"You didn't get there on your own"

My my, the detractors and professional trolls are bringing in reinforcements now to derail this thread. What does Rush Limbaugh possibly have to do with the President insisting that none of us accomplished anything without everybody else helping us and that entitles government to more of our money?

Foxy, ignore the trolls, we're still with ya.

Rush Limbaugh, in a perfect world, would be a bus driver or a sanitation worker with a good vocabulary. But 'part-time news' has seen fit to raise himself and Nancy Grace to star status and thusly we are saddled with them. It is times like this one is eternally grateful for a remote with channel changing capacity.
As for Obama's comment I'll say this:
What kind of idiot says things like that and who in the blue eyed world would think that's all right??
Obama has never built a business or run a business other than the business of
Hyping Obama

There's a book with that title just waiting to be written.

And well there should be, tho I think 'Amatuer' (sp?)handles the case pretty well.:D
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Are you brain dead or did you just forget the eight years of Bush's presidency. Perspective?!? You are a fine example. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

what about the eight years when bush was president?

he was the worst president we had in my lifetime.

and just as a reminder, he left office with a 22% approval rating.

i'll also remind you that after 9/11 he had all of us rallying around him.

the right would never have done that for this president...who was elected and not appointed.

Did you learn that from Atwater or rove?
Jillian I made money under Bush. I made money under Clinton. Under this Mook I've made ZIP.
thanks for the talking points. i'm sure we all appreciate hearing them yet again.

i know rushbo is proud.

Please, my pointing out that this Administration has the fewest business people in it of any Administration in recent history and hence struggles to understand businesses isn't a "talking point"...it's reality. Obama appoints a "Jobs Council" and then doesn't meet with it for six months? How could that BE when the economy is so bad and so many MILLIONS are out of work? What the fuck is this guy doing, Jillian? We need leadership and he's not providing it.

He's got plenty of time for swanky fundraisers and golf though. :lol:

He might actually HAVE business people stashed somewhere but they are either failed business people or they are not allowed to speak.

Murf, is that quote from Hitchhikers Guide the the Galaxy?
Please, my pointing out that this Administration has the fewest business people in it of any Administration in recent history and hence struggles to understand businesses isn't a "talking point"...it's reality. Obama appoints a "Jobs Council" and then doesn't meet with it for six months? How could that BE when the economy is so bad and so many MILLIONS are out of work? What the fuck is this guy doing, Jillian? We need leadership and he's not providing it.
Now wait just a minute there slick, your MessiahRushie mocked the jobs council when it was formed and said it was a waste of time and now suddenly it is the most important thing on Earth. CON$ flip-flop even more than Willard Flip-Flop Rmoney, if that is even possible.

You can hardly blame people for seeing through this guy, can you? Just because we KNEW all along that Obama's "Job's Council" wasn't a serious effort, doesn't mean we can't rub his nose in it when it turns out we were right.

Murph they tell me I need to spread rep around before I can hit you again and that's a shame:D
Now wait just a minute there slick, your MessiahRushie mocked the jobs council when it was formed and said it was a waste of time and now suddenly it is the most important thing on Earth. CON$ flip-flop even more than Willard Flip-Flop Rmoney, if that is even possible.

The point I'm making, Ed...is that Obama appointed these people to be his advisers on job creation...yet at a time when long term unemployment is at record levels...he doesn't meet with his own jobs council for six months. What the fuck is he doing? Seriously...what is our President doing about unemployment in this country? He says the Private Sector is doing "fine" when it's still down millions of jobs from before the recession? It's NOT doing fine and people are looking for leadership from the Oval Office and he's giving them excuses.

Obama would have done well to have kept to job creation and left the healthcare issue to people that actually UNDERSTOOD healthcare. So far he has (purposefully, one might ask??) ignored the real problems of this country for a pipe dream that will bankrupt us and doom us to the same status as Greece.

I retract my earlier rep. :mad:
what about the eight years when bush was president?

he was the worst president we had in my lifetime.

and just as a reminder, he left office with a 22% approval rating.

i'll also remind you that after 9/11 he had all of us rallying around him.

the right would never have done that for this president...who was elected and not appointed.

Did you learn that from Atwater or rove?
Jillian I made money under Bush. I made money under Clinton. Under this Mook I've made ZIP.

you built it on your own remember?

so you blaming someone else when you fail?
Few Neandrthals could make it on their own today, much less an American, European or Asian. We are a dependent creature and this pap that we are rugged individualists is garbage. Some even believed Hoover as he gave us the rugged speech as he fed millions into failing businesses. And that reminds me of one of his more famous rugged speeches when he told us how new businesses were springing up all over New york--selling apples.
Government needs business and business needs government, and the people need both.
as to what is generally quoted:

Not only that, he actually paraphrased the point he was trying to make so even a brain dead CON$ervoFascist could understand it!!!

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.

Whats to understand...

He has attacked business from day one while giving away billions to cronies.

Piss off.
Few Neandrthals could make it on their own today, much less an American, European or Asian. We are a dependent creature and this pap that we are rugged individualists is garbage. Some even believed Hoover as he gave us the rugged speech as he fed millions into failing businesses. And that reminds me of one of his more famous rugged speeches when he told us how new businesses were springing up all over New york--selling apples.
Government needs business and business needs government, and the people need both.

agreed and the founders would also agree
Did you learn that from Atwater or rove?
Jillian I made money under Bush. I made money under Clinton. Under this Mook I've made ZIP.

you built it on your own remember?

so you blaming someone else when you fail?

I've been retired for a long time. My business has been passed on to the youngsters and yes, they are struggling and uncertain about hiring people right now pending the outcome of this healthcare bill. We have a choice. Either pay the penalty and keep the current employees or accept the healthcare and fire a few of them.
You cant claim credit when it goes well and then lay blame when it doesnt.

see how your whole claim is nothing but bullshit

Just takin' our cues from Barry.

I'd also like to add I built my business in SPITE of Gov't interference, NOT because of it.

yeah says some internets poster.

i won't argue with you. Getting close to the truth obviously upsets you and causes you to go to your insult vault for what I can only describe as egregiously over-worked stock insults in leiu of actual conversation and debate.

You win! Feel better?:D
you dont own the truth.

your "vision" is that Bush crashing the entire world economy didnt effect your "business".
you dont own the truth.

your "vision" is that Bush crashing the entire world economy didnt effect your "business".

IT WAS DEMOCRATS DIP SHIT. With some repub help.

But you are too fucking stupid to understand real cause and effect.
You were able to build your business like everyone else who built a business in this country.

Because we work together to build infrastructure and we work together to protect each other from fraud and abuse.

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