"You didn't get there on your own"

Try being a REAL Patriot and be thankful and happily pay taxes to the country that made you possible.
Myopic twits...

Why don't you move to a country where you pay more taxes if it makes you so happy ?

I keep pointing out that Cuba would love to have you and we would love to be rid of your sorry liberal ass.

Because they know that in Cuba - everyone is just like them - a worthless parasites. So they have no one to mooch off of like they do here. Despite falsely demonizing conservatives to further their Communist agenda, they know they need us conservatives to provide for them.

I tell my friends about you disgusting pieces of human filth, but they dont believe me, the type who dont think they care about politics, they dont know you disgusting scum exist, sitting there hating everything and everyone the way you do...

My only regret is that I haven't kept track of all the names I've been called because I didn't like what Obama said about business owners. Just a few, off the top of my pointy little head:

Fucking idiot

Crap. There has to be at least a half dozen more. I always think about compiling lists like this when it's too late. Good thing I've been married nearly 30 years, the name-calling doesn't bug me.


My only regret is that I haven't kept track of all the names I've been called because I didn't like what Obama said about business owners. Just a few, off the top of my pointy little head:

Fucking idiot

Crap. There has to be at least a half dozen more. I always think about compiling lists like this when it's too late. Good thing I've been married nearly 30 years, the name-calling doesn't bug me.


Add heartless. Clearly you should have been reduced to a pile of tears by these words. :cool:
This truly is not much different than what he said in 2009, he told businesses they couldn't make profits so they held on to their $$$$, now he's telling them they didn't get there on their own. :wacko:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-N_DPNve44]Obama says now is not the time for companies to make profits! - YouTube[/ame]

My only regret is that I haven't kept track of all the names I've been called because I didn't like what Obama said about business owners. Just a few, off the top of my pointy little head:

Fucking idiot

Crap. There has to be at least a half dozen more. I always think about compiling lists like this when it's too late. Good thing I've been married nearly 30 years, the name-calling doesn't bug me.


Add heartless. Clearly you should have been reduced to a pile of tears by these words. :cool:

Yeah, good one! Put it in there!


I will concede one component of this discussion that I agree with those on the left, including the President, that 'we are all in this together." But I don't think any of you making the argument that this makes the President correct have a clue of how or why we are all in this together.

We are all in this together because we each profit from our own activity that is made possible by others profiting from their own labor. And despite all the millions of components that go into the process of each one of us doing our jobs, it works pretty well IF government stays out of it and doesn't try to manipulate or micromanage it. Government can't enlist enough people with enough expertise to run an economy. At least to anybody's benefit other than a very few chosen to be blessed by the same government.

Walter Williams explained it beautifully in this essay excerpted here:

Our economic system consists of billions of different elements that include members of our population, businesses, schools, parcels of land and homes. A list of possible relationships defies imagination and even more so if we include international relationships. Miraculously, there is a tendency for all of these relationships to operate smoothly without congressional meddling.

Let's think about it.

The average well-stocked supermarket carries over 60,000 different items. Because those items are so routinely available to us, the fact that it is a near miracle goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Take just one of those items — canned tuna. Pretend that Congress appoints you tuna czar; that's not totally out of the picture in light of the fact that Congress has recently proposed a car czar for our auto industry. My question to you as tuna czar is: Can you identify and tell us how to organize all of the inputs necessary to get tuna out of the sea and into a supermarket? The most obvious inputs are fishermen, ships, nets, canning factories and trucks. But how do you organize the inputs necessary to build a ship, to provide the fuel, and what about the compass? The trucks need tires, seats and windshields. It is not a stretch of the imagination to suggest that millions of inputs and people cooperate with one another to get canned tuna to your supermarket.

But what is the driving force that explains how millions of people manage to cooperate to get 60,000 different items to your supermarket? Most of them don't give a hoot about you and me, some of them might hate Americans, but they serve us well and they do so voluntarily. The bottom line motivation for the cooperation is people are in it for themselves; they want more profits, wages, interest and rent, or to use today's silly talk — people are greedy.

In other words, yes we are all in it together but not in a way that obligates us to each other. He who is obligated to another, other than voluntarily, is not a free person. And certainly a government who obligates us for the benefit of others, most especially itself, takes away freedoms from the people.

Williams went on:
Adam Smith, the father of economics, captured the essence of this wonderful human cooperation when he said, "He (the businessman) generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. ... He intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain." . . . And later he adds, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest."

Walter Williams

As a side note Foxfyre, I think when you add government there are winners and losers choosen. Rarely does government help everyone equally.

You are correct. There are some who will NEVER use those roads and therefore don't benefit from them in the same way others do, yet we ALL benefit from them because we ALL have to consume something simply in order to live. And most of that which we consume is transported, delivered, and made available to us via the same roads. The guy using them proactively to transport consumable products is of course going to receive more benefit than is the guy who benefits only in the most passive way.

But the point Williams was making is that the way a free people is interconnected is not necessarily in mutual cooperation though the people may find that to be beneficial too. Most of us benefit from each other only incidentally. The guy in Venezuela doesn't know I exist when he operates the oil well that pumps a barrel of crude that eventually, through the participation of millions of people in multiple countries, makes its way into the tank of my car in the form of unleaded gasoline. He doesn't care about me in the least. He might or might not throw me a rope if I was drowining.

But he nevertheless played a role in me having gasoline to fuel my car.

THAT is how we all work together to accomplish what we accomplish. Yes, I couldn't prosper by doing my own thing unless millions of others of you are also doing your own thing to put bread on your respective tables. And not one of us is fully aware of how we are benefitting anybody else, but we do simply by looking to our own interests.

And still, despite all that, nobody built my business and made it profitable but me.
I tell my friends about you disgusting pieces of human filth, but they dont believe me, the type who dont think they care about politics, they dont know you disgusting scum exist, sitting there hating everything and everyone the way you do...

One must appreciate the irony of our friend here saying that OTHERS hate.

Ya just gotta love this board.

I will concede one component of this discussion that I agree with those on the left, including the President, that 'we are all in this together." But I don't think any of you making the argument that this makes the President correct have a clue of how or why we are all in this together.

We are all in this together because we each profit from our own activity that is made possible by others profiting from their own labor. And despite all the millions of components that go into the process of each one of us doing our jobs, it works pretty well IF government stays out of it and doesn't try to manipulate or micromanage it. Government can't enlist enough people with enough expertise to run an economy. At least to anybody's benefit other than a very few chosen to be blessed by the same government.

Walter Williams explained it beautifully in this essay excerpted here:

In other words, yes we are all in it together but not in a way that obligates us to each other. He who is obligated to another, other than voluntarily, is not a free person. And certainly a government who obligates us for the benefit of others, most especially itself, takes away freedoms from the people.

Williams went on:

Walter Williams

As a side note Foxfyre, I think when you add government there are winners and losers choosen. Rarely does government help everyone equally.

You are correct. There are some who will NEVER use those roads and therefore don't benefit from them in the same way others do, yet we ALL benefit from them because we ALL have to consume something simply in order to live. And most of that which we consume is transported, delivered, and made available to us via the same roads. The guy using them proactively to transport consumable products is of course going to receive more benefit than is the guy who benefits only in the most passive way.

But the point Williams was making is that the way a free people is interconnected is not necessarily in mutual cooperation though the people may find that to be beneficial too. Most of us benefit from each other only incidentally. The guy in Venezuela doesn't know I exist when he operates the oil well that pumps a barrel of crude that eventually, through the participation of millions of people in multiple countries, makes its way into the tank of my car in the form of unleaded gasoline. He doesn't care about me in the least. He might or might not throw me a rope if I was drowining.

But he nevertheless played a role in me having gasoline to fuel my car.

THAT is how we all work together to accomplish what we accomplish. Yes, I couldn't prosper by doing my own thing unless millions of others of you are also doing your own thing to put bread on your respective tables. And not one of us is fully aware of how we are benefitting anybody else, but we do simply by looking to our own interests.

And still, despite all that, nobody built my business and made it profitable but me.

People seem to forget there was an America before the industrial revolution. There was an America before electricity and running water. I guess those early pioneers didn't make it on their own.
Only liberals are on welfare? Talk about self righteous with a huge dose of obtuse.

No - but only liberals are proud to be on welfare and make a concerted effort to stay on it for life...

Only liberals are OWED welfare.

You dont know who is on welfare and who isnt...

You dont know anything about history, you really are an incredibly stupid person, seriously

You might want to get a real education first.
Obama is minimizing the 'individual's' drive, determination and persistence in starting/running a business and is pushing the 'collective' end of it as being more important.

Hmmmm, wonder where he got that notion from ...
From your MessiahRushie!!!

What Obama actually said and dishonest CON$ervoFascist scum like the Hreitage Foundation edited out was that business is successful not only from individual initative, but also from working together.

Here is what the dishonest scum always edit out of Obama's speech:

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.

So if I highlight the "but" part of Obama's speech does that counter your argument? Let's face it, Ed...you've got a President sitting in the Oval Office that really doesn't understand how hard it is to run a business because quite frankly...he's never done it. Barack Obama no more understands business than you and I understand brain surgery. Through his words and his policies he repeatedly sends the message to the business community that any profits that they make through their labor REALLY belongs to the government until HE decides that they should get some back. He sends THAT message and then scratches his head and wonders why he can't get them to invest their capital...it's an amusing bit of farce that's been going on now for three and a half years.
No, because it says "but ALSO" as you well know. Clearly he is saying that individual initiative goes together with cooperation to produce the GREATEST success. The rest of what you say is what GOP hate radio has brainwashed you with.
I know, lets erase 200 yrs of racism and having whites in charge of everything at the end of a gun, and start over, game?

Here is how we do it, take all the land and money and natural resources away from everyone in the USofA...

Make everyone equal, for instance members of the Walton family wont have billions that they worked not one hour for, and poor people wouldnt be living in shacks, etc.

Then give each adult person a check for One Million dollars, and say go!


You white old fat baggers will then have the same chance as everyone else, fair?

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