"You didn't get there on your own"

Since I joined the thread you havent posted a fact. Youve posted what you think. Nothing more.

Facts are backed up by data ( in forums that means links to your supporting data )

Wondered why this idea of "fact" would now be important? I have seen both sides post their "facts" and both sides denigrate the source. And the numbers or info is never accepted by both sides.

So why bother?

Just curious.
Since I joined the thread you havent posted a fact. Youve posted what you think. Nothing more.

Facts are backed up by data ( in forums that means links to your supporting data )

Wondered why this idea of "fact" would now be important? I have seen both sides post their "facts" and both sides denigrate the source. And the numbers or info is never accepted by both sides.

So why bother?

Just curious.

can you please learn how to use the quote function so people can link back to the post you're referencing?

"There's nowhere else in the world, nowhere else in the world, that people can accrue the kind of fortunes that happen here. And that's because of the kind of country we have.

And the kind of country we have is a function of the taxes that we pay to provide security, we have a stable market, you can predict next week will be pretty much like the week before.

We have the most immense investment being made by our government in advancing businesses by supporting the enormous research industry that's going on in this country. And it's that piece of government expenditure that which has everything to do with the health and robustness of our economy."

Since I joined the thread you havent posted a fact. Youve posted what you think. Nothing more.

Facts are backed up by data ( in forums that means links to your supporting data )

Wondered why this idea of "fact" would now be important? I have seen both sides post their "facts" and both sides denigrate the source. And the numbers or info is never accepted by both sides.

So why bother?

Just curious.

Because circle jerks have RULZ... :D
Not only that, he actually paraphrased the point he was trying to make so even a brain dead CON$ervoFascist could understand it!!!

He paraphrased himself? Face it, Ed...the guy is clueless about what it takes to start and build a successful business because he's never done it. He's an academic and a politician who looks down his nose at the Private Sector's accomplishments because he doesn't understand how hard it IS to own your own business. What's worse is that he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues with the same background as himself. Is it any wonder that they can't come up with something as basic as a budget or a plan to grow the economy? Ideologues don't DO budgets!!! Ideologues don't know how to grow an economy!!! Ideologues make idiotic statements like Obama just made. Then they sit back and scratch their heads and ask why the Private Sector won't invest it's capital under THEIR leadership. If it wasn't hurting us so much it would be laughable.

thanks for the talking points. i'm sure we all appreciate hearing them yet again.

i know rushbo is proud.

Please, my pointing out that this Administration has the fewest business people in it of any Administration in recent history and hence struggles to understand businesses isn't a "talking point"...it's reality. Obama appoints a "Jobs Council" and then doesn't meet with it for six months? How could that BE when the economy is so bad and so many MILLIONS are out of work? What the fuck is this guy doing, Jillian? We need leadership and he's not providing it.
He paraphrased himself? Face it, Ed...the guy is clueless about what it takes to start and build a successful business because he's never done it. He's an academic and a politician who looks down his nose at the Private Sector's accomplishments because he doesn't understand how hard it IS to own your own business. What's worse is that he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues with the same background as himself. Is it any wonder that they can't come up with something as basic as a budget or a plan to grow the economy? Ideologues don't DO budgets!!! Ideologues don't know how to grow an economy!!! Ideologues make idiotic statements like Obama just made. Then they sit back and scratch their heads and ask why the Private Sector won't invest it's capital under THEIR leadership. If it wasn't hurting us so much it would be laughable.

thanks for the talking points. i'm sure we all appreciate hearing them yet again.

i know rushbo is proud.

Please, my pointing out that this Administration has the fewest business people in it of any Administration in recent history and hence struggles to understand businesses isn't a "talking point"...it's reality. Obama appoints a "Jobs Council" and then doesn't meet with it for six months? How could that BE when the economy is so bad and so many MILLIONS are out of work? What the fuck is this guy doing, Jillian? We need leadership and he's not providing it.
Now wait just a minute there slick, your MessiahRushie mocked the jobs council when it was formed and said it was a waste of time and now suddenly it is the most important thing on Earth. CON$ flip-flop even more than Willard Flip-Flop Rmoney, if that is even possible.
He paraphrased himself? Face it, Ed...the guy is clueless about what it takes to start and build a successful business because he's never done it. He's an academic and a politician who looks down his nose at the Private Sector's accomplishments because he doesn't understand how hard it IS to own your own business. What's worse is that he's surrounded himself with fellow ideologues with the same background as himself. Is it any wonder that they can't come up with something as basic as a budget or a plan to grow the economy? Ideologues don't DO budgets!!! Ideologues don't know how to grow an economy!!! Ideologues make idiotic statements like Obama just made. Then they sit back and scratch their heads and ask why the Private Sector won't invest it's capital under THEIR leadership. If it wasn't hurting us so much it would be laughable.

thanks for the talking points. i'm sure we all appreciate hearing them yet again.

i know rushbo is proud.

Please, my pointing out that this Administration has the fewest business people in it of any Administration in recent history and hence struggles to understand businesses isn't a "talking point"...it's reality. Obama appoints a "Jobs Council" and then doesn't meet with it for six months? How could that BE when the economy is so bad and so many MILLIONS are out of work? What the fuck is this guy doing, Jillian? We need leadership and he's not providing it.

He's got plenty of time for swanky fundraisers and golf though. :lol:
thanks for the talking points. i'm sure we all appreciate hearing them yet again.

i know rushbo is proud.

Please, my pointing out that this Administration has the fewest business people in it of any Administration in recent history and hence struggles to understand businesses isn't a "talking point"...it's reality. Obama appoints a "Jobs Council" and then doesn't meet with it for six months? How could that BE when the economy is so bad and so many MILLIONS are out of work? What the fuck is this guy doing, Jillian? We need leadership and he's not providing it.
Now wait just a minute there slick, your MessiahRushie mocked the jobs council when it was formed and said it was a waste of time and now suddenly it is the most important thing on Earth. CON$ flip-flop even more than Willard Flip-Flop Rmoney, if that is even possible.

Judging by the amount of work it's done, Rush was RIGHT!
thanks for the talking points. i'm sure we all appreciate hearing them yet again.

i know rushbo is proud.

Please, my pointing out that this Administration has the fewest business people in it of any Administration in recent history and hence struggles to understand businesses isn't a "talking point"...it's reality. Obama appoints a "Jobs Council" and then doesn't meet with it for six months? How could that BE when the economy is so bad and so many MILLIONS are out of work? What the fuck is this guy doing, Jillian? We need leadership and he's not providing it.
Now wait just a minute there slick, your MessiahRushie mocked the jobs council when it was formed and said it was a waste of time and now suddenly it is the most important thing on Earth. CON$ flip-flop even more than Willard Flip-Flop Rmoney, if that is even possible.

You can hardly blame people for seeing through this guy, can you? Just because we KNEW all along that Obama's "Job's Council" wasn't a serious effort, doesn't mean we can't rub his nose in it when it turns out we were right.
My my, the detractors and professional trolls are bringing in reinforcements now to derail this thread. What does Rush Limbaugh possibly have to do with the President insisting that none of us accomplished anything without everybody else helping us and that entitles government to more of our money?
My my, the detractors and professional trolls are bringing in reinforcements now to derail this thread. What does Rush Limbaugh possibly have to do with the President insisting that none of us accomplished anything without everybody else helping us and that entitles government to more of our money?
Because your MessiahRushie put that crap inside your "skull full of mush."

Here was Obama's own summary of the point he made, how close is it to your bullshit summary???

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.
thanks for the talking points. i'm sure we all appreciate hearing them yet again.

i know rushbo is proud.

Please, my pointing out that this Administration has the fewest business people in it of any Administration in recent history and hence struggles to understand businesses isn't a "talking point"...it's reality. Obama appoints a "Jobs Council" and then doesn't meet with it for six months? How could that BE when the economy is so bad and so many MILLIONS are out of work? What the fuck is this guy doing, Jillian? We need leadership and he's not providing it.
Now wait just a minute there slick, your MessiahRushie mocked the jobs council when it was formed and said it was a waste of time and now suddenly it is the most important thing on Earth. CON$ flip-flop even more than Willard Flip-Flop Rmoney, if that is even possible.

The point I'm making, Ed...is that Obama appointed these people to be his advisers on job creation...yet at a time when long term unemployment is at record levels...he doesn't meet with his own jobs council for six months. What the fuck is he doing? Seriously...what is our President doing about unemployment in this country? He says the Private Sector is doing "fine" when it's still down millions of jobs from before the recession? It's NOT doing fine and people are looking for leadership from the Oval Office and he's giving them excuses.
My my, the detractors and professional trolls are bringing in reinforcements now to derail this thread. What does Rush Limbaugh possibly have to do with the President insisting that none of us accomplished anything without everybody else helping us and that entitles government to more of our money?

Foxy, ignore the trolls, we're still with ya.

Rush Limbaugh, in a perfect world, would be a bus driver or a sanitation worker with a good vocabulary. But 'part-time news' has seen fit to raise himself and Nancy Grace to star status and thusly we are saddled with them. It is times like this one is eternally grateful for a remote with channel changing capacity.
As for Obama's comment I'll say this:
What kind of idiot says things like that and who in the blue eyed world would think that's all right??
Obama has never built a business or run a business other than the business of Hyping Obama.
Last edited:

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


All business people are not RICH-. Obama slammed dunked small--medium--and large business with his statement. Americans are really pissed off about it.
But what can we expect from a man that has never worked one single day in his entire life in the private sector. A person that has never owned or operated his own business--and has had a GUARANTEED government paycheck to show for his career from day one.

Obama is an epic economic failure. Obama shoved an 878 billion dollar stimulus bill down our throats with a PROMISE that it would create millions of private sector jobs in this country--and then we found out that what he borrowed from China to create jobs here--showed up in China creating jobs there.

A war is emerging between Congress and the White House over high-profile stimulus programs that lawmakers claim aren't serving the American people.

Senate Democrats lashed out at the Obama administration on Wednesday, saying its stimulus wind energy program creates jobs overseas instead of in the U.S., and they're calling for the administration to put a stop to it.

"Today, we are demanding the Obama administration suspend this program immediately," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

The program has already spent $2 billion, funding enough projects to power 2.4 million homes. Any wind farm created in the U.S. is eligible for stimulus money to put up wind turbines, regardless of where those massive structures are made.
Obama's Stimulus Money Spent Overseas, Jobs in China - ABC News

What can we expect from a man that has never worked in the private sector and been on the government dole for years?

Let's see, we can expect an unending, expansive faith in the beneficence of government, a faith made flesh through policy. We can expect a belief that even the lowliest OWS parasite (of which this board is infected) to get credit for the successes of others. We can expect a push for a massive, never exercised new government power to push people into commerce vis a vis the commerce clause, (or the taxing power). We can expect propaganda extolling the virtues of massive government as witnessed through the life of a parasite named Julia. We can expect that, a man with such faith in the overarching goodness of massive, expanding government would simultaneously hold considerable scorn for those whose higher power is not contained within bureaucracy.

There is much to expect from such a man.
Please, my pointing out that this Administration has the fewest business people in it of any Administration in recent history and hence struggles to understand businesses isn't a "talking point"...it's reality. Obama appoints a "Jobs Council" and then doesn't meet with it for six months? How could that BE when the economy is so bad and so many MILLIONS are out of work? What the fuck is this guy doing, Jillian? We need leadership and he's not providing it.
Now wait just a minute there slick, your MessiahRushie mocked the jobs council when it was formed and said it was a waste of time and now suddenly it is the most important thing on Earth. CON$ flip-flop even more than Willard Flip-Flop Rmoney, if that is even possible.

The point I'm making, Ed...is that Obama appointed these people to be his advisers on job creation...yet at a time when long term unemployment is at record levels...he doesn't meet with his own jobs council for six months. What the fuck is he doing? Seriously...what is our President doing about unemployment in this country? He says the Private Sector is doing "fine" when it's still down millions of jobs from before the recession? It's NOT doing fine and people are looking for leadership from the Oval Office and he's giving them excuses.

obama does not like working. The first thing he did as president was take AF1 on date night in New York. Moochelle ran out there to complain about how hard it is to work. He will play golf, go on vacation, have a party, anything but work.
My my, the detractors and professional trolls are bringing in reinforcements now to derail this thread. What does Rush Limbaugh possibly have to do with the President insisting that none of us accomplished anything without everybody else helping us and that entitles government to more of our money?

Foxy, ignore the trolls, we're still with ya.

Rush Limbaugh, in a perfect world, would be a bus driver or a sanitation worker with a good vocabulary. But 'part-time news' has seen fit to raise himself and Nancy Grace to star status and thusly we are saddled with them. It is times like this one is eternally grateful for a remote with channel changing capacity.
As for Obama's comment I'll say this:
What kind of idiot says things like that and who in the blue eyed world would think that's all right??
Obama has never built a business or run a business other than the business of
Hyping Obama

There's a book with that title just waiting to be written.
and therein lies the essential problem... they have been so limboticized that their perspective has been destroyed. we have always made fun of our presidents... like everyone, they often deserve to be made fun of.

the take no prisoners, make your opponent into the enemy... began with atwater and was perfected by rove.

Are you brain dead or did you just forget the eight years of Bush's presidency. Perspective?!? You are a fine example. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

what about the eight years when bush was president?

he was the worst president we had in my lifetime.

and just as a reminder, he left office with a 22% approval rating.

i'll also remind you that after 9/11 he had all of us rallying around him.

the right would never have done that for this president...who was elected and not appointed.

Did you learn that from Atwater or rove?
Please, my pointing out that this Administration has the fewest business people in it of any Administration in recent history and hence struggles to understand businesses isn't a "talking point"...it's reality. Obama appoints a "Jobs Council" and then doesn't meet with it for six months? How could that BE when the economy is so bad and so many MILLIONS are out of work? What the fuck is this guy doing, Jillian? We need leadership and he's not providing it.
Now wait just a minute there slick, your MessiahRushie mocked the jobs council when it was formed and said it was a waste of time and now suddenly it is the most important thing on Earth. CON$ flip-flop even more than Willard Flip-Flop Rmoney, if that is even possible.

The point I'm making, Ed...is that Obama appointed these people to be his advisers on job creation...yet at a time when long term unemployment is at record levels...he doesn't meet with his own jobs council for six months. What the fuck is he doing? Seriously...what is our President doing about unemployment in this country? He says the Private Sector is doing "fine" when it's still down millions of jobs from before the recession? It's NOT doing fine and people are looking for leadership from the Oval Office and he's giving them excuses.

Obama would have done well to have kept to job creation and left the healthcare issue to people that actually UNDERSTOOD healthcare. So far he has (purposefully, one might ask??) ignored the real problems of this country for a pipe dream that will bankrupt us and doom us to the same status as Greece.
Rushbot is the most self-hating loon on the planet...

he was a draft-dodger so he calls people draft dodgers

he's a drug addict so he's offended that anyone tried drugs in college.

he's a viagra-taking, ho, so he thinks everyone else is a ho...

mostly, anyone who actually takes him seriously needs to seek help.

Tell us how you really feel, Jillian. Don't hold back. :)

I thought his show was great today. :)

what i said was fact, not opinion...

i think the limbotization of politics is one of the reasons that the right has become so insane over the last two decades.

he wasn't alone, though... lee atwater started the ball rolling.

For an alleged lawyer, you have serious issues differentiating fact from opinion.

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