"You didn't get there on your own"

A retard is only able to blurt out short sentences between drools...that would be YOU Frank...:lol:

I mostly ignore you because you are a cut & paste monkey. But honestly, do you think anyone actually reads the idiocy you post here? Don't you figure that if I wanted to know what Alternet or ThinkProgress had to say, I would log on to those hate sites and read their shit directly?

Look, you're a leftist, a drone, original thought is discouraged in you, but perhaps if you posted your own ideas once in a great while, others would read your posts.

And not to mention long, dull, quite frankly boring posts. He hasn't learned the old Shakespearean Axiom that tells us that brevity is the sould of wit.
Look, you're a leftist, a drone, original thought is discouraged in you, but perhaps if you posted your own ideas once in a great while, others would read your posts.

And not to mention long, dull, quite frankly boring posts. He hasn't learned the old Shakespearean Axiom that tells us that brevity is the sould of wit.

I read the posts, but find them difficult to respond to. There is so much B.S. in one place.

I'd prefer to handle them more part by part. But then Bf gets all bent out of shape. Seems he can't index to anything that does not look like his manual.
Look, you're a leftist, a drone, original thought is discouraged in you, but perhaps if you posted your own ideas once in a great while, others would read your posts.

And not to mention long, dull, quite frankly boring posts. He hasn't learned the old Shakespearean Axiom that tells us that brevity is the sould of wit.

I read the posts, but find them difficult to respond to. There is so much B.S. in one place.

I'd prefer to handle them more part by part. But then Bf gets all bent out of shape. Seems he can't index to anything that does not look like his manual.

Exactly, and why I tend to ignore his tripe.
Stuff you and others already paid for should be paid for again. Such logic from a president.

I wrote an application the other day, it interfaced with the company ERP and a counting scale to ensure kitting of parts to a BOM.

I used Microsoft Visual Studio and C#, so I didn't make that, Microsoft did - at least according to leftists. Still, I spent an awful lot of time writing code to accomplish a purpose per my design, but in the Obama world, I didn't write that.
Stuff you and others already paid for should be paid for again. Such logic from a president.

I wrote an application the other day, it interfaced with the company ERP and a counting scale to ensure kitting of parts to a BOM.

I used Microsoft Visual Studio and C#, so I didn't make that, Microsoft did - at least according to leftists. Still, I spent an awful lot of time writing code to accomplish a purpose per my design, but in the Obama world, I didn't write that.

nope, anyone who has accomplished anything didn't do that, they had help!! So, we should all give all our money to Barry and let him distribute it based on his formula about who helped who and how much .

I'm praying for November to get this subversive out of there!
So when he said "people like me can afford to pay more" he was referring to small business owners. So Obama earned $1.7 million in 2011 and $5.5 million in 2010. And this is what the average small business owner earns? Ooookaayy....Wow, small business owners must be at the end of the rainbow!

If Obama can pay more, great.

Who is he to speak for others on this subject ?

What data does he have, or is this another one his comments that just shows he has this as a basic fabric of his approach to the rich ?

Also, where does he talk about real spending cuts ?

I'll vote for raising taxes on the rich. 1 dollar of tax increase for every 4 dollars of cuts (including SS. and Medicare).

Yep, and that is what he was saying. It's there. You can even hear him say it yourself if you have a mind.

Um, he is the President. Just in case you don't know he is the one who sets policy and takes on board what others in Congress want to do. That includes the issue of taxes. That is who he is to speak on the subject.
Liberals: Obama didn't say what he said (even though we have video, and transcripts), well he said what he said but he meant something completely different than what he said and how dare Conservatives misinterpret what he said even though he said it, because it wasn't meant to be interpreted exactly how Obama said it, it was meant to mean something different than how Conservatives interpreted it.... Phew... I think I got it now.

Er, not even close.

Here I'll help you. This is what you meant: "Obama said some shit that dissed busineses. Even though he didn't say that at all, if I repeat it enough, I'm hoping some people will believe it. And even if they don't believe it, and he didn't say it, I don't care. I'm a partisan hack and I will be heard!"

Now say thank you...

The only people that don't get exactly what Obama said either have no grasp for the English language at all, or are simply partisan hacks spinning away on damage control duty in a vain attempt to hide the person who revealed to the public exactly who he was... Obama the socialist.

And you are a vacuous Moron who seems to mangle the English language like a Chihuahua with a toilet roll. Anybody who puts the words “Obama” and “socialist” in the same sentence is just begging not to be taken seriously.
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The only people that don't get exactly what Obama said either have no grasp for the English language at all, or are simply partisan hacks spinning away on damage control duty in a vain attempt to hide the person who revealed to the public exactly who he was... Obama the socialist.

Gump is a Chicago socialist pretending to be a Sheep Shagger because leftists like him hate America and it's really cool to not be American...

Visited the Clean Zone yet No Sense? I know the standard of debate is a little high brow for you, but you might actually learn something...

...meh, too much to ask...
Er, not even close.

Here I'll help you. This is what you meant: "Obama said some shit that dissed busineses. Even though he didn't say that at all, if I repeat it enough, I'm hoping some people will believe it. And even if they don't believe it, and he didn't say it, I don't care. I'm a partisan hack and I will be heard!"

Now say thank you...


F**k you.

Spin all you want asswipe. It's out there.

No, what is out there is what he actually said. Not what you neocon whackjobs hope he said. Two different things...;o)

F**k you.

Spin all you want asswipe. It's out there.

Gump is in a panic. Obama blurted out what he believes, which was simply meant to foster hatred with his core constituents against business owners. All part of the class warfare and general demagoguery that define this shameful administration.

The only issue was that the business owners didn't appreciate Obama scapegoating them. Obama and his team don't grasp why they should object to being scapegoats."

The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong in this one....
Liberals: Obama didn't say what he said (even though we have video, and transcripts), well he said what he said but he meant something completely different than what he said and how dare Conservatives misinterpret what he said even though he said it, because it wasn't meant to be interpreted exactly how Obama said it, it was meant to mean something different than how Conservatives interpreted it.... Phew... I think I got it now.

Er, not even close.

Here I'll help you. This is what you meant: "Obama said some shit that dissed busineses. Even though he didn't say that at all, if I repeat it enough, I'm hoping some people will believe it. And even if they don't believe it, and he didn't say it, I don't care. I'm a partisan hack and I will be heard!"

Now say thank you...

Here's Obama without the Context Filter

"If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." - Barack "You didn't build that" Obama

Now here's the same statement through the Obama Context Filter

"Yo! Mitten Robmoney! Where's da damn tax returns?"

See how easy that is?

Wow! In my world it's called "Cherrypicking words out of context". Interesting game to play, but it doesn't advance your POV one iota, and makes you look like a partisan hack.

Hold on a sec...Oh, it's you CF. Now it makes sense...carry on...
Liberals: Obama didn't say what he said (even though we have video, and transcripts), well he said what he said but he meant something completely different than what he said and how dare Conservatives misinterpret what he said even though he said it, because it wasn't meant to be interpreted exactly how Obama said it, it was meant to mean something different than how Conservatives interpreted it.... Phew... I think I got it now.

Er, not even close.

Here I'll help you. This is what you meant: "Obama said some shit that dissed busineses. Even though he didn't say that at all, if I repeat it enough, I'm hoping some people will believe it. And even if they don't believe it, and he didn't say it, I don't care. I'm a partisan hack and I will be heard!"

Now say thank you...

:lol:Kind of sounds like your volume control is broke on your TV. Try and get it fixed.

More like a lot of white noise from ODS patients....
Visited the Clean Zone yet No Sense? I know the standard of debate is a little high brow for you, but you might actually learn something...

...meh, too much to ask...

I didn't think I'd like it, Gump. But actually, it's not bad. Leftists don't do well because of the need to post facts and support them, you know, tasks beyond your abilities.
Visited the Clean Zone yet No Sense? I know the standard of debate is a little high brow for you, but you might actually learn something...

...meh, too much to ask...

I didn't think I'd like it, Gump. But actually, it's not bad. Leftists don't do well because of the need to post facts and support them, you know, tasks beyond your abilities.

You must be biting down on a stick every time you post there.....

You wouldn't know a fact if it sat down next to you, had a beer and told you its life story....
The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong in this one....

Hey Gump;

I wrote an application the other day, it interfaced with the company ERP and a counting scale to ensure kitting of parts to a BOM.

I used Microsoft Visual Studio and C#, so I didn't make that, Microsoft did - at least according to leftists. Still, I spent an awful lot of time writing code to accomplish a purpose per my design.

So, did I write the program? Did Microsoft? I mean, I used Microsoft development tools. Did Dennis Ritchie? I used a derivative of the C language.

Or did Obama write it?
The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong in this one....

Hey Gump;

I wrote an application the other day, it interfaced with the company ERP and a counting scale to ensure kitting of parts to a BOM.

I used Microsoft Visual Studio and C#, so I didn't make that, Microsoft did - at least according to leftists. Still, I spent an awful lot of time writing code to accomplish a purpose per my design.

So, did I write the program? Did Microsoft? I mean, I used Microsoft development tools. Did Dennis Ritchie? I used a derivative of the C language.

Or did Obama write it?

The ROADS and Infrastruture did with Obama as the overseer.
The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong in this one....

Hey Gump;

I wrote an application the other day, it interfaced with the company ERP and a counting scale to ensure kitting of parts to a BOM.

I used Microsoft Visual Studio and C#, so I didn't make that, Microsoft did - at least according to leftists. Still, I spent an awful lot of time writing code to accomplish a purpose per my design.

So, did I write the program? Did Microsoft? I mean, I used Microsoft development tools. Did Dennis Ritchie? I used a derivative of the C language.

Or did Obama write it?

This is the second time you've mentioned this. Are you looking for a pat on the head and a biscuit?

Let me ask you this: Without Microsoft Visual Studio and C# could you have accomplished your goal?

If the answer is "yes" then you have your answer. If it is "no", you still have your answer...
This is the second time you've mentioned this. Are you looking for a pat on the head and a biscuit?

No, an answer will do. I'd ask for a rational answer, but I must consider my audience.

Let me ask you this: Without Microsoft Visual Studio and C# could you have accomplished your goal?

Of course, but it would have taken a lot longer and probably returned inferior results - just as small business could achieve goals without roads, but with inferior resulst.

If the answer is "yes" then you have your answer. If it is "no", you still have your answer...

So, then you would have to agree that Obama is a blow hard who was talking shit?
The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong in this one....

Hey Gump;

I wrote an application the other day, it interfaced with the company ERP and a counting scale to ensure kitting of parts to a BOM.

I used Microsoft Visual Studio and C#, so I didn't make that, Microsoft did - at least according to leftists. Still, I spent an awful lot of time writing code to accomplish a purpose per my design.

So, did I write the program? Did Microsoft? I mean, I used Microsoft development tools. Did Dennis Ritchie? I used a derivative of the C language.

Or did Obama write it?

This is the second time you've mentioned this. Are you looking for a pat on the head and a biscuit?

Let me ask you this: Without Microsoft Visual Studio and C# could you have accomplished your goal?

If the answer is "yes" then you have your answer. If it is "no", you still have your answer...

Grump? You're OUT of your league. YOU have been caught...and are writing nonsense. UTTER...nonsense.

I think you have some jealous sheep that need tending [That IS if you are where you SAY YOU are]?

Personally? *I* Think you're a LIAR.

YOU are no where near where you say you are. YOU are a PLANT...and paid to be here.
Hey Gump;

I wrote an application the other day, it interfaced with the company ERP and a counting scale to ensure kitting of parts to a BOM.

I used Microsoft Visual Studio and C#, so I didn't make that, Microsoft did - at least according to leftists. Still, I spent an awful lot of time writing code to accomplish a purpose per my design.

So, did I write the program? Did Microsoft? I mean, I used Microsoft development tools. Did Dennis Ritchie? I used a derivative of the C language.

Or did Obama write it?

This is the second time you've mentioned this. Are you looking for a pat on the head and a biscuit?

Let me ask you this: Without Microsoft Visual Studio and C# could you have accomplished your goal?

If the answer is "yes" then you have your answer. If it is "no", you still have your answer...

Grump? You're OUT of your league. YOU have been caught...and are writing nonsense. UTTER...nonsense.

I think you have some jealous sheep that need tending [That IS if you are where you SAY YOU are]?

Personally? *I* Think you're a LIAR.

YOU are no where near where you say you are. YOU are a PLANT...and paid to be here.

And I think you're drunk.

T, you could go to college for the next four years, study your arse off, and you still wouldn't be in my league....

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