You people that called Bush a liar what do you call

Not one single republican yay'd Obamacare. Not one. So the majority of democrats didn't want to give Bush the deciding power. And they are in the right and the entire GOP congressional rep. voted nay for Obamacare.
He also didn't say the moon is made of green cheese, so the moon is made of green cheese.

Do you see the idiocy of your logic?

what was the law designed to do you fucking idiot?

end policies that fucked people.

just because some idiot wanted to keep being fucked doesn't make Obama a liar

no one can make anyone a liar.

Only a person can make himself a liar.

And Obama has done a great job of it.

So have you, you fucking dildo sucking vibrator using asshole.

only in right wing fantasy land.

when will you admit your party cheats its ass off in elections.

it complete and utter FACT
Democrat Senators that voted YEA... 77


there were 77 total "yea" votes in the senate. All of them were not Democrats.

C'MON MAN - up your game.

It's not even logical that there would be 77 democratic senators
or you could just count the friggin' list you posted.

You are right! I should have noticed that! Apologize for the mistake that I copied directly from the source!
Actually there were 29 Democrats of the 50 Democrats or 58% almost a majority of Democrats.
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There were a TOTAL of 77 yes votes
And I really apologize I didn't catch that. Sorry...
Not one single republican yay'd Obamacare. Not one. So the majority of democrats didn't want to give Bush the deciding power. And they are in the right and the entire GOP congressional rep. voted nay for Obamacare.

I believe the issue of the vote in Congress was in response to this by natstew

"Seems I remember Congress voting almost unanimously to go to war"

More of a history lesson for nat than a judgment about which side is right or wrong. It just didn't happen the way he "seems" to remember. Makes me wonder if he remembers it at all or is he being told how it "really was"?

I guess it all comes down to "Truthiness". Deep down in his gut, he must have felt that was the way it happened.
what was the law designed to do you fucking idiot?

end policies that fucked people.

just because some idiot wanted to keep being fucked doesn't make Obama a liar

no one can make anyone a liar.

Only a person can make himself a liar.

And Obama has done a great job of it.

So have you, you fucking dildo sucking vibrator using asshole.

only in right wing fantasy land.

when will you admit your party cheats its ass off in elections.

it complete and utter FACT

When will you admit your cheats its ass off? When will you admit your party lies? When will you admit your really isn't any better than theirs?

When will you stop lying to yourself?


he buys right wing propaganda lies

And you buy those of the left.
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Obama's constant statement when he was selling Obamacare. "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it.
If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too." is NOW contradicted by Obama...
President Barack Obama has publicly promised at least 36 times since 2008 that his health care reform plan, known as Obamacare,
would not cause anyone who liked their present health insurance to lose it.
36 Times Obama Said You Can Keep Your Health Plan | Washington Free Beacon

"But that’s true if your employer suddenly decides we think this network’s going to give a better deal, we think this is going to help keep premiums lower, you've got to use this doctor as opposed to that one, this hospital as opposed to that one.
Obama: You Might Lose Your Doctor Under Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Do you think ACA would have passed if those 7 votes of "YES" knew Obama was lying when he said "you can keep your doctor"?

You called Bush a liar about WMDs. How many of you are going to call Obama a LIAR now that it has became truly personal for some of you, i.e.
YOU that voted for Obama, thought ACA was great and NOW find out your doctor is no longer part of your network?

I am 100% convinced that some of the Obama/ACA supporters HAVE lost their insurance or have lost their doctor.
I am also convinced that somewhere one or more people have died directly because Obamacare caused insurance companies that were paying under a prior agreement but NOW wow... happy to cancel folks because under Obamacare our plan doesn't meet obamacare specs!
Sorry those of you that were counting on cancer treatments COVERED under your old insurance... NO.. we had to cancel your policy because it didn't offer maternity coverage!

Think about it. How many Americans are going to die and you ACA/Obama are blaming the insurance companies for complying with your idiotic stupidly cumbersome over regulated 2,000 page 20,000 pages of regulations LAW!

The Who Said It Game - Iraq Style

Letter to Congress

"We are convinced that as long as Saddam Hussein remains in power, he will continue to threaten the well-being of his people, the peace of the region and the security of the world. We will continue to contain these threats, but over the long term the best way to address them is through a new government in Baghdad.

To that end, working with the Congress, we have deepened our engagement with the forces of change in Iraq to help make the opposition a more effective voice for the aspirations of the Iraqi people...

Chemical Weapons
April reports to the UNSC President reconfirmed January's findings that UNSCOM identified as priority chemical weapons disarmament issues: VX; 155mm mustard shells; an Iraqi Air Force file of chemical weapons documents; R-400 bombs filled with CBW (field inspections needed); and chemical weapons production equipment (field verification is needed for 18 of 20 shipping containers UNSCOM knows were moved together). The reporters identified as key monitoring priorities the ability to verify Iraqi compliance at listed facilities and to detect construction of new dual-use facilities...

Biological Weapons
April reports to the UNSC President reconfirmed January's findings that UNSCOM identified as priority outstanding biological weapons disarmament issues Iraq's incomplete declarations on "the whole scope of the BW program." The declarations are important because "Iraq possesses an industrial capability and knowledge base, through which biological warfare agents could be produced quickly and in volume." The report also identified the importance of monitoring dual-use biological items, equipment, facilities, research and acquisition at 250 listed sites. The effectiveness of monitoring is "proportional to Iraq's cooperation and transparency, to the number of monitored sites, and to the number of inspectors...

April reports to the UNSC President reconfirmed January's findings that UNSCOM identified as priority missile disarmament issues: 50 unaccounted for, SCUD conventional warheads; 500 tons of SCUD propellants, the destruction of which has not been verified; 7 Iraqi-produced SCUDs given to the army, the destruction of which cannot be verified; truckloads of major components for SCUD production that are missing; the concealment of BW warheads; and the lack of accounting for VX-filled warheads. The report identified the capability to monitor declared activities, leaps in missile technology, and changes to declared operational missiles. There are 80 listed missile sites...

Nuclear Weapons
In a February 8, 1999, report to the UNSC President, IAEA Director General Mohammed El-Baradei summarized previous IAEA assessments of Iraq's compliance with its nuclear disarmament and monitoring obligations. The report restates that "Iraq has not fulfilled its obligation to adopt measures and enact penal laws, to implement and enforce compliance with Iraq's obligations under resolutions 687 and 707, other relevant Security Council resolutions and the IAEA OMV plan, as required under paragraph 34 of that plan...

I followed the link and low and behold, we find who hides the truth.

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Wow, Democrats hide the truth. Same as a lie, yes?
I really do not blame the youngsters on these forums for repeated the lies that Bush lied, they were to young to hear the warnings and call to war from the Clinton Era. Further, Neither Bush sr. or jr. was a Conservative. The mantra that "Bush Lied" distracts from the Bush family bailing out the Savings and Loan under Bush sr. and then miraculously the exact same bailout of banks by Bush jr. Democratic and Republican Politicians both profited, or were paid off for bailing out the S&L and Banks, hence, Both Bushes keep their mouths shut in spite of the vile attacks against their character. Pay me millions and I may keep my mouth shut as well in light of vile criticism.

Saddam's goal is to achieve the lifting of U.N. sanctions while retaining and enhancing... - Madeleine Albright at BrainyQuote

Saddam's goal is to achieve the lifting of U.N. sanctions while retaining and enhancing Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. We cannot, we must not and we will not let him succeed.

Madeleine Albright
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Obama's constant statement when he was selling Obamacare. "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it.
If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too." is NOW contradicted by Obama...
President Barack Obama has publicly promised at least 36 times since 2008 that his health care reform plan, known as Obamacare,
would not cause anyone who liked their present health insurance to lose it.
36 Times Obama Said You Can Keep Your Health Plan | Washington Free Beacon

"But that’s true if your employer suddenly decides we think this network’s going to give a better deal, we think this is going to help keep premiums lower, you've got to use this doctor as opposed to that one, this hospital as opposed to that one.
Obama: You Might Lose Your Doctor Under Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Do you think ACA would have passed if those 7 votes of "YES" knew Obama was lying when he said "you can keep your doctor"?

You called Bush a liar about WMDs. How many of you are going to call Obama a LIAR now that it has became truly personal for some of you, i.e.
YOU that voted for Obama, thought ACA was great and NOW find out your doctor is no longer part of your network?

I am 100% convinced that some of the Obama/ACA supporters HAVE lost their insurance or have lost their doctor.
I am also convinced that somewhere one or more people have died directly because Obamacare caused insurance companies that were paying under a prior agreement but NOW wow... happy to cancel folks because under Obamacare our plan doesn't meet obamacare specs!
Sorry those of you that were counting on cancer treatments COVERED under your old insurance... NO.. we had to cancel your policy because it didn't offer maternity coverage!

Think about it. How many Americans are going to die and you ACA/Obama are blaming the insurance companies for complying with your idiotic stupidly cumbersome over regulated 2,000 page 20,000 pages of regulations LAW!
Libtards are idiots that will defend the biggest liar in the history of the presidency next to clinton.
Not one single republican yay'd Obamacare. Not one. So the majority of democrats didn't want to give Bush the deciding power. And they are in the right and the entire GOP congressional rep. voted nay for Obamacare.

Let em die
Another hysterical, ill-thought post from you? Enough already.

I'm one liberal who really doesn't think the Bush WH lied about WMD in Iraq. I think they believed that WMD were there. They were just wrong about the WMD. The waged a war of aggression and choice in good faith. The occupation was a total clusterf___.

Obama was wrong to say people should be able to keep their cheap-o "insurance" policies, with their lame "benefits". Obama has made mistakes, and that was one of them.

But his mistakes haven't cost thousands of American soldiers' lives, like the Bushtarded One's mistakes did. Neocons are just now finishing licking their fingers of our boys' blood. And they thirst for more with a new war on Iran.

Liberals' complaints are about the GOP's warmongering, and conservatives' complaints are about liberals getting the poor getting health insurance.

No wonder Mitt Romney lost.
Another hysterical, ill-thought post from you? Enough already.

I'm one liberal who really doesn't think the Bush WH lied about WMD in Iraq. I think they believed that WMD were there. They were just wrong about the WMD. The waged a war of aggression and choice in good faith. The occupation was a total clusterf___.

Obama was wrong to say people should be able to keep their cheap-o "insurance" policies, with their lame "benefits". Obama has made mistakes, and that was one of them.

But his mistakes haven't cost thousands of American soldiers' lives, like the Bushtarded One's mistakes did. Neocons are just now finishing licking their fingers of our boys' blood. And they thirst for more with a new war on Iran.

Liberals' complaints are about the GOP's warmongering, and conservatives' complaints are about liberals getting the poor getting health insurance.

No wonder Mitt Romney lost.

I take it you had no problem with keeping Saddam in power then? Of course you obviously don't know anything about the following do you?
More importantly NONE of these affected you right so you really don't care about these realities do you?

You would like to see this ecological disaster continue right .. because YOU loved Saddam.. Right??
"It turns out Saddam Hussein did possess a weapon of mass destruction and he used it in a slaughter that few have heard of until now: after the Gulf War in 1991, the dictator spent untold millions on this weapon, designed to exterminate an ancient civilization called the "Ma'dan," also known as the "Marsh Arabs."
In a five-year project 90 percent of the marshes were drained - an area of more than 3,000 square miles.
"... the marsh dwellers were important elements in the uprising against Saddam Hussein’s regime. To end the rebellion, the regime implemented an intensive system of drainage and water diversion structures that desiccated over 90% of the marshes. The reed beds were also burned and poison introduced to the waters.
It is estimated that more than 500,000 were displaced, 95,000 of them to Iran, 300,000 internally displaced, and the remainder to other countries. By January 2003, the majority of the marshes were wastelands.
"As an engineer, I'm telling you, drying of the marshes is definitely not an easy task. It's a monumental engineering project," Alwash explained. "He put every piece of equipment available in Iraq under his control at the services of the projects needed to dry the marshes."
"Saddam was using water as a weapon?" Pelley asked.
"You know, the world was looking for weapons of mass destruction. And the evidence was right under its nose," Alwash.
Resurrecting Eden - 60 Minutes Videos - CBS News

And of course YOU have no problem with continuing Saddam's starvation program right that if still in placed nearly 2.6 million kids would starve to death??

AND don't be an idiot and BLAME the economic sanctions! SADDAM had the power to feed by abiding by UN sanctions!

The sanctions against Iraq were a near-total financial and trade embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council on the nation of Iraq.
They began August 6, 1990, four days after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, stayed largely in force until May 2003 (after Saddam Hussein's being forced from power),...
Estimates of excess deaths of children during the sanctions range from 100,000 to over 500,000.
Sanctions against Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is an average of almost 40,000 children a year which if the Liberation had not happened, as of today Saddam's refusal to obey the sanctions
would have starved nearly 2.6 million children !
If Iraq hadn't been liberated in less then 6 weeks, 28 million would still be captive and 2.6 million kids starved!

Finally you of all people want to see 28 million people stay in a stone age economy where in 2003 under Saddam the per capita GDP was $518.
Per CIA world book Iraq's per capita GDP is $4,200 A total increase of over 718% in 10 years or 71% a year.
The 10th fastest GDP rate in the world.
Obama's constant statement when he was selling Obamacare. "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it.
If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too." is NOW contradicted by Obama...
President Barack Obama has publicly promised at least 36 times since 2008 that his health care reform plan, known as Obamacare,
would not cause anyone who liked their present health insurance to lose it.
36 Times Obama Said You Can Keep Your Health Plan | Washington Free Beacon

"But that’s true if your employer suddenly decides we think this network’s going to give a better deal, we think this is going to help keep premiums lower, you've got to use this doctor as opposed to that one, this hospital as opposed to that one.
Obama: You Might Lose Your Doctor Under Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Do you think ACA would have passed if those 7 votes of "YES" knew Obama was lying when he said "you can keep your doctor"?

You called Bush a liar about WMDs. How many of you are going to call Obama a LIAR now that it has became truly personal for some of you, i.e.
YOU that voted for Obama, thought ACA was great and NOW find out your doctor is no longer part of your network?

I am 100% convinced that some of the Obama/ACA supporters HAVE lost their insurance or have lost their doctor.
I am also convinced that somewhere one or more people have died directly because Obamacare caused insurance companies that were paying under a prior agreement but NOW wow... happy to cancel folks because under Obamacare our plan doesn't meet obamacare specs!
Sorry those of you that were counting on cancer treatments COVERED under your old insurance... NO.. we had to cancel your policy because it didn't offer maternity coverage!

Think about it. How many Americans are going to die and you ACA/Obama are blaming the insurance companies for complying with your idiotic stupidly cumbersome over regulated 2,000 page 20,000 pages of regulations LAW!

What do you care?

GOP shouts let him die
People are alive today because of this healthcare.

YOU apperntly WISH those people were dead like the people Bush dropped white phosphorous on in falughia.

have you even seen the pictures of melted babies Bush and YOU killed?

So Clinton and all of his cabinet lied too? I might add years before Bush was in office, but you of the Kool Aid Drunken Society prefer to ignore the obvious truth, Saddam's time had come...

US did find Iraq WMD | New York Post

Russia "Cleaned Up" Saddam's WMD - SourceWatch

And it is a tragedy that we lose a life in either circumstance, one for Freedom the other because he hates what our founders created...
This thead is evidence of why this country is so fucked.

Our elected officials lie to us on a daily basis, and instead of Americans coming together and doing something about it, they let it turn into a left vs right issue. "Your side is worse", "No, your side is worse". Holy shit people, can't we agree that both sides are fucked up and need to be drained of every currently serving member? Or do partisan politics matter to you people so much that you're willing to let the country go to hell, just as long as you can make the opposition look bad and score a few "political points".

How about this for a start. Instead of always just trying to bash the other side, how about both sides shut the fuck up and worry about cleaning their own house first.
I seem to think lying to start a war is not the same as misrepresenting the possible outcomes of a healthcare bill

"The Smoking Gun will be a Mushroom Cloud"

1)Bush didn't lie to start a war. 2)misrepresenting the possible outcomes of a healthcare bill? You mean lying about the outcomes of a healthcare bill.

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