You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?

Trump's style is not presidential, I grant you that it is a minus.

But, on the issues, he is what America needs, if there is any chance of things improving any time soon.

Trump is not anything on any issues. He's hidden that in a veil of virtual hand jobs.
Face it...

We're tired of being sold out by the likes of Obozo and that criminal Hillary...

Well, you better get used to it. Because if Trump gets the nomination, the White House is going to stay Democrat for another four years.

YOu know, I like Trump on the issues,

BUT, it will be a nice bonus to know that if he wins, that it will kill you guys.

Trump is wrong on the issues, as are most on the right – this post is further evidence of that.
YOu wouldn't vote against Hillary?

Kasich has had his moments, but recently he's been getting soft on Immigration, and we can't afford that.

I will vote as I have always done. I will consider the value of the Republican candidate. If I find him fatally lacking, I will vote for the best person out there. I vote in favor of candidates. I'm not so stupid as to reduce myself to merely voting against someone.

If you're so obsessed with voting against Clinton, then you should do your damnedest to make sure Trump never gets nominated.

That's nice.

If Hillary wins and gets "a pathway to citizenship" for the illegals, your vote won't matter again.

America will be a defacto One Party State.

Ditto with Kasich.
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.

Let me get this straight? The Democratic Party complains that taxes are to high on the middle class but will vote enthusiastically against a canidate that will zero out the income tax for anyone making below 50000. When did you guys stop supporting the middle class?
Only two candidates not taking donations from big donors. Trump and Sanders. Both also against the TPP which is a major issue and the other candidates won't talk about it. The beast sez she's against it now. sure. A link below about when Trump gave the clintons money for their foundation, now tells them to kiss his ass. They just blew the money on themselves. What pigs they both are (link below). Of course, all the other republicans other than Trump are pigs also. Motor mouth rubio can't even attend the senate, being too busy trolling for billionaire money.

Trump says Hillary and Bill Clinton 'kiss my *ss' for foundation money
That's nice.

If Hillary wins and gets "a pathway to citizenship" for the illegals, your vote won't matter again.

America will be a defacto One Party State.

Ditto with Kasich.

So your complaint is that after decades of pissing on HIspanics, eventually, you won't ever win because you've pissed on them?

Sounds like a personal problem.

Frankly, I like Hispanics better than I like dumb-ass bubba rednecks from the South.
So, instead you would vote for the woman that helped her husband lie to the whole nation?

Most Americans didn't consider his lying to be a big deal.

The ones who did were fantastic hypocrites, given they've had no problem forgiving Vitter, Gingrich, and a bunch of other guys of much worse behavior.

Yes, it is interesting the way that America bought the line the media sold them.
That's nice.

If Hillary wins and gets "a pathway to citizenship" for the illegals, your vote won't matter again.

America will be a defacto One Party State.

Ditto with Kasich.

So your complaint is that after decades of pissing on HIspanics, eventually, you won't ever win because you've pissed on them?

Sounds like a personal problem.

Frankly, I like Hispanics better than I like dumb-ass bubba rednecks from the South.

My complaint is that if we give the illegals citizenship, it will be like giving the Libs a Texas, and will usher in a long period of ONe Party Rule as I said.

I don't see how you consider that a "personal problem" instead of a real problem for the nation,

though I note that your naked bigotry against Southern Whites takes off the table any pretense of moral superiority from you, so don't bother with any answer like that.
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.
Is Trump under an FBI investigation for security violations and other assorted felonies, and facing a possibility of doing time in a federal prison???

That's true, but still . . . Donald Trump of all people??? :puke:

He is the one that had the brilliant idea of actually addressing the interests of the American People.


Immigration usually polls at 6% in off years (this is actually an off year).

Terrorism rises and falls with the actions of the terrorists.

In all cases, he basically tells you what you want to hear and has zero plans to do anything about it logistically, logically and in fact legally. No, we can't round 11 Million People up; no, we can't ban a religion.
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.
You're living in a world of wishful thinking.

Feel free to eleaborate with some details. Oh yeah, I forgot; Trump and his supporters don't get into details...ever

Details? You libs lose the right to whine about details when you voted for Obama.

So I guess you think Obama was a failure judging from that statement? Am I right?

And your remedy is to repeat the same "failure" with Trump?

I'm not sure why you stated that, in all candor. He said that he was going to pass the ACA. He did. He said he was going to end our involvement in the ME. He did pretty much. He said that he was going to restore our good name with our allies. He did. He said that he was going to close Gitmo. He has faced GOP intransigence on that which continues to this day; it boggled the mind then; it does so now as well.

He has failed to introduce regulation in the financial sector that really addresses the large problem of banks being too big to fail--they still are and if they made some dicey loans that needed a bailout, we'd still have to do it.

His management style has been a failure as to where his administration seems afraid to admit there are problems and they either keep him from knowing them or he prefers to "let someone else handle it" in the way Reagan used to. I disagree with a lot of liberals when I say that:

The IRS Scandal is a scandal. Someone decided to violate policy either on someone else's orders or on their own. Someone should be in jail.

The VA Scandal is a scandal. Someone lied about service times and patient throughput on a government form either on their own or on someone else's orders. Someone should be in jail.

The Secret Service scandals are scandals. Agents have, at best, compromised their agency knowingly and willfully. I understand that "boys will be boys" and all that but the security details of our highest elected office holders should be taken more seriously. Its unclear if something has been illegal but it does speak to the man's management style.
Anyway, back on point.

Trump isn't winning the GOP nomination, Cruz is. Cruz can get the others supporters as they drop, Trump for the most part, can't! Cruz will be seen as the compromise candidate between factions of those on the far right, and those in the middle of the party. He is also considered an outsider, wants to stop illegal immigration, so can become more than acceptable to Trump voters.

I thought for a very long time that Rubio was going to be the one to give Trump and Cruz the most difficult time. Well, he may be the most difficult, but it really won't be hard at all because he was on the gang of 8 and supported amnesty. HALLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO, no Trump or Cruz supporter will touch him with a 10 ft pole. By my way of thinking, Trump, Cruz, and Carson combined have over 50% of the GOP support locked up. If/when Carson drops, if he gives his support to Cruz, the GOP nomination is then over.

The only hope the GOP has for slipping in a party moderate is a brokered convention, and I don't think that is going to happen. I believe Cruz will pick a party moderate as Reagan did to silence the establishment for VP, which means while I have absolutely no use for the man, that person would probably be Kasich.

Not to get to far into the weeds, but if that happens, it means Ohio goes GOP along with Florida, and the dominoes will already be falling before the election-)

Cruz will lose worse than Trump would. But at least the GOP would be nominating a Republican. I guess there is something to be said for that.
Yes, it is interesting the way that America bought the line the media sold them.

The media didn't have to sell anything. Fact is, half of marriages have someone who commits adultery in them. Most of us don't think people deserve to have their careers ruined because their marriage hits a rough spot.

And, yes, when your Party of "Family Values" is filled with guys who get divorces, cheat on their spouses, break up marriages, and hire prostitutes, it's kind of hard to take you all seriously.
My complaint is that if we give the illegals citizenship, it will be like giving the Libs a Texas, and will usher in a long period of ONe Party Rule as I said.

I don't see how you consider that a "personal problem" instead of a real problem for the nation,

though I note that your naked bigotry against Southern Whites takes off the table any pretense of moral superiority from you, so don't bother with any answer like that.

Frankly, I'm all for a period of one-party rule. The GOP just fucks things up when they get ahold of them, anyway.

And just because the South is full of dumb-ass crackers who are soooooo fucking stupid they vote against their own economic interest, I don't really mind taking texas away from them.
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.
Is Trump under an FBI investigation for security violations and other assorted felonies, and facing a possibility of doing time in a federal prison???

That's true, but still . . . Donald Trump of all people??? :puke:

He is the one that had the brilliant idea of actually addressing the interests of the American People.


Immigration usually polls at 6% in off years (this is actually an off year).

Terrorism rises and falls with the actions of the terrorists.

In all cases, he basically tells you what you want to hear and has zero plans to do anything about it logistically, logically and in fact legally. No, we can't round 11 Million People up; no, we can't ban a religion.

IMO, he gets 1, 4 and 5 by a wide margin with his positions on Trade and Immigration.

Your assumption that he is lying about his intentions is just that, an assumption.
The only tradition of the GOP I care about is protecting and advancing the interests of American citizens.

No you don't. You don't give a shit about anything other than getting your rocks off. Anyone who would vote for Trump is nothing more than an autonomous mouth breathing carbon gel pack not fit to sully the den of feral dogs.

I went on to offer the, IMO, most important of Trumps issues.

You cut them and ignored them in favor of raving.

Try to relax.

Trump hasn't won yet. Maybe you will be spared.

What, you don't like my blunt talk? Am I too vulgar for you?

This is what you get with Donald Trump. You eat it with a spoon and a smile, then ask for seconds. Are you starting to comprehend why Trump has no chance of winning a general election?
I posted links in other threads showing that Trump has more Hispanics voting for him than any Republican ever has. Blacks too. Am I supposed to provide the links in every fucking thread to appease every ignorant liberal in America?

We want a real man in the White House. Not some pansy. Someone you know means what he says. More importantly someone They, Putin, Muslims, North Korea, etc, knows means what he says.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.
You're living in a world of wishful thinking.

Feel free to eleaborate with some details. Oh yeah, I forgot; Trump and his supporters don't get into details...ever

Details? You libs lose the right to whine about details when you voted for Obama.

So I guess you think Obama was a failure judging from that statement? Am I right?

No, I think he ran of vague generalities like "Hope and Change".

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