You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?

Income equality? Mmm, I take it for women?

More rights? vs whom? Are you suggesting government directed unionization?

Racial equality? LIke this?

Guy, you can pretend you are oppressed by affrimative action all day, but being born white and male is a privilege in this country.

You dumb fucks from the South let the rich fuck you, and they point to the blacks and make you think it's their fault.

They threw out the promotion tests because Whites did too well and blacks did too poorly.

That is not me pretending, that is documented and admitted blatant discrimination based on Leftist Legal Theory.

Which we are one Justice away from having as the Law of the Land while you lib fuckers tell those who are being actually discriminated against that they are "dumb fucks" for not being happy about it.

Enjoy the polite public discourse today, because there are the Good Old Days.
You ever work at a place where that behavior would be accepted by a boss to his employee?

That the media managed to spin that as the Republicans being unreasonable was a testimony to their completely hypocrisy and their power.

Uh, guy, I've seen much worse behavior by bosses, frankly. I've seen women fired for complaining about it. I've seen women promoted for sleeping with the boss. Welcome to the fucked up world of non-union, right to work, at will employment you Conservatives are sooo fucking keen on.

From a LEGAL standard, at the time Clinton did it, the act by and of itself was not sufficient cause for a sexual harrassment claim under the legal theory Jones was suing under. and the largest settlement under that theory was no more than $10,000. It wasn't merely being crude, the crudeness had to be accompanied by job retaliation for not complying.

Otherwise, every time you ask a co-worker on a date could be considered "sexual harrassment".

Now, in most cases, they get rid of hte person the complaint was made about. Then they wait a few weeks and get rid of the person who made the complaint, too. Because, honestly, fuck working people.

the scary thing about Jones v. Clinton was this is what happens when both sides have unlimited funds to keep litigating a "he said, she said". Most places settle, because it's cheaper.

SOunds like bullshit to me.
I posted links in other threads showing that Trump has more Hispanics voting for him than any Republican ever has. Blacks too.

You can't argue he won't win because he doesn't have minority support when he has more minority support than any previous Republican.

My question is, how likely are those minorities to go out and vote in a GOP primary? How likely are they to vote for him over the Democrat candidate?

It's one thing to tell a pollster, "Yeah, he's a cool dude", and another to actually go out and cast the ballot.

See, the left, and some of the GOPers, just don't get it. This whole election isn't Republicans versus Democrats, although the left keeps trying its tried and true script. This election is about, the people of the United States versus the out of touch leaders in Washington DC. Obama lied, the GOP establishment lied, and the people are tired of it.

If you are an American, you know that wages are down, and good jobs are hard to find. And yet, you have the administration and the media telling you things are wonderful. Also, if you thought Obama had screwed the pooch and listened to the GOP tell you how they were going to stand against him if you just got them the senate, you were also sorely disappointed.

Point is, for most Americans, their vote meant almost nothing because they have all consistently lied to us. And so, the GOP constituents have decided they aren't going to put an establishment candidate in again, they are going to pick from a few outsiders. The leader as of now is Trump, but that could change.

On the Democratic side, why do you think virtually everyone is begging Warren to get in? They know Hillary is useless, and almost as rich and as big an empty suit as Romney was for the Republicans.

And so, the people who tell you that Hillary is going to win 332-to203 or whatever they are saying, are the people who still contend this election is just like the rest of them, Democrats versus Republicans. If the election does come back to that, then yes, the Democrat will probably win. BUT, if it stays as it is today, Hillary is going to lose, and lose by a larger margin than any of these people think.

Trump is the key to this whole thing. He has to keep his rhetoric going, keep everyone excited, informing all Americans how Washington is screwing them, till about next April, then get out of the way. If it works out that way, unless something bad comes out about whomever is the GOP nominee, Hillary is toast! Remember, voters get their information about Republicans from the media, and 90% of them are libs. Now they will be watching what is going on, and some will actually discover they have been mislead by their favorite media outlets-)

I consider Trump to be just as "out of touch" with regular Americans as any of the other politicians. He is a billionaire. He has no idea of the struggles of the average American.

His stated policies say otherwise.
And if those other countries don't agree? What then?

Great. How?

1. Then a tough negotiator with the leverage offered by heading the largest single economy in the world will face off against the other countries representatives. Just about anything would be an improvement over the last 40 years.

2. Concrete plans probably won't be draw up until the Cabinet positions are filled. I can certainly speculate, if you want. I know some easy steps that need to be taken immediately that I imagine would be.

Go to a creditor and demand they renegotiate a deal. Getting Laughed out of the room would be the start.


The nations we mostly need new trade policies with are the ones that have huge trade surpluses with US.

You go to them and tell them we are done being their bitch, and they won't be laughing.

And how exactly do you get Wal Mart, Target, Sears, JC Penny, etc... to stop buying the goods produced in China or Japan?

Remove Most Favored Nation status and then start jacking up tariffs.

Which will raise the price of consumer goods, hurt corporate profits, raise unemployment, and cause 401ks to collapse. That's the good news.

The bad news is that they can demand payments of their T bills and dry up our money supply causing inflation and a rise in interest rates to destroy the rest of the economy.
I consider Trump to be just as "out of touch" with regular Americans as any of the other politicians. He is a billionaire. He has no idea of the struggles of the average American.

He has at least "worked" for a living for a long time. His daily path would have crossed ordinary scum at least in the first 10 years or so? He knows. The ones' living on the public payroll forever, they have no clue, never a days work in entire life ? Trump has hired and fired and walked construction sites with foreman/worker at least. He has been in countless meetings worldwide with all sorts.
1. Then a tough negotiator with the leverage offered by heading the largest single economy in the world will face off against the other countries representatives. Just about anything would be an improvement over the last 40 years.

2. Concrete plans probably won't be draw up until the Cabinet positions are filled. I can certainly speculate, if you want. I know some easy steps that need to be taken immediately that I imagine would be.

Go to a creditor and demand they renegotiate a deal. Getting Laughed out of the room would be the start.


The nations we mostly need new trade policies with are the ones that have huge trade surpluses with US.

You go to them and tell them we are done being their bitch, and they won't be laughing.

And how exactly do you get Wal Mart, Target, Sears, JC Penny, etc... to stop buying the goods produced in China or Japan?

Remove Most Favored Nation status and then start jacking up tariffs.

Which will raise the price of consumer goods, hurt corporate profits, raise unemployment, and cause 401ks to collapse. That's the good news.

The bad news is that they can demand payments of their T bills and dry up our money supply causing inflation and a rise in interest rates to destroy the rest of the economy.

Maybe we oughtta start making our own stuff again. Ya think?

The good news is we can defer payments for, let's say ... 50 years.

And recall that 1/3 of the Chinese econ comes from sales to America. If we ever cut them off ... oy vey!:laugh:
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.

And what, precisely, do you think this declaration and opinion are going to accomplish? And how?

End Birthright Citizenship for the children of foreign nationals here illegally, slow demographic shift, and ease deportations of parents.

I'm fine with ending birthright citizenship for the children of illegals. Still finding "slow demographic shift" to be very vague. You completely lost me on "ease deportation of parents". Are you saying make it easier to deport them, or to ease off on doing it? Details, please, and actual citations from Trump himself regarding what he plans to do would be most helpful.

One of the purposes of Anchor babies is that the parents can now request a green card to avoid breaking up an infant citizens family.

Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious. I'm aware of that. This is not an answer to my question.
1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

And if those other countries don't agree? What then?

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

Great. How?

1. Then a tough negotiator with the leverage offered by heading the largest single economy in the world will face off against the other countries representatives. Just about anything would be an improvement over the last 40 years.

2. Concrete plans probably won't be draw up until the Cabinet positions are filled. I can certainly speculate, if you want. I know some easy steps that need to be taken immediately that I imagine would be.

Go to a creditor and demand they renegotiate a deal. Getting Laughed out of the room would be the start.


The nations we mostly need new trade policies with are the ones that have huge trade surpluses with US.

You go to them and tell them we are done being their bitch, and they won't be laughing.

Really? How do you plan to enforce that bluster? More to the point, how does TRUMP plan to?
Trump's style is not presidential, I grant you that it is a minus.

But, on the issues, he is what America needs, if there is any chance of things improving any time soon.

Trump is not anything on any issues. He's hidden that in a veil of virtual hand jobs.
ok so I am going to have to repost the links on this thread because apparently you don't know SHIT!!!!!!!

First off he wrote a book on where he stands on issues; Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again: Donald J. Trump: 9781501137969: Books

Second off someone went through the trouble to post all of his positions in one web page easy to read format; Donald Trump on the Issues

Now then do I need to google search the details for how the Blacks and the Hispanics are more for Trump then they ever have been for any other Republican Candidate, EVER!

I get tired of looking this shit up for you ignoramuses.

And if you look at his stand on the issues (I use that website a lot, too), you'll notice that very little of it involves any solid, concrete plans regarding those issues. It's just a bunch of generalized slogans and "Elect me and I'll make it better."

You will also notice, since they go back a few years in their research, that he "evolved" conservative on many of them very recently. That makes me very suspicious of how conservative he actually is, versus how much he's pandering.

Isn't that so typical though? A lot of times what you hear, instead of a candidate focusing on the issues, is negative campaigning, attacking the competition, which gets old. We don't want to hear about why you hate the other guy. We want to know what are you going to do for us?

'Tis true. If you MUST tell me why the other guy is a bad choice - and that's fine; if he's wrong, tell me so - you need to follow up with what YOU think the RIGHT answer is.
You can't argue he won't win because he doesn't have minority support when he has more minority support than any previous Republican.

My question is, how likely are those minorities to go out and vote in a GOP primary? How likely are they to vote for him over the Democrat candidate?

It's one thing to tell a pollster, "Yeah, he's a cool dude", and another to actually go out and cast the ballot.

See, the left, and some of the GOPers, just don't get it. This whole election isn't Republicans versus Democrats, although the left keeps trying its tried and true script. This election is about, the people of the United States versus the out of touch leaders in Washington DC. Obama lied, the GOP establishment lied, and the people are tired of it.

If you are an American, you know that wages are down, and good jobs are hard to find. And yet, you have the administration and the media telling you things are wonderful. Also, if you thought Obama had screwed the pooch and listened to the GOP tell you how they were going to stand against him if you just got them the senate, you were also sorely disappointed.

Point is, for most Americans, their vote meant almost nothing because they have all consistently lied to us. And so, the GOP constituents have decided they aren't going to put an establishment candidate in again, they are going to pick from a few outsiders. The leader as of now is Trump, but that could change.

On the Democratic side, why do you think virtually everyone is begging Warren to get in? They know Hillary is useless, and almost as rich and as big an empty suit as Romney was for the Republicans.

And so, the people who tell you that Hillary is going to win 332-to203 or whatever they are saying, are the people who still contend this election is just like the rest of them, Democrats versus Republicans. If the election does come back to that, then yes, the Democrat will probably win. BUT, if it stays as it is today, Hillary is going to lose, and lose by a larger margin than any of these people think.

Trump is the key to this whole thing. He has to keep his rhetoric going, keep everyone excited, informing all Americans how Washington is screwing them, till about next April, then get out of the way. If it works out that way, unless something bad comes out about whomever is the GOP nominee, Hillary is toast! Remember, voters get their information about Republicans from the media, and 90% of them are libs. Now they will be watching what is going on, and some will actually discover they have been mislead by their favorite media outlets-)

I consider Trump to be just as "out of touch" with regular Americans as any of the other politicians. He is a billionaire. He has no idea of the struggles of the average American.

His stated policies say otherwise.

WHAT STATED POLICIES?! Christ, I keep asking this, and no one wants to tell me what his fucking "stated policies" are, including him.
Correll has a 'wish list' of what he wants Trump to do.

Trump has been very vague on the 'how' of his policies. He simply makes a thesis, skips the main body, and jumps to an emphatic conclusion, "We will do it."
They threw out the promotion tests because Whites did too well and blacks did too poorly.

That is not me pretending, that is documented and admitted blatant discrimination based on Leftist Legal Theory.

Which we are one Justice away from having as the Law of the Land while you lib fuckers tell those who are being actually discriminated against that they are "dumb fucks" for not being happy about it.

Enjoy the polite public discourse today, because there are the Good Old Days.

Here's the problem with that mentality. The thing is, to start with, passing a test doesn't make you a good cop or a good firefighter. The Chicago PD is full of all sorts of guys who passed tests, and their relationship with the people of Chicago is so bad that a lot of neighborhoods wont' call the police if there's a problem.

We've had 400 years of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and so on, and you guys are going to whine because a PD is going to look beyond a test to see who is qualified? I think not.
They threw out the promotion tests because Whites did too well and blacks did too poorly.

That is not me pretending, that is documented and admitted blatant discrimination based on Leftist Legal Theory.

Which we are one Justice away from having as the Law of the Land while you lib fuckers tell those who are being actually discriminated against that they are "dumb fucks" for not being happy about it.

Enjoy the polite public discourse today, because there are the Good Old Days.

Here's the problem with that mentality. The thing is, to start with, passing a test doesn't make you a good cop or a good firefighter. The Chicago PD is full of all sorts of guys who passed tests, and their relationship with the people of Chicago is so bad that a lot of neighborhoods wont' call the police if there's a problem.

We've had 400 years of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and so on, and you guys are going to whine because a PD is going to look beyond a test to see who is qualified? I think not.

IC this guy is for fairness, lol.

If that is the way it is going to be, just give tests by invite only. This process isn't so much about who they do want, but rather about, who they DON'T want. I find your point of view rather disgusting, but at least you will admit it is your point of view, instead of dancing around making excuses. I will give you props for that.
IC this guy is for fairness, lol.

If that is the way it is going to be, just give tests by invite only. This process isn't so much about who they do want, but rather about, who they DON'T want. I find your point of view rather disgusting, but at least you will admit it is your point of view, instead of dancing around making excuses. I will give you props for that.

You and that other guy are a couple of white guys whining your privilege isn't as good as it used to be because someone is giving someone else a shot.
If we elect Trump you had better start wrapping your head around the serious possibility that he will nuke the Mid East

I can't stand Trump, but stop being a retard


And just how retarded is my post after Trump's latest statements?

One of the national media's TV news, I believe it was on NBC, called Trump a Fascist Demigod this evening.

I'm not the only observer that sees Trump for what he is.

Trump is a man of action. When he sees something like a building that is in the way of his plans he demolishes it and builds something "Huge" in it's footprint. This way of operating works well in real estate management but you cannot just demolish problems in politics.

Trump is not a bad person but seriously, his my way or the highway approach will create more enemies here and abroad than solve problems we must address carefully.

Trump says a lot of things that sound like they come straight out of an action comic book.

This isn't "Metropolis". Trump isn't "Superman". We cannot afford a 50 or a 100 foot wall around our borders. Trump's rants may sound like instant solutions but they are not without enormous costs. I don't want my country turned into Nazi Germany pre WWII.

I don't like what the ISIS or ISIL terrorists are yelling about but how many Americans are REALLY at risk? Very few Americans can even possibly be killed by a handful of radical Muslims.

Upwards of 30,000 of us are maimed to death every year on our highways. Thousands of Americans are killed annually with guns. Are we going to stop driving? Hell No! Are we going to give up our guns? If you do you are an unAmerican moron and a pussy!

Yes this world has become SLIGHTLY more dangerous. Trump cannot make ANY measurable difference in that reality. His announcements fortunately precede the elections.

Don't let fear be your reason to vote.
I consider Trump to be just as "out of touch" with regular Americans as any of the other politicians. He is a billionaire. He has no idea of the struggles of the average American.

He has at least "worked" for a living for a long time. His daily path would have crossed ordinary scum at least in the first 10 years or so? He knows. The ones' living on the public payroll forever, they have no clue, never a days work in entire life ? Trump has hired and fired and walked construction sites with foreman/worker at least. He has been in countless meetings worldwide with all sorts.

I know, daddy only gave him a couple of million dollars to start off life with. The poor baby. :cool:

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