"You didn't get there on your own"

Sorry Buckwheat, but O'Bummer said it, we ALL heard it and those of us with more than 2 operative brain cells clearly got the message. Of course, when you hear the cheers in the crowd he's addressing you realize that they got THEIR message, too.


There you go, trying to put yourself into the group with your betters again. Like you said, 2 operative brain cells are required to be in that group, you clearly dont qualify.

If you didn't hear the words he clearly spoke it can only be because you didn't WANT to. If you cheered along with that crowd you're lining up for more FREE SHIT, I don't give a damn what you try and say.

And this is the 'batshit crazy' stuff I was alluding to in that other thread, Vidi. The class warfare is coming, and you, along with everybody else, are going to have to decide which side of the fence you're going to come down on.
if little merit why be so afraid to show why exactly?? Why does your fear tell us about your IQ and character. Its easier to pretend like a child isn't it??

Translation: As a liberal I lack the IQ for substance so find personal attack meaningful

REALLY? Two pages in is all it took for you to fall back to your Tell me why? 2nd grade default position? Jesus youre fucking easy. LOL pathetically easy.

And if you think Im a liberal, then you clearly have not been paying attention to my posts.

still no substance??????? What does that tll us??

Im going to illustrate it THIS ONE TIME Little Eddie, then in ALL FUTURE exchanges with you, I am going to tell you to refer back to this post. SO you pay attention this time.

The first post of any thread should serve one of two function:

1) It should inform


2) it should question

In an informing OP to a thread, there should be information WITH some sort of evidence backing up the claim made.

In a question beginning, it should come from a genuine desire to expand ones own knowledge.

Your original post does neither of these things. Your original post is not only redundant, in that this arguement has already been covered in a 1500+ response thread but it is inflamatory with no evidence backing up its ridiculous claims, thus robbing it of any and all merit.

The fact that you decided to start not one but TWO of these threads ( after the first one was essentially for all intents and purposes deleted by the moderators ) illustrates that you are an attention seeking whore looking only to troll or to be justified in an echo chamber of other like minded nutjobs. And THAT further robs your argument of any merit whatsoever.

So in the future, when you ask someone to "Tell you why?" please feel free to refer back to this post ( hereafter known as Post 25 )as the reason you cannot and will not ever be taken seriously in anything you ever do either on this forum or in real life.
In fact, the rich do get their on their own, i.e., in voluntary peaceful free capitalist transactions that they "on their own" initiated and completed.

What BO wants is to violently interfere with or reverse the peaceful voluntary free Republican capitalist transactions and steal money from the rich!

Is this liberal socialist Nazi Fascist monarchial despotic attitude really American?

All of us are warmed by the fires stoked by others.
REALLY? Two pages in is all it took for you to fall back to your Tell me why? 2nd grade default position? Jesus youre fucking easy. LOL pathetically easy.

And if you think Im a liberal, then you clearly have not been paying attention to my posts.

still no substance??????? What does that tll us??

Im going to illustrate it THIS ONE TIME Little Eddie, then in ALL FUTURE exchanges with you, I am going to tell you to refer back to this post. SO you pay attention this time.

The first post of any thread should serve one of two function:

1) It should inform


2) it should question

In an informing OP to a thread, there should be information WITH some sort of evidence backing up the claim made.

In a question beginning, it should come from a genuine desire to expand ones own knowledge.

Your original post does neither of these things. Your original post is not only redundant, in that this arguement has already been covered in a 1500+ response thread but it is inflamatory with no evidence backing up its ridiculous claims, thus robbing it of any and all merit.

The fact that you decided to start not one but TWO of these threads ( after the first one was essentially for all intents and purposes deleted by the moderators ) illustrates that you are an attention seeking whore looking only to troll or to be justified in an echo chamber of other like minded nutjobs. And THAT further robs your argument of any merit whatsoever.

So in the future, when you ask someone to "Tell you why?" please feel free to refer back to this post ( hereafter known as Post 25 )as the reason you cannot and will not ever be taken seriously in anything you ever do either on this forum or in real life.

too perfectly stupid!!! What was wrong with my argument in OP or with BO's argument?? Your low IQ forces you to change subject and make you think no one notices!!
Untrue. "Bag of Bones" was excellent, as was "Just After Sunset".

"Bag of Bones" is 15 years ago. It was okay. "Hearts in Atlantis" was all kinds of suck.

I believe the time period mentioned was "the last 30 years", so "Bag of Bones" qualifies. ;)

Meanwhile, I think some people need to learn the difference between "bad writing" and "writing I don't like". I for one can't stand Isaac Asimov; I find him incredibly boring. But I understand that's a matter of taste and style preference, and enough people have loved his work long enough for him to qualify as a science fiction classic, whether I personally enjoy him or not.
Sorry Buckwheat, but O'Bummer said it, we ALL heard it and those of us with more than 2 operative brain cells clearly got the message. Of course, when you hear the cheers in the crowd he's addressing you realize that they got THEIR message, too.


There you go, trying to put yourself into the group with your betters again. Like you said, 2 operative brain cells are required to be in that group, you clearly dont qualify.

If you didn't hear the words he clearly spoke it can only be because you didn't WANT to. If you cheered along with that crowd you're lining up for more FREE SHIT, I don't give a damn what you try and say.

And this is the 'batshit crazy' stuff I was alluding to in that other thread, Vidi. The class warfare is coming, and you, along with everybody else, are going to have to decide which side of the fence you're going to come down on.

If its a war you fuckers want, then feel free to come out to my place sometime. Ive got more guns then God and Uncle Ted would blush.

Class warfare? Fuck that shit man. Theres been a class war going on sicne 1980 and you people are just pissed because you just found out about it when the other side started firing back.

Heres an exercise for you:

Go punch someone in the face. See how many times they will let you punch them in the face before they punch back.

Once they do, ask yourself this: Who started it? Them or you?

If you say THEM...then youre a Republican.
And that's fine as long as the point is maintained. He failed to do that.

stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it

...and you can't seem to figure out where the shift button on your keyboard is.

Maybe he's flattering himself that he's the message board equivalent of e.e. cummings.
And that's fine as long as the point is maintained. He failed to do that.

stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it

...and you can't seem to figure out where the shift button on your keyboard is.

Oh bullshit. He put "NOT" in all caps, so he must have some idea where its located.

Sheesh...try to keep up.:badgrin:
Obama says the extra revenue would go to paying down the debt. I'll believe that when he says he'll freeze spending. And then really does it. Neither of which I'll be holding my breath for.

Even if he did that, the 'extra revenue', assuming there would be any, would at most reduce the defifict by a tiny percentage while the debt will continue to accumulate at a rate of more than a tirllion dollars a year for as far as the eye can see.

The amount Obama wants to take from the 'rich' would be like you or me paying $10 on a $10,000 credit card bull and then feeling proud of ourselves. And that is assuming that the higher taxes do not diminish the amount of new employment/wages/benefits or other investment that would take money out of the economy elsewhere. The rich did not get rich by just passively accepting losses and doing nothing to offset them.

Which is how we know this is nothing but a political game from Team Obama. Well, that and the fact that they could've passed ANYTHING THEY WANTED back in 2009 when Dems had a supermajority, but didn't.

How people get taken in by the likes of Barack Obama I will never understand.

Well, THAT I can help you with. They get taken in by him because they WANT to get taken in by him. Simple as that.
Education and thinking process. Stress education. WE have stupid people voting.

I think you should have to take a test to vote.
I can see what Obamabots answers to these questions would be:

How many states are there - 57
What language do they speak in Austria - Austrian
If you have asthma what do you use - A breathilizer
What is the greatest threat to America today - Fox News
What is the second greatest threat - The Tea Party
What is your goal in life - To collect unemployment
Is the Daily Show real news - Absolutely
Is Barack Obama honest - No, but does it matter?

Maybe we should have to own property too?

Worked pretty well before.
I have to laugh at these loser luddites that are mouthing Obama's words as if it were their own. I have both been employed and owned my own busness. In both cases I've worked hard, but I worked harder to succeed in my own business. Working 70 to 90 hours a week month after month to succeed. Where was Obama or the federal government to assist me then. Oh, they were there to collect the taxes they imposed upon me and the business I was trying to make a success of. Saying that the government was behind me to make me successful is like claiming the guy from the mob coming in every week to collect his protection money was actually giving me a hand up to make me successful.
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Maybe we should have to own property too?
Given that people who own property have a vested interest in making sure that government remains retsricted while America prospers, its an idea.

However, I would say no to having to own property.

I would say that if you get a government check for your subsistence, you should be barred from voting until such time as you can support yourself and/or any and all people who depend upon you.

keep posting you guys, you hate democracy, we knew that, but when you come right out and say it, helps

we need the rest of the planet to know beyond any doubt who hates democracy, the tea party, that is who...

I'm quite proud to be opposed to pure democracy, since it puts me in company with the likes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison . . . pretty much all of the Founding Fathers.

On the other hand, championing the wonders of illiterate, slackjawed doofuses on the public dole voting would put me in company with the likes of . . . you.

Wow, yet another reason to oppose pure democracy.
Sorry Buckwheat, but O'Bummer said it, we ALL heard it and those of us with more than 2 operative brain cells clearly got the message. Of course, when you hear the cheers in the crowd he's addressing you realize that they got THEIR message, too.


Really? That is what you got out of the video?
Talk about bullshit....

What exactly did you get out of the video, because what Obama said, and please ask me to provide the videos because I'll gladly do so, parrots the exact position of socialist and far-leftists. That business owners and individuals are not to blame for their own prosperity.

Listen, I'm fine with Obama being a communist, I just wish he didn't feel compelled to lie and misrepresent what he believes. How you can sit there and attempt, unsuccessfully, to say that what he said is not what he said is absurd, but once again it is a demonstration at the depths of the mass willful delusion that those on the left constantly find themselves. It is a symptom of constantly having to be in the closet as it were. :lol::lol:

That people got where they were in life because people came together to help.

That he is rich and doesn't mind paying more taxes.

That other rich people shouldn't mind paying more taxes, too.

That's what I got out of the video..

And we you start calling him a Communist, the tiny, eeny, weenie, scrap of credibility you were bitterly clinging to, disappears..
yes we do moron...i know, you hate the democracy we live in and pretend it is something else

but you are wrong...

No, fucktard, we live in a republic. The Framers of the Constitution loathed the very IDEA of pure democracy, aka "mob rule".

“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” - Thomas Jefferson

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” - Benjamin Franklin

“The evils we experience flow from the excess of democracy. The people do not want virtue, but are the dupes of pretended patriots.” - Elbridge Gerry

“A democracy [is] the only pure republic, but impracticable beyond the limits of a town.” - Thomas Jefferson

“Give all the power to the many, they will oppress the few. Give all the power to the few, they will oppress the many. Both, therefore, ought to have the power, that each may defend itself against the other.” - Alexander Hamilton

“Experience has proved that no position in politics is more false than this. The ancient democracies . . . never possessed one feature of good government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure, deformity.” - Alexander Hamilton, responding to the statement, “pure democracy, would be the most perfect government.”

“There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” - John Adams

“[The Senate is a] cure for the evils under which the United States labored . . . the turbulence and follies of democracy.” - Edmund Randolph (Senators weren't elected by popular vote until the passage of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913.)

And don't even THINK about asking me who any of these people quoted were.
Rushbot is the most self-hating loon on the planet...

he was a draft-dodger so he calls people draft dodgers

he's a drug addict so he's offended that anyone tried drugs in college.

he's a viagra-taking, ho, so he thinks everyone else is a ho...

mostly, anyone who actually takes him seriously needs to seek help.

Goebbels would be proud of Rush and Karl...

only in America could someone so full of hate and propaganda and lies as these two are be not only free but successful..

Only in America could an ignorant, juvenile, racist dipshit like you complain about people being free and successful.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


I'd love to see this conversation expand into confronting businesses that out source jobs to 3rd world countries. Let the CEO's live in the squalor their wages support.

Thanks for demonstrating how little you really know about the Third World. Their wages don't "support squalor". They lift people above the squalor. Why don't you take your sorry ass to Taiwan and tell the people there how exploited and abused they were when American companies first moved into their country, how those wages "supported squalor".

You'll be lucky if all that happens is you get spit on.
stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it

...and you can't seem to figure out where the shift button on your keyboard is.

Oh bullshit. He put "NOT" in all caps, so he must have some idea where its located.

Sheesh...try to keep up.:badgrin:

Putting a word in all caps is not equivalent to using correct capitalization. In fact, it's not related at all.

Sheesh . . . try to learn English.

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