"You have humiliated us"

He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Yeah, retired people are losers, right? Trump only does winners, and as he's the only US president, he's the only winner, everyone else is a loser.

I never said that...did I?

You loons really need to stop making shit up when you're butthurt

He's retired what does he need clearance for and from his whining (and Brennan's) it's probably wise to revoke it who knows what lengths they will go to
You moron These men are part of the bravest who ever served our country and your dumb ass still supports the scum in our WH ..... FN traitor
Cherchez la Femme

So was Benedict Arnold, architect of the great American victory at Saratoga. He married a sexpot half his age and adopted her politics, so I suspect something like happened to this guy. When does a Navy Seal and career officer suddenly go all Antifa and start saluting pussy hats?
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Yeah, retired people are losers, right? Trump only does winners, and as he's the only US president, he's the only winner, everyone else is a loser.

I never said that...did I?

You loons really need to stop making shit up when you're butthurt

He's retired what does he need clearance for and from his whining (and Brennan's) it's probably wise to revoke it who knows what lengths they will go to
You moron These men are part of the bravest who ever served our country and your dumb ass still supports the scum in our WH ..... FN traitor
Cherchez la Femme

So was Benedict Arnold, architect of the great American victory at Saratoga. He married a sexpot half his age and adopted her politics, so I suspect something like happened to this guy. When does a Navy Seal and career officer suddenly go all Antifa and start saluting pussy hats?
Came back a week ago from Saratoga Race track ,,,,Poorer
Who did they collude with, when and where?
They used Fusion GPS and steele......did FISA warrants on Page weeks before the election.......the leaks to the media and information was from Brennan and Clapper in the summer of 2016.

Judicial Watch Asks Court for Carter Page FISA Warrant Hearing Transcripts - Judicial Watch
Obama, Brennan And Hillary Colluded To Take Trump Down

How about posting two more sources, that's what a MSM journalist/reporter would be told by their editor before broadcast or publication.

For the Reader:

Judicial Watch - Media Bias/Fact Check

From the LINK:

Bias: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda


Founded in 1994 by Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials. They primarily target Democrats such as the Clinton’s, Obama and climate scientists as they label climate science, “fraud science.” Judicial Watch has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, with a “vast majority” of their lawsuits dismissed. They describe themselves as “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.” The current President of JW is Tom Fitton.

You insist that eagle1462010 post two sources to support his claims, and then you post one source to support yours.

How beautifully liberal!

I perused 14 pages, in 90% of the comments were by Judicial Watch. Reading the front page in the link provided was clear and convincing to me that the JW is a Right Wing Propaganda Machine.

My question is this, is JW funded by President Putin? It's the type of tabloid one might see in a Supermarket Line.

We know you believe the truth to be a Russian plot.

I believe that is true, we were attacked and Putin wanted Trump to be elected POTUS.

You don't believe that, and I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince you. I also believe enough evidence has been uncovered to prove a conspiracy between Russian agents and Trump's insiders to impact our election. Maybe The President knew, maybe he did not, but as a patriot I want to know, and Mueller ain't going away (MAGA).
I tend to think the response by the MSM to Trump’s taking Brennan’s clearance, is further proof they are controlled by the ruling class. Brennan is clearly a lying scumbag.
Notice that the same MSM that whines like a nursery full of little babies over Brennan losing his security clearance wanted the judge in the Manafort trial to give out the names and addresses of the jurors. The only reason for doing that is so a lynch mob of deranged snowflakes could descend on the jurors homes to harass them and even threaten them with bodily harm. So these fake media scumbags claim they are supposedly so concerned about Brennan's constitutional rights don't give a damn about Manafort's right to a fair trial.

These people are the vilest kind of filth.
It should be clear to all Americans by now, that the MSM will condemn Trump no matter what he does. The only exception being he starts another war. Then, since they are controlled by the ruling who gains enormous wealth during times of war, they will hold their forked tongues.

The MSM will continue to condemn Trump as long as what he tweets, says and how he acts is contemptible. It's the MSM's job to report, and they do a good job using primary sources, i.e. his tweets, speeches and actions.

The MSM also posts editorials, clearly labeled and clearly built on what Trump does, says and tweets. It is sources on the Internet and on AM Radio where the Conservative talking heads mislead the public by lies, half-truth, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations and rewriting history - all to suit their biases and fill their wallets.
The problem with the MSM is its biases, so there is that.

Wouldn't be so bad if they were truly fair and balanced. Ain't seeing it.

Do you watch the MSM? I do, and some part is always editorial, and some part usually provides credible evidence for the editorial comments.
Yeah it’s not all bad, but a lot of it is bad.
...Sound to me that you are so far up Obama's and Hillary's Corrupt asses that we see you when they smile...
Nope. I voted for both of them; but mostly because the Republicans ran such $hitty candidates to oppose them.

...They tried to rig the election.............and LOST...
Yep. Off with their heads. I couldn't care less. Let's have another Congressional Investigation and crucify them in the law-courts, too.

......and now that they lost they have an army of Brain Dead Zombies like you with tingling sensations in your leg..........everytime you hear their name...
Incorrect. I'm an Equal Opportunity Basher. It's just that the crude, oafish boor in the White House has earned his own flavor of spite.

...Brennan and Clap Trap are nothing but HACKS..........who tried to rig a election and were so damned incompetent still LOST...
Brennan and Clapper tried to rig the election? Evidence?

...And the BUTT HURT CONTINUES.............get some cream for it. bro..................YOU LOST.

I did, indeed, vote for Shrillary, but only because I didn't want a demagogue in the White House, and I felt like taking a shower, afterwards.

You confuse criticism of Il Duce with Leftist leanings.

Vast numbers of Americans who are NOT Leftists (or even Democrats) cannot stand that walking, talking clusterphukk that you defend.

Your boy is scum... a lewd, crude, oafhish boor and demagogue and wannabe-autocrat who is entirely unfit for his high office.

Your blind support for him in the face of a thousand-and-one facts and embarrassments only harms the Republic rather than helping it.
They used Fusion GPS and steele......did FISA warrants on Page weeks before the election.......the leaks to the media and information was from Brennan and Clapper in the summer of 2016.

Judicial Watch Asks Court for Carter Page FISA Warrant Hearing Transcripts - Judicial Watch
Obama, Brennan And Hillary Colluded To Take Trump Down

How about posting two more sources, that's what a MSM journalist/reporter would be told by their editor before broadcast or publication.

For the Reader:

Judicial Watch - Media Bias/Fact Check

From the LINK:

Bias: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda


Founded in 1994 by Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials. They primarily target Democrats such as the Clinton’s, Obama and climate scientists as they label climate science, “fraud science.” Judicial Watch has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, with a “vast majority” of their lawsuits dismissed. They describe themselves as “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.” The current President of JW is Tom Fitton.

You insist that eagle1462010 post two sources to support his claims, and then you post one source to support yours.

How beautifully liberal!

I perused 14 pages, in 90% of the comments were by Judicial Watch. Reading the front page in the link provided was clear and convincing to me that the JW is a Right Wing Propaganda Machine.

My question is this, is JW funded by President Putin? It's the type of tabloid one might see in a Supermarket Line.

We know you believe the truth to be a Russian plot.

I believe that is true, we were attacked and Putin wanted Trump to be elected POTUS.

You don't believe that, and I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince you. I also believe enough evidence has been uncovered to prove a conspiracy between Russian agents and Trump's insiders to impact our election. Maybe The President knew, maybe he did not, but as a patriot I want to know, and Mueller ain't going away (MAGA).

He should read "house of trump house of Putin " and all the money coming to trump after he was 4 billion in the hole
Can I give my opinion that Trump is a vile bully unfit for office ?? I'd like to make it informed but haven't the time or inclination to do so

This isn't Obama's Regime, you are free to speak. We are under Trump, freedom for all.

Except the press and anyone who criticizes his majesty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wait till they find what the WH council dropped on Trump

Oooohhhh, you Stalinist got him now. :thup:

Hillary has it in the bag for tainted electors in the recounts of Russian collusion while CNN threatens the Manifort jury!

The count is now 75 former officials and still climbing --- a Hero's Gallery --- a collection of devoted American Patriots.

That on top of a unanimous vote by the GOP-controlled Senate, explicitly declaring that the Press it NOT the enemy of the people...

It really has NOT been a good week for The Creature, has it?

Thanks be to God.
75 deep state pieces of shit who defend traitorous scumbags.
All these CIA directors are "traitors": William Webster, George Tenet, Porter Goss, Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta, David Petraeus, and Robert Gates

many of them republicans.

The only "traitors" I see are those mis-labeling patriotic Americans as 'traitors' merely for disagreeing with the Ghost of Benito Mussolini.

The evil spirit that has taken-up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

If you want to see a traitor, look in the mirror.

The attempted coup you promote is treason, Comrade.
Can I give my opinion that Trump is a vile bully unfit for office ?? I'd like to make it informed but haven't the time or inclination to do so

This isn't Obama's Regime, you are free to speak. We are under Trump, freedom for all.

Except the press and anyone who criticizes his majesty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wait till they find what the WH council dropped on Trump

Oooohhhh, you Stalinist got him now. :thup:

Hillary has it in the bag for tainted electors in the recounts of Russian collusion while CNN threatens the Manifort jury!

Think it was dump influencing manafort jury by yapping what a good man his crooked friend is Bet he pardons him
Like the old TV show: 'Branded,' first Trump ought to punch him straight in the face knocking him on his ass, rip his stripes and medals off his uniform, then cancel his military pension. Then he can stop his clearance.

"Why?" The President is the Commander In Chief. He is like the CEO of your company. You have a problem with your boss, you maybe take it to him behind closed doors but you don't trash talk him before the entire world. That would get your ass CANNED in any job on the planet! All this jackal did was weaken the country he was supposed to serve. Disgraceful.

No. He is absolutely not like a CEO. And wait...are you saying Brennan is working for Trump? Or ever did?

Loyalty to Trump and loyalty to the country are two different things.

You guys pretend to glorify Trump for telling it like it is. Brennan told it like it is. Guess you don’t like that.

Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.
Last edited:

"Why?" The President is the Commander In Chief. He is like the CEO of your company. You have a problem with your boss, you maybe take it to him behind closed doors but you don't trash talk him before the entire world. That would get your ass CANNED in any job on the planet! All this jackal did was weaken the country he was supposed to serve. Disgraceful.

No. He is absolutely not like a CEO. And wait...are you saying Brennan is working for Trump? Or ever did?

Loyalty to Trump and loyalty to the country are two different things.

You guys pretend to glorify Trump for telling it like it is. Brennan told it like it is. Guess you don’t like that.

Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't about the seriousness of the situation...

You amuse me Bigly .. thanks :)
TDS has no cure......................they will not listen to anything..........

Just chant.......I HATE TRUMP and everything else just flies by them.......unbelievable.........

Worthless to present any more documents to them........absolutely worthless........might as well tell a tree.....

You have DOCUMENTS? Cool - do "present" :)

"Why?" The President is the Commander In Chief. He is like the CEO of your company. You have a problem with your boss, you maybe take it to him behind closed doors but you don't trash talk him before the entire world. That would get your ass CANNED in any job on the planet! All this jackal did was weaken the country he was supposed to serve. Disgraceful.

No. He is absolutely not like a CEO. And wait...are you saying Brennan is working for Trump? Or ever did?

Loyalty to Trump and loyalty to the country are two different things.

You guys pretend to glorify Trump for telling it like it is. Brennan told it like it is. Guess you don’t like that.

Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't about the seriousness of the situation...
Flac you have a problem with Comey reporting an investigation into Hill 5 days before the election? Most repubs don't Very selective
Can I give my opinion that Trump is a vile bully unfit for office ?? I'd like to make it informed but haven't the time or inclination to do so

This isn't Obama's Regime, you are free to speak. We are under Trump, freedom for all.

Except the press and anyone who criticizes his majesty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wait till they find what the WH council dropped on Trump

Oooohhhh, you Stalinist got him now. :thup:

Hillary has it in the bag for tainted electors in the recounts of Russian collusion while CNN threatens the Manifort jury!

Think it was dump influencing manafort jury by yapping what a good man his crooked friend is Bet he pardons him


CNN wanted to threaten the families of jurors.

Jurors in the trial of ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort were sent home for the weekend, as the judge in the fraud trial revealed Friday he has received threats over the case and now travels with U.S. Marshals.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, in rejecting a motion to release juror information to the media, argued that he's confident the jurors would be threatened as well if their information were to be made public.

“I can tell you there have been [threats]. ... I don't feel right if I release their names,” he said, adding that because of threats against him, “The Marshals go where I go.”

The startling revelation came as the jury completed its second day of deliberations without a verdict. The jury will reconvene Monday.

Ellis, a famously prickly judge known for his colorful comments, has attracted considerable attention during the Manafort trial for his frequent sparring with the attorneys -- particularly those on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team. }

Judge in Manafort trial says he's been threatened over case

CNN, NBC and the NY Times couldn't figure out what is wrong with threatening to kill the families of jurors who don't vote to convict.

I mean, that's the way Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has run the entire Inquisition, after all.
It is true that Trump embarrasses us all. He is a global laughingstock and alienates our allies, while embracing kleptocrats and despots.

Trump makes me proud.

I'm embarrassed that open traitors like you shit all over the country that has given you so much.
If trump has done 1 good thing ,it's separating the slime that support him from real americans

Check - These are NOT "Real Americans"



Anyone wonder does he know that these intel people the moron bashes, protect his fat ass?
You loons embarrass yourselves you dont need my help, troll
You're a piece of shit human who knows nothing about American values.

Fuck off traitor. Your war on the United States Constitution is far more than an embarrassment, it's treason.

This civil war you Communists started will not end well for you.

Bank on it.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Yeah, retired people are losers, right? Trump only does winners, and as he's the only US president, he's the only winner, everyone else is a loser.

I never said that...did I?

You loons really need to stop making shit up when you're butthurt

He's retired what does he need clearance for and from his whining (and Brennan's) it's probably wise to revoke it who knows what lengths they will go to
You moron These men are part of the bravest who ever served our country and your dumb ass still supports the scum in our WH ..... FN traitor
Cherchez la Femme

So was Benedict Arnold, architect of the great American victory at Saratoga. He married a sexpot half his age and adopted her politics, so I suspect something like happened to this guy. When does a Navy Seal and career officer suddenly go all Antifa and start saluting pussy hats?

Please stop being an asshole that nobody in his right mind would believe over the Top Seal.
Then kindly move to Russia, Turkey, Syria or Philippines where you will be more suited.
Thank you in advance

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