"You didn't get there on your own"

Why do conservatives value the myth of the self-made-man so much? All of you know what he was saying but choose instead to take it as some kind attack on capitalism.

The "MYTH?" Sheeeeezuz... you poor little person... to be so brain washed you don't believe that an individual has the capability to make their own life what they want by themselves. I guess in your twisted little, obama, commie world, the government has to do it for you... right?

You poor little brain washed creature.
Okay guys, don't let the loonies and desperate Obama worshipers drag the train off the tracks here. The topic of this thread is quite capable of sustaining interest all by itself, I want to keep the focus there.

Let's see. I didn't build my own business. Somebody else did that for me. Isn't that what he said?

Somebody else thought up the idea. Somebody else did the intensive research and talked to all those people to see if it could be profitable. Somebody else invested in the tools, equipment supplies, and transportation necessary for us to do the work. Somebody else spent long, long days and hours and hours on the road to produce a product good enough that others wanted it and allowed us to finally get to the point we were making a living at it and were able to recoup our investment.

That's what the President seems to want me to believe.

But yes, somebody else built the roads we drive on. Our taxes contribted to building and maintaining roads. Would those roads have existed, however, if we had not been earning money to pay the taxes that built them? So which came first. People earning a living who were willing to pay for more infrastructure? Or did the government appear out of thin air and magically create an infrastructure out of nothing so that people could earn a living?

The people who built the components of the computers I use in my business and who built the computers themselves don't even know I exist, much less didn't built those components for my benefit. They built those components to put bread on their own table. If they had not been able to do that, they would not have provided the components.

The clients who pay me to work for them do not do so out of the goodness of their hearts. The products/services I provide them are necessary for them to conduct their own business and put bread on their table. Otherwise they would not pay me to provide our product and without being paid, we would not provide it.

But I didn't build my business. I didn't take the risk. I didn't put my money on the line. I didn't put in all the long days of blood, sweat, and tears and make it profitable. That's what the President told me. And I find that extremely insulting and so out of touch to be unimaginable.
No business owner built the roads and bridges by themselves.

Lying to the American people and altering quotes wont win you any elections

NO but their TAXES paid for it!
Tax revenues pay for almost ALL the infrastructure!

Also since when did the USA have a construction company that built one single bridge?

BUSINESSES build them and their taxes pay for employees benefits!

Again.. where did the money come from???
Or do you naively think it as the typical Obama support and these women think:
ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where
he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
Woman #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

I imagine you like these women think Obama just writes checks from his stash???
your just going to keep lying about what he said no matter what the facts are?

gee imagine my surprise
how well would your business be doing out in the middle of a forrest without any infrastructure?
you dont own the truth.

your "vision" is that Bush crashing the entire world economy didnt effect your "business".

Wow - now Bush has suddenly crashed the entire WORLD economy? :lol:

You radical liberals are hilarious. You implement policy that creates collapse and then blame others for that collapse that you created.

Sorry, Bush wasn't running Greece and never has. Liberal policy collapsed Greece. Same with England, Spain, and now the United States.

Mostly it was the Banksters that bush and co allowed to run amok, but to be fair both parties are involved

as long as idiots like you defend the worst of the worst people on the planet, our work is really cut out for us

Actually it was Bill Clintons 106th congress that relaxed the banking rules and got us into this mess. Sometimes it takes 20 years to find out how badly we've screwed up. But I will give you this. They had plenty of help from both sides.
I listened very carefully to what he said. Why don't you?

If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFK2_D3aBXo]President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube[/ame]
I think its gonna turn around and bite him in the ass.

Try telling a business owner that he didn't pour his heart, soul, capital, time and effort into his business. Tell him he didn't make sacrifices to keep his dream alive. Tell him someone else did it for him. Tell him he owes it all to someone else.

Yeah. That oughta go over big with business owners especially coming from a guy who's never held a real job in his entire life.

Jesus. Obamas a schmuck.

Worse than a smuck, he is a dangerous smuck. He doesn't know what work is.
Wow - now Bush has suddenly crashed the entire WORLD economy? :lol:

You radical liberals are hilarious. You implement policy that creates collapse and then blame others for that collapse that you created.

Sorry, Bush wasn't running Greece and never has. Liberal policy collapsed Greece. Same with England, Spain, and now the United States.

Mostly it was the Banksters that bush and co allowed to run amok, but to be fair both parties are involved

as long as idiots like you defend the worst of the worst people on the planet, our work is really cut out for us

Actually it was Bill Clintons 106th congress that relaxed the banking rules and got us into this mess. Sometimes it takes 20 years to find out how badly we've screwed up. But I will give you this. They had plenty of help from both sides.

gramm Leach bliely act.

do you know who they are?

by the way why did the Bush SEC then refuse to impliment the broker rules for 8 long years that were written into GLBact?
really feel that way when he said:
“If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that,” Obama told a crowd in Roanoke, Va., on Friday. “Somebody else made that happen.”

Is he THAT dumb to criticize the major voting block that put him in office..
76% of all voters white.. of which 44% voted for him in 2008... and now he is criticizing some of the same people that voted him into office? IS THAT DUMB or does he mean it?

If he means it he again is showing the incredible ignorance of what it takes to start and keep a business going.. and this pompous BUTT thinks these people had NOTHING to do with it?

Now the WH is trying to walk this back by saying well businesses need roads and bridges..
hmmm Cuba/Russia have bridges.. so why are Cubans still driving cars from the USA built in the 50s?
If Obama intended to say well the Internet was a government project... he was right!
BUT OBAMA.... what funded that research? TAX dollars make up 97% of Federal revenue!
So businesses that make a profit have employees that pay taxes, pay property taxes and Federal taxes that CREATED the Internet!
SO is he like ALGORE that totally ignorant as to how the Federal government pays its bills?

NO Obama meant that statement and was stupid for making it!
His whole educational background hated businesses hated profits.. hated USA and it is totally true or WHY else is he bent on tearing people down? Tearing businesses down?
Tearing the USA down???

Obama thinks businesses create themselves.
Manchurian candidate. /shaking head
I listened very carefully to what he said. Why don't you?

If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.
President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube

This is another example of the propaganda and the brain damage...

What is in evidence? What is absolutely and entirely undeniable is that the following statement is true "If you own a business in the US, you did NOT build it entirely on your own"

There is no debate about this factual statement...none

So when these brain-dead, talking point repeating, rightwing terrorists continue to repeat the opposite, it is an important development to note...

the interesting thing to note is these comments arent even controversial, unless you are running a campaign and have nothing, absolutely nothing to show the people...then you make up controversial issues like this
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Why do conservatives value the myth of the self-made-man so much? All of you know what he was saying but choose instead to take it as some kind attack on capitalism.

The "MYTH?" Sheeeeezuz... you poor little person... to be so brain washed you don't believe that an individual has the capability to make their own life what they want by themselves. I guess in your twisted little, obama, commie world, the government has to do it for you... right?

You poor little brain washed creature.

Who the hell is brainwashed here? I do not believe a man can prosper in solitude without a society to provide the framework and safety to build on, let's put you naked in the middle of a barren plain and see how well you do Mr. Self made dumb ass.
Okay guys, don't let the loonies and desperate Obama worshipers drag the train off the tracks here. The topic of this thread is quite capable of sustaining interest all by itself, I want to keep the focus there.

Let's see. I didn't build my own business. Somebody else did that for me. Isn't that what he said?

Somebody else thought up the idea. Somebody else did the intensive research and talked to all those people to see if it could be profitable. Somebody else invested in the tools, equipment supplies, and transportation necessary for us to do the work. Somebody else spent long, long days and hours and hours on the road to produce a product good enough that others wanted it and allowed us to finally get to the point we were making a living at it and were able to recoup our investment.

That's what the President seems to want me to believe.

But yes, somebody else built the roads we drive on. Our taxes contribted to building and maintaining roads. Would those roads have existed, however, if we had not been earning money to pay the taxes that built them? So which came first. People earning a living who were willing to pay for more infrastructure? Or did the government appear out of thin air and magically create an infrastructure out of nothing so that people could earn a living?

The people who built the components of the computers I use in my business and who built the computers themselves don't even know I exist, much less didn't built those components for my benefit. They built those components to put bread on their own table. If they had not been able to do that, they would not have provided the components.

The clients who pay me to work for them do not do so out of the goodness of their hearts. The products/services I provide them are necessary for them to conduct their own business and put bread on their table. Otherwise they would not pay me to provide our product and without being paid, we would not provide it.

But I didn't build my business. I didn't take the risk. I didn't put my money on the line. I didn't put in all the long days of blood, sweat, and tears and make it profitable. That's what the President told me. And I find that extremely insulting and so out of touch to be unimaginable.
Yes. All of that is true. We built your business together. All those government programs you have paid through the nose for your whole life helped you immeasurably. All those OWSers that would like nothing more than to cut you to heir level with the failure of your business have actually been a major source of help to yo in building and maintaining your business. You have the government, and thus every American who has ever lived, to thank for your success. So, get out that checkbook....The parasite class depends on you to pay for those things that they have equal access to, yet fail to be as productive with, and thus pay less for.
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Why do conservatives value the myth of the self-made-man so much? All of you know what he was saying but choose instead to take it as some kind attack on capitalism.

The "MYTH?" Sheeeeezuz... you poor little person... to be so brain washed you don't believe that an individual has the capability to make their own life what they want by themselves. I guess in your twisted little, obama, commie world, the government has to do it for you... right?

You poor little brain washed creature.
He learned it in a strong NEA union school.
No business owner built the roads and bridges by themselves.

Lying to the American people and altering quotes wont win you any elections

“If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that,” Obama told a crowd in Roanoke, Va., on Friday. “Somebody else made that happen.”

English lessons available here....$300.00 per hour...sign up today and get a free set of Ninja Knives and a bamboo steamer!
SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers
Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.

can you understand this?

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