You love us liberals


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?[/QUOTE
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?
Meathead was a parasite living off Archie's money and at the SAME time telling him he was wrong about everything.
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?

However you are not liberal, so it makes this thread a moot point!
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?

No, some of us like hanging around liberals because we find it fascinating how they live in an alternate reality where they believe they are the only one who can empathize, be open-minded, be intelligent or have a clue.

The characters of Archie and Meathead were extreme examples and hardly close to reality. It's funny that liberals see conservatives that way and it's a little creepy that they hold such a narrow view of others.
"If you're 20 and not a liberal, you don't have a heart. If you're 40 and not a conservative, you don't have a brain"
I love Carlin. He is a good ol boy, master chief and papa deluxe, where was God before the universe was created? In the Closet.
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?
Look in the dictionary under "terminal narcissism", and you'll find a copy of this OP.

Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?[/QUOTE
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?
Meathead was a parasite living off Archie's money and at the SAME time telling him he was wrong about everything.
Sooo true. Lol
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?[/QUOTE
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?
Meathead was a parasite living off Archie's money and at the SAME time telling him he was wrong about everything.
But Archie was a broke ass voting for republicans because of god guns gays and racism.

Why was he broke? Because stretch didn't get him a union job.

He should have done what George jefferson did and get rich owning his own business. Oh yea Archie did end up buying Kelsey's place, but never got rich.
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?

However you are not liberal, so it makes this thread a moot point!
I'm not? Seriously? How so?
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?

No, some of us like hanging around liberals because we find it fascinating how they live in an alternate reality where they believe they are the only one who can empathize, be open-minded, be intelligent or have a clue.

The characters of Archie and Meathead were extreme examples and hardly close to reality. It's funny that liberals see conservatives that way and it's a little creepy that they hold such a narrow view of others.
I understand you are So conservative, you use and 8 track player...
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?
Look in the dictionary under "terminal narcissism", and you'll find a copy of this OP.

He even poked fun of each of us in his speech at his sons wedding. I'd say you really like us if you talk about us at your sons wedding. He was so funny.

As wrong as he is about politics, he's still a great person. Its why us liberals like him. Just because he's dumb won't get me to not like him. Its mean republicans I can't stand.

We are just good people us liberals. You dont meet mean liberals.
Tonight I went to my conservative buddies kids wedding tonight and all his friends are liberals. Do you come secretly like us? Do you secretly envy our ability to show empathy? Do you wish you were kind and open minded like us? Do you realize you conservatives are Archie bunker and us liberals are the much smarter younger meathead? You do realize Archie was almost always wrong and meathead was right, right?

For the most part the young ones fresh out of college are idealistic.
Fresh from the indoctrination from liberal college professors.

Then they grow up as they enter the real world...not the fairy tale world filled with elves and unicorns...
Well most do.And then they join us in the republican party.

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