You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?

YOu wouldn't vote against Hillary?

Kasich has had his moments, but recently he's been getting soft on Immigration, and we can't afford that.

I will vote as I have always done. I will consider the value of the Republican candidate. If I find him fatally lacking, I will vote for the best person out there. I vote in favor of candidates. I'm not so stupid as to reduce myself to merely voting against someone.

If you're so obsessed with voting against Clinton, then you should do your damnedest to make sure Trump never gets nominated.

That's nice.

If Hillary wins and gets "a pathway to citizenship" for the illegals, your vote won't matter again.

America will be a defacto One Party State.

Ditto with Kasich.

Then maybe you ought to get your head out of your ass and produce a real candidate, instead of chasing after the first bloviating asshole who gives you thrills up your spine because he talks in public like he's posting to USMB.

I'm not really in charge of what people choose to step forward to be candidates or what platforms they run on, but thanks for the high opinion you have of me.

Trump is the first serious contender to take, IMO, the right positions on the issues that I consider most important.

I'm not going to over look that because of issues with style or bad hair.
IF those 11 million people were able to move here, they can be moved back.
I'm sorry but you're being dumb. The issue is our being able to afford to eject 11,000,000 people.

If you rescind the nonsense of BirthRIght Citizenship, there is no big hurry.
Sounds pretty easy...all we have to do is amend the Constitution....Any word on where that ends? Do we go back 1 generation? What about anchor babies who are now adults and have had kids...are both going to be shipped back? One of them (Mia Love) is in Congress now....will she have to vacate her seat?

We do NOT have to build the "apparatus" to process 11 million people. If we just process 1 million a year, it will be done in 4 or 5 years (as many would just give up and go home).

Again, you're simply being dumb.

No need to amend the Constitution, just rule or make a law that illegals are "not subject to our jurisdiction".

How many illegals do you think we can "afford" to deport ever year? 12? A hundred thousand? A million?

I haven't heard any discussion of making the change retroactive. Have you?

Which will change the constitution...
Eleven Million deportation cases is ridiculous.
So only "new" anchor babies will be deported....yeah run with that.

11 million people here illegally is ridiculous. An effectively open border is ridiculous.

Pretending the child of two Mexican Citizens is an American is ridiculous.

Sure, stop using a stupid interpretation of the rules, from now on, or use a new law or ruling of what that phrase means.

Happens all the time.
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.
Blacks won't support Trump.

Women won't support Trump.

Millennials won't support Trump.

Hispanics won't support Trump.

Correll, show us where majorities in these fields will support Trump, a guy who sounds like a far right wreck board member of USMB.

Some blacks will, plenty of women will, White Millennials will, some Hispanics will.

Majorities? He doesn't need a majority of any of them, he just needs a majority of the overall vote.

If he gets the GOP nomination, he will certainly win the White Vote and probably by a landslide.
Blacks won't support Trump.

Women won't support Trump.

Millennials won't support Trump.

Hispanics won't support Trump.

Correll, show us where majorities in these fields will support Trump, a guy who sounds like a far right wreck board member of USMB.

Those who were listening when Trump said "wages are too high" will not support him either--only about 90 million hourly workers there.

He is polling very well among the White Working Class, and has a message that can make inroads with blacks and hispanics too.
Hispanics wildly dislike Trump, slyhunter.


Blacks simply do not trust Trump.

Poll disputes Donald Trump claim on black voter support ...
52% of black people said Trump does not have strong leadership qualities. 73% of blackpeople said Trump is not strong or trustworthy. 79% of black people ...

If he get HALF of the 49% that don't agree with that, he will be doing far better than any other Republican and win.
No he won't. His net negativity -51% is seven times that of Cruz. He won't get even any where near 1/2 of that.

The bloc voting of past Hispanic voters has set a very low bar for Trump to beat. If only half of the 49% that don't have an unfavorable opinion vote for him, he will do better than anyone other republican and win.

Hispanic vote is NOT as important as you might think it is, or the libs try to convince you it is, especially this time around. Why?

1. GOP will win Florida easily this time. WHY? Because the Cuban Hispanics reside there, and they hate the Castro brothers. Who made deal with the hated Castro brothers! That explains everything.

2. Where are the Hispanics who are going to vote? How about a large portion are in California, Texas, and Illinois. Now, was the GOP going to carry California or Illinois anyway, and in fact, are they not already counted as losses? And Texas, isn't the GOP going to win Texas going away? So what impact has the biggest % of the Hispanic vote had? Well, it comes out good for the GOP, because they are going to insure that Florida ends up in their column this time around.

3. The LEGAL Hispanics in this country, are not happy with illegal immigration either. By an overwhelming margin, they want it stopped. So, if they are legal, and they DO vote, the odds are they are voting GOP because it affects them as much as black people in employment compensation. Trump might be dicey here because of his stance on deportation, but problem.

And so, I actually believe that the Hispanic vote will probably change slightly in the GOPs favor, but its impact in Florida will be felt extensively. If the Republican nominee is smart enough to take that worthless piece of crap Kasich as their VP choice meaning they will certainly then carry Ohio, it is over for the lefties, bury them like an old bone in the back yard.
YOu wouldn't vote against Hillary?

Kasich has had his moments, but recently he's been getting soft on Immigration, and we can't afford that.

I will vote as I have always done. I will consider the value of the Republican candidate. If I find him fatally lacking, I will vote for the best person out there. I vote in favor of candidates. I'm not so stupid as to reduce myself to merely voting against someone.

If you're so obsessed with voting against Clinton, then you should do your damnedest to make sure Trump never gets nominated.

That's nice.

If Hillary wins and gets "a pathway to citizenship" for the illegals, your vote won't matter again.

America will be a defacto One Party State.

Ditto with Kasich.

Then maybe you ought to get your head out of your ass and produce a real candidate, instead of chasing after the first bloviating asshole who gives you thrills up your spine because he talks in public like he's posting to USMB.

I'm not really in charge of what people choose to step forward to be candidates or what platforms they run on, but thanks for the high opinion you have of me.

Trump is the first serious contender to take, IMO, the right positions on the issues that I consider most important.

I'm not going to over look that because of issues with style or bad hair.

And I'm not really obligated to support whatever outside-the-box gasbag you Cult of Personality voters decide to fap to this week because, "Otherwise, you're giving Hillary the Presidency!" You want me to join you in voting for someone? Present me with someone who can earn my vote. You go chasing after the fad candidates, you're on your own.

I haven't said a word about Trump's hair in months, although I do happen to think his style of behavior and approach to dealing with people is a rather large problem for someone who's campaigning to be America's First Diplomat.

Speaking of things about which no words have been said, I notice you haven't said a word about the actual policies of Mr. Trump that you support. You're about as vague and platitudinous as he is.

So by all means, tell me what his plans are that have your full support. Sell me on your candidate for some other reason than "Because you don't want Hillary, do you?"
I'm sorry but you're being dumb. The issue is our being able to afford to eject 11,000,000 people.

Sounds pretty easy...all we have to do is amend the Constitution....Any word on where that ends? Do we go back 1 generation? What about anchor babies who are now adults and have had kids...are both going to be shipped back? One of them (Mia Love) is in Congress now....will she have to vacate her seat?

Again, you're simply being dumb.

No need to amend the Constitution, just rule or make a law that illegals are "not subject to our jurisdiction".

How many illegals do you think we can "afford" to deport ever year? 12? A hundred thousand? A million?

I haven't heard any discussion of making the change retroactive. Have you?

Which will change the constitution...
Eleven Million deportation cases is ridiculous.
So only "new" anchor babies will be deported....yeah run with that.

11 million people here illegally is ridiculous. An effectively open border is ridiculous.

Pretending the child of two Mexican Citizens is an American is ridiculous.

Sure, stop using a stupid interpretation of the rules, from now on, or use a new law or ruling of what that phrase means.

Happens all the time.
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.

And what, precisely, do you think this declaration and opinion are going to accomplish? And how?
Blacks won't support Trump.

Women won't support Trump.

Millennials won't support Trump.

Hispanics won't support Trump.

Correll, show us where majorities in these fields will support Trump, a guy who sounds like a far right wreck board member of USMB.

Some blacks will, plenty of women will, White Millennials will, some Hispanics will.

Majorities? He doesn't need a majority of any of them, he just needs a majority of the overall vote.

If he gets the GOP nomination, he will certainly win the White Vote and probably by a landslide.

See, I disagree right down the line. One, I don't think he can draw enough actual voters to with the nomination, and even if he did, I don't think he can draw enough actual voters to win the Presidency. I think he would be strong motivation for many people to say, "Screw it" and stay home.
I'm sorry but you're being dumb. The issue is our being able to afford to eject 11,000,000 people.

Sounds pretty easy...all we have to do is amend the Constitution....Any word on where that ends? Do we go back 1 generation? What about anchor babies who are now adults and have had kids...are both going to be shipped back? One of them (Mia Love) is in Congress now....will she have to vacate her seat?

Again, you're simply being dumb.

No need to amend the Constitution, just rule or make a law that illegals are "not subject to our jurisdiction".

How many illegals do you think we can "afford" to deport ever year? 12? A hundred thousand? A million?

I haven't heard any discussion of making the change retroactive. Have you?

Which will change the constitution...
Eleven Million deportation cases is ridiculous.
So only "new" anchor babies will be deported....yeah run with that.

11 million people here illegally is ridiculous. An effectively open border is ridiculous.

Pretending the child of two Mexican Citizens is an American is ridiculous.

Sure, stop using a stupid interpretation of the rules, from now on, or use a new law or ruling of what that phrase means.

Happens all the time.
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.
No, Congress cannot change birth right citizenship; that's out of bounds. And the majority of the American people will not support mass deportation, and probably they would actively interfered with it. All of this rests on Trump being elected, though. :lol:
YOu wouldn't vote against Hillary?

Kasich has had his moments, but recently he's been getting soft on Immigration, and we can't afford that.

I will vote as I have always done. I will consider the value of the Republican candidate. If I find him fatally lacking, I will vote for the best person out there. I vote in favor of candidates. I'm not so stupid as to reduce myself to merely voting against someone.

If you're so obsessed with voting against Clinton, then you should do your damnedest to make sure Trump never gets nominated.

That's nice.

If Hillary wins and gets "a pathway to citizenship" for the illegals, your vote won't matter again.

America will be a defacto One Party State.

Ditto with Kasich.

Then maybe you ought to get your head out of your ass and produce a real candidate, instead of chasing after the first bloviating asshole who gives you thrills up your spine because he talks in public like he's posting to USMB.

I'm not really in charge of what people choose to step forward to be candidates or what platforms they run on, but thanks for the high opinion you have of me.

Trump is the first serious contender to take, IMO, the right positions on the issues that I consider most important.

I'm not going to over look that because of issues with style or bad hair.

And I'm not really obligated to support whatever outside-the-box gasbag you Cult of Personality voters decide to fap to this week because, "Otherwise, you're giving Hillary the Presidency!" You want me to join you in voting for someone? Present me with someone who can earn my vote. You go chasing after the fad candidates, you're on your own.

I haven't said a word about Trump's hair in months, although I do happen to think his style of behavior and approach to dealing with people is a rather large problem for someone who's campaigning to be America's First Diplomat.

Speaking of things about which no words have been said, I notice you haven't said a word about the actual policies of Mr. Trump that you support. You're about as vague and platitudinous as he is.

So by all means, tell me what his plans are that have your full support. Sell me on your candidate for some other reason than "Because you don't want Hillary, do you?"

1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.
Some blacks will, plenty of women will, White Millennials will, some Hispanics will. Majorities? He doesn't need a majority of any of them, he just needs a majority of the overall vote. If he gets the GOP nomination, he will certainly win the White Vote and probably by a landslide.
Few blacks will, few women will few white millennials will, few Hispanics will, and that's the ball game. Trump won't get even 40 to 42% of the EV.
No need to amend the Constitution, just rule or make a law that illegals are "not subject to our jurisdiction".

How many illegals do you think we can "afford" to deport ever year? 12? A hundred thousand? A million?

I haven't heard any discussion of making the change retroactive. Have you?

Which will change the constitution...
Eleven Million deportation cases is ridiculous.
So only "new" anchor babies will be deported....yeah run with that.

11 million people here illegally is ridiculous. An effectively open border is ridiculous.

Pretending the child of two Mexican Citizens is an American is ridiculous.

Sure, stop using a stupid interpretation of the rules, from now on, or use a new law or ruling of what that phrase means.

Happens all the time.
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.

And what, precisely, do you think this declaration and opinion are going to accomplish? And how?

End Birthright Citizenship for the children of foreign nationals here illegally, slow demographic shift, and ease deportations of parents.
Blacks won't support Trump.

Women won't support Trump.

Millennials won't support Trump.

Hispanics won't support Trump.

Correll, show us where majorities in these fields will support Trump, a guy who sounds like a far right wreck board member of USMB.

Some blacks will, plenty of women will, White Millennials will, some Hispanics will.

Majorities? He doesn't need a majority of any of them, he just needs a majority of the overall vote.

If he gets the GOP nomination, he will certainly win the White Vote and probably by a landslide.

See, I disagree right down the line. One, I don't think he can draw enough actual voters to with the nomination, and even if he did, I don't think he can draw enough actual voters to win the Presidency. I think he would be strong motivation for many people to say, "Screw it" and stay home.

I hope you are incorrect.
No need to amend the Constitution, just rule or make a law that illegals are "not subject to our jurisdiction".

How many illegals do you think we can "afford" to deport ever year? 12? A hundred thousand? A million?

I haven't heard any discussion of making the change retroactive. Have you?

Which will change the constitution...
Eleven Million deportation cases is ridiculous.
So only "new" anchor babies will be deported....yeah run with that.

11 million people here illegally is ridiculous. An effectively open border is ridiculous.

Pretending the child of two Mexican Citizens is an American is ridiculous.

Sure, stop using a stupid interpretation of the rules, from now on, or use a new law or ruling of what that phrase means.

Happens all the time.
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.
No, Congress cannot change birth right citizenship; that's out of bounds. And the majority of the American people will not support mass deportation, and probably they would actively interfered with it. All of this rests on Trump being elected, though. :lol:

I asked you what the legal bar was that would stop it.
End Birthright Citizenship for the children of foreign nationals here illegally, slow demographic shift, and ease deportations of parents.
Birthright Citizenship will not change, can't slow demographic shift, and the citizens will keep their parents here. All of this is inevitable.
"President Obama Roasts Donald Trump At White House Correspondents' Dinner!"

Trump was then, and is now, a joke.

Of course republicans are at liberty to nominate whomever they wish, whomever represents their beliefs and values – even if those beliefs and values are not representative of all Americans, and the GOP candidate fails to be elected as a consequence.
Some blacks will, plenty of women will, White Millennials will, some Hispanics will. Majorities? He doesn't need a majority of any of them, he just needs a majority of the overall vote. If he gets the GOP nomination, he will certainly win the White Vote and probably by a landslide.
Few blacks will, few women will few white millennials will, few Hispanics will, and that's the ball game. Trump won't get even 40 to 42% of the EV.

He doesn't have to appeal to many blacks who might be open to his Trade policy to do better than any Republican in generations, and win.

NOt sure why you think women are an issue.

He will win White Millennials big.

He doesn't have to appeal to many hispanics who might not want more illegals/legal immigrants competing with them, or ruining the nation their interests are now aligned with in order to do better than any Republican in generations and win.
I will vote as I have always done. I will consider the value of the Republican candidate. If I find him fatally lacking, I will vote for the best person out there. I vote in favor of candidates. I'm not so stupid as to reduce myself to merely voting against someone.

If you're so obsessed with voting against Clinton, then you should do your damnedest to make sure Trump never gets nominated.

That's nice.

If Hillary wins and gets "a pathway to citizenship" for the illegals, your vote won't matter again.

America will be a defacto One Party State.

Ditto with Kasich.

Then maybe you ought to get your head out of your ass and produce a real candidate, instead of chasing after the first bloviating asshole who gives you thrills up your spine because he talks in public like he's posting to USMB.

I'm not really in charge of what people choose to step forward to be candidates or what platforms they run on, but thanks for the high opinion you have of me.

Trump is the first serious contender to take, IMO, the right positions on the issues that I consider most important.

I'm not going to over look that because of issues with style or bad hair.

And I'm not really obligated to support whatever outside-the-box gasbag you Cult of Personality voters decide to fap to this week because, "Otherwise, you're giving Hillary the Presidency!" You want me to join you in voting for someone? Present me with someone who can earn my vote. You go chasing after the fad candidates, you're on your own.

I haven't said a word about Trump's hair in months, although I do happen to think his style of behavior and approach to dealing with people is a rather large problem for someone who's campaigning to be America's First Diplomat.

Speaking of things about which no words have been said, I notice you haven't said a word about the actual policies of Mr. Trump that you support. You're about as vague and platitudinous as he is.

So by all means, tell me what his plans are that have your full support. Sell me on your candidate for some other reason than "Because you don't want Hillary, do you?"

1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

1) Renegotiate them to what, exactly? Precisely what terms does he want in the trade deals that will accomplish this?

2) Deport them HOW? I'm all in favor of getting rid of illegals, but how does one actually, realistically make that happen?
I asked you what the legal bar was that would stop it.
It's Constitutional, which means you have to make it unconstitutional, and you can't do that. But tell us how you would try, please.

I seen no Supreme Court case where the modern definition was made president and several where more restrictive definitions were.

I'm not sure when this began, but it can be reversed.

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