their way to the golf course, there's really no sympathy. And usually when things go south, these folks can't screw over their workers fast enough.

I agree with you 1%! Yes there are those rare,exceptional and not long for their job CEOs owners that are what you hyperbolized.
Yes 1 of every 100 do complain bout lazy while playing golf,etc. whatever you said!
But if the other 99 were as you described there would be NO businesses. You know why?
Because there would be NO customers for their businesses!
Without customers no business.

Because if the 99 of 100 were as you said there would be no businesses!
If we all got these great benefits from the government, why do we have to give even more to those who failed to achieve?
The poor work harder than business owners.

but dear BO didn't say the poor work harder than the rich and so the rich need to pay even more.

Do you have the IQ to know the subject??

No, probably not, as a business owner I'm also not as smart as my employees. Obama mocked that too, he's President, he must be right.

What's your point?

The poor work harder than business owners.

but dear BO didn't say the poor work harder than the rich and so the rich need to pay even more.

Do you have the IQ to know the subject??

No, probably not, as a business owner I'm also not as smart as my employees. Obama mocked that too, he's President, he must be right.

What's your point?

born racist and or bigot or did someone beat you up?

i am doing a survey
but dear BO didn't say the poor work harder than the rich and so the rich need to pay even more.

Do you have the IQ to know the subject??

No, probably not, as a business owner I'm also not as smart as my employees. Obama mocked that too, he's President, he must be right.

What's your point?

born racist and or bigot or did someone beat you up?

i am doing a survey

Wait, speak up, my white hood was over my ears.

Beg yer pardon?

Try being a REAL Patriot and be thankful and happily pay taxes to the country that made you possible.
Myopic twits...

Why don't you move to a country where you pay more taxes if it makes you so happy ?

I keep pointing out that Cuba would love to have you and we would love to be rid of your sorry liberal ass.
Try being a REAL Patriot and be thankful and happily pay taxes to the country that made you possible.
Myopic twits...

Says the liberals who HATE this nation, accuse our founders being hateful racists, cry for oppresive Communist control, and disrespect the flag AND the men & women who serve it....
The only question liberals know the answer to is where the welfare checks are handed out.

Only liberals are on welfare? Talk about self righteous with a huge dose of obtuse.

Learn to read dickweed....I didn't say only liberals were on welfare. After you little rant it is clear that you can't even take the time to understand what is being said before you engage your fingers on the keyboard and make a fool out of yourself.

I didn't say liberals were the only ones on welfare and I didn't say "welfare" is bad. I also don't include Social Security and Medicare in the general classification of "welfare".


Obamacare cuts my HSA limit in half. Thanks for making my healthcare more expensive.
Try being a REAL Patriot and be thankful and happily pay taxes to the country that made you possible.
Myopic twits...

Why don't you move to a country where you pay more taxes if it makes you so happy ?

I keep pointing out that Cuba would love to have you and we would love to be rid of your sorry liberal ass.

Because they know that in Cuba - everyone is just like them - a worthless parasites. So they have no one to mooch off of like they do here. Despite falsely demonizing conservatives to further their Communist agenda, they know they need us conservatives to provide for them.

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