You people that called Bush a liar what do you call

Okay lets say that the both lied on purpose to get what they wanted.

Which lie caused the most human suffering? An illegitimate war where tens of thousands of lost their lives, were maimed or, forcing insurances companies to comply with the new rules and making some people choose a new plan? A war that shifted the balance of power in the ME to Iran, or a policy that will cost some people a little more for their insurance? A war the eroded the Good Will of the USA throughout the world or, a Health Care policy that covers previous conditions and has no benefit caps?

Did they both know they were lying or did they both believe what the were selling?

No let's not say both lied!
Lie | Define Lie at*
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. Synonyms: prevarication, falsification.

Obama fits the definition, Bush doesn't. Obama knew he was making a false statement, Bush didn't.

To say Bush lied about Iraq having WMD's you have to concede that he is the most intelligent person on Planet Earth.

Illegitimate war? Seems I remember Congress voting almost unanimously to go to war.

Nah, the Team Bush lied, the Intel was being "fixed"

The majority of Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush the deciding power.

Of course if you don't think the Bush team lied to the American People(with the help of the so-called liberal media) you'd think it's a legitimate war.
Obama never said you can keep any policy that doesn't meet the laws criteria.

that is what you lying assholes claim he said.


He also didn't say the moon is made of green cheese, so the moon is made of green cheese.

Do you see the idiocy of your logic?

what was the law designed to do you fucking idiot?

end policies that fucked people.

just because some idiot wanted to keep being fucked doesn't make Obama a liar
LIKE is the operative word in this sentence.

he was talking to people about the program

IT was NOT written into the law.

He was speaking to rationally thinking people.

Your not one
Obama didn't lie.

you can keep it if you like it

IF it meets all the criteria to still exist under the rules.

SHITTY policies were discontinued

I don't recall the IF part of his speeches. But still keeping your old plan was never a major reason we had to make a change in our health care system. Iraq being a threat to the US was one of two only reasons Congress gave President Bush the authority to use military force. (Participation in 9-11 was the other btw). The only way Iraq was a threat to the USA is if they had WMD. Big lie, we must invade because of lie. Little lie, this is one of the benefits of passing the new legislation, a lie. There are many benefits to the new laws. IMO.

"You can keep it if you like it"

the whole idea was to get rid of shitty policies.

NO ONE who was sane would think people LIKED the shitty discontinued policies huh

If is the most powerful word in the universe.
"You can keep it. Period." Spin all you want moonbats. The fucker lied and you call "misrepresenting" because you're all a bunch of partisan hacks. Period.
"You can keep it. Period." Spin all you want moonbats. The fucker lied and you call "misrepresenting" because you're all a bunch of partisan hacks. Period.

[ame=]The Alan Parsons Project - Breakdown - YouTube[/ame]
go get get statement in context you fucking lying pile of rat shit

Spin Spin Spin degenerate sewer dweller.

so you claim what he really said is spin?

see they are fucking liars

No, you're attempting (and failing miserably) to spin Obama's healthcare tax lie. that it wasn't a lie. I already proved it is a lie, politifact has all the pertinent information which made it THE LIE OF THE YEAR. You called them right wing, which is a another degenerate lie from you. While you lie to cover up Obama's lie.

It's all right there in the politifact catalog. Even Obama had to dodge his own lie about it.

He lied, you degenerate retarded, sewer dweller.
Obama never said you can keep any policy that doesn't meet the laws criteria.

that is what you lying assholes claim he said.


He also didn't say the moon is made of green cheese, so the moon is made of green cheese.

Do you see the idiocy of your logic?

what was the law designed to do you fucking idiot?

end policies that fucked people.

just because some idiot wanted to keep being fucked doesn't make Obama a liar

no one can make anyone a liar.

Only a person can make himself a liar.

And Obama has done a great job of it.

So have you, you fucking dildo sucking vibrator using asshole.
Okay lets say that the both lied on purpose to get what they wanted.

Which lie caused the most human suffering? An illegitimate war where tens of thousands of lost their lives, were maimed or, forcing insurances companies to comply with the new rules and making some people choose a new plan? A war that shifted the balance of power in the ME to Iran, or a policy that will cost some people a little more for their insurance? A war the eroded the Good Will of the USA throughout the world or, a Health Care policy that covers previous conditions and has no benefit caps?

Did they both know they were lying or did they both believe what the were selling?

No let's not say both lied!
Lie | Define Lie at*
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. Synonyms: prevarication, falsification.

Obama fits the definition, Bush doesn't. Obama knew he was making a false statement, Bush didn't.

To say Bush lied about Iraq having WMD's you have to concede that he is the most intelligent person on Planet Earth.

Illegitimate war? Seems I remember Congress voting almost unanimously to go to war.

Nah, the Team Bush lied, the Intel was being "fixed"

The majority of Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush the deciding power.

Of course if you don't think the Bush team lied to the American People(with the help of the so-called liberal media) you'd think it's a legitimate war.

You wrote: "Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush the deciding power."

Senate/House Democratic votes for the Iraq War
The Iraq War: Who voted for it, why you should still care (hint: Iran)
Democrat Senators that voted YEA... 77
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)

Then in the house... 82 (40%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted for the resolution.
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No let's not say both lied!
Lie | Define Lie at*
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. Synonyms: prevarication, falsification.

Obama fits the definition, Bush doesn't. Obama knew he was making a false statement, Bush didn't.

To say Bush lied about Iraq having WMD's you have to concede that he is the most intelligent person on Planet Earth.

Illegitimate war? Seems I remember Congress voting almost unanimously to go to war.

Nah, the Team Bush lied, the Intel was being "fixed"

The majority of Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush the deciding power.

Of course if you don't think the Bush team lied to the American People(with the help of the so-called liberal media) you'd think it's a legitimate war.

You wrote: "Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush the deciding power."

Senate/House Democratic votes for the Iraq War
The Iraq War: Who voted for it, why you should still care (hint: Iran)
Democrat Senators that voted YEA... 77
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)

Then in the house... 82 (40%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted for the resolution.
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So in conclusion agree that most Democrats in Congress voted against the resolution
Democrat Senators that voted YEA... 77


there were 77 total "yea" votes in the senate. All of them were not Democrats.

C'MON MAN - up your game.

It's not even logical that there would be 77 democratic senators
or you could just count the friggin' list you posted.
Last edited:
No let's not say both lied!
Lie | Define Lie at*
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. Synonyms: prevarication, falsification.

Obama fits the definition, Bush doesn't. Obama knew he was making a false statement, Bush didn't.

To say Bush lied about Iraq having WMD's you have to concede that he is the most intelligent person on Planet Earth.

Illegitimate war? Seems I remember Congress voting almost unanimously to go to war.

Nah, the Team Bush lied, the Intel was being "fixed"

The majority of Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush the deciding power.

Of course if you don't think the Bush team lied to the American People(with the help of the so-called liberal media) you'd think it's a legitimate war.

You wrote: "Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush the deciding power."

I wrote "The majority of Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush the deciding power."
Bush dropped WP on falughia as a weapon.

That is a clear war crime.

He denied it until he was forced by the evidence to ADMITT IT.

the right wing congress REFUSED to do anything about it

Obama dropped missiles in sovereign nations without any declaration of war and killed and maimed innocent civilians.

The left wing congress refuses to do anything about it.

"Between 1999 and 2001, the U.S. and British-led air forces in Iraq dropped 1.3 million pounds of bombs in response to purported violations of the no-fly zones and anti-aircraft fire from Saddam Hussein.
A sweeping attack, conducted in January of 1999, rained down 25 missiles on Iraqi soil, killing civilians. Clinton said the attack was in response to four planes violating the no-fly zones.
Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair authorized air strikes on more than 100 days in 1999, sometimes several times per day. The bombings were ostensibly in response to Husseins refusal to allow UN weapons inspectors into the country, though critics alleged the move was aimed at deflecting attention from impeachment.
The Raw Story | Clinton bombing of Iraq far exceeded Bush's in run-up to war; Bush 'spikes of activity' questioned

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