"You didn't get there on your own"

white = racist
minority = bigot

you let us know which when you get the nerve

Why in the world do you need my input on this so badly? Just come up with something that makes you feel a little better about yourself and I'll sign off on it. No problem!

Use some good adjectives though. I like adjectives.


sorry if i am hitting too close to home, i know you must feel a little guilty knowing what a vile piece of human trash bigots and racists are...
Try being a REAL Patriot and be thankful and happily pay taxes to the country that made you possible.
Myopic twits...

Says the liberals who HATE this nation, accuse our founders being hateful racists, cry for oppresive Communist control, and disrespect the flag AND the men & women who serve it....

I told you that if you stood in line patiently we would get you some medication.

It will be worth the wait, you will no longer be stunningly ignorant or entirely full of shit if you take it as prescribed.

Yeah losers like you would be happy having the government decide what profession you will work in and you would be more than satisfied waiting in a mile long line for your monthly shitty rations rather than work hard and make money....

Of course you lazy fucking progressives think communism is just sitting on your ass all day playing video games - like you have some sort of a choice...

You fucks would find communism extremely unpleasant when you're working 65 hours a week for remedial rations of shitty bread, cheese and booze. McDonalds would look like Heaven then....
Only liberals are on welfare? Talk about self righteous with a huge dose of obtuse.

No - but only liberals are proud to be on welfare and make a concerted effort to stay on it for life...

Youve accused ME of being a liberal. Ive never been on welfare...and never will.

So its not ALL liberals then right? Just the ones that are actually on welfare.

But not Michelle Bachman who gets farm subsidies, or Walmart who gets LAND donated to them for their stores, or any of the other multibillion dollar corporations reciving government hand outs. Theyre all ok right?

Of course companies get land donated to them! After all they are going to hire workers, pay taxes. A gift of land is a cheap price to pay. Actually the land isn't ever given, there is a grace period of usually five years before they have to pay for the land.

Sometimes liberals are so stupid they follow their heads right up their own asses.
Nick Nick Nick

I employ more people than you know...

I make my money off of you by working in a profession, I am 100 times smarter, more mature and more successful than you will ever be.

white = racist
minority = bigot

you let us know which when you get the nerve

Why in the world do you need my input on this so badly? Just come up with something that makes you feel a little better about yourself and I'll sign off on it. No problem!

Use some good adjectives though. I like adjectives.


sorry if i am hitting too close to home, i know you must feel a little guilty knowing what a vile piece of human trash bigots and racists are...

Indeed, I am deeply wounded. I'm begging for your mercy. Please, stop hurting me.

Aw, come on, come up with something! I was looking forward to this!

OOH, and "vile piece of human trash" - another name I've been called for daring to disagree with what Obama said! Cool, thanks, it's on the list!

Says the liberals who HATE this nation, accuse our founders being hateful racists, cry for oppresive Communist control, and disrespect the flag AND the men & women who serve it....

I told you that if you stood in line patiently we would get you some medication.

It will be worth the wait, you will no longer be stunningly ignorant or entirely full of shit if you take it as prescribed.

Yeah losers like you would be happy having the government decide what profession you will work in and you would be more than satisfied waiting in a mile long line for your monthly shitty rations rather than work hard and make money....

That's the way the UN runs things in Africa. Much of Africa is in the third generation of people who have no idea how to feed themselves other than standing in line at a UN feeding station. But, they don't have to work.
No - but only liberals are proud to be on welfare and make a concerted effort to stay on it for life...

Youve accused ME of being a liberal. Ive never been on welfare...and never will.

So its not ALL liberals then right? Just the ones that are actually on welfare.

But not Michelle Bachman who gets farm subsidies, or Walmart who gets LAND donated to them for their stores, or any of the other multibillion dollar corporations reciving government hand outs. Theyre all ok right?

Of course companies get land donated to them! After all they are going to hire workers, pay taxes. A gift of land is a cheap price to pay. Actually the land isn't ever given, there is a grace period of usually five years before they have to pay for the land.

Sometimes liberals are so stupid they follow their heads right up their own asses.

Chubby Checker would be proud of the way you can twist and turn when your complete and total hypocrisy is shoved in your butt ugly, white, fat, old face...:lol:
Nick Nick Nick

I employ more people than you know...

I make my money off of you by working in a profession, I am 100 times smarter, more mature and more successful than you will ever be.


Given your previous posts.....I don't believe you....at all.

More mature ????? ROTFLMAO
Nick Nick Nick

I employ more people than you know...

I make my money off of you by working in a profession, I am 100 times smarter, more mature and more successful than you will ever be.


Given your previous posts.....I don't believe you....at all.

More mature ????? ROTFLMAO

Oh, 1000 times more mature, yes.

You see, the way a mature older responsible man acts in the face of such severe racism, hate, intolerance and bigotry, such as every single one of your guys posts, is to put it right back in your face.

That way we make sure you understand you will never, not ever, win...we will fight you every step of the way, bigot
To accomplish the REVOLUTION Vidi, to accomplish the REVOLUTION, not for all purposes for all reasons for the rest of their lives. To a man they were almost 100% opposed to ANY form of welfare state or ANY action of government that would obligate anybody beyond the most narrow of definitions.

Except once the Revolution was over, they wrote the Constitution and formed a nation instead of staying as individual states.

Again, they united for the common good.

Im sorry but the facts of history simply do not support your narrative.

They united for the common good, not to provide the common welfare. They united for mutual protection, mutual recognition and defense of unalienable rights, and mutual expectation that everybody would prosper as he or she was able. Ben Franklin's remark pretty well summed up their view of giving other a hand up vs a hand out:

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”​

Again, the Founders to a man were opposed to any form of welfare state or on any restriction on freedom imposed by the federal government. The Constitution was designed to impose the necessary regulation to prevent the states from ganging up on each other, and then would recognize and respect and defend our unalienable rights and then leave us alone to live our lives and form whatever sort of society we wished to have.

The Founders had absolutely no intention of EVER allowing the federal government to become what governments are in other countries.

When the Founders used the word welfare, they didnt mean what we mean when we say welfare. When we talk about welfare we mean government assistance for the poor.

But they were concerned about the welfare of the nation. Perhaps thats what you mean when you say common good.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.

general Welfare I believe means as you put it, the common good.

Now what is in the common good? Isnt THAT what we are really arguing? Obviously we have the bat shit crazy posts all around us, but in the end, arent the two sides simply arguing about what is the common good?

IN MY OPINION, the way the current system is being run is pushing too much of the wealth towards the top 1%. In 2010, 93% of ALL new wealth created went to that top 1%. The bottom 99% shared the remaining 7% of all new wealth.

New wealth MUST be created as the population grows. If new wealth is NOT created, then it becomes a zero sum game and that leads to civil unrest. But new welath is also the indicator of opportunity. You know the whole land of opportunity thing? Without that opportunity, we fall into a class based society, which is diametrically opposed to the principles we pretend the Founders based our country on. ( I say pretend because obviously slavery and requiring land ownership to vote were about class...but hey they were only human. Great humans but still only human ) So we need to stop the imbalance on the scales and provide the opportunity...not a handout, not a guarantee...but the oppotunity that once existed in this country for even the average working joe.

Its not about being opposed to rich people. Its about ensuring that there are no obstacles to OTHER people working their asses off and becoming rich themselves. And I dont mean uberrich...just wealthy.

As far as the founder not intending the government to be like other governments that is certainly true. But I would argue that OTHER governments throughout the world have become more like us then we have become like them.

My only regret is that I haven't kept track of all the names I've been called because I didn't like what Obama said about business owners. Just a few, off the top of my pointy little head:

Fucking idiot
Vile piece of human trash <-- favorite so far!


Update in red!


This whole general welfare argument could end if we made everything equal and fair, my challenge

take everything away from everyone, give everyone the same thing, baggers would be BEGGING for govt intervention within hours
Thanks for the depression, morons. Blame the victims of your greedy rich masters...

There are as many white Pubs as White Dems on assistance, they're just the loudmouth racist cheats...your stereotypes of blacks, victims of your bigotry, are disgusting. Let's try opportunities in education and training and taxing the bloated rich fairly...Voodoo and deregulation is a catastrophe...see sig pp1.
I told you that if you stood in line patiently we would get you some medication.

It will be worth the wait, you will no longer be stunningly ignorant or entirely full of shit if you take it as prescribed.

Yeah losers like you would be happy having the government decide what profession you will work in and you would be more than satisfied waiting in a mile long line for your monthly shitty rations rather than work hard and make money....

That's the way the UN runs things in Africa. Much of Africa is in the third generation of people who have no idea how to feed themselves other than standing in line at a UN feeding station. But, they don't have to work.

In one of my bakery I have three very intelligent and very hard working immigrants from Nigeria. The stories they have relayed to me tell me that you dont have a clue as to what youre talking about. And I say that NOT to attack you but to make a point.

The real problem in Africa is they dont have what we have here. A society protected by a government that allows for real opportunity.

You should look at Africa as a lesson of what happens when money controls governments instead of the people.
This whole general welfare argument could end if we made everything equal and fair, my challenge

take everything away from everyone, give everyone the same thing, baggers would be BEGGING for govt intervention within hours
It would end if you STFU and crawled back into the sewer from whence you slithered.

Or maybe not...But we'd be willing to risk it.
Why don't you move to a country where you pay more taxes if it makes you so happy ?

I keep pointing out that Cuba would love to have you and we would love to be rid of your sorry liberal ass.

Because they know that in Cuba - everyone is just like them - a worthless parasites. So they have no one to mooch off of like they do here. Despite falsely demonizing conservatives to further their Communist agenda, they know they need us conservatives to provide for them.

Actually, remember Michael Moores Sicko? He took people to Cuba to get perscription drugs? And the bottle of pills was like 12 bucks whereas the woman was paying over 100 here in the States?

They get their drugs so cheap because BigPharma is making its money off of US.

Maybe we ought to find a way to stop paying for Cubas perscription drugs huh?

PS and dont say you didnt see it. There was a big hubbub about it in the news and Im sure everyone on this forum was screaming about that pinko Michael Moore for at least a week.

You don't know shit about exchange rates do you??

Of course in your ignorant mind $12.00 US is the same as $12.00 in Cuba, China, Japan, UAE etc.. Funny how I can go to Mexico and get a beer for .50 cents at the bar but here in the US I pay $3.00. Of course you probably just see that is greed and not economics because you're a fucking idiot.

You progressives turn economic ignorance into an art form.....
Really? God gave you your rights? The Constitution says so?

Please provide us with the exact quote in the Constitution that says God gave you your rights.

Please be sure its the CONSTITUTION youre thinking of...its late and you may have had a few drinks by now...so I wont be too hard on you for screwing this one up.

Actually it's in the Declaration of Independence...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

These rights ARE indeed given to us by the Creator. Not by government.
The US Constitution takes this premise to the extent that the Framers wrote a LIMITING document. In other words WE hold the power to LIMIT government. Not the other way around.
This irritates leftists. Obama is especially disturbed by the limits placed upon him by the Constitution. Hence the reason he acts unilaterally with his arrogance and belligerence toward the Three Branch System with his executive orders.

I am aware that it was the Declaration that said those three rights ( and others not named ) were given by our God. But I was also giving T the benefit of it being late and possibly three beers into his evening :)

however, then you go off the deep end with the leftists hate the Constitution nonsense.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.

hmmm...no where in there does it say we wrote this to limit the power of government. However, I will concede that the Bil of Rights does indeed have a limiting function in that it limits the ability of the government to infringe upon the rights of the people.

However, to make statements about Obamas feeling on the subject is just ridiculous. Has he told you personally that he doesnt like the limits placed upon him by the Constitution? or are you inferring this from what you personally percieve as Constitutional violations?

As far as I know, the ONLY President in recent history to comment on the limits was W. Bush when he joked that it would be easier if it were a dictatorship...and he wasnt wrong. And it was funny ( though many people with very large sticks lodged firmly up their butts did not see the humor in it. Fuck those people )

But you really need to look at it objectively...and its very hard to claim objectivity when you accuse Obama of beligerance and arrogance.
BULLSHIT......The US Constitution IS a limiting document.
You fucking libs are infamous for your moral relativisim.
You people believe that anything goes based on the uncivilized notion of "well, no one said I couldn't."
Right here buckaroo is all that matters...Amendment X..
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
In other words, and I will make this simple for you....If the Constitution does not specifically grant a power or authority to the federal government, the government DOES NOT have such power or authority. Period.

BTW, you post the Preamble to the US Constitution and expect to get away with that drive by nonsense? Forget it.
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