"You Don't Think I Know How ******* Old I Am?"; President Biden Lashes Out At Media For Fixating On His Age

boy, if that's kind and decent

I don't know.. guess you have to re-define words every now and then.. yeh, that's it! Change the world by changing words!

Who are you talking to? I don’t think he’s kind and decent! It’s what Dems are still saying.
Yes, and the weird thing is is that Democrats keep complaining about Trump’s abrasive personality
When the White House press corps said one slightly negative thing about Obama, according to a senior White House press corps reporter, Obama launched into a "profanity laced tirade". Naturally Democrats had no problem with that. But Trump is mean.
Joe is an 80-year-old zygote. Spending his whole life on the tit and nourishment of mama government and never maturing into something useful. And in the end most Americans will pay the price for it.
Joe is an 80-year-old zygote. Spending his whole life on the tit and nourishment of mama government and never maturing into something useful. And in the end most Americans will pay the price for it.
The only ones NOT paying the price for it are illegal aliens, criminal thugs, and able-bodied adults on welfare. The people who CONTRIBUTE to society are paying the price.

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