You Republicans Are Crazy

The rest of the world knows you liberals are fascists....
You don't even know what that word means. Only you Republican fools believe that
W all know where you stand....don't act all surprised....
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore

Yes there is a core of conservatives that do live in a bubble where anyone who doesn't agree with them isn't just another American that has a different view. They are evil incarnate. This has been drilled into the heads of the people in this bubble by conservative-talk-radio and Faux News for 25 years now. And this is where it has lead. They defend trump on ANYTHING. He said himself he could shoot someone and they'd still support him, and they would. These people are so brainwashed by con-media that up is down and they do view 'others' as evil on Earth.
I heard one of Rupert Murdock sons is a moderate conservative and he's embarrassed how the network has basically become a microphone for the GOP. I wonder how long till Republicans stop being crazy or how crazy they will get. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum till they get what they want. And you can't give in because then baby rules the home

Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore

Yes there is a core of conservatives that do live in a bubble where anyone who doesn't agree with them isn't just another American that has a different view. They are evil incarnate. This has been drilled into the heads of the people in this bubble by conservative-talk-radio and Faux News for 25 years now. And this is where it has lead. They defend trump on ANYTHING. He said himself he could shoot someone and they'd still support him, and they would. These people are so brainwashed by con-media that up is down and they do view 'others' as evil on Earth.
I heard one of Rupert Murdock sons is a moderate conservative and he's embarrassed how the network has basically become a microphone for the GOP. I wonder how long till Republicans stop being crazy or how crazy they will get. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum till they get what they want. And you can't give in because then baby rules the home

Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.

You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.

My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore

Yes there is a core of conservatives that do live in a bubble where anyone who doesn't agree with them isn't just another American that has a different view. They are evil incarnate. This has been drilled into the heads of the people in this bubble by conservative-talk-radio and Faux News for 25 years now. And this is where it has lead. They defend trump on ANYTHING. He said himself he could shoot someone and they'd still support him, and they would. These people are so brainwashed by con-media that up is down and they do view 'others' as evil on Earth.
I heard one of Rupert Murdock sons is a moderate conservative and he's embarrassed how the network has basically become a microphone for the GOP. I wonder how long till Republicans stop being crazy or how crazy they will get. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum till they get what they want. And you can't give in because then baby rules the home

Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.
And all the while claiming they are the constitutinal party
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore

Yes there is a core of conservatives that do live in a bubble where anyone who doesn't agree with them isn't just another American that has a different view. They are evil incarnate. This has been drilled into the heads of the people in this bubble by conservative-talk-radio and Faux News for 25 years now. And this is where it has lead. They defend trump on ANYTHING. He said himself he could shoot someone and they'd still support him, and they would. These people are so brainwashed by con-media that up is down and they do view 'others' as evil on Earth.
I heard one of Rupert Murdock sons is a moderate conservative and he's embarrassed how the network has basically become a microphone for the GOP. I wonder how long till Republicans stop being crazy or how crazy they will get. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum till they get what they want. And you can't give in because then baby rules the home

Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.

You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.

Yea but when you are demanding we implement right wing policies that are unacceptable to us, you need to drop those demands.

No more tax breaks no more cuts to social security and safety nets. Stop asking. And we've already given in enough. Look at NAFTA. We went along now look
You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.


I guess you've forgotten the Republican declaration on the day Obama was inaugurated that they wouldn't pass anything. They would thwart his agenda at every turn so that he would have nothing to run on and be a one term President. Before Obama proposed a single piece of legislation, and while the country was in a total economic freefall because of Republican policies, Republicans announced that under no circumstances would they work with the President.

Obama made the declaration that he had a pen and a phone after Republicans shut down the government, and after 5+ years of Republicans refusal to govern and continued obstruction, fillibusters, and delays.

I thought country was supposed to come first. Republicans forgot that a long time ago. Now it's all about refusal to compromise, refusal to work with the other side. Bi-partisanship will get you "primaried". And then you complain that Obama wouldn't work with Republicans. Define "work with", because I don't think we're on the same page here.
You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.


I guess you've forgotten the Republican declaration on the day Obama was inaugurated that they wouldn't pass anything. They would thwart his agenda at every turn so that he would have nothing to run on and be a one term President. Before Obama proposed a single piece of legislation, and while the country was in a total economic freefall because of Republican policies, Republicans announced that under no circumstances would they work with the President.

Obama made the declaration that he had a pen and a phone after Republicans shut down the government, and after 5+ years of Republicans refusal to govern and continued obstruction, fillibusters, and delays.

I thought country was supposed to come first. Republicans forgot that a long time ago. Now it's all about refusal to compromise, refusal to work with the other side. Bi-partisanship will get you "primaried". And then you complain that Obama wouldn't work with Republicans. Define "work with", because I don't think we're on the same page here.
So you're down to researching years worth of posts to try to dig up dirt on someone? obama got most if not all o f what he wanted, that's the problem and it's WHY Trump is so popular.

The country does come first, that's why we must unfuck america and get someone in office to do the job instead of more of the same! And why do you care about US politics so much?
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore

Yes there is a core of conservatives that do live in a bubble where anyone who doesn't agree with them isn't just another American that has a different view. They are evil incarnate. This has been drilled into the heads of the people in this bubble by conservative-talk-radio and Faux News for 25 years now. And this is where it has lead. They defend trump on ANYTHING. He said himself he could shoot someone and they'd still support him, and they would. These people are so brainwashed by con-media that up is down and they do view 'others' as evil on Earth.
I heard one of Rupert Murdock sons is a moderate conservative and he's embarrassed how the network has basically become a microphone for the GOP. I wonder how long till Republicans stop being crazy or how crazy they will get. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum till they get what they want. And you can't give in because then baby rules the home

Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.

You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.

Yea but when you are demanding we implement right wing policies that are unacceptable to us, you need to drop those demands.

No more tax breaks no more cuts to social security and safety nets. Stop asking. And we've already given in enough. Look at NAFTA. We went along now look

You have to stop the bleeding and heel at some point both bat shit crazy and crooked and Hillary's plan just add more to the debit, who's going to pay for it? Ya won't get the rich they are in bed with both camps
Yes there is a core of conservatives that do live in a bubble where anyone who doesn't agree with them isn't just another American that has a different view. They are evil incarnate. This has been drilled into the heads of the people in this bubble by conservative-talk-radio and Faux News for 25 years now. And this is where it has lead. They defend trump on ANYTHING. He said himself he could shoot someone and they'd still support him, and they would. These people are so brainwashed by con-media that up is down and they do view 'others' as evil on Earth.
I heard one of Rupert Murdock sons is a moderate conservative and he's embarrassed how the network has basically become a microphone for the GOP. I wonder how long till Republicans stop being crazy or how crazy they will get. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum till they get what they want. And you can't give in because then baby rules the home

Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.

You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.

Yea but when you are demanding we implement right wing policies that are unacceptable to us, you need to drop those demands.

No more tax breaks no more cuts to social security and safety nets. Stop asking. And we've already given in enough. Look at NAFTA. We went along now look

You have to stop the bleeding and heel at some point both bat shit crazy and crooked and Hillary's plan just add more to the debit, who's going to pay for it? Ya won't get the rich they are in bed with both camps
You believe trumps going to fix the debt? Man you guys are suckers
Yes there is a core of conservatives that do live in a bubble where anyone who doesn't agree with them isn't just another American that has a different view. They are evil incarnate. This has been drilled into the heads of the people in this bubble by conservative-talk-radio and Faux News for 25 years now. And this is where it has lead. They defend trump on ANYTHING. He said himself he could shoot someone and they'd still support him, and they would. These people are so brainwashed by con-media that up is down and they do view 'others' as evil on Earth.
I heard one of Rupert Murdock sons is a moderate conservative and he's embarrassed how the network has basically become a microphone for the GOP. I wonder how long till Republicans stop being crazy or how crazy they will get. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum till they get what they want. And you can't give in because then baby rules the home

Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.

You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.

Yea but when you are demanding we implement right wing policies that are unacceptable to us, you need to drop those demands.

No more tax breaks no more cuts to social security and safety nets. Stop asking. And we've already given in enough. Look at NAFTA. We went along now look

You have to stop the bleeding and heel at some point both bat shit crazy and crooked and Hillary's plan just add more to the debit, who's going to pay for it? Ya won't get the rich they are in bed with both camps
Bring back those good paying union jobs and start making GE pay taxes and maybe the debt will go down.

Trumps plans add trillions to the debt. You don't even care his ideas make no sense
I'm laughing at Europeans taking Muslims and dying in who's fucking stupid?
Laughing at people being killed by terrorists is what we've come to expect from the right. It's what proves the OP to be spot on accurate.
Yes there is a core of conservatives that do live in a bubble where anyone who doesn't agree with them isn't just another American that has a different view. They are evil incarnate. This has been drilled into the heads of the people in this bubble by conservative-talk-radio and Faux News for 25 years now. And this is where it has lead. They defend trump on ANYTHING. He said himself he could shoot someone and they'd still support him, and they would. These people are so brainwashed by con-media that up is down and they do view 'others' as evil on Earth.
I heard one of Rupert Murdock sons is a moderate conservative and he's embarrassed how the network has basically become a microphone for the GOP. I wonder how long till Republicans stop being crazy or how crazy they will get. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum till they get what they want. And you can't give in because then baby rules the home

Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.

You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.

Yea but when you are demanding we implement right wing policies that are unacceptable to us, you need to drop those demands.

No more tax breaks no more cuts to social security and safety nets. Stop asking. And we've already given in enough. Look at NAFTA. We went along now look

You have to stop the bleeding and heel at some point both bat shit crazy and crooked and Hillary's plan just add more to the debit, who's going to pay for it? Ya won't get the rich they are in bed with both camps
Whose proposed policies have been estimated to increase the debt more, Hillary’s or Crazy Donald's?
I heard one of Rupert Murdock sons is a moderate conservative and he's embarrassed how the network has basically become a microphone for the GOP. I wonder how long till Republicans stop being crazy or how crazy they will get. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum till they get what they want. And you can't give in because then baby rules the home

Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.

You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.

Yea but when you are demanding we implement right wing policies that are unacceptable to us, you need to drop those demands.

No more tax breaks no more cuts to social security and safety nets. Stop asking. And we've already given in enough. Look at NAFTA. We went along now look

You have to stop the bleeding and heel at some point both bat shit crazy and crooked and Hillary's plan just add more to the debit, who's going to pay for it? Ya won't get the rich they are in bed with both camps
Bring back those good paying union jobs and start making GE pay taxes and maybe the debt will go down.

Trumps plans add trillions to the debt. You don't even care his ideas make no sense

Ok what's your plan to bring back high paying union jobs? The only sector that has an a abundance of them any more is paid by the government in public sector and in the defense contractor jobs, those car manufacturing sure won't move north.
I heard one of Rupert Murdock sons is a moderate conservative and he's embarrassed how the network has basically become a microphone for the GOP. I wonder how long till Republicans stop being crazy or how crazy they will get. It's like a child throwing a temper tantrum till they get what they want. And you can't give in because then baby rules the home

Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.

You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.

Yea but when you are demanding we implement right wing policies that are unacceptable to us, you need to drop those demands.

No more tax breaks no more cuts to social security and safety nets. Stop asking. And we've already given in enough. Look at NAFTA. We went along now look

You have to stop the bleeding and heel at some point both bat shit crazy and crooked and Hillary's plan just add more to the debit, who's going to pay for it? Ya won't get the rich they are in bed with both camps
Whose proposed policies have been estimated to increase the debt more, Hillary’s or Crazy Donald's?

They both are insane. More of the same of passing the can down stream it's unsustainable at some point.
Yes that is what Republicans have become. I've said it a number of times they have given up on American democracy. Their political agenda is 'we get our way or the government shuts down'. Which they have done.

I'm old enough to remember when both parties argued but then compromised and things got done. Republicans in the last 15 years have pegged the needle to the right, they either get what they want or they do nothing. It is violence against the Constitution and ignoring what the founders constructed. This entire country's government is formed on forced compromise. When one side decides they will get what they want and there will be no compromise you get what we've had the last 7 1/2 years. Their refusal to vote on and approve a new Supreme Court justice that was duly nominated by the president as those are his Constitutional duties is tantamount to tearing up the Constitution and declaring their political party is now their god.

I mean they don't even try to hide it now they come out and say their whole purpose is to keep a Democrat from appointing someone to the Supreme Court so that the Republicans can appoint a far right-wing judge. This is the most common way a democracy starts dying, when one side declares they will not follow the laws of the land and participate in the compromise that is spelled out in the Constitution.

You are just blaming the republicans for no compromise? Saying you remember the past 15 years, what a partisan hack, you don't remember the do nothing congress when harry Reid and Nancy took over?

You don't remember obama saying he has a pen and a phone? It is the presidents job to lead and walk across the room and work with the other side.

Yea but when you are demanding we implement right wing policies that are unacceptable to us, you need to drop those demands.

No more tax breaks no more cuts to social security and safety nets. Stop asking. And we've already given in enough. Look at NAFTA. We went along now look

You have to stop the bleeding and heel at some point both bat shit crazy and crooked and Hillary's plan just add more to the debit, who's going to pay for it? Ya won't get the rich they are in bed with both camps
Bring back those good paying union jobs and start making GE pay taxes and maybe the debt will go down.

Trumps plans add trillions to the debt. You don't even care his ideas make no sense

Ok what's your plan to bring back high paying union jobs? The only sector that has an a abundance of them any more is paid by the government in public sector and in the defense contractor jobs, those car manufacturing sure won't move north.

You can't even afford the trillions of unfunded pension plans you have now I read GM Union pensions are still in trouble and Obama's bailout of them was just a bandaid.
So you're down to researching years worth of posts to try to dig up dirt on someone? obama got most if not all o f what he wanted, that's the problem and it's WHY Trump is so popular.

The country does come first, that's why we must unfuck america and get someone in office to do the job instead of more of the same! And why do you care about US politics so much?

Obama didn't get the Bush tax cuts cancelled, which would have really cut the deficit. He didn't get the stimulus plan which would have boosted infrastructure spending, which is desperately needed, or the unemployment relief it would have provided.

American politics has tremendous influence over the economies of other countries, none more so than Canada. You people keep voting in these so-called conservatives who cut taxes, spend like sailors, and crash the stock market.

Canadian politics is sane, tame, and quite civil by American standards. But Canadians are smart enough to know when they're being conned and they will punish a party that fails the way Republicans consistently fail. We like diversity and laugh at the idea of you cowering behind your fear of Muslims, or people who aren't white or Christian.

Last but not least, the religious right doesn't exist in Canada. We wouldn't empower them anyway. Only 34% of Canadians identify themselves as "religious" so anyone with a religious agenda won't get far, even though we generally consider ourselves to be a Christian nation.

It's amazing how well tolerance, sanity and respect for others can work in society.

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