"You didn't get there on your own"

If you're really really lucky -- this class warfare meme the Prez created will go down in history with one of stupidest moves ever pulled in an election year...

I think it's headed for platinum...

Maybe not...

Americans Agree with Obama: Raise Taxes on the Wealthy
July 17, 2012


By a significant majority, according to a new poll, Americans have bought the idea that President Obama has been selling for months—namely, that raising taxes on Americans with incomes over $250,000 will help the economy and make the tax system more fair.

According to the poll by the Pew Research Center, 44 percent of Americans believe raising taxes on those over $250,000 will help the economy, while 22 percent believe it will hurt the economy. The remainder believe the hikes would have no impact.

As for the question of fairness, something the president has been pushing hard while Republicans charge that he is trying to create class warfare, 44 percent of the poll respondents believe tax hikes on the wealthy would make the system more fair while 21 percent they would make the system less fair.

Americans Agree with Obama: Raise Taxes on the Wealthy

Sorry I don't do polls... Especially not if they're from Pew.. I've caught them cheating almost everytime I've read their methodogies. Just last week they made headlines with a poll on taxes and buried DEEP in the notes on the study was the fact that they ASKED FOR the YOUNGEST adult in household for the answer.. Not a WORD in the press release or the media coverage..


Don't like Pew?

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit
No on fucking asked us back in the 80's when Reagan started running up the debt to crush Russia did they? I mean I get why he did it, I even agree with why he did it, but fuck, now that the bills come due, everyone acts like we didnt know this shit was coming.

So now its Reagan's fault along with Boosh?

Nice... :clap2:

I just have got to ask..... when will Obama own his policies?
Maybe not...

Americans Agree with Obama: Raise Taxes on the Wealthy
July 17, 2012


By a significant majority, according to a new poll, Americans have bought the idea that President Obama has been selling for months—namely, that raising taxes on Americans with incomes over $250,000 will help the economy and make the tax system more fair.

According to the poll by the Pew Research Center, 44 percent of Americans believe raising taxes on those over $250,000 will help the economy, while 22 percent believe it will hurt the economy. The remainder believe the hikes would have no impact.

As for the question of fairness, something the president has been pushing hard while Republicans charge that he is trying to create class warfare, 44 percent of the poll respondents believe tax hikes on the wealthy would make the system more fair while 21 percent they would make the system less fair.

Americans Agree with Obama: Raise Taxes on the Wealthy

Sorry I don't do polls... Especially not if they're from Pew.. I've caught them cheating almost everytime I've read their methodogies. Just last week they made headlines with a poll on taxes and buried DEEP in the notes on the study was the fact that they ASKED FOR the YOUNGEST adult in household for the answer.. Not a WORD in the press release or the media coverage..

Whats wrong with asking for the youngest adults in the household? Seems to me they will feel the impact of the national debt far longer than anyone...I say ask them how they want their future managed.

No on fucking asked us back in the 80's when Reagan started running up the debt to crush Russia did they? I mean I get why he did it, I even agree with why he did it, but fuck, now that the bills come due, everyone acts like we didnt know this shit was coming.

( and folks if you didnt see this crisis coming 20 years ago, youre either blind, stupid, werent born yet or just werent fucking paying attention )

Nothing wrong with it when you EMPHASIZE that in your press releases and if the press picks it up and reports it as such. But when you pass it off as generally representative of people's views -- that's fraudulent.

In my household -- the phone would have handed to my non-political 20 yr old daughter, thus invalidating any reasonable answer to the question since she's NEVER PAID taxes.
Tell us how you really feel, Jillian. Don't hold back. :)

I thought his show was great today. :)

what i said was fact, not opinion...

i think the limbotization of politics is one of the reasons that the right has become so insane over the last two decades.

he wasn't alone, though... lee atwater started the ball rolling.
Atwater merely learned it from Democrats and their co-conspiracy with the Fifth Column that President Gerald Ford was a "bumbling klutz" because he lost his balance getting off a stage one time. Ford actually had been quite a good football star, full of grace and good timing almost always. George H.W. Bush was depicted as a Simon Legree by leftist smears, and it was so effective, Lee Atwater had no choice but to meet the competition with one-upmanship. How convenient it is to pillory someone few people remember, Jillian. The man died of a brain tumor at age 40. I doubt he was the first agent in the take-no-survivors game, considering the mud that was slung at his friends over politics, with only enough truth thrown in to make it believable to people who just don't know the facts by a pantywaist press that takes sides and public pollsters who obviate truth with slanted questions.

Three times.

Ski slope.
Down the flight of stairs coming out of Air Force One.

Once is a fluke.
Twice is a coincidence.
Three times is a pattern.

And if you equate some ribiing over being percieved as clumsy to what Rush Limbaugh is doing, then you may need glasses because soemthings VERY wrong with your perspective.

Oh and Ford thought the ribbing was funny. He knew there was no real malice behind it.

EDIT: FOUR times. I forgot about the train!
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All I want is for Obama to be honest about his beliefs and for the media to show some semblance of objectivity and consistency in its reporting. We all knew where Obama stood on homosexual marriage (oxymoron), because he proclaimed it before he was elected president. We all knew where Obama stood on nationalized healthcare, because he told us. WE being those that pay attention to such things, the other 99% don't haven't a F-ing clue because the media has failed so poorly at properly report facts and relevant history.
Last edited:

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


All business people are not RICH-. Obama slammed dunked small--medium--and large business with his statement. Americans are really pissed off about it.
But what can we expect from a man that has never worked one single day in his entire life in the private sector. A person that has never owned or operated his own business--and has had a GUARANTEED government paycheck to show for his career from day one.

Obama is an epic economic failure. Obama shoved an 878 billion dollar stimulus bill down our throats with a PROMISE that it would create millions of private sector jobs in this country--and then we found out that what he borrowed from China to create jobs here--showed up in China creating jobs there.

A war is emerging between Congress and the White House over high-profile stimulus programs that lawmakers claim aren't serving the American people.

Senate Democrats lashed out at the Obama administration on Wednesday, saying its stimulus wind energy program creates jobs overseas instead of in the U.S., and they're calling for the administration to put a stop to it.

"Today, we are demanding the Obama administration suspend this program immediately," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

The program has already spent $2 billion, funding enough projects to power 2.4 million homes. Any wind farm created in the U.S. is eligible for stimulus money to put up wind turbines, regardless of where those massive structures are made.
Obama's Stimulus Money Spent Overseas, Jobs in China - ABC News

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what i said was fact, not opinion...

i think the limbotization of politics is one of the reasons that the right has become so insane over the last two decades.

he wasn't alone, though... lee atwater started the ball rolling.
Atwater merely learned it from Democrats and their co-conspiracy with the Fifth Column that President Gerald Ford was a "bumbling klutz" because he lost his balance getting off a stage one time. Ford actually had been quite a good football star, full of grace and good timing almost always. George H.W. Bush was depicted as a Simon Legree by leftist smears, and it was so effective, Lee Atwater had no choice but to meet the competition with one-upmanship. How convenient it is to pillory someone few people remember, Jillian. The man died of a brain tumor at age 40. I doubt he was the first agent in the take-no-survivors game, considering the mud that was slung at his friends over politics, with only enough truth thrown in to make it believable to people who just don't know the facts by a pantywaist press that takes sides and public pollsters who obviate truth with slanted questions.

Three times.

Ski slope.
Down the flight of stairs coming out of Air Force One.

Once is a fluke.
Twice is a coincidence.
Three times is a pattern.

And if you equate some ribiing over being percieved as clumsy to what Rush Limbaugh is doing, then you may need glasses because soemthings VERY wrong with your perspective.

Oh and Ford thought the ribbing was funny. He knew there was no real malice behind it.

EDIT: FOUR times. I forgot about the train!

and therein lies the essential problem... they have been so limboticized that their perspective has been destroyed. we have always made fun of our presidents... like everyone, they often deserve to be made fun of.

the take no prisoners, make your opponent into the enemy... began with atwater and was perfected by rove.
Atwater merely learned it from Democrats and their co-conspiracy with the Fifth Column that President Gerald Ford was a "bumbling klutz" because he lost his balance getting off a stage one time. Ford actually had been quite a good football star, full of grace and good timing almost always. George H.W. Bush was depicted as a Simon Legree by leftist smears, and it was so effective, Lee Atwater had no choice but to meet the competition with one-upmanship. How convenient it is to pillory someone few people remember, Jillian. The man died of a brain tumor at age 40. I doubt he was the first agent in the take-no-survivors game, considering the mud that was slung at his friends over politics, with only enough truth thrown in to make it believable to people who just don't know the facts by a pantywaist press that takes sides and public pollsters who obviate truth with slanted questions.

Three times.

Ski slope.
Down the flight of stairs coming out of Air Force One.

Once is a fluke.
Twice is a coincidence.
Three times is a pattern.

And if you equate some ribiing over being percieved as clumsy to what Rush Limbaugh is doing, then you may need glasses because soemthings VERY wrong with your perspective.

Oh and Ford thought the ribbing was funny. He knew there was no real malice behind it.

EDIT: FOUR times. I forgot about the train!

and therein lies the essential problem... they have been so limboticized that their perspective has been destroyed. we have always made fun of our presidents... like everyone, they often deserve to be made fun of.

the take no prisoners, make your opponent into the enemy... began with atwater and was perfected by rove.

Are you brain dead or did you just forget the eight years of Bush's presidency. Perspective?!? You are a fine example. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Three times.

Ski slope.
Down the flight of stairs coming out of Air Force One.

Once is a fluke.
Twice is a coincidence.
Three times is a pattern.

And if you equate some ribiing over being percieved as clumsy to what Rush Limbaugh is doing, then you may need glasses because soemthings VERY wrong with your perspective.

Oh and Ford thought the ribbing was funny. He knew there was no real malice behind it.

EDIT: FOUR times. I forgot about the train!

and therein lies the essential problem... they have been so limboticized that their perspective has been destroyed. we have always made fun of our presidents... like everyone, they often deserve to be made fun of.

the take no prisoners, make your opponent into the enemy... began with atwater and was perfected by rove.

Are you brain dead or did you just forget the eight years of Bush's presidency. Perspective?!? You are a fine example. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

what about the eight years when bush was president?

he was the worst president we had in my lifetime.

and just as a reminder, he left office with a 22% approval rating.

i'll also remind you that after 9/11 he had all of us rallying around him.

the right would never have done that for this president...who was elected and not appointed.
Tell us how you really feel, Jillian. Don't hold back. :)

I thought his show was great today. :)

what i said was fact, not opinion...

i think the limbotization of politics is one of the reasons that the right has become so insane over the last two decades.

he wasn't alone, though... lee atwater started the ball rolling.
Atwater merely learned it from Democrats and their co-conspiracy with the Fifth Column that President Gerald Ford was a "bumbling klutz" because he lost his balance getting off a stage one time. Ford actually had been quite a good football star, full of grace and good timing almost always. George H.W. Bush was depicted as a Simon Legree by leftist smears, and it was so effective, Lee Atwater had no choice but to meet the competition with one-upmanship. How convenient it is to pillory someone few people remember, Jillian. The man died of a brain tumor at age 40. I doubt he was the first agent in the take-no-survivors game, considering the mud that was slung at his friends over politics, with only enough truth thrown in to make it believable to people who just don't know the facts by a pantywaist press that takes sides and public pollsters who obviate truth with slanted questions.
Atwater learned everything from Nixon. So tell me, when did Tricky Dickie becaome a Dem????

Here is Atwater in 1981 explaining the GOP Southern Strategy he learned from Nixon:

You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.
And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******."
what i said was fact, not opinion...

i think the limbotization of politics is one of the reasons that the right has become so insane over the last two decades.

he wasn't alone, though... lee atwater started the ball rolling.
Atwater merely learned it from Democrats and their co-conspiracy with the Fifth Column that President Gerald Ford was a "bumbling klutz" because he lost his balance getting off a stage one time. Ford actually had been quite a good football star, full of grace and good timing almost always. George H.W. Bush was depicted as a Simon Legree by leftist smears, and it was so effective, Lee Atwater had no choice but to meet the competition with one-upmanship. How convenient it is to pillory someone few people remember, Jillian. The man died of a brain tumor at age 40. I doubt he was the first agent in the take-no-survivors game, considering the mud that was slung at his friends over politics, with only enough truth thrown in to make it believable to people who just don't know the facts by a pantywaist press that takes sides and public pollsters who obviate truth with slanted questions.
Atwater learned everything from Nixon. So tell me, when did Tricky Dickie becaome a Dem????

Here is Atwater in 1981 explaining the GOP Southern Strategy he learned from Nixon:

You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.
And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******."

You obviously don't have a damn clue regarding this period in history. Which party overwhelmingly opposed the Civil Rights Act? Who is the only senator to vote against the civil rights act--filibuster against it-- to remain in congress until he withered away and died in 2010, and in 2000 when he used the word ****** on national television AND was a known KKK member RESPECTED AND BELOVED Robert Byrd-----Al Gore's very own father voted against AND filibustered the Civil Rights Act.
Jesus F-ing Christ, Al Gore LIED to the NAACP about his father's voting record, BOLD FACED LIED about his father voting for the Civil Right Act, and to this day that horseshit organization has yet called him on it.
All I want is for Obama to be honest about his beliefs and for the media to show some semblance of objectivity and consistency in its reporting. We all knew where Obama stood on homosexual marriage (oxymoron), because he proclaimed it before he was elected president. We all knew where Obama stood on nationalized healthcare, because he told us. WE being those that pay attention to such things, the other 99% don't haven't a F-ing clue because the media has failed so poorly at properly report facts and relevant history.

We dont have nationalized health care. Obamacare isnt that. No matter how much you call it that.

We SHOULD have nationalized health care, but we dont. And Obamacare is now the biggest obstacle to getting it.

Same sex marriage is about equal protection under the law. either you believe in the Constitution or you dont. If you dont, then youre against same sex marriage. Period.

And the media has reported the facts fairly clearly. YOU just havent been paying attention. And that doesnt make you 1% of anything.

In other words, your entire post is comprised of bigotry, misinformation and arrogant stupidity.
Jesus F-ing Christ, Al Gore LIED to the NAACP about his father's voting record, BOLD FACED LIED about his father voting for the Civil Right Act, and to this day that horseshit organization has yet called him on it.

Al Gore isnt running for anything. Hasnt run for anything in 12 years. Maybe you should let it go.
Jesus F-ing Christ, Al Gore LIED to the NAACP about his father's voting record, BOLD FACED LIED about his father voting for the Civil Right Act, and to this day that horseshit organization has yet called him on it.

Al Gore isnt running for anything. Hasnt run for anything in 12 years. Maybe you should let it go.

I'm sorry, it's okay for you to bring up Gerald Ford falling down but God forbid someone mention Al Gore intentionally lying about his father's voting record regarding the Civil Rights Act :lol::lol::lol:
In all fairness, there HAVE been some decent arguments for the validity of the existence of government.

Unfortunately for the leftists, they've all come from people who want to seriously shrink government.

The fatal flaw in all their arguments is the fact that once government exists it will continue to grow like a cancer until it consumes all of society. Our society is doomed. I hold out no hope for it. This election is capitalism's last stand. Even if Romney wins, it's only a matter of time until the parasites drag us down the sewer hole with them.

Alarmist imbecility at it's most extreme

The fatal flaw in all their arguments is the fact that once government exists it will continue to grow like a cancer until it consumes all of society. Our society is doomed. I hold out no hope for it. This election is capitalism's last stand. Even if Romney wins, it's only a matter of time until the parasites drag us down the sewer hole with them.

Alarmist imbecility at it's most extreme

The truth of the matter is obvious. Conservatives and libertarians have been fighting the growth of government since the Wilson administration, and they've been losing.

In many ways that is so arbitrary a time period as to make you sound like one of those internet intellectuals. not saying you are, just suggesting the most rational observation. :redface:


There's not the slightest thing "arbitrary" about the time period, and I have no idea what it means to be an "internet intellectual" or why that's bad.

Louisiana Purchase and much more afterwards...

No idea? Of course. If you were aware of what I speak of you'd hide your head in shame and embarrassment.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? The Louisiana Purchase and Woodrow Wilson were about 100 years apart.

Yes. And obviously you do not know what anyone was talking about. Follow the thread line posted above and then please...don't call me, I'll call you.

No on fucking asked us back in the 80's when Reagan started running up the debt to crush Russia did they? I mean I get why he did it, I even agree with why he did it, but fuck, now that the bills come due, everyone acts like we didnt know this shit was coming.

So now its Reagan's fault along with Boosh?

Nice... :clap2:

I just have got to ask..... when will Obama own his policies?

If you think this crisis was created in the Bush years, youre sadly mistaken. The seeds of this crisis were planted back in the Reagan years, watered by HW Bush, cared for and fertilized by Clinton and then harvested by W. Bush. All during that time, both republican and democrat congresses nodded their heads and applauded.

You can try to ignore the reality of the situation that BOTH parties had a feild day bringing us to this mess and then blame it all on the black man, but I refuse to wear blinders and stupidly march in the partisan parade to Americas bankruptcy.

Only by acknowledging the mistakes of the past, no matter WHO made them, can we hope to avoid the same mistakes in the future.
All I want is for Obama to be honest about his beliefs and for the media to show some semblance of objectivity and consistency in its reporting. We all knew where Obama stood on homosexual marriage (oxymoron), because he proclaimed it before he was elected president. We all knew where Obama stood on nationalized healthcare, because he told us. WE being those that pay attention to such things, the other 99% don't haven't a F-ing clue because the media has failed so poorly at properly report facts and relevant history.

We dont have nationalized health care. Obamacare isnt that. No matter how much you call it that.

We SHOULD have nationalized health care, but we dont. And Obamacare is now the biggest obstacle to getting it.

Same sex marriage is about equal protection under the law. either you believe in the Constitution or you dont. If you dont, then youre against same sex marriage. Period.

And the media has reported the facts fairly clearly. YOU just havent been paying attention. And that doesnt make you 1% of anything.

In other words, your entire post is comprised of bigotry, misinformation and arrogant stupidity.

You are delusional if you believe that the media has accurately reported Obama's stance on a multitude of issues. Here is Obama in 2007--did ANY media outlet report his position on this issue in the run up to Obama care?!?!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpAyan1fXCE]Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube[/ame]

You are either a F-ing lair or delusional PERIOD.
Jesus F-ing Christ, Al Gore LIED to the NAACP about his father's voting record, BOLD FACED LIED about his father voting for the Civil Right Act, and to this day that horseshit organization has yet called him on it.

Al Gore isnt running for anything. Hasnt run for anything in 12 years. Maybe you should let it go.

I'm sorry, it's okay for you to bring up Gerald Ford falling down but God forbid someone mention Al Gore intentionally lying about his father's voting record regarding the Civil Rights Act :lol::lol::lol:

I didnt bring up shit. I corrected Becki when she said Ford fell down ONCE and got reamed for it by the press in an attempt to paint Rush Limbaugh as just doing what people have always done.

So you took an post out of context and then partisan puked up a post of your own.

AND I fucking DEFENDED Ford, asshole.
Al Gore isnt running for anything. Hasnt run for anything in 12 years. Maybe you should let it go.

I'm sorry, it's okay for you to bring up Gerald Ford falling down but God forbid someone mention Al Gore intentionally lying about his father's voting record regarding the Civil Rights Act :lol::lol::lol:

I didnt bring up shit. I corrected Becki when she said Ford fell down ONCE and got reamed for it by the press in an attempt to paint Rush Limbaugh as just doing what people have always done.

So you took an post out of context and then partisan puked up a post of your own.

AND I fucking DEFENDED Ford, asshole.

I don't give a damn about Ford or any of your delusional hopeless posts--but i do love how you have abandoned trying to defend a presidential candidate standing in front of the NAACP and bold face LYING about his father's voting record...but I'm sure you were droning on and on about Prescott Bush :razz:

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