"You didn't get there on your own"

really feel that way when he said:
“If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that,” Obama told a crowd in Roanoke, Va., on Friday. “Somebody else made that happen.”

Is he THAT dumb to criticize the major voting block that put him in office..
76% of all voters white.. of which 44% voted for him in 2008... and now he is criticizing some of the same people that voted him into office? IS THAT DUMB or does he mean it?

If he means it he again is showing the incredible ignorance of what it takes to start and keep a business going.. and this pompous BUTT thinks these people had NOTHING to do with it?

Now the WH is trying to walk this back by saying well businesses need roads and bridges..
hmmm Cuba/Russia have bridges.. so why are Cubans still driving cars from the USA built in the 50s?
If Obama intended to say well the Internet was a government project... he was right!
BUT OBAMA.... what funded that research? TAX dollars make up 97% of Federal revenue!
So businesses that make a profit have employees that pay taxes, pay property taxes and Federal taxes that CREATED the Internet!
SO is he like ALGORE that totally ignorant as to how the Federal government pays its bills?

NO Obama meant that statement and was stupid for making it!
His whole educational background hated businesses hated profits.. hated USA and it is totally true or WHY else is he bent on tearing people down? Tearing businesses down?
Tearing the USA down???
No one has ever argued that there's a valid reason that government exists?

I was going to respond to more of your post, and then I realized...

this is your brain on auto pilot

They've argued it, but their arguments all suck ass.
They've argued it, but their arguments all suck ass.

In all fairness, there HAVE been some decent arguments for the validity of the existence of government.

Unfortunately for the leftists, they've all come from people who want to seriously shrink government.

The fatal flaw in all their arguments is the fact that once government exists it will continue to grow like a cancer until it consumes all of society. Our society is doomed. I hold out no hope for it. This election is capitalism's last stand. Even if Romney wins, it's only a matter of time until the parasites drag us down the sewer hole with them.
In all fairness, there HAVE been some decent arguments for the validity of the existence of government.

Unfortunately for the leftists, they've all come from people who want to seriously shrink government.

The fatal flaw in all their arguments is the fact that once government exists it will continue to grow like a cancer until it consumes all of society. Our society is doomed. I hold out no hope for it. This election is capitalism's last stand. Even if Romney wins, it's only a matter of time until the parasites drag us down the sewer hole with them.

Alarmist imbecility at it's most extreme

Alarmist imbecility at it's most extreme

The truth of the matter is obvious. Conservatives and libertarians have been fighting the growth of government since the Wilson administration, and they've been losing.

In many ways that is so arbitrary a time period, as to make you sound like one of those internet intellectuals. Not saying you are, just suggesting the most rational observation. :redface:
You were able to build your business like everyone else who built a business in this country.

Because we work together to build infrastructure and we work together to protect each other from fraud and abuse.

Work together.

It was the dem cronies that got billions for green energy and when they went tits up. Democrats insured those cronies didnt lose a personal dime.

Damn you suck.
If Bush had NOT been president this country would not have crashed

Yes it would have. The FSMA and CFMA were passed by Clinton and the GOP Congress, and those had more to do with the crash than anything Bush did.

Not that Bush is blameless. This was a team effort.
You were able to build your business like everyone else who built a business in this country.

Because we work together to build infrastructure and we work together to protect each other from fraud and abuse.

Over-simplifying it and re-working old adages doesn't make up for experience and actual hands on work.

I think perhaps you've spent your life working for other people, something I was lucky enough not to have to do, and now you are angry about it. Because if you'd EVER got your hands dirty, fought against sometimes unbeatable odds and acheived something you could call your own that not only sustained you but an entire family and possibly generations to come you'd feel quite differently.
I think its gonna turn around and bite him in the ass.

Try telling a business owner that he didn't pour his heart, soul, capital, time and effort into his business. Tell him he didn't make sacrifices to keep his dream alive. Tell him someone else did it for him. Tell him he owes it all to someone else.

Yeah. That oughta go over big with business owners especially coming from a guy who's never held a real job in his entire life.

Jesus. Obamas a schmuck.
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Obama's "problem" is that every once in a while he goes Joe Biden and blurts out what he really thinks. The fact is...he's not a Private Sector "guy"...he's a Public Sector guy. For people like Barry, the Private Sector is simply the means to an end...they provide him with the money he needs to fund his entitlement programs. He doesn't like the Private Sector and like most progressives, is uncomfortable with the notion of profit.
You were able to build your business like everyone else who built a business in this country.

Because we work together to build infrastructure and we work together to protect each other from fraud and abuse.

Not true. Businesses are often asked to provide infrastructure, from access roads to even building schools, as a provision for receiving permits. But more to the point... only people who pay taxes and who don't turn around and drain that revenue back out of the system in welfare assistance "work together to build infrastructure".
If Bush had NOT been president this country would not have crashed

Yes it would have. The FSMA and CFMA were passed by Clinton and the GOP Congress, and those had more to do with the crash than anything Bush did.

Not that Bush is blameless. This was a team effort.

You can thank Bill Clinton's lame duck 106th congress for the loan bundling fiasco.
I think its gonna turn around and bite him in the ass.

Try telling a business owner that he didn't pour his heart, soul, capital, time and effort into his business. Tell him he didn't make sacrifices to keep his dream alive. Tell him someone else did it for him. Tell him he owes it all to someone else.

Yeah. That oughta go over big with business owners.

100% right!

In the US, small business (less than 500 employees) accounts for around half the GDP and more than half the employment. [18] Regarding small business, the top job provider is those with fewer than 10 employees, and those with 10 or more but fewer than 20 employees comes in as the second, and those with 20 or more but fewer than 100 employees comes in as the third (interpolation of data from the following references)

Small business - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No business owner built the roads and bridges by themselves.

Lying to the American people and altering quotes wont win you any elections
really feel that way when he said:
“If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that,” Obama told a crowd in Roanoke, Va., on Friday. “Somebody else made that happen.”

Is he THAT dumb to criticize the major voting block that put him in office..
76% of all voters white.. of which 44% voted for him in 2008... and now he is criticizing some of the same people that voted him into office? IS THAT DUMB or does he mean it?

If he means it he again is showing the incredible ignorance of what it takes to start and keep a business going.. and this pompous BUTT thinks these people had NOTHING to do with it?

Now the WH is trying to walk this back by saying well businesses need roads and bridges..
hmmm Cuba/Russia have bridges.. so why are Cubans still driving cars from the USA built in the 50s?
If Obama intended to say well the Internet was a government project... he was right!
BUT OBAMA.... what funded that research? TAX dollars make up 97% of Federal revenue!
So businesses that make a profit have employees that pay taxes, pay property taxes and Federal taxes that CREATED the Internet!
SO is he like ALGORE that totally ignorant as to how the Federal government pays its bills?

NO Obama meant that statement and was stupid for making it!
His whole educational background hated businesses hated profits.. hated USA and it is totally true or WHY else is he bent on tearing people down? Tearing businesses down?
Tearing the USA down???

Obama thinks businesses create themselves.
No business owner built the roads and bridges by themselves.

Lying to the American people and altering quotes wont win you any elections

And no roads or bridges built a business, idiot.

PLEASE... SHUT THE FUCK UP... you ignorant, egg headed, puss sack.
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No business owner built the roads and bridges by themselves.

Lying to the American people and altering quotes wont win you any elections

What does a road or a bridge have to do with building a business?

Are you saying there were no businesses in this country until roads were built?

Watch TM runaway!!

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