You Guys Really Going to Nominate Donald Trump?

I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.

I'm so good with that.

I would love to see the republicans thrown out of government. All they do is damage our nation and people. They only care about those who give them money which is the rich.

If a democrat is elected next year that will give democrats/liberals a majority on the supreme court and we can reverse some of the horrible rulings that have come from that court in the last decade.

America will be much better off for it.

Blah, blah, the rich, blah blah corporations. And yet, you never explain why the word Marxist bothers you...
So, instead you would vote for the woman that helped her husband lie to the whole nation?

Most Americans didn't consider his lying to be a big deal.

The ones who did were fantastic hypocrites, given they've had no problem forgiving Vitter, Gingrich, and a bunch of other guys of much worse behavior.
Of course YOU don't consider a threat to assassinate our military officers to be a big deal either, do you???

And women are generally not very forgiving of men who cheat, nor men who cheat with much, much younger women.

And yet in this case, the vast majority just accepted it...very odd.

But yes, I agree it should not be a reason to have your career ruined.

Now the sexual harassment of Paul Jones? That's another story.

Except Paula Jones' case was dismissed as being "without merit" by Judge Susan Weber Wright. Also, most of the country didn't think that was a big deal, anyway. So she saw his dick. She has two kids, she knows what a dick looks like.


You ever work at a place where that behavior would be accepted by a boss to his employee?

That the media managed to spin that as the Republicans being unreasonable was a testimony to their completely hypocrisy and their power.
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.


What difference does it make?
And women are generally not very forgiving of men who cheat, nor men who cheat with much, much younger women.

And yet in this case, the vast majority just accepted it...very odd.

But yes, I agree it should not be a reason to have your career ruined.

Now the sexual harassment of Paul Jones? That's another story.

Except Paula Jones' case was dismissed as being "without merit" by Judge Susan Weber Wright. Also, most of the country didn't think that was a big deal, anyway. So she saw his dick. She has two kids, she knows what a dick looks like.


You ever work at a place where that behavior would be accepted by a boss to his employee?

That the media managed to spin that as the Republicans being unreasonable was a testimony to their completely hypocrisy and their power.

Real War on women = using them for a humidor in the executive office
For sure, Trump has been a plus to date for America---because he has absolutely routed the Political Correctness Nazis in New York and New England.

No, Trump has mad an ass of himself. That's about it. There is a difference between rebuking political correctness and being a gutter mouthed piece of trash.
Of course, you know I could QUOTE Hillary on the mouth piece of trash part....

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Don't curse the hour just because the clock sucks.
YOu wouldn't vote against Hillary?

Kasich has had his moments, but recently he's been getting soft on Immigration, and we can't afford that.

I will vote as I have always done. I will consider the value of the Republican candidate. If I find him fatally lacking, I will vote for the best person out there. I vote in favor of candidates. I'm not so stupid as to reduce myself to merely voting against someone.

If you're so obsessed with voting against Clinton, then you should do your damnedest to make sure Trump never gets nominated.
Republican vs Democrat, they both suck.
Libertarians want to open the border to anyone who wants to work here while getting rid of all government handouts meaning my family will starve when we lose our jobs to the immigrants. So no way in hell I'm voting for them. Cruz would outlaw porn if elected. Cruz would try to turn this country into a theocracy if elected. I like him, but hell no!

Trump is the only one who speaks for me.

Yeah, well, can't fix stupid.
You Guys Really Going to Nominate the Hildabeast or the Socialist Sanders?
Really is that the best you could come up with?
I posted links in other threads showing that Trump has more Hispanics voting for him than any Republican ever has. Blacks too.


If true, it means he is more electable than you initially claimed.

I would think you would give a fuck then.

Based on what? The fact that he 'polls better' with blacks than some other Republicans? If you think that makes him electable, then you're deluding yourself. Elections aren't about race, no matter what the Democrats tell you.
YOu wouldn't vote against Hillary?

Kasich has had his moments, but recently he's been getting soft on Immigration, and we can't afford that.

I will vote as I have always done. I will consider the value of the Republican candidate. If I find him fatally lacking, I will vote for the best person out there. I vote in favor of candidates. I'm not so stupid as to reduce myself to merely voting against someone.

If you're so obsessed with voting against Clinton, then you should do your damnedest to make sure Trump never gets nominated.

I posted links in other threads showing that Trump has more Hispanics voting for him than any Republican ever has. Blacks too.


If true, it means he is more electable than you initially claimed.

I would think you would give a fuck then.

Based on what? The fact that he 'polls better' with blacks than some other Republicans? If you think that makes him electable, then you're deluding yourself. Elections aren't about race, no matter what the Democrats tell you.


If he gets more votes from two groups than "any Republican ever has" that is an advantage for getting elected.

If he also gets most of the normal GOP vote, even if much of it is "against Hillary" then he probably wins
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That's true, but still . . . Donald Trump of all people??? :puke:

He is the one that had the brilliant idea of actually addressing the interests of the American People.


Immigration usually polls at 6% in off years (this is actually an off year).

Terrorism rises and falls with the actions of the terrorists.

In all cases, he basically tells you what you want to hear and has zero plans to do anything about it logistically, logically and in fact legally. No, we can't round 11 Million People up; no, we can't ban a religion.

IMO, he gets 1, 4 and 5 by a wide margin with his positions on Trade and Immigration.

Your assumption that he is lying about his intentions is just that, an assumption.

I didn't say he was lying about his intentions.

I did say that his intentions (genuine or otherwise) have zero chance of coming to fruition. Even if he could get passed the logistical impossibility of detaining 11,000,000 people, having their cases tried, and then developing the apparatus to physically transport them back to where they came from (you just cant send them to Mexico)...we couldn't afford to do that. And that is simply the case.

It would be easy as pie for every candidate to speak to what their voters want to hear but serious and responsible politicians have at least a blueprint for implementation that is somewhat workable.

IF those 11 million people were able to move here, they can be moved back.
I'm sorry but you're being dumb. The issue is our being able to afford to eject 11,000,000 people.

If you rescind the nonsense of BirthRIght Citizenship, there is no big hurry.
Sounds pretty easy...all we have to do is amend the Constitution....Any word on where that ends? Do we go back 1 generation? What about anchor babies who are now adults and have had kids...are both going to be shipped back? One of them (Mia Love) is in Congress now....will she have to vacate her seat?

We do NOT have to build the "apparatus" to process 11 million people. If we just process 1 million a year, it will be done in 4 or 5 years (as many would just give up and go home).

Again, you're simply being dumb.
Feel free to eleaborate with some details. Oh yeah, I forgot; Trump and his supporters don't get into details...ever

Details? You libs lose the right to whine about details when you voted for Obama.

So I guess you think Obama was a failure judging from that statement? Am I right?

No, I think he ran of vague generalities like "Hope and Change".

You were not paying attention:

Here is the good bad and ugly from his promises:

The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises | PolitiFact

I paid plenty of attention at the time.

Hope and Change was what it was all about.

Apparently not.
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.
I can smell the wood burning from here.
Hey cupcake....Nobody cares what you feel.
Do you to get tired of being wrong all the time?
I will admit that I certainly thought The Donald would have been gone by now but there seems to be zero inclination on the part of GOP challengers to The Donald to take him on. It's allowed him to basically bully the field into silence.

The lack of courage on the part of Rubio, Christie, Bush, and Kasich is all at once bewildering and saddening. Much more for Rubio than anyone else. He's set up his "white house or bust" scenario by saying he is resigning from the Senate. Christie and Kasich have day jobs to go back to. Bush is the most bewildering of all in how little he seems to really want the job which was the one question mark besides his bid to start with.

Rubio's cache on the lecture circuit is far from established as a fairly incompetent Senator, a pretty lousy Republican, and someone who has been exposed as being as petulant as his age would indicate. Someone in the Rubio camp, one would think, would mention to the Senator that this is the final sets of his professional life and it's time to start spiking the ball when he can.

Trump is basically lying his way through the campaign season and nobody is checking him or calling him out. Democrats will not be as accomdating. The GOP is setting itself up for a shameful defeat and it's candidates seem content to let it happen.
Guno agrees with you're fugged from the gitgo. Receiving analysis from the morons who supported Obabble for eight years tests the outer bounds of rationality.

Receiving condemnation from a mental midget who calls the President "Obabble" is a pretty good sign that I'm on the right track.

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