You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?

11 million people here illegally is ridiculous. An effectively open border is ridiculous.

Pretending the child of two Mexican Citizens is an American is ridiculous.

Sure, stop using a stupid interpretation of the rules, from now on, or use a new law or ruling of what that phrase means.

Happens all the time.
11 million people will not be mass deported. SCOTUS will not change birth right citizenship and Congress has no power to.

How many do you think can be deported?

Sure Congress has the power. What is the bar to declaring that Illegals are here against our wishes and thus not subject to our jurisdiction?

Hell, Trump might just be able to have the Attorney General issue an opinion.

And what, precisely, do you think this declaration and opinion are going to accomplish? And how?

End Birthright Citizenship for the children of foreign nationals here illegally, slow demographic shift, and ease deportations of parents.

I'm fine with ending birthright citizenship for the children of illegals. Still finding "slow demographic shift" to be very vague. You completely lost me on "ease deportation of parents". Are you saying make it easier to deport them, or to ease off on doing it? Details, please, and actual citations from Trump himself regarding what he plans to do would be most helpful.

One of the purposes of Anchor babies is that the parents can now request a green card to avoid breaking up an infant citizens family.
Perhaps we should wait until some primary votes are cast before prediciting who the nominee will be.

Trump would have to suffer a huge meltdown to lose the nomination. I don't see it happening. And even if he does, he will run as a third party. I think, GOP< that is checkmate.
Get back to me when an actual vote has been cast.
1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

And if those other countries don't agree? What then?

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

Great. How?

1. Then a tough negotiator with the leverage offered by heading the largest single economy in the world will face off against the other countries representatives. Just about anything would be an improvement over the last 40 years.

2. Concrete plans probably won't be draw up until the Cabinet positions are filled. I can certainly speculate, if you want. I know some easy steps that need to be taken immediately that I imagine would be.

Go to a creditor and demand they renegotiate a deal. Getting Laughed out of the room would be the start.


The nations we mostly need new trade policies with are the ones that have huge trade surpluses with US.

You go to them and tell them we are done being their bitch, and they won't be laughing.
OK. This has gone on long enough. I'm bored with it.

I've been making fun of you for a few days now. You failed to recognize my sarcasm in another thread and told me you "forgot" how I was a right wing nut job. As if that is even possible given my history here. I've been fucking with you in this thread too. Figure it out, genius.

You and I might agree on the issues....but you have a shitty memory and have a broken sarcasm filter.

I've been away too long...only started posting again three weeks ago after about a two year absence, so my memory is stuffed..;o)
Non sequitur. And she won't get the chance

She'll be the next pres....she'll be good at it too. Will be better than Obama. Just a pity she isn't a little younger. It would have been better she ran in '08, but then look at the crap Obama has taken for trying to clear up Dumbya's mess.

Better than Obama, that's like less wet than the ocean.

And she's going to go down, she's an unpleasant woman and a complete hack

and therein lies the problem with the rightwingnuts... no sense of reality. baby bush was the worst president we've had in my lifetime. you morons never said boo. this president has tried to clean up after you for 7 years and all you've done is drool at the mouths.

Ouch! First I'm a Republican, now I'm rightwing. The wit on you, woman.

Actually, you stupid slut, I said W was one of the worst Presidents in our history and didn't vote for him ... twice ... You suffered too many concussions from your head bouncing off the head board earning more money than I did

And again we agree. W was Obama, before Obama became Obama.

When historians look back on these times, they are going to lump GW and Obama together as pretty bad; or possibly worse. If you told someone who was a political major in college what Bush did, they would insist he was a liberal, except for the tax breaks. Notice I didn't say wars because the lefts Presidents go to war a LOT! Contrary to the lefties on here thought process, go back across your last say........oh say, 5 Democratic Presidents, then come back and tell us which one of them didn't really start a war, or send troops somewhere to kill someone-)

WWII was righteous. Vietnam not. And you're wrong. History is going to look a lot more favourably on Obama than Bush. Bush will actually push the envelope of the worst president ever. Don't get me wrong, Obama won't be even in the top 20, but he won't be in the bottom 10 either.
She's a dishonest, blithering globalist cvnt who has accomplished nothing in her life that was of any benefit to this country or that did not ride the coattails of someone else's fame, and has damaged the US stance in the world every bit as much as her erstwhile boss.

And those are her positive points.

She's funny, affable and smart. She made people like American again on the international stage. Does she have some bad points? Sure, her age, and sometimes she does things whereby she needs to say what she thinks as opposed to what she thinks people want to hear. A lot of politicians - goods ones - have that particular trait.

Neither Obama or Bush could pull this off. The former because he has a stilted sense of humour, the latter because he lacks the intelligence and wherewithall.
She'll be the next pres....she'll be good at it too. Will be better than Obama. Just a pity she isn't a little younger. It would have been better she ran in '08, but then look at the crap Obama has taken for trying to clear up Dumbya's mess.

Better than Obama, that's like less wet than the ocean.

And she's going to go down, she's an unpleasant woman and a complete hack

and therein lies the problem with the rightwingnuts... no sense of reality. baby bush was the worst president we've had in my lifetime. you morons never said boo. this president has tried to clean up after you for 7 years and all you've done is drool at the mouths.

Ouch! First I'm a Republican, now I'm rightwing. The wit on you, woman.

Actually, you stupid slut, I said W was one of the worst Presidents in our history and didn't vote for him ... twice ... You suffered too many concussions from your head bouncing off the head board earning more money than I did

And again we agree. W was Obama, before Obama became Obama.

When historians look back on these times, they are going to lump GW and Obama together as pretty bad; or possibly worse. If you told someone who was a political major in college what Bush did, they would insist he was a liberal, except for the tax breaks. Notice I didn't say wars because the lefts Presidents go to war a LOT! Contrary to the lefties on here thought process, go back across your last say........oh say, 5 Democratic Presidents, then come back and tell us which one of them didn't really start a war, or send troops somewhere to kill someone-)

WWII was righteous. Vietnam not. And you're wrong. History is going to look a lot more favourably on Obama than Bush. Bush will actually push the envelope of the worst president ever. Don't get me wrong, Obama won't be even in the top 20, but he won't be in the bottom 10 either.

Another far left drone claiming Obama is better than Bush, yet voted for worse than Bush twice..

The US population was lied into WWII
IN WWII the US attacked a country that did not attack it
In WWII FDR locked up Japanese citizens and had them vetted and loyalty tested..

Just goes to show that far left drones do not understand history on any level..
Another far left drone claiming Obama is better than Bush, yet voted for worse than Bush twice..

The US population was lied into WWII
IN WWII the US attacked a country that did not attack it
In WWII FDR locked up Japanese citizens and had them vetted and loyalty tested..

Just goes to show that far left drones do not understand history on any level..

No claim about it. Verifiable fact.

Who cares if Germany didn't attack the US. It was a righteous cause....

I'd put my knowledge of history up against yours any day of the week.
No, it isn't. It's to be expected. What else is there but to repeat the same nonsense over and over and hope by repeating it - it will somehow come true? News flash for you and Candycorn - It won't.

Not sure what you're talking about but it may work.

Trump good...Rubio Bad. As a liberal, I want you to nominate Rubio...Rubio is soft on immigrants, soft on illegal immigrants, and hates you.
Another far left drone claiming Obama is better than Bush, yet voted for worse than Bush twice..

The US population was lied into WWII
IN WWII the US attacked a country that did not attack it
In WWII FDR locked up Japanese citizens and had them vetted and loyalty tested..

Just goes to show that far left drones do not understand history on any level..

No claim about it. Verifiable fact.

Who cares if Germany didn't attack the US. It was a righteous cause....

I'd put my knowledge of history up against yours any day of the week.

Germany had also attacked our allies in Europe. Iraq had attacked nobody since 1992 Kuwait. Kosh is douchebag.
1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

And if those other countries don't agree? What then?

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

Great. How?

1. Then a tough negotiator with the leverage offered by heading the largest single economy in the world will face off against the other countries representatives. Just about anything would be an improvement over the last 40 years.

2. Concrete plans probably won't be draw up until the Cabinet positions are filled. I can certainly speculate, if you want. I know some easy steps that need to be taken immediately that I imagine would be.

Go to a creditor and demand they renegotiate a deal. Getting Laughed out of the room would be the start.


The nations we mostly need new trade policies with are the ones that have huge trade surpluses with US.

You go to them and tell them we are done being their bitch, and they won't be laughing.

And how exactly do you get Wal Mart, Target, Sears, JC Penny, etc... to stop buying the goods produced in China or Japan?
Another far left drone claiming Obama is better than Bush, yet voted for worse than Bush twice..

The US population was lied into WWII
IN WWII the US attacked a country that did not attack it
In WWII FDR locked up Japanese citizens and had them vetted and loyalty tested..

Just goes to show that far left drones do not understand history on any level..

No claim about it. Verifiable fact.

Who cares if Germany didn't attack the US. It was a righteous cause....

I'd put my knowledge of history up against yours any day of the week.

See how the far left will justify the acts of FDR..

More proof that the far left drones not understand history on any level..

FDR lied and people died..
No, it isn't. It's to be expected. What else is there but to repeat the same nonsense over and over and hope by repeating it - it will somehow come true? News flash for you and Candycorn - It won't.

Not sure what you're talking about but it may work.

Trump good...Rubio Bad. As a liberal, I want you to nominate Rubio...Rubio is soft on immigrants, soft on illegal immigrants, and hates you.

You are not a liberal you are a far left drone, no true liberals exist on this board..
Income equality? Mmm, I take it for women?

More rights? vs whom? Are you suggesting government directed unionization?

Racial equality? LIke this?

Guy, you can pretend you are oppressed by affrimative action all day, but being born white and male is a privilege in this country.

You dumb fucks from the South let the rich fuck you, and they point to the blacks and make you think it's their fault.
Another far left drone claiming Obama is better than Bush, yet voted for worse than Bush twice..

The US population was lied into WWII
IN WWII the US attacked a country that did not attack it
In WWII FDR locked up Japanese citizens and had them vetted and loyalty tested..

Just goes to show that far left drones do not understand history on any level..

No claim about it. Verifiable fact.

Who cares if Germany didn't attack the US. It was a righteous cause....

I'd put my knowledge of history up against yours any day of the week.

Germany had also attacked our allies in Europe. Iraq had attacked nobody since 1992 Kuwait. Kosh is douchebag.

More proof why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS..
1. Renegotiate Trade deals to save/return manufacturing jobs to the US.

And if those other countries don't agree? What then?

2. Deport illegals to reduce downward pressure on wages to benefit US Working class citizens.

Great. How?

1. Then a tough negotiator with the leverage offered by heading the largest single economy in the world will face off against the other countries representatives. Just about anything would be an improvement over the last 40 years.

2. Concrete plans probably won't be draw up until the Cabinet positions are filled. I can certainly speculate, if you want. I know some easy steps that need to be taken immediately that I imagine would be.

Go to a creditor and demand they renegotiate a deal. Getting Laughed out of the room would be the start.


The nations we mostly need new trade policies with are the ones that have huge trade surpluses with US.

You go to them and tell them we are done being their bitch, and they won't be laughing.

And how exactly do you get Wal Mart, Target, Sears, JC Penny, etc... to stop buying the goods produced in China or Japan?

Better stop buying those Apple products as well..
You ever work at a place where that behavior would be accepted by a boss to his employee?

That the media managed to spin that as the Republicans being unreasonable was a testimony to their completely hypocrisy and their power.

Uh, guy, I've seen much worse behavior by bosses, frankly. I've seen women fired for complaining about it. I've seen women promoted for sleeping with the boss. Welcome to the fucked up world of non-union, right to work, at will employment you Conservatives are sooo fucking keen on.

From a LEGAL standard, at the time Clinton did it, the act by and of itself was not sufficient cause for a sexual harrassment claim under the legal theory Jones was suing under. and the largest settlement under that theory was no more than $10,000. It wasn't merely being crude, the crudeness had to be accompanied by job retaliation for not complying.

Otherwise, every time you ask a co-worker on a date could be considered "sexual harrassment".

Now, in most cases, they get rid of hte person the complaint was made about. Then they wait a few weeks and get rid of the person who made the complaint, too. Because, honestly, fuck working people.

the scary thing about Jones v. Clinton was this is what happens when both sides have unlimited funds to keep litigating a "he said, she said". Most places settle, because it's cheaper.

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