"You didn't get there on your own"

This is the second time you've mentioned this. Are you looking for a pat on the head and a biscuit?

No, an answer will do. I'd ask for a rational answer, but I must consider my audience.

Let me ask you this: Without Microsoft Visual Studio and C# could you have accomplished your goal?

Of course, but it would have taken a lot longer and probably returned inferior results - just as small business could achieve goals without roads, but with inferior resulst.

If the answer is "yes" then you have your answer. If it is "no", you still have your answer...

So, then you would have to agree that Obama is a blow hard who was talking shit?

So Microsoft helped you get your intended result. IOW, you agree with Obama's analogy. Good, now we're getting somewhere....
This is the second time you've mentioned this. Are you looking for a pat on the head and a biscuit?

No, an answer will do. I'd ask for a rational answer, but I must consider my audience.

Of course, but it would have taken a lot longer and probably returned inferior results - just as small business could achieve goals without roads, but with inferior resulst.

If the answer is "yes" then you have your answer. If it is "no", you still have your answer...

So, then you would have to agree that Obama is a blow hard who was talking shit?

So Microsoft helped you get your intended result. IOW, you agree with Obama's analogy. Good, now we're getting somewhere....

NO, Uncensored took the TIME to write it WITH the program provided...ON HIS TIME.

Obama had ZERO to do with it, NOR did GOVERNMENT.
This is the second time you've mentioned this. Are you looking for a pat on the head and a biscuit?

Let me ask you this: Without Microsoft Visual Studio and C# could you have accomplished your goal?

If the answer is "yes" then you have your answer. If it is "no", you still have your answer...

Grump? You're OUT of your league. YOU have been caught...and are writing nonsense. UTTER...nonsense.

I think you have some jealous sheep that need tending [That IS if you are where you SAY YOU are]?

Personally? *I* Think you're a LIAR.

YOU are no where near where you say you are. YOU are a PLANT...and paid to be here.

And I think you're drunk.

T, you could go to college for the next four years, study your arse off, and you still wouldn't be in my league....

i don't give a tinkers DAMN what YOU think. And *I* am So far fucking above YOU you couldn't handle it.

And precisely WHY YOU answer what you do...YOU ASSUME.

I could run rings around you before YOu ever knew what happened...and I did just that.
No, an answer will do. I'd ask for a rational answer, but I must consider my audience.

Of course, but it would have taken a lot longer and probably returned inferior results - just as small business could achieve goals without roads, but with inferior resulst.

So, then you would have to agree that Obama is a blow hard who was talking shit?

So Microsoft helped you get your intended result. IOW, you agree with Obama's analogy. Good, now we're getting somewhere....

NO, Uncensored took the TIME to write it WITH the program provided...ON HIS TIME.

Obama had ZERO to do with it, NOR did GOVERNMENT.

Um, that last part. You'll get no argument from me.

How about you actually bone up on what is being discussed before putting your oar in? Otherwise you look sillier than usual....
"You didn't get there on your own"
i don't give a tinkers DAMN what YOU think. And *I* am So far fucking above YOU you couldn't handle it.

And precisely WHY YOU answer what you do...YOU ASSUME.

I could run rings around you before YOu ever knew what happened...and I did just that.

Sure you did...<wink>...

Did you WINK at me? Really?

Again? I restate.


It's NOT about "the commons" -- it's about the "collective".. Again -- he set the tone by trying to make the Collectivist argument that ALL Labor and ALL contributions are equal "because a lot of folks work hard".. It's not what he said about roads and bridges. It was his attempt to measure contributions in equal Buckets O' Sweat.. That anyone that sweats and has a brain gets equal credit.

He said no such thing....
Did you actually listen to the whole vid, or just cherry pick? Seriously?

Ahh yes. The old "you cherry pick" argument. Horseradish.
Your side cannot stand it when one of yours gets caught in a web of their own words.
Anyone can listen to his remarks for themselves, so it's stupid for you to claim we didn't hear what we plainly heard.

Obama revealed his cloven hoof and accidentally told the world that he's a Marxist to the core.

cloven hoof? Now hes the anti christ?

and you expect ANYONE to take you seriously, nutjob?

That's called a rhetorical flourish, nimrod. It isn't meant to be taken literally.

Hey based on the rest of your posts, nutjob, its not even a little stretch.

Now go back to fingerpainting with your own feces, the nurse will be along in a minute with your meds.
No, Obama wasn't speaking for "society". He was speaking for GOVERNMENT. And no, they aren't the same thing.


another idiot in desperate need of a civics class....sigh

do you have any concept of what self governance means? at all?

In the case of a republic, like this one, it means that we elect a bunch of people, who then hire a bunch of other people, and they run the government for us so that we don't have to devote our entire lives to casting ballots on every little fucking thing that comes along.

Sadly, in our case, it also means that we have allowed those elected people, and the bureaucrats they hired, to set themselves up as essentially a separate entity from the people governed, with a monstrous appetite for our money in order to shore up their power bases.

None of this has fuck-all to do with the self-evident fact that government is not society. If YOU had ever taken a civics class, rather than assuming your dipshit leftist opinion constituted civics, you would know that government is, at best, a tool of society, and at worst, a burden upon it. It IS NOT society.

Wow, all I read is blah blah blah you live in fear of everything.

ROFL! Now we get to the nut of the issue. As we all knew from the beginning, this whole tirade is just a ploy to justify raising taxes. What is the "this" we need to pay for? Most of our taxes go to provide sustenance for parasites. Very little goes to building roads and bridges. What we really need to do is cut off the parasites.

Fuck off.

I'll never agree to turning over more of my paycheck to parasites. You can go stick your head on the chopping block if you like, but you aren't taking me with you if I can do anything about it.

Typical selfish America hating response.

Keep up the good work, Kingsman.

In other words, you have no facts or logic to support your case.

No it means I cannot argue with crazy...( hint:thats you )
Obama's off-the-cuff remarks are consistent with his theme of more government and Joe Biden's statement that "paying taxes is patriotic".

This is a point that's being overlooked (gee, I wonder why). Obama's comments were questionable if taken in a vacuum, but they fit right into the theme that Obama and the Democrats are anti-business. It's a little tougher to believe the spin when taken in the larger context.

And then there is the passage that pissed me off, personally - "I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there."

That's the President of the United States first putting words (bolded, to make it simple) into the mouths of business owners, and then mocking them for those words. Does anyone else recall such a statement from a President?

You say you know what we think? You don't. You couldn't.

And business owners don't talk about what you claim. I'm with them every day. They're too busy trying to keep the doors open.

You can't spin an insult.


Y'know, I've brought this up at least a couple of times now, and I can't get any of the spinners to provide a response.

I realize it can't be spun with the diversionary "roads and bridges" schtick, but can't you come up with something else here?


Im going to give you some credit there Mac.

Thats an interesting point. I will try to answer it.

Look at the arguments on this forum. Not just this thread but this forum.

"They WORKED for it" is a big one. "They EARNED it!" is another one along the same lines. Its said repeatedly by those that would defend the top 1% gaining 90+% ( I believe the stat is 93% but Im unsure ) of all new wealth created in this country.

With so MANY on the right making that statement, is the President REALLY putting words in their mouths or is he simply answering the argument we've all heard so many times?
I couldnt agree with you more. Which is WHY I support a MAJOR raise in taxes. WE need to pay for this. Not our children or our grandchildren...US!

Look, since the Reagan years ( back in high school ) all I heard was how my generation was going to be the first to do worse than our parents because of the rising debt. And its only gotten worse. The Baby Boomers really fucked us, lets just be honest about that. They put everything on a credit card and pushed the bill onto the next generation...talk about taxation without representation huh?...well, that next generation is US.

It wont be easy. Hell, after world war 2 the top tax rate was 91%!!!!!!! Thats crazy, but thats what was required to get the country on track and turn it into the superpower that it became.

Now Im not saying we should go back to 91% by any means, but the difference is the "greatest generation" were willing to make the sacrifices neccessary to provide for the future of this great nation.

Are we?

We don't need "a MAJOR raise in taxes". We don't need ANY raise in taxes. What we need is disingenous, greedy assholes like you to stop hiding behind "roads and bridges" to justify trillions of dollars in spending on shit that has NOTHING to do with infrastructure, or ANY proper function of government.

Show us a MAJOR cut in frivolous spending, and then we'll talk.

go back in my posts and find a single statement I made about being in favor of RAISING spending. ANYWHERE. ANY THREAD.

Go ahead.

Until you can find one, stop making assinine assumptions about who you think I am and what my political leanings may or may not be.

Go on. Find ONE statement I have made EVER in favor of raising spending!!!!!!!

Straw man. Go find ONE statement where I EVER said you wanted to RAISE spending. S'matter, dickbreath? You don't understand English?
No, an answer will do. I'd ask for a rational answer, but I must consider my audience.

Of course, but it would have taken a lot longer and probably returned inferior results - just as small business could achieve goals without roads, but with inferior resulst.

So, then you would have to agree that Obama is a blow hard who was talking shit?

So Microsoft helped you get your intended result. IOW, you agree with Obama's analogy. Good, now we're getting somewhere....

NO, Uncensored took the TIME to write it WITH the program provided...ON HIS TIME.

Obama had ZERO to do with it, NOR did GOVERNMENT.

And he's not obligated to be overwhelmed with gratitude to Microsoft, either, since I am quite sure he legally bought and paid for the programs he used.

Only people who have never accomplished or achieved anything feel the need to give the credit to the tools, rather than the craftsman who wields them.

Of course, these are also people who think guns kill people, rather than the person pulling the trigger, so at least they're consistent.
If they are neutral then by all means, please, go to an island without them and the rest of a civilized society, start a business and report back how well you have done without them.

Others have already done it...

Here's a few:

Turks and Caicos Meridian Club Caribbean Island Resort

Guana Island | Private Island Resort | British Virgin Islands | BVI

Palm Island St Vincent & The Grenadines Resort - Caribbean Island Vacation Resort

All private roads... Amazing....

another idiot in desperate need of a civics class....sigh

do you have any concept of what self governance means? at all?

In the case of a republic, like this one, it means that we elect a bunch of people, who then hire a bunch of other people, and they run the government for us so that we don't have to devote our entire lives to casting ballots on every little fucking thing that comes along.

Sadly, in our case, it also means that we have allowed those elected people, and the bureaucrats they hired, to set themselves up as essentially a separate entity from the people governed, with a monstrous appetite for our money in order to shore up their power bases.

None of this has fuck-all to do with the self-evident fact that government is not society. If YOU had ever taken a civics class, rather than assuming your dipshit leftist opinion constituted civics, you would know that government is, at best, a tool of society, and at worst, a burden upon it. It IS NOT society.

Wow, all I read is blah blah blah you live in fear of everything.


Spoken like someone with nothing to say, and no balls to admit it. Your surrender is duly noted. You may go.
I just finished building an 8'X16' garden shed.

In Obama's world all the credit should go to Dewalt for making my tools, right?

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