You know what I want from my government?

3) This is an international website and I was on here long before you slithered in. Although I note you've been here half the time I have but have more posts, which suggests you have no life..
This is an "international website"? Really? What do you think the US in USMB stands for cupcake?!? :lmao:
I want to stop liberal assholes like Matthew from trying to stop anything and trying to control everything!!! I want liberty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want the liberal problem fixed as people are free human beings
I want the poor free to do whatever they want!
I want no programs like FDR had becuase they were all unconstitutional.
I want all the homeless free to do whatever they want!

Fuck yeah!!!

Yep. The conservative mantra - it's all about me, me, me, me....
I always say this to you loons - go live on a deserted island if you want to be alone and free. See how you feed, clothe and house yourself then...
Actually - it's all about "me, me, me, me...." for ignorant libtards like you and Matthew. For conservatives- it's all about liberty. Something you can't tolerate because it requires personal responsibility (somethings you're far too lazy for), it prevents you from mooching off of society, and it prevents you from imposing your desperate and power-hungry little will on others.
1) I was talking about your political system shit, stupid. Unlike you - I can follow a conversation and I have reading comprehension. Our "shit" political system is what not only founded the United States but also turned it into the world's elite super-power. So again I ask - why do you spend all of your time following U.S. politics and on U.S. websites?!? :eusa_doh:

Then why did you marry my comment about shit system with television? You're not that bright are you..

And up until about Kennedy you were a super power. You have been on the decline ever since. Not a good thing.

Why am I on here? Because it's political website where things are debated. I like debates. God, you're a dipshit..
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I've never understood how conservatism managed to convince millions of republicans to voluntarily become pawns for the 1%. Kind of an amazing feat actually. They sure have been slow to wake up to this. Zombies. They fight tooth and nail for the wealthiest people in the world while breaking their backs working to build someone else's wealth, hoping they throw them some scraps at the end of their life of indentured servitude.
The right has always been the hand of the super rich all the way back to the baron days of central Europe. Never giving a fuck about the betterment of the rest of the population and never giving a damn outside of their own sorry ass greed!!!!

Rise up in vote all the goddamn republicans out of office this nov!!!! Lets have super majorities to make this a reality!!! wahooooo....

No more cut, slash, burn and fuck!!!! NO more!!!

You have some nice ideas comrade but a super majority for Hillary and her disciples really isn't the solution

There's only one way to get rid of the oligarchy of the 1% and that's a new revolution

I want all the homeless to have a place to live and 3 square meals per day!
Which begs the question then Matthew - why don't you provide the homeless with a place to live and provide them with "3 square meals per day"? Too greedy? Too selfish? Too lazy?

Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually - it's all about "me, me, me, me...." for ignorant libtards like you and Matthew. For conservatives- it's all about liberty. Something you can't tolerate because it requires personal responsibility (somethings you're far too lazy for), it prevents you from mooching off of society, and it prevents you from imposing your desperate and power-hungry little will on others.

And what is 'liberty' to you? You whackos thing liberty is all about me, me, me. Mine, mine, mine.. "my freedoms". your gun culture being just one aspect. All other civilised countries have moved on from the 19th century, but not you conservative NRA-loving whackos. Oh, no, my need for having a Tec-9 is far more important than any negative social impact having such a semi-auto has. It's pathetic.
America was a super power only because of TR and FDR reforms! Anti-trust laws, work programs, public education and investment into infrastructure, science, r&d and education. The rich paid their fair share and didn't screw this nation over in the good old days.

What do we have anymore? Oh'yess, a bunch of ass kissers for the people that hurt this nation and infrastructure is falling into rivers, a educational system taht is going to shit and a declining middle class. Loserterianism is stupid.
I've never understood how conservatism managed to convince millions of republicans to voluntarily become pawns for the 1%. Kind of an amazing feat actually. They sure have been slow to wake up to this. Zombies. They fight tooth and nail for the wealthiest people in the world while breaking their backs working to build someone else's wealth, hoping they throw them some scraps at the end of their life of indentured servitude.
Well I've never understood how liberalism can be so envious that it drives them to a deep hatred of those who have more. I've never understood how liberalism can have such an obsession with trivial material items like their precious little cell phones while having such little regard for liberty.

Liberals fight tooth and nail to collapse the U.S. economy and deliver us the U.S.S.R. where everyone has to wait two days in line just for a loaf of fucking bread. I think that's really quite an insight into the liberal mindset. They would rather see everyone living in extreme poverty because that makes everyone economically "equal" than to have a thriving economy where some have more than others.
I've never understood how conservatism managed to convince millions of republicans to voluntarily become pawns for the 1%. Kind of an amazing feat actually. They sure have been slow to wake up to this. Zombies. They fight tooth and nail for the wealthiest people in the world while breaking their backs working to build someone else's wealth, hoping they throw them some scraps at the end of their life of indentured servitude.
Well I've never understood how liberalism can be so envious that it drives them to a deep hatred of those who have more. I've never understood how liberalism can have such an obsession with trivial material items like their precious little cell phones while having such little regard for liberty.

Liberals fight tooth and nail to collapse the U.S. economy and deliver us the U.S.S.R. where everyone has to wait two days in line just for a loaf of fucking bread. I think that's really quite an insight into the liberal mindset. They would rather see everyone living in extreme poverty because that makes everyone economically "equal" than to have a thriving economy where some have more than others.

No one wants that. Stop making shit up. It's getting old.
And what is 'liberty' to you?
It's not having to listen to assholes like you and Matthew. And then watching you little bitches lose your mind because there is nothing you can do about it. Now that is liberty baby!
your gun culture being just one aspect. All other civilised countries have moved on from the 19th century, but not you conservative NRA-loving whackos. Oh, no, my need for having a Tec-9 is far more important than any negative social impact having such a semi-auto has. It's pathetic.
What's pathetic is how afraid you people are of firearms. Must suck to live your lives so afraid 24x7. I'm sorry that you were too big of a coward to stop Australia from disarming you. But that's you own fault.
I've never understood how conservatism managed to convince millions of republicans to voluntarily become pawns for the 1%. Kind of an amazing feat actually. They sure have been slow to wake up to this. Zombies. They fight tooth and nail for the wealthiest people in the world while breaking their backs working to build someone else's wealth, hoping they throw them some scraps at the end of their life of indentured servitude.
Well I've never understood how liberalism can be so envious that it drives them to a deep hatred of those who have more. I've never understood how liberalism can have such an obsession with trivial material items like their precious little cell phones while having such little regard for liberty.

Liberals fight tooth and nail to collapse the U.S. economy and deliver us the U.S.S.R. where everyone has to wait two days in line just for a loaf of fucking bread. I think that's really quite an insight into the liberal mindset. They would rather see everyone living in extreme poverty because that makes everyone economically "equal" than to have a thriving economy where some have more than others.

No one wants that. Stop making shit up. It's getting old.
That's exactly what you want and you know it.
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.
I want all the homeless to have a place to live and 3 square meals per day!

Fuck yeah!!!
Which begs the question then Matthew - why don't you provide the homeless with a place to live and provide them with "3 square meals per day"? Too greedy? Too selfish? Too lazy? You're awfully quiet over there Matty boy. Is that euphoric "high" from all of the alcohol starting to wear off??? :lol:

Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've never understood how conservatism managed to convince millions of republicans to voluntarily become pawns for the 1%. Kind of an amazing feat actually. They sure have been slow to wake up to this. Zombies. They fight tooth and nail for the wealthiest people in the world while breaking their backs working to build someone else's wealth, hoping they throw them some scraps at the end of their life of indentured servitude.
Well I've never understood how liberalism can be so envious that it drives them to a deep hatred of those who have more. I've never understood how liberalism can have such an obsession with trivial material items like their precious little cell phones while having such little regard for liberty.

Liberals fight tooth and nail to collapse the U.S. economy and deliver us the U.S.S.R. where everyone has to wait two days in line just for a loaf of fucking bread. I think that's really quite an insight into the liberal mindset. They would rather see everyone living in extreme poverty because that makes everyone economically "equal" than to have a thriving economy where some have more than others.

No one wants that. Stop making shit up. It's getting old.
That's exactly what you want and you know it.

lol, what? Why would anyone want that? I am a lefty capitalist.
It's not having to listen to assholes like you and Matthew. And then watching you little bitches lose your mind because there is nothing you can do about it. Now that is liberty baby!

What's pathetic is how afraid you people are of firearms. Must suck to live your lives so afraid 24x7. I'm sorry that you were too big of a coward to stop Australia from disarming you. But that's you own fault.

But you are listening. You've answered almost every post I've made on this thread cupcake. And you do not make me lose my mind. You make me laugh at you....

Not afraid of firearms at all. BTW, more firearms have entered Australia every year since the ban than before it. It's just the type has changed...
I've never understood how conservatism managed to convince millions of republicans to voluntarily become pawns for the 1%. Kind of an amazing feat actually. They sure have been slow to wake up to this. Zombies. They fight tooth and nail for the wealthiest people in the world while breaking their backs working to build someone else's wealth, hoping they throw them some scraps at the end of their life of indentured servitude.
Well I've never understood how liberalism can be so envious that it drives them to a deep hatred of those who have more. I've never understood how liberalism can have such an obsession with trivial material items like their precious little cell phones while having such little regard for liberty.

Liberals fight tooth and nail to collapse the U.S. economy and deliver us the U.S.S.R. where everyone has to wait two days in line just for a loaf of fucking bread. I think that's really quite an insight into the liberal mindset. They would rather see everyone living in extreme poverty because that makes everyone economically "equal" than to have a thriving economy where some have more than others.

No one wants that. Stop making shit up. It's getting old.
That's exactly what you want and you know it.

lol, what? Why would anyone want that? I am a lefty capitalist.
Because of your immature and insane envy towards anyone who has more than you or has been more successful than you. It's sad and it's sick but that's who you liberals are at your core. Just listen to you whine about the "1%" all over this board. You think about them all the time.
It's not having to listen to assholes like you and Matthew. And then watching you little bitches lose your mind because there is nothing you can do about it. Now that is liberty baby!

What's pathetic is how afraid you people are of firearms. Must suck to live your lives so afraid 24x7. I'm sorry that you were too big of a coward to stop Australia from disarming you. But that's you own fault.

But you are listening. You've answered almost every post I've made on this thread cupcake. And you do not make me lose my mind. You make me laugh at you....

Not afraid of firearms all. BTW, more firearms have entered Australia every year since the ban than before it. It's just they type has changed...
Responding to your idiocy isn't listening. You want me to surrender my money - I haven't and I won't. You want me to surrender my firearms - I haven't and I won't. You want me to surrender my liberty - I haven't and I won't. See a pattern here, stupid?

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