"You didn't get there on your own"

Sorry Buckwheat, but O'Bummer said it, we ALL heard it and those of us with more than 2 operative brain cells clearly got the message. Of course, when you hear the cheers in the crowd he's addressing you realize that they got THEIR message, too.


There you go, trying to put yourself into the group with your betters again. Like you said, 2 operative brain cells are required to be in that group, you clearly dont qualify.
They all took roads and bridges and had teachers. So then, that is an argument that we should steal money from all of them??

How does BO make it into an argument that government should just steal from the rich??

Your other thread on this was merged, so you start yet another one? Blatantly defying the mods on the board?

Now youre a spammer.

why merged if the arguments are 100% different??

The fact that you think your argument is any different than in the thread that the mods already destroyed only illustrates how little merit your argument holds.
No one’s ever made an ‘argument’ the government should ‘steal’ from the rich.

sure BO did when he said they didn't do it on their own. The idea was that it could be stolen since it wasn't really their own.

Everyone benefits from the contributions of others, including that which citizens contribute to government.

is there a human being on earth who disagrees???????

All private businesses, large and small, benefit from the services provided by government; both the individual citizen and the corporate citizen benefit.

and all poor and middle class benefit even more from services provided from government; so we should steal from them even more??

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


I'd love to see this conversation expand into confronting businesses that out source jobs to 3rd world countries. Let the CEO's live in the squalor their wages support.
Sorry Buckwheat, but O'Bummer said it, we ALL heard it and those of us with more than 2 operative brain cells clearly got the message. Of course, when you hear the cheers in the crowd he's addressing you realize that they got THEIR message, too.


Really? That is what you got out of the video?
Talk about bullshit....

What exactly did you get out of the video, because what Obama said, and please ask me to provide the videos because I'll gladly do so, parrots the exact position of socialist and far-leftists. That business owners and individuals are not to blame for their own prosperity.

Listen, I'm fine with Obama being a communist, I just wish he didn't feel compelled to lie and misrepresent what he believes. How you can sit there and attempt, unsuccessfully, to say that what he said is not what he said is absurd, but once again it is a demonstration at the depths of the mass willful delusion that those on the left constantly find themselves. It is a symptom of constantly having to be in the closet as it were. :lol::lol:
No one’s ever made an ‘argument’ the government should ‘steal’ from the rich.

sure BO did when he said they didn't do it on their own. The idea was that it could be stolen since it wasn't really their own.

Everyone benefits from the contributions of others, including that which citizens contribute to government.

is there a human being on earth who disagrees???????

All private businesses, large and small, benefit from the services provided by government; both the individual citizen and the corporate citizen benefit.

and all poor and middle class benefit even more from services provided from government; so we should steal from them even more??

No Obama never said that. Im sure you HEARD that. But you cant blame Obama for your medication not working.
Your other thread on this was merged, so you start yet another one? Blatantly defying the mods on the board?

Now youre a spammer.

why merged if the arguments are 100% different??

The fact that you think your argument is any different than in the thread that the mods already destroyed only illustrates how little merit your argument holds.

if little merit why be so afraid to show why exactly?? Why does your fear tell us about your IQ and character. Its easier to pretend like a child isn't it??

Translation: As a liberal I lack the IQ for substance so find personal attack meaningful
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Let the CEO's live in the squalor their wages support.

pure perfect liberal ignorance!!

People take the jobs in China because they are better paying jobs!!!!
Wages in China have doubled in the last 8 years.

In 1985 the Chinese purchased 5000 cars , this year they will purchase 18 million!!

Under liberal squalor, before Republican capitalism, 60 million slowly starved to death!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will have a low IQ?? CEO's are modern saints who literally breath life into people.
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why merged if the arguments are 100% different??

The fact that you think your argument is any different than in the thread that the mods already destroyed only illustrates how little merit your argument holds.

if little merit why be so afraid to show why exactly?? Why does your fear tell us about your IQ and character. Its easier to pretend like a child isn't it??

Translation: As a liberal I lack the IQ for substance so find personal attack meaningful

REALLY? Two pages in is all it took for you to fall back to your Tell me why? 2nd grade default position? Jesus youre fucking easy. LOL pathetically easy.

And if you think Im a liberal, then you clearly have not been paying attention to my posts.
The fact that you think your argument is any different than in the thread that the mods already destroyed only illustrates how little merit your argument holds.

if little merit why be so afraid to show why exactly?? Why does your fear tell us about your IQ and character. Its easier to pretend like a child isn't it??

Translation: As a liberal I lack the IQ for substance so find personal attack meaningful

REALLY? Two pages in is all it took for you to fall back to your Tell me why? 2nd grade default position? Jesus youre fucking easy. LOL pathetically easy.

And if you think Im a liberal, then you clearly have not been paying attention to my posts.

still no substance??????? What does that tll us??

Well if ThinkProgress says it...:lol:

It really is laughable at the limited sources of information that the left relies on.

willard didn't say this?

ROMNEY: I know that you recognize a lot of people help you in a business. Perhaps the bank, the investors. There is no question your mom and dad, your school teachers. The people who provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help. But let me ask you this. Did you build your business? If you did, raise your hand. Take that Mr. President! This is what’s happening in this country. These people are entrepreneurs.

come on...we're all waiting...

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