"You didn't get there on your own"

Why do conservatives value the myth of the self-made-man so much? All of you know what he was saying but choose instead to take it as some kind attack on capitalism.

The "MYTH?" Sheeeeezuz... you poor little person... to be so brain washed you don't believe that an individual has the capability to make their own life what they want by themselves. I guess in your twisted little, obama, commie world, the government has to do it for you... right?

You poor little brain washed creature.

Who the hell is brainwashed here? I do not believe a man can prosper in solitude without a society to provide the framework and safety to build on, let's put you naked in the middle of a barren plain and see how well you do Mr. Self made dumb ass.
The bio of many entrepreneurs kicks your thesis straight in the butt, doll.
Mostly it was the Banksters that bush and co allowed to run amok, but to be fair both parties are involved

as long as idiots like you defend the worst of the worst people on the planet, our work is really cut out for us

Actually it was Bill Clintons 106th congress that relaxed the banking rules and got us into this mess. Sometimes it takes 20 years to find out how badly we've screwed up. But I will give you this. They had plenty of help from both sides.

gramm Leach bliely act.

do you know who they are?

by the way why did the Bush SEC then refuse to impliment the broker rules for 8 long years that were written into GLBact?

I'm still waiting for a responce from my other remarks. Also, I SAID they didn't do it on their own. Catch UP.:D
really feel that way when he said:
“If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that,” Obama told a crowd in Roanoke, Va., on Friday. “Somebody else made that happen.”

Is he THAT dumb to criticize the major voting block that put him in office..
76% of all voters white.. of which 44% voted for him in 2008... and now he is criticizing some of the same people that voted him into office? IS THAT DUMB or does he mean it?

If he means it he again is showing the incredible ignorance of what it takes to start and keep a business going.. and this pompous BUTT thinks these people had NOTHING to do with it?

Now the WH is trying to walk this back by saying well businesses need roads and bridges..
hmmm Cuba/Russia have bridges.. so why are Cubans still driving cars from the USA built in the 50s?
If Obama intended to say well the Internet was a government project... he was right!
BUT OBAMA.... what funded that research? TAX dollars make up 97% of Federal revenue!
So businesses that make a profit have employees that pay taxes, pay property taxes and Federal taxes that CREATED the Internet!
SO is he like ALGORE that totally ignorant as to how the Federal government pays its bills?

NO Obama meant that statement and was stupid for making it!
His whole educational background hated businesses hated profits.. hated USA and it is totally true or WHY else is he bent on tearing people down? Tearing businesses down?
Tearing the USA down???

Seriously, this idiot poster just said we don't need roads and bridges.

Tell me ANYWHERE in my original post was there a statement "we don't need roads and bridges'?
Seriously do you know understand why people like you are looked up as "losers"?
I mean NOWHERE was that statement made but WHAT I was pointing out it WAS The taxes that businesses, people that worked for businesses taxes PAID for the bridges/roads.. NOT the government! They don't even build them! They contract with companies that make profits! Give me the name of ONE single solitary construction company wholly owned by the US government that has a building with entire work force paid by the government that BUILDS bridges/roads?

All the government does is takes money and redistributes and it does that POORLY!
I mean you really like your tax dollars going to these "govt. projects:?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has so far awarded $1.44 million in federal funds to a project that, among other things, is estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

And that is efficient use of your tax dollars???
you cant explain it because it outs the right as gamoing the system.

the congress and the president agreed on a bill and then Gramm left to cash in as UBS bank for his efforts.

then Bush took office and appointed an SEC head that gamed the bill to only allow the parts they wanted to be implimented.

the bill that passed would have prevented this mess.

the republicans made sure that didnt happen

This was no gaffe, it was precisely what he thinks, never having started a business.

Look at the comments of his followers here. They're behind his comments 100%.

And that's about it.

Yeah, I've seen hundreds of Failed attempts to put a nice coat of lipstick on the pig, too. :rolleyes:
Okay guys, don't let the loonies and desperate Obama worshipers drag the train off the tracks here. The topic of this thread is quite capable of sustaining interest all by itself, I want to keep the focus there.

Let's see. I didn't build my own business. Somebody else did that for me. Isn't that what he said?

Somebody else thought up the idea. Somebody else did the intensive research and talked to all those people to see if it could be profitable. Somebody else invested in the tools, equipment supplies, and transportation necessary for us to do the work. Somebody else spent long, long days and hours and hours on the road to produce a product good enough that others wanted it and allowed us to finally get to the point we were making a living at it and were able to recoup our investment.

That's what the President seems to want me to believe.

But yes, somebody else built the roads we drive on. Our taxes contribted to building and maintaining roads. Would those roads have existed, however, if we had not been earning money to pay the taxes that built them? So which came first. People earning a living who were willing to pay for more infrastructure? Or did the government appear out of thin air and magically create an infrastructure out of nothing so that people could earn a living?

The people who built the components of the computers I use in my business and who built the computers themselves don't even know I exist, much less didn't built those components for my benefit. They built those components to put bread on their own table. If they had not been able to do that, they would not have provided the components.

The clients who pay me to work for them do not do so out of the goodness of their hearts. The products/services I provide them are necessary for them to conduct their own business and put bread on their table. Otherwise they would not pay me to provide our product and without being paid, we would not provide it.

But I didn't build my business. I didn't take the risk. I didn't put my money on the line. I didn't put in all the long days of blood, sweat, and tears and make it profitable. That's what the President told me. And I find that extremely insulting and so out of touch to be unimaginable.

Can you beat that for arrogance?
Anyone want to admit openly that they owe nothing to our society? No taxes, no honesty, no compassion, no desire to build on the accomplishments of past generations for the sake of the future generations? Maybe you can tell us of your plans to take it all with you when you die?
As a business owner ( a real one, not like the hundreds of righties on this board, other boards and calling into liberal talk shows pretending to be business owners) I can assure you I would be nowhere without all kinds of help from all kinds of sources, including the US Govt, State Govt, County etc
You were able to build your business like everyone else who built a business in this country.

Because we work together to build infrastructure and we work together to protect each other from fraud and abuse.

Over-simplifying it and re-working old adages doesn't make up for experience and actual hands on work.

I think perhaps you've spent your life working for other people, something I was lucky enough not to have to do, and now you are angry about it. Because if you'd EVER got your hands dirty, fought against sometimes unbeatable odds and acheived something you could call your own that not only sustained you but an entire family and possibly generations to come you'd feel quite differently.

Re-post and thanks to you Fox.
Anyone want to admit openly that they owe nothing to our society? No taxes, no honesty, no compassion, no desire to build on the accomplishments of past generations for the sake of the future generations? Maybe you can tell us of your plans to take it all with you when you die?

Gosh, I haven't seen anyone say that, or anything close to it. Straw man arguments sure are easy to just toss out there, aren't they?

Most entrepreneurs aren't asking for your thanks, or your respect, nor are we asking to not pay taxes or to use public services for nothing. We would simply appreciate it if you would consider not mocking our efforts, our sacrifices, the daily risks we take or the jobs we create.

If that's asking for too much, my apologies. I'm not holding my breath anyway.

if a law is written and you only impliment part of that law you did not impliment that law.

example: we the people make a law that says you can execute people found guilty of treason.

then you only impliment: we the people make a law that says you can execute people.

see how that is not a good idea?
No right winger I have ever talked to on here has admitted what the SEC document proves with the exception of Toro
you cant explain it because it outs the right as gamoing the system.

the congress and the president agreed on a bill and then Gramm left to cash in as UBS bank for his efforts.

then Bush took office and appointed an SEC head that gamed the bill to only allow the parts they wanted to be implimented.

the bill that passed would have prevented this mess.

the republicans made sure that didnt happen

Truth, EVERYBODY games the system. That's the problem and I repeat: The Libs DIDN'T DO IT ON THEIR OWN.
But when you tell me I have these same idiots to thank for MY success well, you've just over stepped yourself.

This was no gaffe, it was precisely what he thinks, never having started a business.

Look at the comments of his followers here. They're behind his comments 100%.

And that's about it.


The blind leading the blind leading the blind!
Why do conservatives value the myth of the self-made-man so much? All of you know what he was saying but choose instead to take it as some kind attack on capitalism.

A conservative poster said to me last week that the truth was irrelevant.

I didn't see one conservative poster disagree with him.

The "perception" of Obama elected him. Now the truth of Obama will be his end.

That you can say that while supporting Romney is heeee-larious.
Okay guys, don't let the loonies and desperate Obama worshipers drag the train off the tracks here. The topic of this thread is quite capable of sustaining interest all by itself, I want to keep the focus there.

Let's see. I didn't build my own business. Somebody else did that for me. Isn't that what he said?

Somebody else thought up the idea. Somebody else did the intensive research and talked to all those people to see if it could be profitable. Somebody else invested in the tools, equipment supplies, and transportation necessary for us to do the work. Somebody else spent long, long days and hours and hours on the road to produce a product good enough that others wanted it and allowed us to finally get to the point we were making a living at it and were able to recoup our investment.

That's what the President seems to want me to believe.

But yes, somebody else built the roads we drive on. Our taxes contribted to building and maintaining roads. Would those roads have existed, however, if we had not been earning money to pay the taxes that built them? So which came first. People earning a living who were willing to pay for more infrastructure? Or did the government appear out of thin air and magically create an infrastructure out of nothing so that people could earn a living?

The people who built the components of the computers I use in my business and who built the computers themselves don't even know I exist, much less didn't built those components for my benefit. They built those components to put bread on their own table. If they had not been able to do that, they would not have provided the components.

The clients who pay me to work for them do not do so out of the goodness of their hearts. The products/services I provide them are necessary for them to conduct their own business and put bread on their table. Otherwise they would not pay me to provide our product and without being paid, we would not provide it.

But I didn't build my business. I didn't take the risk. I didn't put my money on the line. I didn't put in all the long days of blood, sweat, and tears and make it profitable. That's what the President told me. And I find that extremely insulting and so out of touch to be unimaginable.

Can you beat that for arrogance?

This from the same man who (according to the left) single-handedly took out OBL.
Your not going to deal with the facts i gave you huh candyslice?

Sweetie, how many times am I going to have to tell you your argument has value? And that is EXACTLY WHY I don't want these people taking credit for MY success. They fought AGAINST me, not FOR me and for Obama to articulate such a pile of shit just INFURIATES me.
Anyone want to admit openly that they owe nothing to our society? No taxes, no honesty, no compassion, no desire to build on the accomplishments of past generations for the sake of the future generations? Maybe you can tell us of your plans to take it all with you when you die?

Gosh, I haven't seen anyone say that, or anything close to it. Straw man arguments sure are easy to just toss out there, aren't they?

Most entrepreneurs aren't asking for your thanks, or your respect, nor are we asking to not pay taxes or to use public services for nothing. We would simply appreciate it if you would consider not mocking our efforts, our sacrifices, the daily risks we take or the jobs we create.

If that's asking for too much, my apologies. I'm not holding my breath anyway.


its what the right is claiming.

Obama said we dont do anything alone in this country.

its true.

you would have to build your business in the middle of a forrest to build it all on your own.

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