"You didn't get there on your own"

Let the CEO's live in the squalor their wages support.

pure perfect liberal ignorance!!

People take the jobs in China because they are better paying jobs!!!!
Wages in China have doubled in the last 8 years.

In 1985 the Chinese purchased 5000 cars , this year they will purchase 18 million!!

Under liberal squalor, before Republican capitalism, 60 million slowly starved to death!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will have a low IQ?? CEO's are modern saints who literally breath life into people.

WOW, you praise the economic royalists who sold this country out? Do you lick their asses too Ed?

China, where smoking, poor diet, water pollution and environmental problems have caused the nation's cancer death rate to rise 80 percent in the past 30 years?


Published on Wednesday, May 17, 2000
GE: No Company's Record Better Illustrates The Glories Of Corporate Globalization For The Well-Off, And The Misery For The Many
by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

There is probably no more "American" corporation than General Electric -- and no company with more of an anational world outlook than GE.

And no company's record better illustrates the glories of corporate globalization for the well-off, and the misery for the many.

Founded by the American icon Thomas Edison, GE is now headed by Jack Welch, who has said, "Ideally you'd have every plant you own on a barge" -- ready to move if any national government tried to impose restraints on the factories' operations, or if workers demanded better wages and working conditions.

While Welch's 20-year reign has been a golden era for shareholders -- the company's stock value has risen three time more than the Dow average, leading Forbes magazine to name Welch the "Most Admired CEO of the Century" -- it has been a disaster for employees.

GE: Every Plant on a Barge

Hey Ed, HERE is how Republicans used to talk.

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Really? That is what you got out of the video?
Talk about bullshit....

What exactly did you get out of the video, because what Obama said, and please ask me to provide the videos because I'll gladly do so, parrots the exact position of socialist and far-leftists. That business owners and individuals are not to blame for their own prosperity.

Listen, I'm fine with Obama being a communist, I just wish he didn't feel compelled to lie and misrepresent what he believes. How you can sit there and attempt, unsuccessfully, to say that what he said is not what he said is absurd, but once again it is a demonstration at the depths of the mass willful delusion that those on the left constantly find themselves. It is a symptom of constantly having to be in the closet as it were. :lol::lol:

That people got where they were in life because people came together to help.

That he is rich and doesn't mind paying more taxes.

That other rich people shouldn't mind paying more taxes, too.

That's what I got out of the video..

And we you start calling him a Communist, the tiny, eeny, weenie, scrap of credibility you were bitterly clinging to, disappears..

Here's what I got out of his message...



I appreciate the help.. But I'd rather my kids got educated, my mother didn't get groped and my employees didn't have to sit in 1.5 hours of traffic every day..
Rushbot is the most self-hating loon on the planet...

he was a draft-dodger so he calls people draft dodgers

he's a drug addict so he's offended that anyone tried drugs in college.

he's a viagra-taking, ho, so he thinks everyone else is a ho...

mostly, anyone who actually takes him seriously needs to seek help.

Tell us how you really feel, Jillian. Don't hold back. :)

I thought his show was great today. :)
Yeah, it is always great to listen to your MessiahRushie desperately try to back-pedal from the bullshit he said the day before. :lol:
The concept that is being hidden here is the Principle of Private Property Rights. Rich or Poor, Property Rights Matter. Without them we are each reduced to being the Property of the State. This Corruption of Principle is an Attack on Individual Liberty. It is Despotism. The Population being seen as a part of the food chain, take your number, and wait your turn, it is inevitable. That Anyone would be stupid enough to voluntarily choose such a course, is beyond my ability to understand.
Rushbot is the most self-hating loon on the planet...

he was a draft-dodger so he calls people draft dodgers

he's a drug addict so he's offended that anyone tried drugs in college.

he's a viagra-taking, ho, so he thinks everyone else is a ho...

mostly, anyone who actually takes him seriously needs to seek help.

Tell us how you really feel, Jillian. Don't hold back. :)

I thought his show was great today. :)

what i said was fact, not opinion...

i think the limbotization of politics is one of the reasons that the right has become so insane over the last two decades.

he wasn't alone, though... lee atwater started the ball rolling.
The concept that is being hidden here is the Principle of Private Property Rights. Rich or Poor, Property Rights Matter. Without them we are each reduced to being the Property of the State. This Corruption of Principle is an Attack on Individual Liberty. It is Despotism. The Population being seen as a part of the food chain, take your number, and wait your turn, it is inevitable. That Anyone would be stupid enough to voluntarily choose such a course, is beyond my ability to understand.

The concept isnt property rights. Thats a red herring.

The concept is equal rights under the law.

When the SCOTUS decided that money was speech, it maintained that my speech was more valueable than yours if my bank account was larger.

It completely negates the concept of all men are CREATED equal, as an accident of borth, the lucky sperm club now decides who has a voice in our political system and who doesnt.

That people would voluntarily give up their voice in defense of the lucky sperm club members is beyond my ability to understand. Maybe our founding fathers got it wrong. Maybe the "peasants" need a nobility, lords and ladies, to bow to. Based on the attitude of the right wing supporters, it certainly seems that they believe that to be the case.
What exactly did you get out of the video, because what Obama said, and please ask me to provide the videos because I'll gladly do so, parrots the exact position of socialist and far-leftists. That business owners and individuals are not to blame for their own prosperity.

Listen, I'm fine with Obama being a communist, I just wish he didn't feel compelled to lie and misrepresent what he believes. How you can sit there and attempt, unsuccessfully, to say that what he said is not what he said is absurd, but once again it is a demonstration at the depths of the mass willful delusion that those on the left constantly find themselves. It is a symptom of constantly having to be in the closet as it were. :lol::lol:

That people got where they were in life because people came together to help.

That he is rich and doesn't mind paying more taxes.

That other rich people shouldn't mind paying more taxes, too.

That's what I got out of the video..

And we you start calling him a Communist, the tiny, eeny, weenie, scrap of credibility you were bitterly clinging to, disappears..

Here's what I got out of his message...



I appreciate the help.. But I'd rather my kids got educated, my mother didn't get groped and my employees didn't have to sit in 1.5 hours of traffic every day..

Looking at your first picture, maybe you should be concerned about privatization of public roads?

Toll Road Privatization: As Ohio Considers It, Indiana Serves As Cautionary Tale

In two weeks, the cost of traveling the 157-mile length of the Indiana Toll Road will rise more than 2 percent, from $8.80 to an even $9, for those who pay the toll in cash. The fare will jump a full buck for truckers hauling semi-trailers, from $35.20 to $36.20.

The July 1 toll hike may not seem so painful, until you consider that those tolls were about half of their soon-to-be rates only five years ago -- and that they hadn’t risen for two decades prior to that. Even harder to swallow for some drivers, truckers in particular, is the fact that their growing contributions go not to the State of Indiana but to overseas investors who've leased the toll road from the state.

"Saying we're less than thrilled would put it really mildly," says Todd Spencer, executive vice president at the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, a trade group that represents truckers. "In Indiana, over the span of a few years, we've watched truck tolls more than double."

In 2006, under the orchestration of Gov. Mitch Daniels (R), the state struck a deal to lease the road for a period of 75 years to Australia-based Macquarie Group and Spain-based Cintra. The investors paid the state $3.8 billion upfront in exchange for the right to collect tolls. The investors are required to maintain and upgrade the road for the duration of the lease.

Here's what I got out of his message...

I appreciate the help.. But I'd rather my kids got educated, my mother didn't get groped and my employees didn't have to sit in 1.5 hours of traffic every day..

If that is what you got out of his 'message' I'd go back to school and work on my comprehension...

If you're really really lucky -- this class warfare meme the Prez created will go down in history with one of stupidest moves ever pulled in an election year...

I think it's headed for platinum...
Romney needs to pound this issue, repeatedly and incessantly. America needs to understand that Obama serves ONLY the unions. If you're not a public employee, if you aren't in the UAW, if you don't belong to SEIU, then Barack Obama is against you.

If you work 20 hours a day creating a business, then Obama views you as greedy, and not paying your fair share. He views any success you have as a favor from him and the government. If you own a business, then Barack Obama says that HE, not you, determine the success of that business. If you make it, it's only because he let you.

Tell Obama that you are the reason that your business succeeds, and you are the reason that he will be leaving office in January.

Well which is it?

Does he serve ONLY the Unions? Or ONLY his wall street buddies? or ONLY the entitlement class?

Which thing that you hate is Obama ONLY serving today?

Here's what I got out of his message...

I appreciate the help.. But I'd rather my kids got educated, my mother didn't get groped and my employees didn't have to sit in 1.5 hours of traffic every day..

If that is what you got out of his 'message' I'd go back to school and work on my comprehension...

If you're really really lucky -- this class warfare meme the Prez created will go down in history with one of stupidest moves ever pulled in an election year...

I think it's headed for platinum...

The fact that you think it was "invented" by Obama shows you just havent been paying attention.
That people got where they were in life because people came together to help.

That he is rich and doesn't mind paying more taxes.

That other rich people shouldn't mind paying more taxes, too.

That's what I got out of the video..

And we you start calling him a Communist, the tiny, eeny, weenie, scrap of credibility you were bitterly clinging to, disappears..

Here's what I got out of his message...



I appreciate the help.. But I'd rather my kids got educated, my mother didn't get groped and my employees didn't have to sit in 1.5 hours of traffic every day..

Looking at your first picture, maybe you should be concerned about privatization of public roads?

Toll Road Privatization: As Ohio Considers It, Indiana Serves As Cautionary Tale

In two weeks, the cost of traveling the 157-mile length of the Indiana Toll Road will rise more than 2 percent, from $8.80 to an even $9, for those who pay the toll in cash. The fare will jump a full buck for truckers hauling semi-trailers, from $35.20 to $36.20.

The July 1 toll hike may not seem so painful, until you consider that those tolls were about half of their soon-to-be rates only five years ago -- and that they hadn’t risen for two decades prior to that. Even harder to swallow for some drivers, truckers in particular, is the fact that their growing contributions go not to the State of Indiana but to overseas investors who've leased the toll road from the state.

"Saying we're less than thrilled would put it really mildly," says Todd Spencer, executive vice president at the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, a trade group that represents truckers. "In Indiana, over the span of a few years, we've watched truck tolls more than double."

In 2006, under the orchestration of Gov. Mitch Daniels (R), the state struck a deal to lease the road for a period of 75 years to Australia-based Macquarie Group and Spain-based Cintra. The investors paid the state $3.8 billion upfront in exchange for the right to collect tolls. The investors are required to maintain and upgrade the road for the duration of the lease.

If you're being generous and giving me a CHOICE -- I'll choose privatization most every time. Because until the Govt STARTS to actually take THEIR BASIC DUTIES - like fair and efficient elections seriously (for instance) -- these other things can be done by others..

Show me that they are focused on the REQUIRED duties and then we can discuss all the stuff that they want to do for me.. Or should I say .... to me...

Here's what I got out of his message...

I appreciate the help.. But I'd rather my kids got educated, my mother didn't get groped and my employees didn't have to sit in 1.5 hours of traffic every day..

If that is what you got out of his 'message' I'd go back to school and work on my comprehension...

If you're really really lucky -- this class warfare meme the Prez created will go down in history with one of stupidest moves ever pulled in an election year...

I think it's headed for platinum...

Maybe not...

Americans Agree with Obama: Raise Taxes on the Wealthy
July 17, 2012


By a significant majority, according to a new poll, Americans have bought the idea that President Obama has been selling for months—namely, that raising taxes on Americans with incomes over $250,000 will help the economy and make the tax system more fair.

According to the poll by the Pew Research Center, 44 percent of Americans believe raising taxes on those over $250,000 will help the economy, while 22 percent believe it will hurt the economy. The remainder believe the hikes would have no impact.

As for the question of fairness, something the president has been pushing hard while Republicans charge that he is trying to create class warfare, 44 percent of the poll respondents believe tax hikes on the wealthy would make the system more fair while 21 percent they would make the system less fair.

Americans Agree with Obama: Raise Taxes on the Wealthy
Rushbot is the most self-hating loon on the planet...

he was a draft-dodger so he calls people draft dodgers

he's a drug addict so he's offended that anyone tried drugs in college.

he's a viagra-taking, ho, so he thinks everyone else is a ho...

mostly, anyone who actually takes him seriously needs to seek help.

Tell us how you really feel, Jillian. Don't hold back. :)

I thought his show was great today. :)

what i said was fact, not opinion...

i think the limbotization of politics is one of the reasons that the right has become so insane over the last two decades.

he wasn't alone, though... lee atwater started the ball rolling.

And hence we see the impact of meth on our society.
If that is what you got out of his 'message' I'd go back to school and work on my comprehension...

If you're really really lucky -- this class warfare meme the Prez created will go down in history with one of stupidest moves ever pulled in an election year...

I think it's headed for platinum...

Maybe not...

Americans Agree with Obama: Raise Taxes on the Wealthy
July 17, 2012


By a significant majority, according to a new poll, Americans have bought the idea that President Obama has been selling for months—namely, that raising taxes on Americans with incomes over $250,000 will help the economy and make the tax system more fair.

According to the poll by the Pew Research Center, 44 percent of Americans believe raising taxes on those over $250,000 will help the economy, while 22 percent believe it will hurt the economy. The remainder believe the hikes would have no impact.

As for the question of fairness, something the president has been pushing hard while Republicans charge that he is trying to create class warfare, 44 percent of the poll respondents believe tax hikes on the wealthy would make the system more fair while 21 percent they would make the system less fair.

Americans Agree with Obama: Raise Taxes on the Wealthy

Sorry I don't do polls... Especially not if they're from Pew.. I've caught them cheating almost everytime I've read their methodogies. Just last week they made headlines with a poll on taxes and buried DEEP in the notes on the study was the fact that they ASKED FOR the YOUNGEST adult in household for the answer.. Not a WORD in the press release or the media coverage..
If you're really really lucky -- this class warfare meme the Prez created will go down in history with one of stupidest moves ever pulled in an election year...

I think it's headed for platinum...

Maybe not...

Americans Agree with Obama: Raise Taxes on the Wealthy
July 17, 2012


By a significant majority, according to a new poll, Americans have bought the idea that President Obama has been selling for months—namely, that raising taxes on Americans with incomes over $250,000 will help the economy and make the tax system more fair.

According to the poll by the Pew Research Center, 44 percent of Americans believe raising taxes on those over $250,000 will help the economy, while 22 percent believe it will hurt the economy. The remainder believe the hikes would have no impact.

As for the question of fairness, something the president has been pushing hard while Republicans charge that he is trying to create class warfare, 44 percent of the poll respondents believe tax hikes on the wealthy would make the system more fair while 21 percent they would make the system less fair.

Americans Agree with Obama: Raise Taxes on the Wealthy

Sorry I don't do polls... Especially not if they're from Pew.. I've caught them cheating almost everytime I've read their methodogies. Just last week they made headlines with a poll on taxes and buried DEEP in the notes on the study was the fact that they ASKED FOR the YOUNGEST adult in household for the answer.. Not a WORD in the press release or the media coverage..

Whats wrong with asking for the youngest adults in the household? Seems to me they will feel the impact of the national debt far longer than anyone...I say ask them how they want their future managed.

No on fucking asked us back in the 80's when Reagan started running up the debt to crush Russia did they? I mean I get why he did it, I even agree with why he did it, but fuck, now that the bills come due, everyone acts like we didnt know this shit was coming.

( and folks if you didnt see this crisis coming 20 years ago, youre either blind, stupid, werent born yet or just werent fucking paying attention )
Rushbot is the most self-hating loon on the planet...

he was a draft-dodger so he calls people draft dodgers

he's a drug addict so he's offended that anyone tried drugs in college.

he's a viagra-taking, ho, so he thinks everyone else is a ho...

mostly, anyone who actually takes him seriously needs to seek help.

Tell us how you really feel, Jillian. Don't hold back. :)

I thought his show was great today. :)

what i said was fact, not opinion...

i think the limbotization of politics is one of the reasons that the right has become so insane over the last two decades.

he wasn't alone, though... lee atwater started the ball rolling.
Atwater merely learned it from Democrats and their co-conspiracy with the Fifth Column that President Gerald Ford was a "bumbling klutz" because he lost his balance getting off a stage one time. Ford actually had been quite a good football star, full of grace and good timing almost always. George H.W. Bush was depicted as a Simon Legree by leftist smears, and it was so effective, Lee Atwater had no choice but to meet the competition with one-upmanship. How convenient it is to pillory someone few people remember, Jillian. The man died of a brain tumor at age 40. I doubt he was the first agent in the take-no-survivors game, considering the mud that was slung at his friends over politics, with only enough truth thrown in to make it believable to people who just don't know the facts by a pantywaist press that takes sides and public pollsters who obviate truth with slanted questions.
Last edited:
...and you can't seem to figure out where the shift button on your keyboard is.

Oh bullshit. He put "NOT" in all caps, so he must have some idea where its located.

Sheesh...try to keep up.:badgrin:

Putting a word in all caps is not equivalent to using correct capitalization. In fact, it's not related at all.

Sheesh . . . try to learn English.

We were discussing the LOCATION of his shift key, NOT his use of proper grammar.

Sheesh...try to comprehend

( the above...and the post you responded to was a joke...just in case it goes over some of the mentally challenged heads around here )

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