You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?

Of course I am. I enjoyed the 2014 election cycle just fine. It wasn't even a bit surprising.

You seem upset.

I'm good, gay boy. You can talk about your feelings to a chick or one of your homo friends

Oh no! You called me gay! How will I ever recover?

Swish, not the point, gay boy. Calm down

You had a point?

It doesn't mater, you never get one. And the bottom line was I was calling you a chick, moron, not a fag

No you didn't. You specifically said "gay boy", not "chick".

So "chicks" are lower on your bigot ladder than gays?
Is Trump under an FBI investigation for security violations and other assorted felonies, and facing a possibility of doing time in a federal prison???

Neither is Hillary. If the FBI had anything other than, "Well, she had emails that should have been classified under obscure and outdated rules", we'd have heard about it by now. The FBI is just trying to figure out how to wrap this thing up and save face.

Then I guess that explains why they have uncovered approximately 1K emails containing classified information...

But you still want to continue your insane rambling, and reinforce our belief that the highest honor the military "awarded" you is a Section 8!!!!

Face it, Joey... You blew it on the other thread when you expressed a desire to frag our own officers... We know whose side you're on now, and it ain't ours!!!
Then I guess that explains why they have uncovered approximately 1K emails containing classified information...

That's what they claim. Of course, it's a catch 22, since a lot of those things were in fact in the public domain and arbitrarily classified by obscure rules. Unless they are going to prosecute everyone in the government who unknowingly e-mailed something that was classified under obscure rules that most people dont' understand, you guys are blowing smoke.

But you still want to continue your insane rambling, and reinforce our belief that the highest honor the military "awarded" you is a Section 8!!!!

The Army doesn't have "Section 8"'s anymore. If your whole knowledge of the military comes from watching episodes of M*A*S*H, maybe you should shut the fuck up before you look stupid.
Then I guess that explains why they have uncovered approximately 1K emails containing classified information...

That's what they claim. Of course, it's a catch 22, since a lot of those things were in fact in the public domain and arbitrarily classified by obscure rules. Unless they are going to prosecute everyone in the government who unknowingly e-mailed something that was classified under obscure rules that most people dont' understand, you guys are blowing smoke.

But you still want to continue your insane rambling, and reinforce our belief that the highest honor the military "awarded" you is a Section 8!!!!

The Army doesn't have "Section 8"'s anymore. If your whole knowledge of the military comes from watching episodes of M*A*S*H, maybe you should shut the fuck up before you look stupid.
The term "Section 8" is actually a holdover from an old regulation (Section VIII of AR 615-360, from WWII), but it's a term that most people understand...

If you really want to get specific though, I can... You were undoubtedly discharged under AR 635-200, which covers personality disorders ( which can include a wide range of problems, from severe psychosis to chronic masturbation)...
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.

It depends.

Conservatives said that conservatives would stay home if they nominated Romney, and more conservatives voted for Romney than any other Presidential candidate in history. So I'm not sure if conservatives would stay home for Trump. In fact, given the passion conservatives here show for him, they may be more likely to go to the polls with Trump on the ballot.

The biggest threat Trump poses to Clinton is him peeling off blue collar Democrats, who - along with minorities - are Clinton's base. He may also bring out new voters, voters who generally don't vote. The other group to watch are young people. Young people would probably still vote for the Democrats, but Clinton doesn't seem to inspire young people in the way Obama did. Clinton isn't cool. Trump is "cooler" than Hillary. Clinton probably doesn't pull the same amount of minorities as Obama did. Clinton also has to be wary of the Left pulling her to far away from the center. The Democrat Party is shifting left, which threatens their viability. The final thing that could benefit Trump would be if terrorist activity increases.

OTOH, moderates decide elections. What appeals to the Republican base probably turns moderates off. Trump does relatively poorly amongst educated, higher-income Republicans, let alone moderates of the same demographics. Trump needs to win A LOT of white votes. Assuming minorities vote the same as they have the past few elections, Trump would have to win the same percentage of whites as Reagan did in 1984, which seems unlikely. Also unlikely is that he would do appreciably better with minorities than either McCain or Romney. The Democrats were also way, way ahead of Republicans in terms of technology in 2012. Have the Republicans closed that gap? Would it under Trump, a 69 year-old man whose primary advantage is amongst older, rural and less-educated voters? Another question is funding. Trump isn't spending any of his own money. Where will it come from? He probably would do better amongst small donors, but my guess is that big donors will sit this out. Of course, Trump doesn't come across as Presidential, and that matters also.

Don't discount Rubio. I think he will be the nominee, and I think Hillary would beat him, but I think it would be a lot closer than many Democrats think. People have dismissed him throughout his career, and all he has done is win. He's a better campaigner than Clinton, he'll do well amongst Hispanics, he appeals to moderates, he's young and attractive, and Americans look forward, not back. Clinton represents the past, Rubio the future.
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The term "Section 8" is actually a holdover from an old regulation (Section VIII of AR 615-360, from WWII), but it's a term that most people understand...

If you really want to get specific though, I can... You were undoubtedly discharged under AR 635-200, which covers personality disorders ( which can include a wide range of problems, from severe psychosis to chronic masturbation)...

Yes, i'm sure you googled that. But no one who was in the service would use inaccurate terms they heard on M*A*S*H.

Actually, I got out because my contract was up, and I didn't re-enlist for a third time. They tried to get me to re-up by dangling a potential promotion in front of me. I still didn't want to go for it.
Don't discount Rubio. I think he will be the nominee, and I think Hillary would beat him, but I think it would be a lot closer than many Democrats think. People have dismissed him throughout his career, and all he has done is win. He's a better campaigner than Clinton, he'll do well amongst Hispanics, he appeals to moderates, he's young and attractive, and Americans look forward, not back. Clinton represents the past, Rubio the future.
I agree that Rubio will likely be the pick when crunch time comes along. I don't agree that Hillary would beat him, she is not popular with the fence sitters from everything I have heard. I think she wore out the trust factor, screeches too much, way too much baggage and doesn't have the personality that allowed hubby to skate by on.

As far as Trump, I believe it's more a reaction to being the anti-obama than devotion to him.
The term "Section 8" is actually a holdover from an old regulation (Section VIII of AR 615-360, from WWII), but it's a term that most people understand...

If you really want to get specific though, I can... You were undoubtedly discharged under AR 635-200, which covers personality disorders ( which can include a wide range of problems, from severe psychosis to chronic masturbation)...

Yes, i'm sure you googled that. But no one who was in the service would use inaccurate terms they heard on M*A*S*H.

Actually, I got out because my contract was up, and I didn't re-enlist for a third time. They tried to get me to re-up by dangling a potential promotion in front of me. I still didn't want to go for it.
Good thing you didn't re-up...

An attempt to frag our officers during wartime would have sure cured your chronic masturbation.
Non sequitur. And she won't get the chance

She'll be the next pres....she'll be good at it too. Will be better than Obama. Just a pity she isn't a little younger. It would have been better she ran in '08, but then look at the crap Obama has taken for trying to clear up Dumbya's mess.

Better than Obama, that's like less wet than the ocean.

And she's going to go down, she's an unpleasant woman and a complete hack

and therein lies the problem with the rightwingnuts... no sense of reality. baby bush was the worst president we've had in my lifetime. you morons never said boo. this president has tried to clean up after you for 7 years and all you've done is drool at the mouths.

Ouch! First I'm a Republican, now I'm rightwing. The wit on you, woman.

Actually, you stupid slut, I said W was one of the worst Presidents in our history and didn't vote for him ... twice ... You suffered too many concussions from your head bouncing off the head board earning more money than I did

And again we agree. W was Obama, before Obama became Obama.

When historians look back on these times, they are going to lump GW and Obama together as pretty bad; or possibly worse. If you told someone who was a political major in college what Bush did, they would insist he was a liberal, except for the tax breaks. Notice I didn't say wars because the lefts Presidents go to war a LOT! Contrary to the lefties on here thought process, go back across your last say........oh say, 5 Democratic Presidents, then come back and tell us which one of them didn't really start a war, or send troops somewhere to kill someone-)

Agreed on all points. There really is no difference between the two, W and O. And W with the tax breaks made the tax code more complex rather than simpler undermining even that
I'm good, gay boy. You can talk about your feelings to a chick or one of your homo friends

Oh no! You called me gay! How will I ever recover?

Swish, not the point, gay boy. Calm down

You had a point?

It doesn't mater, you never get one. And the bottom line was I was calling you a chick, moron, not a fag

No you didn't. You specifically said "gay boy", not "chick".

So "chicks" are lower on your bigot ladder than gays?

I said the "point" and "bottom line." I didn't say gay boy wasn't part of the chain, but the point was he is acting like a chick all emotional and shit. Which since he's a guy acting like a chick went through gay. But the point wasn't he's gay, it's that he's a chick focusing on emotions. You people are dumb as bricks.
Oh no! You called me gay! How will I ever recover?

Swish, not the point, gay boy. Calm down

You had a point?

It doesn't mater, you never get one. And the bottom line was I was calling you a chick, moron, not a fag

No you didn't. You specifically said "gay boy", not "chick".

So "chicks" are lower on your bigot ladder than gays?

I said the "point" and "bottom line." I didn't say gay boy wasn't part of the chain, but the point was he is acting like a chick all emotional and shit. Which since he's a guy acting like a chick went through gay. But the point wasn't he's gay, it's that he's a chick focusing on emotions. You people are dumb as bricks.

It is very clear who is being emotional here, Nancy.
Swish, not the point, gay boy. Calm down

You had a point?

It doesn't mater, you never get one. And the bottom line was I was calling you a chick, moron, not a fag

No you didn't. You specifically said "gay boy", not "chick".

So "chicks" are lower on your bigot ladder than gays?

I said the "point" and "bottom line." I didn't say gay boy wasn't part of the chain, but the point was he is acting like a chick all emotional and shit. Which since he's a guy acting like a chick went through gay. But the point wasn't he's gay, it's that he's a chick focusing on emotions. You people are dumb as bricks.

It is very clear who is being emotional here, Nancy.

Gotcha, Klown, I learn so much from you and the rest of the KKK
It depends.

Conservatives said that conservatives would stay home if they nominated Romney, and more conservatives voted for Romney than any other Presidential candidate in history. So I'm not sure if conservatives would stay home for Trump. In fact, given the passion conservatives here show for him, they may be more likely to go to the polls with Trump on the ballot.

The biggest thread Trump poses to Clinton is him peeling off blue collar Democrats, who - along with minorities - are Clinton's base. He may also bring out new voters, voters who generally don't vote. The other group to watch are young people. Young people would probably still vote for the Democrats, but Clinton doesn't seem to inspire young people in the way Obama did. Clinton isn't cool. Trump is "cooler" than Hillary. Clinton probably doesn't pull the same amount of minorities as Obama did. Clinton also has to be wary of the Left pulling her to far away from the center. The Democrat Party is shifting left, and threatens their viability. The final thing that could benefit Trump would be if terrorist activity increases.

Very Astute observations. Pretty much agree with you up to this point. I would go one further in saying Trump is the guy who is calling bullshit on Free Trade, which has been a shit sandwich for American workers. Bernie gets this as well, which is why he is doing well.

Again, my brother the Union Thug who normally doesn't vote (thankfully) likes Trump and Bernie, which proves my old adage that OWS and the Tea Party are really two sides of the same coin.

OTOH, moderates decide elections. What appeals to the Republican base probably turns moderates off. Trump does relatively poorly amongst educated, higher-income Republicans, let alone moderates of the same demographics. Trump needs to win A LOT of white votes. Assuming minorities vote the same as they have the past few elections, Trump would have to win the same percentage of whites as Reagan did in 1984, which seems unlikely. Also unlikely is that he would do appreciably better with minorities than either McCain or Romney. The Democrats were also way, way ahead of Republicans in terms of technology in 2012. Have the Republicans closed that gap? Would it under Trump, a 69 year-old man whose primary advantage is amongst older, rural and less-educated voters? Another question is funding. Trump isn't spending any of his own money. Where will it come from? He probably would do better amongst small donors, but my guess is that big donors will sit this out.

You see, this is where you got it wrong. Moderates don't decide elections. Obama isn't a moderate and neither was Dubya. ENTHUSIASM decides elections. Obama won because young people and minorities were enthusiastic about him. frankly, what scares me about Trump is the enthusiasm of his supporters. The guy is a fucking fascist, but fascists don't get into power without black shirts and storm troopers.

As for the rich donors, if rich donors decided elections, the Mormon Cult would be in the White House right now. The Rich can't win general elections, and it's looking like they can't sway the nomination, either. People are getting pretty fed up with the Rich selecting our candidates and then fucking us over.

Don't discount Rubio. I think he will be the nominee, and I think Hillary would beat him, but I think it would be a lot closer than many Democrats think. People have dismissed his throughout his career, and all he has done is win. He's a better campaigner than Clinton, he'll do well amongst Hispanics, he's young and attractive, and Americans look forward, not back. Clinton represents the past, Rubio the future.

Rubio's got Sheldon Adelson's hand so far up his ass he's a puppet. If it's a choice between Adelson's puppet and Trump, I'll vote for Trump. If it's a choice between Adelson's puppet and Hillary, I'll vote for Hillary.

I don't really like Hillary, but the reality is, she's far better than anyone the GOP has to offer.
Oh no! You called me gay! How will I ever recover?

Swish, not the point, gay boy. Calm down

You had a point?

It doesn't mater, you never get one. And the bottom line was I was calling you a chick, moron, not a fag

No you didn't. You specifically said "gay boy", not "chick".

So "chicks" are lower on your bigot ladder than gays?

I said the "point" and "bottom line." I didn't say gay boy wasn't part of the chain, but the point was he is acting like a chick all emotional and shit. Which since he's a guy acting like a chick went through gay. But the point wasn't he's gay, it's that he's a chick focusing on emotions. You people are dumb as bricks.

Easy, easy...settle down. Don't get all upset. I simply pointed out that your posts did not lead one to "chick".

Kaz, people don't have a reading comprehension problem as you claim over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...It's that you don't formulate your thoughts very well on "paper". Slow down maybe?
Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.

It depends.

Conservatives said that conservatives would stay home if they nominated Romney, and more conservatives voted for Romney than any other Presidential candidate in history. So I'm not sure if conservatives would stay home for Trump. In fact, given the passion conservatives here show for him, they may be more likely to go to the polls with Trump on the ballot.

The biggest threat Trump poses to Clinton is him peeling off blue collar Democrats, who - along with minorities - are Clinton's base. He may also bring out new voters, voters who generally don't vote. The other group to watch are young people. Young people would probably still vote for the Democrats, but Clinton doesn't seem to inspire young people in the way Obama did. Clinton isn't cool. Trump is "cooler" than Hillary. Clinton probably doesn't pull the same amount of minorities as Obama did. Clinton also has to be wary of the Left pulling her to far away from the center. The Democrat Party is shifting left, which threatens their viability. The final thing that could benefit Trump would be if terrorist activity increases.

OTOH, moderates decide elections. What appeals to the Republican base probably turns moderates off. Trump does relatively poorly amongst educated, higher-income Republicans, let alone moderates of the same demographics. Trump needs to win A LOT of white votes. Assuming minorities vote the same as they have the past few elections, Trump would have to win the same percentage of whites as Reagan did in 1984, which seems unlikely. Also unlikely is that he would do appreciably better with minorities than either McCain or Romney. The Democrats were also way, way ahead of Republicans in terms of technology in 2012. Have the Republicans closed that gap? Would it under Trump, a 69 year-old man whose primary advantage is amongst older, rural and less-educated voters? Another question is funding. Trump isn't spending any of his own money. Where will it come from? He probably would do better amongst small donors, but my guess is that big donors will sit this out. Of course, Trump doesn't come across as Presidential, and that matters also.

Don't discount Rubio. I think he will be the nominee, and I think Hillary would beat him, but I think it would be a lot closer than many Democrats think. People have dismissed him throughout his career, and all he has done is win. He's a better campaigner than Clinton, he'll do well amongst Hispanics, he appeals to moderates, he's young and attractive, and Americans look forward, not back. Clinton represents the past, Rubio the future.

Toro, while I don't agree with to much of your premise or outcome, I enjoyed reading your point of view and opinion. It was succinct, it had logic in it, and you tried to draw conclusions by using reality, and not fantasy.

I look forward to the next one!
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.

I think it's actually fairly unlikely that Trump will get the nomination. He does much better in polls conducted on the Internet and by automated phone calls, which indicate to some analysts that his numbers are being boosted by people don't vote.

Also, he is very polarizing to voters: while those who support him are enthusiastic, those who are supporting other candidates or are undecided say that they absolutely would not consider voting for him. So where another candidate might be able to scoop up the supporters of a rival who falls out of the race as the primaries proceed, Trump is less likely to be able to do so.

Furthermore, there's a big difference between bombast and fireworks in the media and at debates, and actually getting the job done in the primary states.

We'll really have to see how it goes.

I'd say it's extremely unlikely. Trump is a known commodity and you either like him or don't like him. When other candidates drop out, their voters will move to other non-Trump candidates. There are Republicans I'm considering still, like Cruz. But if Trump were the nominee I'd do what I do almost every election, vote third party

I agree with what Kaz says, although if Trump were the nominee, I would support him instead of 3rd party.

I to believe that Trump will get next to no votes from other candidates dropping out, unless Cruz does. Since Cruz is the only REAL conservative in the race, I don't see him dropping any time soon.

I very much see Cruz surging forward when it gets down to the primaries. That's what he's been planning for, and all sources I've seen have reported that he's been putting in the spadework for it.

He's been raising funds in every state - average donation is about $80 - and while the other candidates have been concentrating hard on the sound and fury of the media and early polls, he's been out building connections with the grassroots.

He's been consolidating the support of the evangelical voters, particularly in Iowa, and focusing hard on the states with large numbers of delegates to the convention. And he's built organizations in every single state with large numbers of volunteers, ready to identify and rally supporters.
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I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.

I think it's actually fairly unlikely that Trump will get the nomination. He does much better in polls conducted on the Internet and by automated phone calls, which indicate to some analysts that his numbers are being boosted by people don't vote.

Also, he is very polarizing to voters: while those who support him are enthusiastic, those who are supporting other candidates or are undecided say that they absolutely would not consider voting for him. So where another candidate might be able to scoop up the supporters of a rival who falls out of the race as the primaries proceed, Trump is less likely to be able to do so.

Furthermore, there's a big difference between bombast and fireworks in the media and at debates, and actually getting the job done in the primary states.

We'll really have to see how it goes.

I'd say it's extremely unlikely. Trump is a known commodity and you either like him or don't like him. When other candidates drop out, their voters will move to other non-Trump candidates. There are Republicans I'm considering still, like Cruz. But if Trump were the nominee I'd do what I do almost every election, vote third party

I agree with what Kaz says, although if Trump were the nominee, I would support him instead of 3rd party.

I to believe that Trump will get next to no votes from other candidates dropping out, unless Cruz does. Since Cruz is the only REAL conservative in the race, I don't see him dropping any time soon.

you mean cruz is the only other one who uses bigotry to rev up the base?


"He's a Republican! BIGOT!"

Yeah, that'll work.
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.

Really, no one cares what the Democrats think of Republican candidates. They won't vote for one under any circumstances. The reverse is also true.

Enter the independents. Best of luck.
Which is where Trump kills Hillary.

You are gonna struggle hard once the voting begins. I'm going to enjoy it.

Like you did the last election, Klown?

no. this one is a national election. and you loons can't win national elections.

Yeah, Republicans NEVER win Presidential elections.
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Nobody knows who the GOP candidate will be but democrats are pretty much stuck with a psychotic angry abused wife of a sexual pervert.

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