You think Putin cares if "the nations around the world condemn Russia"??

Those admiring Putin here in the USA are very similar to Lindbergh's love affair with Hitler in 1939 and 1940 and 1941

Accurately assessing one's antagonist's skill is not admiration but common sense. I like America and dislike Russia. Unfortunately their leader, Mr Putin, is by a wide margin cleverer than yours, Mr Obama. I wish it were otherwise.
There will be no economic sanctions against Russia and Russia will remain in the G8.
Admit it, you people have like a little boner for Putin, don't you.

We're just admiring what real leadership looks like.

Ahh, so you would like a leader who controls state media, throws people in jail for opposition. True colors come out.

As opposed to what one who's Department of Justice investigates reporters for doing their job and who's I.R.S. goes after it's political opponents? True colors indeed.
Those admiring Putin here in the USA are very similar to Lindbergh's love affair with Hitler in 1939 and 1940 and 1941

For the most part Putin has outmaneuvered Obama on the world stage admitting that is not a sign of admiration for Putin. I really wish that was not the case and maybe it will change but right now I see nothing to indicate it will.
Boner for Putin. Um. Ok. Eye roll.

I wonder what Kennedy would have done if he were in office. Probably the same thing he did with the Cuban Missile crisis. Obama? He likes getting in front of cameras, make some jokes, shrug it all off, show a stern face now and then. He is the weakest in the herd and the whole world knows it.

All it would take is China to back up Russia....and we are history. The United States of the USSR. Or..the United States of China. Or we are split in half to Russia, the other half to China.

And cutting our military is just the first step in the long line of dominoes being played out. Just one push and they all come tumbling down.

I am beginning to wonder if Obama planned all this or hope it would happen. Maybe Rev Wright planted a seed and continued to water it for so many years, it finally took root. Obama doesn't give a shit about the USA or its people. He has proven that over the years.

But people will be blinded by his charm and charisma. In the end...the blinded will see too late.
Actually..I wonder what either Bush would have done. Or Clinton.
All of them would have not let it get to where the whole world laughs at us.
We're just admiring what real leadership looks like.

Ahh, so you would like a leader who controls state media, throws people in jail for opposition. True colors come out.

As opposed to what one who's Department of Justice investigates reporters for doing their job and who's I.R.S. goes after it's political opponents? True colors indeed.

Wants government monitors in all newsrooms and puts filmmakers in jail on bogus charges. Those kinds of true colors perhaps. Has a full scale IRS investigation of a reporter's parents to silence the reporter. That kind of true colors. How about the true colors of persecuting people for their religious belief.

obama intends to out communist Russia.
Putin has one thing obama does not have. Putin knows that the American people will not stand behind obama and that's the weapon Putin will use.
We'll see if the Russians like their economy being ruined by isolation. Pub dupes seem to think being an a-hole is ''clever'' Cheney or McConnell.

Any actual evidence Obama has hurt our media in any way, brainwashed Foxbots...
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Just days after the world came to Russia for the Olympic games, it would invite the condemnation of nations around the world," Obama said. "And indeed, the United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine."

Heckler: Obama wants 'nuclear war with Russia' | TheHill

I think all Putin has to do is remember this statement from Obama...
"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"

YET Obama's brother lives in this $12 hut!
View attachment 29517

So Putin puts as much confidence in Obama's statements as he looks at the reality of Obama's brother..
Obama talks the talk but sure as hell doesn't walk the walk!

It doesn't matter that Obama occupies the White House, Bush was no more able to do anything about the South Ossetia incident. Nobody is going to force Russia/Putin to do anything that he doesn't want to do nor are they in a position to do so.
Actually..I wonder what either Bush would have done. Or Clinton.
All of them would have not let it get to where the whole world laughs at us.

At the very least all of them would have likely moved some warships including a aircraft carrier into the area if for no other reason a show of force.
Ihear Obama is recruiting a special military unit right now (having cut our own forces to the bone). Here's a preview.
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Putin has one thing obama does not have. Putin knows that the American people will not stand behind obama and that's the weapon Putin will use.
Jeebus what racist brainwashed a-holes Pub dupes are...

''No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP''- TIME
Probably not, but he does have a small following of American conservatives that praise him at evry oppurtunity.

Yep, Putin reminds them of Vladimir Bush, our 43rd Prez, who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan under false pretenses.


Probably not, but he does have a small following of American conservatives that praise him at evry oppurtunity.

Yep, Putin reminds them of Vladimir Bush, our 43rd Prez, who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan under false pretenses.



Under what false pretense was Afghanistan invaded under? As I recall it was in response to the 9-11 attacks.
Probably not, but he does have a small following of American conservatives that praise him at evry oppurtunity.

Yep, Putin reminds them of Vladimir Bush, our 43rd Prez, who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan under false pretenses.



Under what false pretense was Afghanistan invaded under? As I recall it was in response to the 9-11 attacks.
Those were fakes. We should have invaded Israel instead. Just ask him, he'll tell you.

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