You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?

Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.
Ha! Ha! Democrats won't be as accommodating? You're party name has become equated with the word liar thanks to the mother of all liars, Hillary. Something you don't accommodate? I beg to differ. You not only accommodate them, you reward them!
He's an asshole. That's why I don't like him. Sorry, but that is just the plain and simple truth. If he was more personable, perhaps I would feel differently but I really just don't like him at all. He seems to have a lot of the qualities that I do NOT like in a person, TBH. I will say that at least he seems to speak to what he really feels instead of the usual old and boring party politics. He has that going for him. I also do not necessarily disagree with some of his proposals. I don't know how valid they are, or how he could possibly carry out some of them. I also really don't like "negative" campaigning. Quit talking about one another and talk about what you are going to do. If a news commentator makes a comment, don't stoop to the level of a 4th-grader please. That is just not very presidential or respectful or diplomatic.
You may not like his personality, but no choice is perfect...

And he sure beats a criminal that sold us out to the highest bidder!!!
He's an asshole. That's why I don't like him. Sorry, but that is just the plain and simple truth. If he was more personable, perhaps I would feel differently but I really just don't like him at all. He seems to have a lot of the qualities that I do NOT like in a person, TBH. I will say that at least he seems to speak to what he really feels instead of the usual old and boring party politics. He has that going for him. I also do not necessarily disagree with some of his proposals. I don't know how valid they are, or how he could possibly carry out some of them. I also really don't like "negative" campaigning. Quit talking about one another and talk about what you are going to do. If a news commentator makes a comment, don't stoop to the level of a 4th-grader please. That is just not very presidential or respectful or diplomatic.
You may not like his personality, but no choice is perfect...

And he sure beats a criminal that sold us out to the highest bidder!!!

Seems kind of a risky choice though! :D
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.

As long as Obama is weak in leadership around the world and in the US you far left drones have to face reality that a Republican will be elected to office..
He's an asshole. That's why I don't like him. Sorry, but that is just the plain and simple truth. If he was more personable, perhaps I would feel differently but I really just don't like him at all. He seems to have a lot of the qualities that I do NOT like in a person, TBH. I will say that at least he seems to speak to what he really feels instead of the usual old and boring party politics. He has that going for him. I also do not necessarily disagree with some of his proposals. I don't know how valid they are, or how he could possibly carry out some of them. I also really don't like "negative" campaigning. Quit talking about one another and talk about what you are going to do. If a news commentator makes a comment, don't stoop to the level of a 4th-grader please. That is just not very presidential or respectful or diplomatic.
You may not like his personality, but no choice is perfect...

And he sure beats a criminal that sold us out to the highest bidder!!!

Seems kind of a risky choice though! :D
Take the risk, since it's better than a Muslim sympathizer who believes in "God Damn America"...
Perhaps we should wait until some primary votes are cast before prediciting who the nominee will be.

Where's the fun in that? Donny's Biggest Fans are already drawing up plans for a casino on the WH lawn. Their disappointment will be mega...
Actually, you are witnessing the greatest rebellion this country has seen since the American Revolution, and our citizens know it...

It's time to take our country back!!!

Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.
Aren't you kind of reaching on this one, since your candidate is facing a possibility of a federal criminal Indictment???
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.
You're living in a world of wishful thinking.
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.
You're living in a world of wishful thinking.

Feel free to eleaborate with some details. Oh yeah, I forgot; Trump and his supporters don't get into details...ever
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.
Aren't you kind of reaching on this one, since your candidate is facing a possibility of a federal criminal Indictment???
View attachment 56345

If HRC isn't the opponent...

Trump will still have lied his way through the primary season thus far with incredible promises that have no possibility of coming true, outrageous lies backed up by nothing other than his "I saw it", and shockingly making fun of persons' disabilities.

There is almost zero chance that HRC ever gets anywhere near a jail cell which is something you'd admit if it were not so devestating to your cause. But the GOP primary has nothing to do with her....

It has everything to do with one guy saying anything to garner support and a bunch of empty suits too scared or (worse) too casual about the truth to contest it.
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.

Maybe the Clintons need to move back to Little Rock, where Bill can hang out with "Sweet, Sweet Connie" at the Whitewater Tavern again...
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.
You're living in a world of wishful thinking.

Feel free to eleaborate with some details. Oh yeah, I forgot; Trump and his supporters don't get into details...ever

You think Christians won't vote for Trump. Wishful thinking. They've been watching for 7 years the all out attack on Christianity by our muslim president and are now looking at the prospect of another anti-Christian (Hillary) continuing the assault. They will vote and they will vote for Trump.

You think Independents don't like him? Wishful thinking. He does better with Independents than he does with Republicans.

Establishment Republicans won't vote? Wishful thinking. They want their country back as much as the Independents do.

It's funny how you talk about "lying his way through the election" when his opponent is Hillary Clinton, a well documented liar.

Muslims celebrating 9/11 has been well documented since he made that statement. The only thing you can dispute at this point is the numbers.

The wall on the border will be built if he's elected and Mexico will pay for it. It will be deducted from the money we give them every year in foreign aid. Even if WE pay for it, it doesn't matter. It needs to be built and the American people WANT it.

Are those enough details for you?
Perhaps we should wait until some primary votes are cast before prediciting who the nominee will be.

Where's the fun in that? Donny's Biggest Fans are already drawing up plans for a casino on the WH lawn. Their disappointment will be mega...
Actually, you are witnessing the greatest rebellion this country has seen since the American Revolution, and our citizens know it...

It's time to take our country back!!!
Take it back? From who?
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.
Aren't you kind of reaching on this one, since your candidate is facing a possibility of a federal criminal Indictment???
View attachment 56345

I.msure you probably beat off to that thought, but it isn't nearly as likely as hannity told you.
Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.


Rubio is as unqualified as Obama.
The president is 'unqualified' to be president – true stupidity from the partisan right.
Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.


Rubio is as unqualified as Obama.
The president is 'unqualified' to be president – true stupidity from the partisan right.

Yes Shyster, and we have a definite mental disorder going on with the Manchurian muslim....


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