You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?

Trump would need a significant number of independents plus all of the GOP base which would rather vomit than vote for him in some cases. The hard right isn't going to show up for him. Christians are not going to show up for him. And it's entirely likely that the establishment Republicans are going to sit this one out.

Advantage Hillary.
Stop rambling. You sound delirious.

Obviously the Christian Coalition won't care much for a thrice divorced man who pretty much mocked their religion.

Independents have little to like about what they know about his plans

Establishment Republicans are even less likely to show up.

The real pain for the last group is that none of their candidates are willing to stand up to this guy who is just lying his way through the election thus far. There were no thousands of celebrating muslims in Jersey, there is no way Mexico would pay for a wall that will never be built anyway, there is no fiscal planning to round up 11,000,000 people much less detain them, etc...

They have to be wondering just how empty a suit Rubio is at this point since this is an all-or-nothing bid on his part and he is not exactly set for life; especially given his perpensity to mismanage other people's money.
You're living in a world of wishful thinking.

Feel free to eleaborate with some details. Oh yeah, I forgot; Trump and his supporters don't get into details...ever

Details? You libs lose the right to whine about details when you voted for Obama.
What are you talking about? Do you think I predicted a Dem win in 2014? Who told you that? Trump?

Get back in the Kommunist Klown Kar, Bozo, you're not making any sense

Of course I am. I enjoyed the 2014 election cycle just fine. It wasn't even a bit surprising.

You seem upset.

I'm good, gay boy. You can talk about your feelings to a chick or one of your homo friends

Oh no! You called me gay! How will I ever recover?

Swish, not the point, gay boy. Calm down

You had a point?
Non sequitur. And she won't get the chance

She'll be the next pres....she'll be good at it too. Will be better than Obama. Just a pity she isn't a little younger. It would have been better she ran in '08, but then look at the crap Obama has taken for trying to clear up Dumbya's mess.

Better than Obama, that's like less wet than the ocean.

And she's going to go down, she's an unpleasant woman and a complete hack

and therein lies the problem with the rightwingnuts... no sense of reality. baby bush was the worst president we've had in my lifetime. you morons never said boo. this president has tried to clean up after you for 7 years and all you've done is drool at the mouths.

Ouch! First I'm a Republican, now I'm rightwing. The wit on you, woman.

Actually, you stupid slut, I said W was one of the worst Presidents in our history and didn't vote for him ... twice ... You suffered too many concussions from your head bouncing off the head board earning more money than I did
Get back in the Kommunist Klown Kar, Bozo, you're not making any sense

Of course I am. I enjoyed the 2014 election cycle just fine. It wasn't even a bit surprising.

You seem upset.

I'm good, gay boy. You can talk about your feelings to a chick or one of your homo friends

Oh no! You called me gay! How will I ever recover?

Swish, not the point, gay boy. Calm down

You had a point?

It doesn't mater, you never get one. And the bottom line was I was calling you a chick, moron, not a fag
and therein lies the problem with the rightwingnuts... no sense of reality. baby bush was the worst president we've had in my lifetime. you morons never said boo. this president has tried to clean up after you for 7 years and all you've done is drool at the mouths.

And he's done a reasonable job of that clean up when you think of the absolute clusterfuck he inherited. Not a great or fantastic job, but reasonable. Could have done better on a couple of things, but overall the country is in a much better state than what he inherited from Cheney, er, Bush....

if the economic recovery happened under a republican president and if gas prices were as cheap, etc the right would be doing hosannas. their obama derangement prevents them from a functional and realistic view of things.

The reasons gas is cheap is because of Fracking, which you libs oppose, and world wide economic weakness.
I can picture it now.....
A huge sign on the front lawn of the WH
The name TRUMP lighting up the sign using thousands of tiny lights.

No neon gas tubing either.....

This will be tastefully done of course..... heh heh he h
Just like a lib. Refuses to take personal responsibility for anything.

Typical neocon whackjob. Starts shit then blames it on others....

OK. This has gone on long enough. I'm bored with it.

I've been making fun of you for a few days now. You failed to recognize my sarcasm in another thread and told me you "forgot" how I was a right wing nut job. As if that is even possible given my history here. I've been fucking with you in this thread too. Figure it out, genius.

You and I might agree on the issues....but you have a shitty memory and have a broken sarcasm filter.

Just so you know, what you describe as "sarcasm" most people describe as being clueless and acting like a dick
I can picture it now.....
A huge sign on the front lawn of the WH
The name TRUMP lighting up the sign using thousands of tiny lights.

No neon gas tubing either.....

This will be tastefully done of course..... heh heh he h

If he puts a good faith effort into his campaign promises, that's a good trade off IMO.
Just like a lib. Refuses to take personal responsibility for anything.

Typical neocon whackjob. Starts shit then blames it on others....

OK. This has gone on long enough. I'm bored with it.

I've been making fun of you for a few days now. You failed to recognize my sarcasm in another thread and told me you "forgot" how I was a right wing nut job. As if that is even possible given my history here. I've been fucking with you in this thread too. Figure it out, genius.

You and I might agree on the issues....but you have a shitty memory and have a broken sarcasm filter.

Just so you know, what you describe as "sarcasm" most people describe as being clueless and acting like a dick

For you.

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Non sequitur. And she won't get the chance

She'll be the next pres....she'll be good at it too. Will be better than Obama. Just a pity she isn't a little younger. It would have been better she ran in '08, but then look at the crap Obama has taken for trying to clear up Dumbya's mess.

Better than Obama, that's like less wet than the ocean.

And she's going to go down, she's an unpleasant woman and a complete hack

and therein lies the problem with the rightwingnuts... no sense of reality. baby bush was the worst president we've had in my lifetime. you morons never said boo. this president has tried to clean up after you for 7 years and all you've done is drool at the mouths.

Ouch! First I'm a Republican, now I'm rightwing. The wit on you, woman.

Actually, you stupid slut, I said W was one of the worst Presidents in our history and didn't vote for him ... twice ... You suffered too many concussions from your head bouncing off the head board earning more money than I did

And again we agree. W was Obama, before Obama became Obama.

When historians look back on these times, they are going to lump GW and Obama together as pretty bad; or possibly worse. If you told someone who was a political major in college what Bush did, they would insist he was a liberal, except for the tax breaks. Notice I didn't say wars because the lefts Presidents go to war a LOT! Contrary to the lefties on here thought process, go back across your last say........oh say, 5 Democratic Presidents, then come back and tell us which one of them didn't really start a war, or send troops somewhere to kill someone-)
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Better than Obama, that's like less wet than the ocean.

And she's going to go down, she's an unpleasant woman and a complete hack

The republican base (bigotted old white men and women) is being depleted every election cycle. More young people, blacks and Hispanic voters are coming on board. Getting somebody like Cruz or Rubio on board would help the cause. Trump will do the exact opposite. Currently the GoP have no front runner who could take her down.

She's not unpleasant at all. She IS a politician, so no doubt she'll tell half truths and lies some of the time as they ALL do. But she's a stateswomen who has a lot of executive experience and although she does waffle sometimes, and even kowtow to the lowest common denominator, she'll make a pretty POTUS.

She's a dishonest, blithering globalist cvnt who has accomplished nothing in her life that was of any benefit to this country or that did not ride the coattails of someone else's fame, and has damaged the US stance in the world every bit as much as her erstwhile boss.

And those are her positive points.
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.

I'm so good with that.

I would love to see the republicans thrown out of government. All they do is damage our nation and people. They only care about those who give them money which is the rich.

If a democrat is elected next year that will give democrats/liberals a majority on the supreme court and we can reverse some of the horrible rulings that have come from that court in the last decade.

America will be much better off for it.
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.

I'm so good with that.

I would love to see the republicans thrown out of government. All they do is damage our nation and people. They only care about those who give them money which is the rich.

If a democrat is elected next year that will give democrats/liberals a majority on the supreme court and we can reverse some of the horrible rulings that have come from that court in the last decade.

America will be much better off for it.

During or after the war?
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.

I'm so good with that.

I would love to see the republicans thrown out of government. All they do is damage our nation and people. They only care about those who give them money which is the rich.

If a democrat is elected next year that will give democrats/liberals a majority on the supreme court and we can reverse some of the horrible rulings that have come from that court in the last decade.

America will be much better off for it.

Like this case?

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Eighteen city firefighters, seventeen of whom were white and one of whom was Hispanic, brought suit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after they had passed the test for promotions to management positions and the city declined to promote them. New Haven officials invalidated the test results because none of the black firefighters scored high enough to be considered for the positions. City officials stated that they feared a lawsuit over the test's disproportionate exclusion of certain racial groups from promotion under the controversial "disparate impact" theory of liability."

All the dem appointees supported this blatant discrimination, and all the gop appointees voted against it.

I don't see how blatant anti-white discrimination will make America better off.

Could you explain it to me?
Anyway, back on point.

Trump isn't winning the GOP nomination, Cruz is. Cruz can get the others supporters as they drop, Trump for the most part, can't! Cruz will be seen as the compromise candidate between factions of those on the far right, and those in the middle of the party. He is also considered an outsider, wants to stop illegal immigration, so can become more than acceptable to Trump voters.

I thought for a very long time that Rubio was going to be the one to give Trump and Cruz the most difficult time. Well, he may be the most difficult, but it really won't be hard at all because he was on the gang of 8 and supported amnesty. HALLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO, no Trump or Cruz supporter will touch him with a 10 ft pole. By my way of thinking, Trump, Cruz, and Carson combined have over 50% of the GOP support locked up. If/when Carson drops, if he gives his support to Cruz, the GOP nomination is then over.

The only hope the GOP has for slipping in a party moderate is a brokered convention, and I don't think that is going to happen. I believe Cruz will pick a party moderate as Reagan did to silence the establishment for VP, which means while I have absolutely no use for the man, that person would probably be Kasich.

Not to get to far into the weeds, but if that happens, it means Ohio goes GOP along with Florida, and the dominoes will already be falling before the election-)
Perhaps we should wait until some primary votes are cast before prediciting who the nominee will be.

Where's the fun in that? Donny's Biggest Fans are already drawing up plans for a casino on the WH lawn. Their disappointment will be mega...
Actually, you are witnessing the greatest rebellion this country has seen since the American Revolution, and our citizens know it...

It's time to take our country back!!!
Take it back? From who?

I find it funny that these people are abandoning the same people they have been supporting, defending and voting for, for decades.

If they don't like the job those people are doing why do they keep voting for them?
"You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?"

No, they're not.

Democrats aren't that lucky.

Is Trump under an FBI investigation for security violations and other assorted felonies, and facing a possibility of doing time in a federal prison???

Neither is Hillary. If the FBI had anything other than, "Well, she had emails that should have been classified under obscure and outdated rules", we'd have heard about it by now. The FBI is just trying to figure out how to wrap this thing up and save face.

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