You Mean That Government Employees Can't Save Money&Have No Credit Line.Awe,This Is So Sad !!

i just cannot phathom that these suffering workers havent even saved at least 10,000 in case of an emergency? I mean, I dont make 100,000 a year, but I have a 100,000 credit line that is more than enough to cover me in case of any emergency
Sure...enjoy that interest rate.
0? whats wrong with my 0% interest rate? what do you think? my FICA score is 400?
0% rate on loans.........? :71: Sure, honey.
i dont need loans..i just write my own 0%checks,,,,its nice having a 760 FICO score! every one wants to give me a 0% Visa!

Everyone has a zero percent visa, dope.
You just have to use it correctly. It is paid off montly.
i just cannot phathom that these suffering workers havent even saved at least 10,000 in case of an emergency? I mean, I dont make 100,000 a year, but I have a 100,000 credit line that is more than enough to cover me in case of any emergency
Sure...enjoy that interest rate.
0? whats wrong with my 0% interest rate? what do you think? my FICA score is 400?
0% rate on loans.........? :71: Sure, honey.
i dont need loans..i just write my own 0%checks,,,,its nice having a 760 FICO score! every one wants to give me a 0% Visa!
and I dont want loans, i like to keep my visa balance under 10,000 at all times


And a loser.

That shit is just dumb.
You Mean That Government Employees Can't Save Money&Have No Credit Line.

How does it feel to be a total idiot, Lee? For one thing, what do you care if these people are furloughed with no pay? What's it to YOU? Have you ever worked for the Fed? Do you have any idea the costs and responsibilities? Ever have a job where you could go to prison or be fined thousands of dollars for making a mistake? Where your every action is closely monitored? Do you know that some federal jobs your EVERY MINUTE is accounted for? You have to be 100% productive! It is required by law. Do you even know that the Federal government is one of the largest hirers of disabled and handicapped people and those long out of work through no fault of their own whom otherwise might not find jobs at all? Do you know that one of their main hiring seasons just begun at the beginning of November? What should they have saved up? Do you have any idea that many of them don't make a whole lot of money? Do you have even an inkling that many of those hit are among the most seriously vulnerable among us? And what good is a credit line going to do you when trying to pay a bill or a tax when most of those agencies don't even take credit cards? Instead of living on your bitter stereotypes of all federal workers living the "high live" on the gravy boat with their feet up on a desk, maybe you ought to get a few facts for a change.
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:
80% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Redirect Notice
Yet Pelosi sent 54 Billion in aid to foreign countries and keeps our gov. Shut down and the citizens vulnerable to death by criminal illegal aliens! She shits on Americans!
I watched trump telling the world in front of Schumer and pelosi that he is to blame for the shutdown.
You sure did. I did too. Do you remember what he said after that? I do.
Private sector has oodles of jobs.

I agree there are plenty of jobs out there. Let em fine another job.

Hell over Obama's tenure as POTUS there were no jobs and unemployment was extended time and time again. People were on food stamps.

These Fed workers never worried about you and I. They can't get fired, don't get laid off and live in a bubble.

Can't say I feel one iota of sorry for any of them.
Typical Democrat Government worker: OK,,OK,,,i take home about 4000 a month, so therefore I can make a 1500.00 mortgage payment,,a 500 dolla car payment,,,about 400 a month for entertainment purposes,,,150 a month to have my nails done,,maybe 700 a month on food,,,,,180 a month on gas,,,i think about 300 a month for cable/phone/gadgets/etc,,and maybe 500 a month on misc expenses, and I try to save at least 300 a month,,,lets see,,lets see,,what does that all add up to?

I don't know where you get your $4000 a month take home pay, but that's about a GS-11 salary and often requires a doctoral or law degree.
well i dont know the exact salaries, im sure they can vary from 35 to 100K a year,,but still,,how can all of these people make an upper class income and not save enough money god forbid the money comes to a stop? what are they doing? buying/spending it as if they will always see a paycheck?

You think $35K is upper class income? Why are you trying to prove yourself to be a moron?
yes, well only if you are single with no debt.
It's hard to comprehend someone angry at a federal employee making 40 grand while some billionaire is getting 500 times that in tax breaks.
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:

The base salary is based on a table compiled by Office of Personnel Management (the 2017 table is shown below),[4] and is used as the baseline for the locality pay adjustment. The increases between steps for Grades GS-1 and GS-2 varies between the steps; for Grades GS-3 through GS-15 the increases between the steps are the same within the grade, but increase as the grade increases. The table is revised effective January of each year to reflect the basic cost of living adjustment (known as the General Schedule Increase).

Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10
1 $18,526 $19,146 $19,762 $20,375 $20,991 $21,351 $21,960 $22,575 $22,599 $23,171
2 $20,829 $21,325 $22,015 $22,599 $22,853 $23,525 $24,197 $24,869 $25,541 $26,213
3 $22,727 $23,485 $24,243 $25,001 $25,759 $26,517 $27,275 $28,033 $28,791 $29,549
4 $25,514 $26,364 $27,214 $28,064 $28,914 $29,764 $30,614 $31,464 $32,314 $33,164
5 $28,545 $29,497 $30,449 $31,401 $32,353 $33,305 $34,257 $35,209 $36,161 $37,113
6 $31,819 $32,880 $33,941 $35,002 $36,063 $37,124 $38,185 $39,246 $40,307 $41,368
7 $35,359 $36,538 $37,717 $38,896 $40,075 $41,254 $42,433 $43,612 $44,791 $45,970
8 $39,159 $40,464 $41,769 $43,074 $44,379 $45,684 $46,989 $48,294 $49,599 $50,904
9 $43,251 $44,693 $46,135 $47,577 $49,019 $50,461 $51,903 $53,345 $54,787 $56,229
10 $47,630 $49,218 $50,806 $52,394 $53,982 $55,570 $57,158 $58,746 $60,334 $61,922
11 $52,329 $54,073 $55,817 $57,561 $59,305 $61,049 $62,793 $64,537 $66,281 $68,025
12 $62,722 $64,813 $66,904 $68,995 $71,086 $73,177 $75,268 $77,359 $79,450 $81,541
13 $74,584 $77,070 $79,556 $82,042 $84,528 $87,014 $89,500 $91,986 $94,472 $96,958
14 $88,136 $91,074 $94,012 $96,950 $99,888 $102,826 $105,764 $108,702 $111,640 $114,578
15 $103,672 $107,128 $110,584 $114,040 $117,496 $120,952 $124,408 $127,864 $131,320 $134,776
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:

Interesting to note that you are allowing jealousy, envy, hate, among other emotions, to delude yourself into believing that government is bad, and government employees are bad.
We reside in a sad space when folks such as yourself become so infected with negativity & self loathing.
Please, try & get better.
sorry but the government is bad and that makes those that work for them bad

Including the military and the border patrol? Send them all home!

I believe they sent the active duty military home on Dec 22nd.
I am hoping all veterans are receiving their services and or checks for their service. Anybody know?
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:
I'd love to see this type of attitude given towards the subsidized white farming industry that our government props up and Republicans continuously cries for.
Ah...but those Republican voting farmers are not getting their subsidies right now either. :71:

if farmers receive gubmint subsidies then they are technically being paid by the gubmint AKA a gubmint employee so, they must be BAD too, according to some here.

Hell a Brazilian meat packer is taking a good portion of that farm money if it ever comes it's being held up by the shut down.
I am hoping all veterans are receiving their services and or checks for their service. Anybody know?

Yes, we are receiving a disability compensation and the hospitals and clinics are opened. I did see some claims may have been held up but who really knows?
i just cannot phathom that these suffering workers havent even saved at least 10,000 in case of an emergency? I mean, I dont make 100,000 a year, but I have a 100,000 credit line that is more than enough to cover me in case of any emergency
Sure...enjoy that interest rate.
0? whats wrong with my 0% interest rate? what do you think? my FICA score is 400?
0% rate on loans.........? :71: Sure, honey.
i dont need loans..i just write my own 0%checks,,,,its nice having a 760 FICO score! every one wants to give me a 0% Visa!
You think a credit line is given out without interest for the lending institution? :71:

We had the local commander of the coast guard on our local station the other night and some of the lower enlisted are being turned down at the largest military credit union and banks for a loan.
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:

Interesting to note that you are allowing jealousy, envy, hate, among other emotions, to delude yourself into believing that government is bad, and government employees are bad.
We reside in a sad space when folks such as yourself become so infected with negativity & self loathing.
Please, try & get better.
sorry but the government is bad and that makes those that work for them bad

Including the military and the border patrol? Send them all home!

I believe they sent the active duty military home on Dec 22nd.

I think that's not correct. I only mentioned the military and border patrol because an ignorant poster said those who work for the government are "bad," and I wanted to remind him to whom he was referring.
It would be a crime in my eyes if every last service for vets and active duty was not up and running. This is why the wall battle should be separated from people getting paid. These people should not be pawns in a political battle. The fact that they are and that some are angry at the employees seems beyond real.
I agree there are plenty of jobs out there. Let em fine another job.

Hell over Obama's tenure as POTUS there were no jobs and unemployment was extended time and time again. People were on food stamps.

These Fed workers never worried about you and I. They can't get fired, don't get laid off and live in a bubble.

Can't say I feel one iota of sorry for any of them.
Typical Democrat Government worker: OK,,OK,,,i take home about 4000 a month, so therefore I can make a 1500.00 mortgage payment,,a 500 dolla car payment,,,about 400 a month for entertainment purposes,,,150 a month to have my nails done,,maybe 700 a month on food,,,,,180 a month on gas,,,i think about 300 a month for cable/phone/gadgets/etc,,and maybe 500 a month on misc expenses, and I try to save at least 300 a month,,,lets see,,lets see,,what does that all add up to?

I don't know where you get your $4000 a month take home pay, but that's about a GS-11 salary and often requires a doctoral or law degree.
well i dont know the exact salaries, im sure they can vary from 35 to 100K a year,,but still,,how can all of these people make an upper class income and not save enough money god forbid the money comes to a stop? what are they doing? buying/spending it as if they will always see a paycheck?

You think $35K is upper class income? Why are you trying to prove yourself to be a moron?
yes, well only if you are single with no debt.

Did you notice Lee the right and left on this thread has come together? All except you.

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