"You didn't get there on your own"

All I want is for Obama to be honest about his beliefs and for the media to show some semblance of objectivity and consistency in its reporting. We all knew where Obama stood on homosexual marriage (oxymoron), because he proclaimed it before he was elected president. We all knew where Obama stood on nationalized healthcare, because he told us. WE being those that pay attention to such things, the other 99% don't haven't a F-ing clue because the media has failed so poorly at properly report facts and relevant history.

We dont have nationalized health care. Obamacare isnt that. No matter how much you call it that.

We SHOULD have nationalized health care, but we dont. And Obamacare is now the biggest obstacle to getting it.

Same sex marriage is about equal protection under the law. either you believe in the Constitution or you dont. If you dont, then youre against same sex marriage. Period.

And the media has reported the facts fairly clearly. YOU just havent been paying attention. And that doesnt make you 1% of anything.

In other words, your entire post is comprised of bigotry, misinformation and arrogant stupidity.

You are delusional if you believe that the media has accurately reported Obama's stance on a multitude of issues. Here is Obama in 2007--did ANY media outlet report his position on this issue in the run up to Obama care?!?!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpAyan1fXCE]Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube[/ame]

You are either a F-ing lair or delusional PERIOD.

Fucking moron :lol: legislation is a compromise.

gawd, you're stupid.

We dont have nationalized health care. Obamacare isnt that. No matter how much you call it that.

We SHOULD have nationalized health care, but we dont. And Obamacare is now the biggest obstacle to getting it.

Same sex marriage is about equal protection under the law. either you believe in the Constitution or you dont. If you dont, then youre against same sex marriage. Period.

And the media has reported the facts fairly clearly. YOU just havent been paying attention. And that doesnt make you 1% of anything.

In other words, your entire post is comprised of bigotry, misinformation and arrogant stupidity.

You are delusional if you believe that the media has accurately reported Obama's stance on a multitude of issues. Here is Obama in 2007--did ANY media outlet report his position on this issue in the run up to Obama care?!?!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpAyan1fXCE]Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube[/ame]

You are either a F-ing lair or delusional PERIOD.

Fucking moron :lol: legislation is a compromise.

gawd, you're stupid.


What was Obama's position on the issue after assuming the presidency?
I'm sorry, it's okay for you to bring up Gerald Ford falling down but God forbid someone mention Al Gore intentionally lying about his father's voting record regarding the Civil Rights Act :lol::lol::lol:

I didnt bring up shit. I corrected Becki when she said Ford fell down ONCE and got reamed for it by the press in an attempt to paint Rush Limbaugh as just doing what people have always done.

So you took an post out of context and then partisan puked up a post of your own.

AND I fucking DEFENDED Ford, asshole.

I don't give a damn about Ford or any of your delusional hopeless posts--but i do love how you have abandoned trying to defend a presidential candidate standing in front of the NAACP and bold face LYING about his father's voting record...but I'm sure you were droning on and on about Prescott Bush :razz:

Hey dickless, pay real close attention to my posts sometime. Ive bashed Obama better than any of you Partisan Hacks. Personally I can barely stand the guy.

But the damned Republicans have moved so far right that Eisenhower would be a socialist to them and they choose STUPIDITY over SUBSTANCE. If John Huntsman were running as an independent, Id be voting FOR him. But because he is not, I will be voting AGAINST the dumbass, Romney.

And anytime you want to debate FACTS, Ill take you to school , junior. because what Ive seen from you is just half assed broken version of FoxNews talking points. But hey, if you want to spend your life as a half wit, thats certainly your right, just try to stay out of the way of the grown up, huh?
All I want is for Obama to be honest about his beliefs and for the media to show some semblance of objectivity and consistency in its reporting. We all knew where Obama stood on homosexual marriage (oxymoron), because he proclaimed it before he was elected president. We all knew where Obama stood on nationalized healthcare, because he told us. WE being those that pay attention to such things, the other 99% don't haven't a F-ing clue because the media has failed so poorly at properly report facts and relevant history.

We dont have nationalized health care. Obamacare isnt that. No matter how much you call it that.

We SHOULD have nationalized health care, but we dont. And Obamacare is now the biggest obstacle to getting it.

Same sex marriage is about equal protection under the law. either you believe in the Constitution or you dont. If you dont, then youre against same sex marriage. Period.

And the media has reported the facts fairly clearly. YOU just havent been paying attention. And that doesnt make you 1% of anything.

In other words, your entire post is comprised of bigotry, misinformation and arrogant stupidity.

You are delusional if you believe that the media has accurately reported Obama's stance on a multitude of issues. Here is Obama in 2007--did ANY media outlet report his position on this issue in the run up to Obama care?!?!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpAyan1fXCE]Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube[/ame]

You are either a F-ing lair or delusional PERIOD.

Do we have single payer health care in this country?


Then youre entire point is irrelevent and misguided. Your partisanship is showing again.

Next issue.
You are delusional if you believe that the media has accurately reported Obama's stance on a multitude of issues. Here is Obama in 2007--did ANY media outlet report his position on this issue in the run up to Obama care?!?!

Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube

You are either a F-ing lair or delusional PERIOD.

Fucking moron :lol: legislation is a compromise.

gawd, you're stupid.


What was Obama's position on the issue after assuming the presidency?

As he dropped the public option, never added a single payer provision to Obamacare and went with the Ultra right wing Heritage Foundation solution of an Individual Mandate ( also supported by Romney ) I think his position is fairly clear. Are you having trouble understanding something?
Atwater merely learned it from Democrats and their co-conspiracy with the Fifth Column that President Gerald Ford was a "bumbling klutz" because he lost his balance getting off a stage one time. Ford actually had been quite a good football star, full of grace and good timing almost always. George H.W. Bush was depicted as a Simon Legree by leftist smears, and it was so effective, Lee Atwater had no choice but to meet the competition with one-upmanship. How convenient it is to pillory someone few people remember, Jillian. The man died of a brain tumor at age 40. I doubt he was the first agent in the take-no-survivors game, considering the mud that was slung at his friends over politics, with only enough truth thrown in to make it believable to people who just don't know the facts by a pantywaist press that takes sides and public pollsters who obviate truth with slanted questions.
Atwater learned everything from Nixon. So tell me, when did Tricky Dickie becaome a Dem????

Here is Atwater in 1981 explaining the GOP Southern Strategy he learned from Nixon:

You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.
And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******."

You obviously don't have a damn clue regarding this period in history. Which party overwhelmingly opposed the Civil Rights Act? Who is the only senator to vote against the civil rights act--filibuster against it-- to remain in congress until he withered away and died in 2010, and in 2000 when he used the word ****** on national television AND was a known KKK member RESPECTED AND BELOVED Robert Byrd-----Al Gore's very own father voted against AND filibustered the Civil Rights Act.
The Southern representatives of both parties opposed the Civil Rights Act, as you well know. Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948, the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation, giving birth to the Dixiecrats in 1948 and causing legacy segregationist Democrats to retire or switch to the GOP.
I didnt bring up shit. I corrected Becki when she said Ford fell down ONCE and got reamed for it by the press in an attempt to paint Rush Limbaugh as just doing what people have always done.

So you took an post out of context and then partisan puked up a post of your own.

AND I fucking DEFENDED Ford, asshole.

I don't give a damn about Ford or any of your delusional hopeless posts--but i do love how you have abandoned trying to defend a presidential candidate standing in front of the NAACP and bold face LYING about his father's voting record...but I'm sure you were droning on and on about Prescott Bush :razz:

Hey dickless, pay real close attention to my posts sometime. Ive bashed Obama better than any of you Partisan Hacks. Personally I can barely stand the guy.

But the damned Republicans have moved so far right that Eisenhower would be a socialist to them and they choose STUPIDITY over SUBSTANCE. If John Huntsman were running as an independent, Id be voting FOR him. But because he is not, I will be voting AGAINST the dumbass, Romney.

And anytime you want to debate FACTS, Ill take you to school , junior. because what Ive seen from you is just half assed broken version of FoxNews talking points. But hey, if you want to spend your life as a half wit, thats certainly your right, just try to stay out of the way of the grown up, huh?

Yes, you are a scholar and someone deserving of respect and admiration :lol::lol::lol:

I do not give a damn who you vote for, and as for your posts--you haven't contributed anything. I don't regularly call people out on grammar, but that post is infested grammatical errors.

You haven't disputed any FACTS that I have posted, so I'll just assume you agree with me. :clap2:
Last edited:
We dont have nationalized health care. Obamacare isnt that. No matter how much you call it that.

We SHOULD have nationalized health care, but we dont. And Obamacare is now the biggest obstacle to getting it.

Same sex marriage is about equal protection under the law. either you believe in the Constitution or you dont. If you dont, then youre against same sex marriage. Period.

And the media has reported the facts fairly clearly. YOU just havent been paying attention. And that doesnt make you 1% of anything.

In other words, your entire post is comprised of bigotry, misinformation and arrogant stupidity.

You are delusional if you believe that the media has accurately reported Obama's stance on a multitude of issues. Here is Obama in 2007--did ANY media outlet report his position on this issue in the run up to Obama care?!?!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpAyan1fXCE]Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube[/ame]

You are either a F-ing lair or delusional PERIOD.

Do we have single payer health care in this country?


Then youre entire point is irrelevent and misguided. Your partisanship is showing again.

Next issue.


You are delusional if you believe that the media has accurately reported Obama's stance on a multitude of issues. Here is Obama in 2007--did ANY media outlet report his position on this issue in the run up to Obama care?!?!
I don't give a damn about Ford or any of your delusional hopeless posts--but i do love how you have abandoned trying to defend a presidential candidate standing in front of the NAACP and bold face LYING about his father's voting record...but I'm sure you were droning on and on about Prescott Bush :razz:

Hey dickless, pay real close attention to my posts sometime. Ive bashed Obama better than any of you Partisan Hacks. Personally I can barely stand the guy.

But the damned Republicans have moved so far right that Eisenhower would be a socialist to them and they choose STUPIDITY over SUBSTANCE. If John Huntsman were running as an independent, Id be voting FOR him. But because he is not, I will be voting AGAINST the dumbass, Romney.

And anytime you want to debate FACTS, Ill take you to school , junior. because what Ive seen from you is just half assed broken version of FoxNews talking points. But hey, if you want to spend your life as a half wit, thats certainly your right, just try to stay out of the way of the grown up, huh?

Yes, you are a scholar and someone deserving of respect and admiration :lol::lol::lol:

I do not give a damn who you vote for, and as for your posts--you haven't contributed anything. I don't regularly call people out on grammar, but that post is infested grammatical errors.

You haven't disputed any FACTS that I have posted, so I'll just assume you agree with me. :clap2:

Since I joined the thread you havent posted a fact. Youve posted what you think. Nothing more.

Facts are backed up by data ( in forums that means links to your supporting data )

I dont give a shit if you respect or admire me at all. I also dont give a shit about my grammar on a forum. I wasnt aware there would be a test later or that I was being graded on this. Every day is an 18 hour day for me so if Im tired and post my thoughts without double checking to be sure my thougth muster up to your personal standard, then fuck it. I really dont give a shit at all. My self worth is not dependant on the approval of some idiot on the internet. I do however tire greatly of dumbass partisans thinking that just because someone disagrees with them that person must automatically be a raving lunatic for the other side.

You know who thinks that way? Raving lunatics.
You are delusional if you believe that the media has accurately reported Obama's stance on a multitude of issues. Here is Obama in 2007--did ANY media outlet report his position on this issue in the run up to Obama care?!?!

Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube

You are either a F-ing lair or delusional PERIOD.

Do we have single payer health care in this country?


Then youre entire point is irrelevent and misguided. Your partisanship is showing again.

Next issue.


You are delusional if you believe that the media has accurately reported Obama's stance on a multitude of issues. Here is Obama in 2007--did ANY media outlet report his position on this issue in the run up to Obama care?!?!

Have you considered the fact that so many leftys are pissed at Obama about never including single payer and dropping the public option from Obamacare BECAUSE it WAS reported that was his stance? And when they voted for him thats what they thougth they were going to get?

Or were you too busy finding the font size function to pay attention to that?
Hey dickless, pay real close attention to my posts sometime. Ive bashed Obama better than any of you Partisan Hacks. Personally I can barely stand the guy.

But the damned Republicans have moved so far right that Eisenhower would be a socialist to them and they choose STUPIDITY over SUBSTANCE. If John Huntsman were running as an independent, Id be voting FOR him. But because he is not, I will be voting AGAINST the dumbass, Romney.

And anytime you want to debate FACTS, Ill take you to school , junior. because what Ive seen from you is just half assed broken version of FoxNews talking points. But hey, if you want to spend your life as a half wit, thats certainly your right, just try to stay out of the way of the grown up, huh?

Yes, you are a scholar and someone deserving of respect and admiration :lol::lol::lol:

I do not give a damn who you vote for, and as for your posts--you haven't contributed anything. I don't regularly call people out on grammar, but that post is infested grammatical errors.

You haven't disputed any FACTS that I have posted, so I'll just assume you agree with me. :clap2:

Since I joined the thread you havent posted a fact. Youve posted what you think. Nothing more.

Facts are backed up by data ( in forums that means links to your supporting data )

I dont give a shit if you respect or admire me at all. I also dont give a shit about my grammar on a forum. I wasnt aware there would be a test later or that I was being graded on this. Every day is an 18 hour day for me so if Im tired and post my thoughts without double checking to be sure my thougth muster up to your personal standard, then fuck it. I really dont give a shit at all. My self worth is not dependant on the approval of some idiot on the internet. I do however tire greatly of dumbass partisans thinking that just because someone disagrees with them that person must automatically be a raving lunatic for the other side.

You know who thinks that way? Raving lunatics.

I apologize if I insult you based on your 5th grade reading level, but....

True or False--The last person to serve in the United States Congress to be a known KKK Grand Wizard, vote against the the Civil Rights Act, and use the word ****** on national television WAS A DEMOCRAT.

True or False--The last person to run for the presidency of the United States of American to stand in front of the NAACP and LIE about his father's voting record was Al Gore.
Do we have single payer health care in this country?


Then youre entire point is irrelevent and misguided. Your partisanship is showing again.

Next issue.


You are delusional if you believe that the media has accurately reported Obama's stance on a multitude of issues. Here is Obama in 2007--did ANY media outlet report his position on this issue in the run up to Obama care?!?!

Have you considered the fact that so many leftys are pissed at Obama about never including single payer and dropping the public option from Obamacare BECAUSE it WAS reported that was his stance? And when they voted for him thats what they thougth they were going to get?

Or were you too busy finding the font size function to pay attention to that?

I had to emphasize that because you ignored it, hell if anyone actually embraced and said that they believe this shit they would never be elected LOL
as to what is generally quoted:

You'll excuse me if I take the fact that I'm being disagreed with by a fucking moron as proof that I'm CORRECT.

Meanwhile, why don't you get your babysitter to look up who funded the various groups of settlers who came to what became the United States. And then contemplate who paid for the building of roads and towns and infrastructure, and how.

I know you lazy leftist twits, sitting in Mom's basement and eating Cheetos, want to believe that business and commerce are somehow separate and divorced from "regular" human activity and existence, but the truth is, they're part and parcel of it.

you get more vapid by the post, dear.

try harder.

In other words, you have no response other than personal attacks. Gosh, I love that liberal "tolerance". Do please tell me more about how "respectful" you are of alternative lifestyles. :lol: You liberal hypocrites tolerate differences the way the Pope tolerates religion: Only the ones who agree with you.

Lol you talk about tolerance,lol coming from a racist sack of shit that you are...

Fuck off.
you get more vapid by the post, dear.

try harder.

In other words, you have no response other than personal attacks. Gosh, I love that liberal "tolerance". Do please tell me more about how "respectful" you are of alternative lifestyles. :lol: You liberal hypocrites tolerate differences the way the Pope tolerates religion: Only the ones who agree with you.

Lol you talk about tolerance,lol coming from a racist sack of shit that you are...

Fuck off.

Well THAT conversation didn't go very well.

as to what is generally quoted:

Not only that, he actually paraphrased the point he was trying to make so even a brain dead CON$ervoFascist could understand it!!!

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.

He paraphrased himself? Face it, Ed...the guy is clueless about what it takes to start and build a successful business because he's never done it. He's an academic and a politician who looks down his nose at the Private Sector's accomplishments because he doesn't understand how hard it IS to own your own business. What's worse is that he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues with the same background as himself. Is it any wonder that they can't come up with something as basic as a budget or a plan to grow the economy? Ideologues don't DO budgets!!! Ideologues don't know how to grow an economy!!! Ideologues make idiotic statements like Obama just made. Then they sit back and scratch their heads and ask why the Private Sector won't invest it's capital under THEIR leadership. If it wasn't hurting us so much it would be laughable.
Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others.

This is hardly a unique opinion.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ_jxLKbbDo]Bill Gates Sr. Argues For Estate Tax - YouTube[/ame]


as to what is generally quoted:

Not only that, he actually paraphrased the point he was trying to make so even a brain dead CON$ervoFascist could understand it!!!

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.

He paraphrased himself? Face it, Ed...the guy is clueless about what it takes to start and build a successful business because he's never done it. He's an academic and a politician who looks down his nose at the Private Sector's accomplishments because he doesn't understand how hard it IS to own your own business. What's worse is that he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues with the same background as himself. Is it any wonder that they can't come up with something as basic as a budget or a plan to grow the economy? Ideologues don't DO budgets!!! Ideologues don't know how to grow an economy!!! Ideologues make idiotic statements like Obama just made. Then they sit back and scratch their heads and ask why the Private Sector won't invest it's capital under THEIR leadership. If it wasn't hurting us so much it would be laughable.

thanks for the talking points. i'm sure we all appreciate hearing them yet again.

i know rushbo is proud.

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