You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?

Which will change the constitution...
Eleven Million deportation cases is ridiculous.
So only "new" anchor babies will be deported....yeah run with that.

11 million people here illegally is ridiculous. An effectively open border is ridiculous.

Pretending the child of two Mexican Citizens is an American is ridiculous.

Sure, stop using a stupid interpretation of the rules, from now on, or use a new law or ruling of what that phrase means.

Happens all the time.
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.

And what, precisely, do you think this declaration and opinion are going to accomplish? And how?

End Birthright Citizenship for the children of foreign nationals here illegally, slow demographic shift, and ease deportations of parents.

I'm fine with ending birthright citizenship for the children of illegals. Still finding "slow demographic shift" to be very vague. You completely lost me on "ease deportation of parents". Are you saying make it easier to deport them, or to ease off on doing it? Details, please, and actual citations from Trump himself regarding what he plans to do would be most helpful.
Some blacks will, plenty of women will, White Millennials will, some Hispanics will. Majorities? He doesn't need a majority of any of them, he just needs a majority of the overall vote. If he gets the GOP nomination, he will certainly win the White Vote and probably by a landslide.
Few blacks will, few women will few white millennials will, few Hispanics will, and that's the ball game. Trump won't get even 40 to 42% of the EV.

He doesn't have to appeal to many blacks who might be open to his Trade policy to do better than any Republican in generations, and win.

NOt sure why you think women are an issue.

He will win White Millennials big.

He doesn't have to appeal to many hispanics who might not want more illegals/legal immigrants competing with them, or ruining the nation their interests are now aligned with in order to do better than any Republican in generations and win.
He has to appeal to more than 45% of Hispanics, more than 45% of women, he appeals only to GOP millennials (which make up 8% of the electorate) while Sanders takes Democratic millennials by a huge margin. I was wrong: he won't got 40% of the vote.
I seen no Supreme Court case where the modern definition was made president and several where more restrictive definitions were. I'm not sure when this began, but it can be reversed.
It won't.
That's nice.

If Hillary wins and gets "a pathway to citizenship" for the illegals, your vote won't matter again.

America will be a defacto One Party State.

Ditto with Kasich.

Then maybe you ought to get your head out of your ass and produce a real candidate, instead of chasing after the first bloviating asshole who gives you thrills up your spine because he talks in public like he's posting to USMB.

I'm not really in charge of what people choose to step forward to be candidates or what platforms they run on, but thanks for the high opinion you have of me.

Trump is the first serious contender to take, IMO, the right positions on the issues that I consider most important.

I'm not going to over look that because of issues with style or bad hair.

And I'm not really obligated to support whatever outside-the-box gasbag you Cult of Personality voters decide to fap to this week because, "Otherwise, you're giving Hillary the Presidency!" You want me to join you in voting for someone? Present me with someone who can earn my vote. You go chasing after the fad candidates, you're on your own.

I haven't said a word about Trump's hair in months, although I do happen to think his style of behavior and approach to dealing with people is a rather large problem for someone who's campaigning to be America's First Diplomat.

Speaking of things about which no words have been said, I notice you haven't said a word about the actual policies of Mr. Trump that you support. You're about as vague and platitudinous as he is.

So by all means, tell me what his plans are that have your full support. Sell me on your candidate for some other reason than "Because you don't want Hillary, do you?"

1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

1) Renegotiate them to what, exactly? Precisely what terms does he want in the trade deals that will accomplish this?

2) Deport them HOW? I'm all in favor of getting rid of illegals, but how does one actually, realistically make that happen?

1. Aggressively and with an eye to US interests, not ideological Free Trade.

2. Haven't heard details. I could speculate.
Which will change the constitution...
Eleven Million deportation cases is ridiculous.
So only "new" anchor babies will be deported....yeah run with that.

11 million people here illegally is ridiculous. An effectively open border is ridiculous.

Pretending the child of two Mexican Citizens is an American is ridiculous.

Sure, stop using a stupid interpretation of the rules, from now on, or use a new law or ruling of what that phrase means.

Happens all the time.
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.
No, Congress cannot change birth right citizenship; that's out of bounds. And the majority of the American people will not support mass deportation, and probably they would actively interfered with it. All of this rests on Trump being elected, though. :lol:

I asked you what the legal bar was that would stop it.
Then maybe you ought to get your head out of your ass and produce a real candidate, instead of chasing after the first bloviating asshole who gives you thrills up your spine because he talks in public like he's posting to USMB.

I'm not really in charge of what people choose to step forward to be candidates or what platforms they run on, but thanks for the high opinion you have of me.

Trump is the first serious contender to take, IMO, the right positions on the issues that I consider most important.

I'm not going to over look that because of issues with style or bad hair.

And I'm not really obligated to support whatever outside-the-box gasbag you Cult of Personality voters decide to fap to this week because, "Otherwise, you're giving Hillary the Presidency!" You want me to join you in voting for someone? Present me with someone who can earn my vote. You go chasing after the fad candidates, you're on your own.

I haven't said a word about Trump's hair in months, although I do happen to think his style of behavior and approach to dealing with people is a rather large problem for someone who's campaigning to be America's First Diplomat.

Speaking of things about which no words have been said, I notice you haven't said a word about the actual policies of Mr. Trump that you support. You're about as vague and platitudinous as he is.

So by all means, tell me what his plans are that have your full support. Sell me on your candidate for some other reason than "Because you don't want Hillary, do you?"

1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

1) Renegotiate them to what, exactly? Precisely what terms does he want in the trade deals that will accomplish this?

2) Deport them HOW? I'm all in favor of getting rid of illegals, but how does one actually, realistically make that happen?

1. Aggressively and with an eye to US interests, not ideological Free Trade.

2. Haven't heard details. I could speculate.

And there's the problem right there. I haven't heard any details, either. All I've heard out of him is sloganeering. That's one thing in the preliminary campaigning, but it's quite another going into the primaries. At some point, I need more than a mission statement; I need a plan.
Some blacks will, plenty of women will, White Millennials will, some Hispanics will. Majorities? He doesn't need a majority of any of them, he just needs a majority of the overall vote. If he gets the GOP nomination, he will certainly win the White Vote and probably by a landslide.
Few blacks will, few women will few white millennials will, few Hispanics will, and that's the ball game. Trump won't get even 40 to 42% of the EV.

He doesn't have to appeal to many blacks who might be open to his Trade policy to do better than any Republican in generations, and win.

NOt sure why you think women are an issue.

He will win White Millennials big.

He doesn't have to appeal to many hispanics who might not want more illegals/legal immigrants competing with them, or ruining the nation their interests are now aligned with in order to do better than any Republican in generations and win.
He has to appeal to more than 45% of Hispanics, more than 45% of women, he appeals only to GOP millennials (which make up 8% of the electorate) while Sanders takes Democratic millennials by a huge margin. I was wrong: he won't got 40% of the vote.

Hispanics are approximately 9% of the electorate. Can you show me the math were Trump needs more than 45% of Hispanics to win?

Women? Yes, he needs to win, or almost win women. Again, i'm not sure why you think he can't.

And what percentage of the electorate Dem millennials make up? 9%? 10%?

He is the gop candidate most likely to win at this point.
11 million people here illegally is ridiculous. An effectively open border is ridiculous.

Pretending the child of two Mexican Citizens is an American is ridiculous.

Sure, stop using a stupid interpretation of the rules, from now on, or use a new law or ruling of what that phrase means.

Happens all the time.
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.
No, Congress cannot change birth right citizenship; that's out of bounds. And the majority of the American people will not support mass deportation, and probably they would actively interfered with it. All of this rests on Trump being elected, though. :lol:

I asked you what the legal bar was that would stop it.
I'm not really in charge of what people choose to step forward to be candidates or what platforms they run on, but thanks for the high opinion you have of me.

Trump is the first serious contender to take, IMO, the right positions on the issues that I consider most important.

I'm not going to over look that because of issues with style or bad hair.

And I'm not really obligated to support whatever outside-the-box gasbag you Cult of Personality voters decide to fap to this week because, "Otherwise, you're giving Hillary the Presidency!" You want me to join you in voting for someone? Present me with someone who can earn my vote. You go chasing after the fad candidates, you're on your own.

I haven't said a word about Trump's hair in months, although I do happen to think his style of behavior and approach to dealing with people is a rather large problem for someone who's campaigning to be America's First Diplomat.

Speaking of things about which no words have been said, I notice you haven't said a word about the actual policies of Mr. Trump that you support. You're about as vague and platitudinous as he is.

So by all means, tell me what his plans are that have your full support. Sell me on your candidate for some other reason than "Because you don't want Hillary, do you?"

1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

1) Renegotiate them to what, exactly? Precisely what terms does he want in the trade deals that will accomplish this?

2) Deport them HOW? I'm all in favor of getting rid of illegals, but how does one actually, realistically make that happen?

1. Aggressively and with an eye to US interests, not ideological Free Trade.

2. Haven't heard details. I could speculate.

And there's the problem right there. I haven't heard any details, either. All I've heard out of him is sloganeering. That's one thing in the preliminary campaigning, but it's quite another going into the primaries. At some point, I need more than a mission statement; I need a plan.

I want to know where he is starting from and his goal. Details are less important to me as they probably will not survive even with the best intentions.
1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

And if those other countries don't agree? What then?

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

Great. How?

1. Then a tough negotiator with the leverage offered by heading the largest single economy in the world will face off against the other countries representatives. Just about anything would be an improvement over the last 40 years.

2. Concrete plans probably won't be draw up until the Cabinet positions are filled. I can certainly speculate, if you want. I know some easy steps that need to be taken immediately that I imagine would be.
11 million people here illegally is ridiculous. An effectively open border is ridiculous.

Pretending the child of two Mexican Citizens is an American is ridiculous.

Sure, stop using a stupid interpretation of the rules, from now on, or use a new law or ruling of what that phrase means.

Happens all the time.
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.
No, Congress cannot change birth right citizenship; that's out of bounds. And the majority of the American people will not support mass deportation, and probably they would actively interfered with it. All of this rests on Trump being elected, though. :lol:

I asked you what the legal bar was that would stop it.
I'm not really in charge of what people choose to step forward to be candidates or what platforms they run on, but thanks for the high opinion you have of me.

Trump is the first serious contender to take, IMO, the right positions on the issues that I consider most important.

I'm not going to over look that because of issues with style or bad hair.

And I'm not really obligated to support whatever outside-the-box gasbag you Cult of Personality voters decide to fap to this week because, "Otherwise, you're giving Hillary the Presidency!" You want me to join you in voting for someone? Present me with someone who can earn my vote. You go chasing after the fad candidates, you're on your own.

I haven't said a word about Trump's hair in months, although I do happen to think his style of behavior and approach to dealing with people is a rather large problem for someone who's campaigning to be America's First Diplomat.

Speaking of things about which no words have been said, I notice you haven't said a word about the actual policies of Mr. Trump that you support. You're about as vague and platitudinous as he is.

So by all means, tell me what his plans are that have your full support. Sell me on your candidate for some other reason than "Because you don't want Hillary, do you?"

1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

1) Renegotiate them to what, exactly? Precisely what terms does he want in the trade deals that will accomplish this?

2) Deport them HOW? I'm all in favor of getting rid of illegals, but how does one actually, realistically make that happen?

1. Aggressively and with an eye to US interests, not ideological Free Trade.

2. Haven't heard details. I could speculate.

And there's the problem right there. I haven't heard any details, either. All I've heard out of him is sloganeering. That's one thing in the preliminary campaigning, but it's quite another going into the primaries. At some point, I need more than a mission statement; I need a plan.

Or how to pay for it
1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

And if those other countries don't agree? What then?

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

Great. How?

1. Then a tough negotiator with the leverage offered by heading the largest single economy in the world will face off against the other countries representatives. Just about anything would be an improvement over the last 40 years.

2. Concrete plans probably won't be draw up until the Cabinet positions are filled. I can certainly speculate, if you want. I know some easy steps that need to be taken immediately that I imagine would be.

Go to a creditor and demand they renegotiate a deal. Getting Laughed out of the room would be the start.
1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

And if those other countries don't agree? What then?

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

Great. How?

1. Then a tough negotiator with the leverage offered by heading the largest single economy in the world will face off against the other countries representatives. Just about anything would be an improvement over the last 40 years.

2. Concrete plans probably won't be draw up until the Cabinet positions are filled. I can certainly speculate, if you want. I know some easy steps that need to be taken immediately that I imagine would be.

In other words, Trump's got nothing.
Some blacks will, plenty of women will, White Millennials will, some Hispanics will. Majorities? He doesn't need a majority of any of them, he just needs a majority of the overall vote. If he gets the GOP nomination, he will certainly win the White Vote and probably by a landslide.
Few blacks will, few women will few white millennials will, few Hispanics will, and that's the ball game. Trump won't get even 40 to 42% of the EV.

He doesn't have to appeal to many blacks who might be open to his Trade policy to do better than any Republican in generations, and win.

NOt sure why you think women are an issue.

He will win White Millennials big.

He doesn't have to appeal to many hispanics who might not want more illegals/legal immigrants competing with them, or ruining the nation their interests are now aligned with in order to do better than any Republican in generations and win.
He has to appeal to more than 45% of Hispanics, more than 45% of women, he appeals only to GOP millennials (which make up 8% of the electorate) while Sanders takes Democratic millennials by a huge margin. I was wrong: he won't got 40% of the vote.

Hispanics are approximately 9% of the electorate. Can you show me the math were Trump needs more than 45% of Hispanics to win?

Women? Yes, he needs to win, or almost win women. Again, i'm not sure why you think he can't.

And what percentage of the electorate Dem millennials make up? 9%? 10%?

He is the gop candidate most likely to win at this point.
Hispanics comprised percent of the voters in 2012. You are hoping, nothing more. Trump has upset women, voters, hispanics, you name it, except older white males. He won't win. He won't even be nominated.

Study the rates for yourself.
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.
They are all afraid of him...yes.
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.
Oh now...THAT's Ironic.
No, it isn't. It's to be expected. What else is there but to repeat the same nonsense over and over and hope by repeating it - it will somehow come true? News flash for you and Candycorn - It won't.
The GOP has no choice. Either they nominate Mister arrogant, egotistic, lunatic or he will run as third party and they lose that way.
No, it isn't. It's to be expected. What else is there but to repeat the same nonsense over and over and hope by repeating it - it will somehow come true? News flash for you and Candycorn - It won't.
Jeremiah is in fact describing her own confirmation bias above by repeating the same Trumpian denial of facts, percentages, and data. Her denial will not change reality. Correll is caught with the same trap.

The only number Correll can provide with some reliability is that about 35% of the GOP voters right now say they will support Trump.
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Perhaps we should wait until some primary votes are cast before prediciting who the nominee will be.

Trump would have to suffer a huge meltdown to lose the nomination. I don't see it happening. And even if he does, he will run as a third party. I think, GOP< that is checkmate.

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