You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?

Of course YOU don't consider a threat to assassinate our military officers to be a big deal either, do you???


are you still whining about a "Fragging" joke. You see, guys used to joke about fragging all the time when I was in the service. The fact they even had a word for it tells you how widespread it was.

Just goes to show why the far left should never be allowed to have any political power..

They often do many tings in bad taste and refuse to apologize for it, part of being a far left drone!
Blacks won't support Trump.

Women won't support Trump.

Millennials won't support Trump.

Hispanics won't support Trump.

Correll, show us where majorities in these fields will support Trump, a guy who sounds like a far right wreck board member of USMB.

Jake the Fake, according to Real Clear Politics, Trump runs pretty close to even with Hillary.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

The rank and file isn't listening to you Establishment types anymore. You guys brought them McCain and Romney.
Just goes to show why the far left should never be allowed to have any political power..

They often do many tings in bad taste and refuse to apologize for it, part of being a far left drone!

Fragging jokes weren't in bad taste. they were fucking hilarious. They were a punchline in the movie Animal House

Which is why everyone in the service made them.

Now, of course,when I was in, we had j ust gotten out of Vietnam, where there had been hundreds of fraggings that largely went unpunished, and if you want to talk about Fragging as a phenomenon, that is a pretty interesting discussion. It was really only discussed as a thing related to Vietnam, but my dad said it went on during WWII as well. Nobody talked about it then.
Just goes to show why the far left should never be allowed to have any political power..

They often do many tings in bad taste and refuse to apologize for it, part of being a far left drone!

Fragging jokes weren't in bad taste. they were fucking hilarious. They were a punchline in the movie Animal House

Which is why everyone in the service made them.

Now, of course,when I was in, we had j ust gotten out of Vietnam, where there had been hundreds of fraggings that largely went unpunished, and if you want to talk about Fragging as a phenomenon, that is a pretty interesting discussion. It was really only discussed as a thing related to Vietnam, but my dad said it went on during WWII as well. Nobody talked about it then.

And now the far left has to justify their bad taste, typical far left drone!
Nominate Trump, and Clinton wins 400 EVs.
Rove is making the rounds pushing his book on McKinley and the election of 1896. He is wrong in suggesting McKinley was the mastermind of the unity forward campaign of the GOP; it was Mark Hanna.

Rove is wrong if he believes that Trump can unify America. He will split a wedge right through it.

Clinton has always been center left. Trump had been also until he started pandering to the far right.

again, you are working on the assumption that 'left-right' decides these things. They don't. Obama wasn't a moderate and neither was Dubya Bush. neither was Reagan. the only argument you cuold make for a "centrist" was Clinton, and Clinton was a unique case because you had a third party candidate mucking up the formula.

The reality is, as Karl Rove once observed, is that elections are decided by that 10% in the middle who vote for the guy they'd want to have a beer with. and most of us would rather have a beer with Trump, he seems like a really interesting guy.

One successful terrorist incident or a reverse in the economy could easily put Trump over the top compared to Hillary.
Non sequitur. And she won't get the chance

She'll be the next pres....she'll be good at it too. Will be better than Obama. Just a pity she isn't a little younger. It would have been better she ran in '08, but then look at the crap Obama has taken for trying to clear up Dumbya's mess.

Better than Obama, that's like less wet than the ocean.

And she's going to go down, she's an unpleasant woman and a complete hack

and therein lies the problem with the rightwingnuts... no sense of reality. baby bush was the worst president we've had in my lifetime. you morons never said boo. this president has tried to clean up after you for 7 years and all you've done is drool at the mouths.

Ouch! First I'm a Republican, now I'm rightwing. The wit on you, woman.

Actually, you stupid slut, I said W was one of the worst Presidents in our history and didn't vote for him ... twice ... You suffered too many concussions from your head bouncing off the head board earning more money than I did

And again we agree. W was Obama, before Obama became Obama.

When historians look back on these times, they are going to lump GW and Obama together as pretty bad; or possibly worse. If you told someone who was a political major in college what Bush did, they would insist he was a liberal, except for the tax breaks. Notice I didn't say wars because the lefts Presidents go to war a LOT! Contrary to the lefties on here thought process, go back across your last say........oh say, 5 Democratic Presidents, then come back and tell us which one of them didn't really start a war, or send troops somewhere to kill someone-)

no. that won't happen... no matter how much rightwingnuts try to make it so. (although it's been apparent for the past 7 years that's what you have been trying to do_.

clinton was the best president we've had in my lifetime. )might have been nixon but he was a criminal).
Just goes to show why the far left should never be allowed to have any political power..

They often do many tings in bad taste and refuse to apologize for it, part of being a far left drone!

Fragging jokes weren't in bad taste. they were fucking hilarious. They were a punchline in the movie Animal House

*snip idiotic meme*

Which is why everyone in the service made them.

Now, of course,when I was in, we had j ust gotten out of Vietnam, where there had been hundreds of fraggings that largely went unpunished, and if you want to talk about Fragging as a phenomenon, that is a pretty interesting discussion. It was really only discussed as a thing related to Vietnam, but my dad said it went on during WWII as well. Nobody talked about it then.

And now the far left has to justify their bad taste, typical far left drone!

no wacko. and stop projecting because the drone here is you. there are wars that are justified and wars that aren't. the problem is that you idiots don't know the difference. either you run around shrieking bomb bomb bomb... or you think we shouldn't have any involvement at all.

that's what happens with uneducated and uninformed rightwingnut loons
Just goes to show why the far left should never be allowed to have any political power..

They often do many tings in bad taste and refuse to apologize for it, part of being a far left drone!

Fragging jokes weren't in bad taste. they were fucking hilarious. They were a punchline in the movie Animal House

*snip idiotic meme*

Which is why everyone in the service made them.

Now, of course,when I was in, we had j ust gotten out of Vietnam, where there had been hundreds of fraggings that largely went unpunished, and if you want to talk about Fragging as a phenomenon, that is a pretty interesting discussion. It was really only discussed as a thing related to Vietnam, but my dad said it went on during WWII as well. Nobody talked about it then.

And now the far left has to justify their bad taste, typical far left drone!

no wacko. and stop projecting because the drone here is you. there are wars that are justified and wars that aren't. the problem is that you idiots don't know the difference. either you run around shrieking bomb bomb bomb... or you think we shouldn't have any involvement at all.

that's what happens with uneducated and uninformed rightwingnut loons

See how the far left has to justify their propagandas pre 2009?

However the irony impairment of these far left drones is well known..

See how they support the illegal wars of Obama and try and diminish anything else not far left approved..
Better than Obama, that's like less wet than the ocean.

And she's going to go down, she's an unpleasant woman and a complete hack

and therein lies the problem with the rightwingnuts... no sense of reality. baby bush was the worst president we've had in my lifetime. you morons never said boo. this president has tried to clean up after you for 7 years and all you've done is drool at the mouths.

Ouch! First I'm a Republican, now I'm rightwing. The wit on you, woman.

Actually, you stupid slut, I said W was one of the worst Presidents in our history and didn't vote for him ... twice ... You suffered too many concussions from your head bouncing off the head board earning more money than I did

And again we agree. W was Obama, before Obama became Obama.

When historians look back on these times, they are going to lump GW and Obama together as pretty bad; or possibly worse. If you told someone who was a political major in college what Bush did, they would insist he was a liberal, except for the tax breaks. Notice I didn't say wars because the lefts Presidents go to war a LOT! Contrary to the lefties on here thought process, go back across your last say........oh say, 5 Democratic Presidents, then come back and tell us which one of them didn't really start a war, or send troops somewhere to kill someone-)

WWII was righteous. Vietnam not. And you're wrong. History is going to look a lot more favourably on Obama than Bush. Bush will actually push the envelope of the worst president ever. Don't get me wrong, Obama won't be even in the top 20, but he won't be in the bottom 10 either.

Another far left drone claiming Obama is better than Bush, yet voted for worse than Bush twice..

The US population was lied into WWII
IN WWII the US attacked a country that did not attack it
In WWII FDR locked up Japanese citizens and had them vetted and loyalty tested..

Just goes to show that far left drones do not understand history on any level..

The RW loons day, "The incident in California was the worst terrorist attach since 9/11!" True, no one can match the blunder that Bush allowed to happen when the recovering alcoholic wouldnot listen to his FBI Director and advisors. AND, we have have far worse shoortings since 9'11. But they were perpetrated by US citizens.

Trump's style is not presidential, I grant you that it is a minus.

But, on the issues, he is what America needs, if there is any chance of things improving any time soon.

Trump is not anything on any issues. He's hidden that in a veil of virtual hand jobs.
ok so I am going to have to repost the links on this thread because apparently you don't know SHIT!!!!!!!

First off he wrote a book on where he stands on issues; Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again: Donald J. Trump: 9781501137969: Books

Second off someone went through the trouble to post all of his positions in one web page easy to read format; Donald Trump on the Issues

Now then do I need to google search the details for how the Blacks and the Hispanics are more for Trump then they ever have been for any other Republican Candidate, EVER!

I get tired of looking this shit up for you ignoramuses.

And if you look at his stand on the issues (I use that website a lot, too), you'll notice that very little of it involves any solid, concrete plans regarding those issues. It's just a bunch of generalized slogans and "Elect me and I'll make it better."

You will also notice, since they go back a few years in their research, that he "evolved" conservative on many of them very recently. That makes me very suspicious of how conservative he actually is, versus how much he's pandering.

Isn't that so typical though? A lot of times what you hear, instead of a candidate focusing on the issues, is negative campaigning, attacking the competition, which gets old. We don't want to hear about why you hate the other guy. We want to know what are you going to do for us?
I'm still laughing about that picture. :2up: Thanks, I needed that after my Patriots got their arses whooped last night.
I posted links in other threads showing that Trump has more Hispanics voting for him than any Republican ever has. Blacks too.

You can't argue he won't win because he doesn't have minority support when he has more minority support than any previous Republican.

My question is, how likely are those minorities to go out and vote in a GOP primary? How likely are they to vote for him over the Democrat candidate?

It's one thing to tell a pollster, "Yeah, he's a cool dude", and another to actually go out and cast the ballot.

See, the left, and some of the GOPers, just don't get it. This whole election isn't Republicans versus Democrats, although the left keeps trying its tried and true script. This election is about, the people of the United States versus the out of touch leaders in Washington DC. Obama lied, the GOP establishment lied, and the people are tired of it.

If you are an American, you know that wages are down, and good jobs are hard to find. And yet, you have the administration and the media telling you things are wonderful. Also, if you thought Obama had screwed the pooch and listened to the GOP tell you how they were going to stand against him if you just got them the senate, you were also sorely disappointed.

Point is, for most Americans, their vote meant almost nothing because they have all consistently lied to us. And so, the GOP constituents have decided they aren't going to put an establishment candidate in again, they are going to pick from a few outsiders. The leader as of now is Trump, but that could change.

On the Democratic side, why do you think virtually everyone is begging Warren to get in? They know Hillary is useless, and almost as rich and as big an empty suit as Romney was for the Republicans.

And so, the people who tell you that Hillary is going to win 332-to203 or whatever they are saying, are the people who still contend this election is just like the rest of them, Democrats versus Republicans. If the election does come back to that, then yes, the Democrat will probably win. BUT, if it stays as it is today, Hillary is going to lose, and lose by a larger margin than any of these people think.

Trump is the key to this whole thing. He has to keep his rhetoric going, keep everyone excited, informing all Americans how Washington is screwing them, till about next April, then get out of the way. If it works out that way, unless something bad comes out about whomever is the GOP nominee, Hillary is toast! Remember, voters get their information about Republicans from the media, and 90% of them are libs. Now they will be watching what is going on, and some will actually discover they have been mislead by their favorite media outlets-)

I consider Trump to be just as "out of touch" with regular Americans as any of the other politicians. He is a billionaire. He has no idea of the struggles of the average American.
She's a dishonest, blithering globalist cvnt who has accomplished nothing in her life that was of any benefit to this country or that did not ride the coattails of someone else's fame, and has damaged the US stance in the world every bit as much as her erstwhile boss.

And those are her positive points.

She's funny, affable and smart. She made people like American again on the international stage. Does she have some bad points? Sure, her age, and sometimes she does things whereby she needs to say what she thinks as opposed to what she thinks people want to hear. A lot of politicians - goods ones - have that particular trait.

Neither Obama or Bush could pull this off. The former because he has a stilted sense of humour, the latter because he lacks the intelligence and wherewithall.

She's a common opportunistic bitch. Nothing more.
And women are generally not very forgiving of men who cheat, nor men who cheat with much, much younger women.

:lol: Yes they are. That's why men keep doing it after they get caught. Because in the end, most women will forgive and move on.
1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

And if those other countries don't agree? What then?

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

Great. How?

1. Then a tough negotiator with the leverage offered by heading the largest single economy in the world will face off against the other countries representatives. Just about anything would be an improvement over the last 40 years.

2. Concrete plans probably won't be draw up until the Cabinet positions are filled. I can certainly speculate, if you want. I know some easy steps that need to be taken immediately that I imagine would be.

Go to a creditor and demand they renegotiate a deal. Getting Laughed out of the room would be the start.


The nations we mostly need new trade policies with are the ones that have huge trade surpluses with US.

You go to them and tell them we are done being their bitch, and they won't be laughing.

And how exactly do you get Wal Mart, Target, Sears, JC Penny, etc... to stop buying the goods produced in China or Japan?

Remove Most Favored Nation status and then start jacking up tariffs.

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