You need an ID to by booze, cigarettes,board planes, etc. but you won't need an ID to vote? Does that mean ANYONE illegally in USA will vote?

Voter IDs are such a 20 yr old voter suppression tactic. Nearly everyone has them now.

Now they're trying to REMOVE legal voters from the voter rolls
How do you remove legal voters?
This is how:

We can't suppress the dead vote.
For most people, driver's licenses issued by the respective state and territorial governments have become the de facto identity cards, and are used for many identification purposes, such as when :
  • purchasing alcohol and tobacco,
  • opening bank accounts, and boarding planes,
  • along with confirming a voter's identity in states with voter photo identification initiatives.
Individuals who do not drive are able to obtain an identification card with the same functions from the same state agency that issues driver's licenses. In addition, many schools issue student and teacher ID cards.

Thirty-four states have identification requirements at the polls.
Seven states have strict photo ID laws, under which voters must present one of a limited set of forms of government-issued photo ID in order to cast a regular ballot – no exception
One of the ACLU's example: In Texas, some people in rural areas must travel approximately 170 miles to reach the nearest ID office.

House Democrats quietly passed a bill to federalize vote by mail and passed the “For the People Act,”

The last point confirming a voter's identity will be under Federal law UNNECESSARY to vote.
So how many swing states for Trump/Biden election didn't require photo id?

Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until,
in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted.
Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’;

You don't need an ID to buy a gun, except when buying from a licensed gun dealer. Why do we need an id to vote?
Do you have anything besides a video? I’m not in a good place to watch plus I find videos highly unreliable. Is there a court case or law or something that can be verified that you can show me?
No no.. See... I'm arguing this from my own stance. I want to be able to validate my own vote, I want anyone to be able to do that.

The thing with people voting without an address or one that doesn't exist feel free to look up on your own time. I feel no need to prove that or not.

I'm arguing this from a place of... This is stupid that we can't do this, and you would have to be a total fuck'n hack to believe this would be wrong or it would hurt our government in some way. I make no bones about that. I've posted the E-vote video so many times it's not funny... You've likely seen it.
There is debate around that because of privacy issues. For them to keep a record of your vote means they would need to keep a database storing every persons vote which some would consider a privacy issue and security vulnerability.
No... They don't. You have never watched that video. How very disappointing. Here it is again...

I don’t know where you’re getting the address thing about but to get a ballot in the mail or on the voter rolls for a precinct you need to register with a valid license and address
This is not the case... It's been proven. It has NOT been proven that it's enough to effect an election.
Voter IDs are such a 20 yr old voter suppression tactic. Nearly everyone has them now.

Now they're trying to REMOVE legal voters from the voter rolls
How do you remove legal voters?
I think some want to wipe the rolls and make people reregister
If done without warning or time to re-register... I get the point. But that in itself is not removing legal voters.
Citizens, regardless of color, religion, sex, etc, over the age of 18.

In my state and one other state, even those in prison, serving their jail sentence, can vote.
How do you verify who is a citizen and who isn't?
From my blog:

Requiring photo ID is “racist,” except when it’s done by Obama, the NAACP, unions, or any other liberals

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

June 24, 2020

In March 2012, Obama’s Justice Department blocked Texas’s voter ID requirement, claiming that it was “racist.”

However, Obama’s Justice Department required photo ID for everyone who enters.

So let’s say that in 2012, someone was denied their right to vote because they didn’thave voter ID, and they wanted to file a lawsuit at the Justice Department. But because they didn’t have photo ID, they couldn’t have gotten get into the Justice Department in the first place!

This video is from 2012. Beginning at 2:39, we see that Obama’s Justice Department required photo ID for everyone who entered:

The same video also shows that you need photo ID in order to enter other liberal organizations which claim that requiring voter ID is “racist,” including the Advancement Project (at 1:38), the Center for American Progress (2:08), and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (2:23).

At a July 2012 NAACP event, NAACP President Ben Jealous claimed that requiring voter ID was “racist.” However, at that very same event, the NAACP required photo ID in order to get into the event in the first place!

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Britain, India, and South Africa all require photo ID in order to vote, but U.S. liberals don’t consider those countries’ requirements to be “racist.”

In January 2012, Illinois passed a law that required buyers of drain cleaner to show photo ID, but liberals didn’t accuse this requirement of being “racist.”

In June 2012, Michelle Obama required photo ID in order to attend her book signings, but liberals didn’t accuse her of being “racist.”

In June 2012, Barack Obama required photo ID in order to attend his campaign events, but liberals didn’t accuse him of being “racist.”

In December 2017, for every performance of the play “Hamilton” at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre, 40 tickets were sold for a special low price of $10 each. To get these tickets, you had to apply online. A lottery randomly chose 40 winners for each performance. Winners were required to show photo ID when they showed up to see the play. But liberals didn’t accuse this theater of being “racist.”

This article from Politico includes the following photograph of a labor union that requires photo ID in order for its members to vote, but liberals didn’t accuse this union of being “racist”:


Video: Check out these quotes from racist white liberals saying that black people don’t know how to obtain photo ID, and don’t know how to use the internet

In the first half of this video, racist white liberals say that black people don’t know how to obtain photo ID, and don’t know how to use the internet.

In the second half of the video, black people prove that the racist white liberals are wrong. Black people do in fact know how to obtain photo ID, and do indeed know how to use the internet.

Here are some of the quotes from the racist white liberals:

0:43 “These type of people don’t live in areas with easy access to DMVs or other places where they can get identification”

1:02 “They don’t have the knowledge of how it works”

1:08 “For most of the communities, they don’t really know what is out there just because they’re not aware or they’re not informed”

Citizens, regardless of color, religion, sex, etc, over the age of 18.

In my state and one other state, even those in prison, serving their jail sentence, can vote.
How do you verify who is a citizen and who isn't?'s a govt system set up for employers, to check to see if new hires, are citizens. That e verify system should be, if not already used, opened up for voter registration application vetting.'s a govt system set up for employers, to check to see if new hires, are citizens. That e verify system should be, if not already used, opened up for voter registration application vetting.
Great, as long as there is verification that each vote is legal.
For most people, driver's licenses issued by the respective state and territorial governments have become the de facto identity cards, and are used for many identification purposes, such as when :
  • purchasing alcohol and tobacco,
  • opening bank accounts, and boarding planes,
  • along with confirming a voter's identity in states with voter photo identification initiatives.
Individuals who do not drive are able to obtain an identification card with the same functions from the same state agency that issues driver's licenses. In addition, many schools issue student and teacher ID cards.

Thirty-four states have identification requirements at the polls.
Seven states have strict photo ID laws, under which voters must present one of a limited set of forms of government-issued photo ID in order to cast a regular ballot – no exception
One of the ACLU's example: In Texas, some people in rural areas must travel approximately 170 miles to reach the nearest ID office.

House Democrats quietly passed a bill to federalize vote by mail and passed the “For the People Act,”

The last point confirming a voter's identity will be under Federal law UNNECESSARY to vote.
So how many swing states for Trump/Biden election didn't require photo id?

Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until,
in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted.
Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’;

You don't need an ID to buy a gun, except when buying from a licensed gun dealer. Why do we need an id to vote?
democrats need the illegal vote and mail in ballots...otherwise the party would be gone in a month's a govt system set up for employers, to check to see if new hires, are citizens. That e verify system should be, if not already used, opened up for voter registration application vetting.
Great, as long as there is verification that each vote is legal.
There are other things they can do too! They should be notified by the state with a monthly list, of people they have issued death certificates on, so they can remove people that have died, from the active voter roll....imo.... It would be so much easier to keep voter rolls accurate... Yes, they will never be perfect, but with some seemingly simple steps, they could get closer to being perfect.
For most people, driver's licenses issued by the respective state and territorial governments have become the de facto identity cards, and are used for many identification purposes, such as when :
  • purchasing alcohol and tobacco,
  • opening bank accounts, and boarding planes,
  • along with confirming a voter's identity in states with voter photo identification initiatives.
Individuals who do not drive are able to obtain an identification card with the same functions from the same state agency that issues driver's licenses. In addition, many schools issue student and teacher ID cards.

Thirty-four states have identification requirements at the polls.
Seven states have strict photo ID laws, under which voters must present one of a limited set of forms of government-issued photo ID in order to cast a regular ballot – no exception
One of the ACLU's example: In Texas, some people in rural areas must travel approximately 170 miles to reach the nearest ID office.

House Democrats quietly passed a bill to federalize vote by mail and passed the “For the People Act,”

The last point confirming a voter's identity will be under Federal law UNNECESSARY to vote.
So how many swing states for Trump/Biden election didn't require photo id?

Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until,
in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted.
Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’;

You don't need an ID to buy a gun, except when buying from a licensed gun dealer. Why do we need an id to vote?
democrats need the illegal vote and mail in ballots...otherwise the party would be gone in a month
So all those Republican mail in votes in Florida for instance....
For most people, driver's licenses issued by the respective state and territorial governments have become the de facto identity cards, and are used for many identification purposes, such as when :
  • purchasing alcohol and tobacco,
  • opening bank accounts, and boarding planes,
  • along with confirming a voter's identity in states with voter photo identification initiatives.
Individuals who do not drive are able to obtain an identification card with the same functions from the same state agency that issues driver's licenses. In addition, many schools issue student and teacher ID cards.

Thirty-four states have identification requirements at the polls.
Seven states have strict photo ID laws, under which voters must present one of a limited set of forms of government-issued photo ID in order to cast a regular ballot – no exception
One of the ACLU's example: In Texas, some people in rural areas must travel approximately 170 miles to reach the nearest ID office.

House Democrats quietly passed a bill to federalize vote by mail and passed the “For the People Act,”

The last point confirming a voter's identity will be under Federal law UNNECESSARY to vote.
So how many swing states for Trump/Biden election didn't require photo id?

Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until,
in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted.
Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’;

....good call.......we need Birth Certificates/etc to get a driver's license/etc...this is just basic COMMON SENSE--which the left doesn't have--for various reasons--one of which they think with their emotions and not their brains
Anyone who drives has a gvt issued photo id, including poorer people.

It's anyone who does not have access to a car and does not have a driver's license, where some difficulty arises for a select number of that group.

USA Population of 2021 --- 332,225,037 of which nearly 70% have driver's license.
View attachment 464893
Again – your thread premise fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Whether it’s the right to vote or the right to possess a firearm, both are fundamental rights immune form burdensome government regulation – requiring an ID to vote is an unwarranted burden on that right, just as requiring a license to possess a firearm is an unwarranted burden on the right to bear arms.
...wrong --it doesn't fail--there are LIMITS on firearms/rights/etc ....people get FIRED for free speech/etc==plain and simple
For most people, driver's licenses issued by the respective state and territorial governments have become the de facto identity cards, and are used for many identification purposes, such as when :
  • purchasing alcohol and tobacco,
  • opening bank accounts, and boarding planes,
  • along with confirming a voter's identity in states with voter photo identification initiatives.
Individuals who do not drive are able to obtain an identification card with the same functions from the same state agency that issues driver's licenses. In addition, many schools issue student and teacher ID cards.

Thirty-four states have identification requirements at the polls.
Seven states have strict photo ID laws, under which voters must present one of a limited set of forms of government-issued photo ID in order to cast a regular ballot – no exception
One of the ACLU's example: In Texas, some people in rural areas must travel approximately 170 miles to reach the nearest ID office.

House Democrats quietly passed a bill to federalize vote by mail and passed the “For the People Act,”

The last point confirming a voter's identity will be under Federal law UNNECESSARY to vote.
So how many swing states for Trump/Biden election didn't require photo id?

Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until,
in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted.
Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’;

You don't need an ID to buy a gun, except when buying from a licensed gun dealer. Why do we need an id to vote?
democrats need the illegal vote and mail in ballots...otherwise the party would be gone in a month
So all those Republican mail in votes in Florida for instance....

See you've done what the media has done i.e. you don't understand the difference between "absentee voting" and JUNK MAIL VOTING.
FL didn't mail out absentee ballots to all the names on the voting rolls. The voter asked for an absentee ballot request form,
you completed the form THEN the ballot is mailed.
CA mailed absentee ballots out.
With the statistics that 10% of Americans change addresses every year, this meant CA sent out 10% of the
ballots to fraudulent potential addresses.
Citizens, regardless of color, religion, sex, etc, over the age of 18.

In my state and one other state, even those in prison, serving their jail sentence, can vote.
How do you verify who is a citizen and who isn't?'s a govt system set up for employers, to check to see if new hires, are citizens. That e verify system should be, if not already used, opened up for voter registration application vetting.
Still need ID because illegals are not the only problem. 10% of Americans move each year so the addresses are wrong.
Photo ID is no good because it is easily faked and impossible to look up at the Polling station.
The only thing they can look up at the polling station, is the voter registration card, and that typically is not a photo ID.
But that is the only one that should be allowed.
Last edited:

Video: Check out these quotes from racist white liberals saying that black people don’t know how to obtain photo ID, and don’t know how to use the internet

In the first half of this video, racist white liberals say that black people don’t know how to obtain photo ID, and don’t know how to use the internet.

In the second half of the video, black people prove that the racist white liberals are wrong. Black people do in fact know how to obtain photo ID, and do indeed know how to use the internet.

Here are some of the quotes from the racist white liberals:

0:43 “These type of people don’t live in areas with easy access to DMVs or other places where they can get identification”

1:02 “They don’t have the knowledge of how it works”

1:08 “For most of the communities, they don’t really know what is out there just because they’re not aware or they’re not informed”

The reason you can't just use a driver's license with a photo ID is that the polling station can't look it up and it is easy to print out fake ones any time you want.
What is expensive and most people would not have is a special photo voter ID, and that is how Blacks have sometimes been prevented from voting.'s a govt system set up for employers, to check to see if new hires, are citizens. That e verify system should be, if not already used, opened up for voter registration application vetting.
Great, as long as there is verification that each vote is legal.
There are other things they can do too! They should be notified by the state with a monthly list, of people they have issued death certificates on, so they can remove people that have died, from the active voter roll....imo.... It would be so much easier to keep voter rolls accurate... Yes, they will never be perfect, but with some seemingly simple steps, they could get closer to being perfect.

E-verify only ensures the person exists, it can't stop a person from voting many times, for example.

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