You people that called Bush a liar what do you call

Now how many did he "lie " to?

in this massive bill you fucks kept complaining was a shit load of pages when Obama said you can keep your plan he lied to how many people?

You see that group you are crying crock tears over are how many people?

That number and its percent of the country IS the people you are all torn up about.


your problem is its like .000000000000000000 something.

so you and our corporate media labeled him a liar because out of milllions and millions for people how many were actually lied to?
Has anyone ever heard of "the internet"? Look up the numbers if you don't know them.

And why the fuck are these talking monkeys trying to compare Obamacare to the Iraq invasion?

DEAR fucking idiot,

we are talking about presidents lying.

Bush lied us into a protracted war he refused to end.

history will never be forgotten no matter how much it embarrasses your idiot party
Obama's constant statement when he was selling Obamacare. "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it.
If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too." is NOW contradicted by Obama...
President Barack Obama has publicly promised at least 36 times since 2008 that his health care reform plan, known as Obamacare,
would not cause anyone who liked their present health insurance to lose it.
36 Times Obama Said You Can Keep Your Health Plan | Washington Free Beacon

"But that’s true if your employer suddenly decides we think this network’s going to give a better deal, we think this is going to help keep premiums lower, you've got to use this doctor as opposed to that one, this hospital as opposed to that one.
Obama: You Might Lose Your Doctor Under Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Do you think ACA would have passed if those 7 votes of "YES" knew Obama was lying when he said "you can keep your doctor"?

You called Bush a liar about WMDs. How many of you are going to call Obama a LIAR now that it has became truly personal for some of you, i.e.
YOU that voted for Obama, thought ACA was great and NOW find out your doctor is no longer part of your network?

I am 100% convinced that some of the Obama/ACA supporters HAVE lost their insurance or have lost their doctor.
I am also convinced that somewhere one or more people have died directly because Obamacare caused insurance companies that were paying under a prior agreement but NOW wow... happy to cancel folks because under Obamacare our plan doesn't meet obamacare specs!
Sorry those of you that were counting on cancer treatments COVERED under your old insurance... NO.. we had to cancel your policy because it didn't offer maternity coverage!

Think about it. How many Americans are going to die and you ACA/Obama are blaming the insurance companies for complying with your idiotic stupidly cumbersome over regulated 2,000 page 20,000 pages of regulations LAW!

"You called Bush a liar about WMDs. How many of you are going to call Obama a LIAR now that it has became truly personal for some of you, i.e.
YOU that voted for Obama, thought ACA was great and NOW find out your doctor is no longer part of your network?"

oooooh heavens to Betsy, no one here would ever call Pres. Bush a liar, these people here are too civilized to do that !! PLUS everyone here is 1000% satisfied with their healthcare plan and they have the very best plan ever, it covers everything from hang nails to brain surgery..., am i right on all this so far Mr.& Mrs. Liarberals ???


dose anyone suspect i just may be spoofing ? :lmao:
You didn't answer me you fucking idiot.


I did answer you, TM. Unlike you folks, I'm happy to provide straight answers to direct questions. But I'll answer it again: I have absolutely no idea what that number is, whatever it is. Please provide it, then we'll both know.

The number he was speaking to in rallies and interviews and speeches and commercials? I do not know.

I won't ask you to answer my direct questions, though. I know better.

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You say Obama lied to a few Americans while the vast majority were not lied to.

tell us why Obama would concoct some "grand Lie" to purposefully lie to a certain segment of oour population.

what is the size of this group of LIED TO people?

Okay, so the spin appears to be that Obama was either lying or ignorant about the ACA because anyone who disagrees with him on something is a racist.

Is that it? Are we all on the same page now?


What was the percent of Americans who could keep their plan?


TM, against my better judgment, I'll try to communicate with you.

What was the percentage of Americans who could keep their plan? I have absolutely no idea, because Obama never brought that up. If I'm missing something, if he said that somewhere, please let me know.

I do know he said the following:

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan".

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor".

"You will be paying less".


So - and I'm not expecting a straight answer but at least I'll know I tried here - were those statements correct or not? And if they were not correct, why did he say them?

Those should be the two easiest questions you get all day.

Go ahead.


NOT what I asked.

I asked for the percent who were lied to.

you refuse to answer
Obama didn't lie.

you can keep it if you like it

IF it meets all the criteria to still exist under the rules.

SHITTY policies were discontinued

I don't recall the IF part of his speeches. But still keeping your old plan was never a major reason we had to make a change in our health care system. Iraq being a threat to the US was one of two only reasons Congress gave President Bush the authority to use military force. (Participation in 9-11 was the other btw). The only way Iraq was a threat to the USA is if they had WMD. Big lie, we must invade because of lie. Little lie, this is one of the benefits of passing the new legislation, a lie. There are many benefits to the new laws. IMO.

"You can keep it if you like it"

the whole idea was to get rid of shitty policies.

NO ONE who was sane would think people LIKED the shitty discontinued policies huh

No one was forced to buy a 'shitty' policy before the mandates in the ACA. In fact, they met the requirements of those that could afford to pay for all but what a catastrphic policy covered.

I call a 'shitty' policy one where a 70 year old woman is required to have included and be forced to pay for maternity coverage. That is what is just one of the shitty' requirements of the ACA.
so you lied about answering me and keep refusing to tell us the percent of Americans Obama "lied to" .

twist squim and piss your pants.

you cant even come up with a number to represent the people you claim were lied to.

MILLIONS can keep their policy.

how many cant?
Has anyone ever heard of "the internet"? Look up the numbers if you don't know them.

And why the fuck are these talking monkeys trying to compare Obamacare to the Iraq invasion?

DEAR fucking idiot,

we are talking about presidents lying.

Bush lied us into a protracted war he refused to end.

history will never be forgotten no matter how much it embarrasses your idiot party
So quick with the name-calling. I understand why you said it so there's no need to apologize. I apologize to you for not being as clear as I should have been. I wasn't replying to you so there's no need for you and I to be at odds. I understand the comparison between Presidents' lies, but it's an entirely false comparison in this case because Bush's lie caused mass murder and state-sanctioned torture, trillions of dollars of government waste, and tens of thousands of new homeless veterans when there were already so many from as far back as Vietnam. Obama's lie about keeping your health care plan can't be compared to endless torture wars because switching healthcare plans doesn't cause mass murder and state-sanctioned torture (at least not directly). Indirectly, you could consider that Obamacare makes people pay more money up to the corporate 1% which then use those funds to influence our national politics and push the lies which lead to profitable wars.
twist squim and piss your pants.

you cant even come up with a number to represent the people you claim were lied to.

MILLIONS can keep their policy.

how many cant?

Last time, TM, and I knew trying to communicate with you was a bad idea.

I have no idea. Pick a number. 99%. 1%. Whatever you'd like. I truly don't care, because I know you're deflecting. Pick a number.

Whatever number you choose, you avoid the obvious point:

If a person says something that they know isn't true, that's called a "lie".

If a person says something is fact, and they're wrong, that could be called "ignorance".

If they campaign and win on those points, that's an interesting situation.

My points remain, regardless of the number that you choose for me, and regardless of how hard you work to avoid them.

if you cant find the number of people who LIKED their shitty healthcare plans and now cant keep them you can not prove anyone was lied to.

Its a simple as that.

get me the group of people who were harmed

If you cant find them they don't exist.
Yes people received cancelation notices.

Now out of that number of people give us the number who are all mad and LIKED their old shitty plan that could kick them off fro getting sick.


what is the number who liked it and wanted to keep it
how many people DIED when Bush lied?

but you right wing idiots don't care about them do you

Did Bush make any of these statements, and do you consider them lies? If the answer is yes, I will tell you who made these statements.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
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