You Think We Have Trouble Now Read Doonesbury Today

]Let us know when someone introduces you to Truth and Reality because it is readily apparent that you have never met either one.

Unfortunately I’m well versed in Truth and Reality. It would be far easier in life if I weren’t. If I could simply walk around blind and lobotomized like so many of you folks do these days.
]Let us know when someone introduces you to Truth and Reality because it is readily apparent that you have never met either one.

Unfortunately I’m well versed in Truth and Reality. It would be far easier in life if I weren’t. If I could simply walk around blind and lobotomized like so many of you folks do these days.

You are so blinded by hate you can't see your own shoestrings, so you must wear velcro shoes.
There is a significant segment of the population that has been brainwashed by decades of conservative media and the Republican Party to the point where they can’t function in a democracy — and don’t want to.

You Think We Have Trouble Now? Read Doonesbury Today.

Replace conservative with liberal and Republican with Democrat and your statement holds just as much water.

I would remind you it’s not the Republicans and the conservatives who for almost 2 years now have been trying to remove a democratically elected president from office just because he’s not the one they voted for
taz he's running our government like he was a mafia boss.......he wants your loyalty before what's in the best interests of our country imo....sure we want him out ,he's made a mockery of our nation

Then go win a presidential election punk.
This is where I remind idiot liberals again 3 Democratic party blue states voted for Trump, PA, MI, WI. With Democrats controlling 90% of the media somehow conservatives brainwashed those states? :icon_rolleyes: The left just can't handle losing to Trump and being rejected by the American people, it has unhinged them. :cuckoo:
There is a significant segment of the population that has been brainwashed by decades of conservative media and the Republican Party to the point where they can’t function in a democracy — and don’t want to.

You Think We Have Trouble Now? Read Doonesbury Today.

Replace conservative with liberal and Republican with Democrat and your statement holds just as much water.

I would remind you it’s not the Republicans and the conservatives who for almost 2 years now have been trying to remove a democratically elected president from office just because he’s not the one they voted for

The overwhelming evidence is that he was NOT democratically elected, but rather lied, cheated and stole his way to the Presidency. He didn’t have the majority of votes, and he used information stolen from the DNC to counter their Electoral College strategy.

Then there’s conspiracy with the Russian hackers, and the attempts to obstruct and discredit the investigation into his corrupt and treasonous actions.

That being said, Democrats are not trying to “overturn” the results of the election. When Trump is removed from office, Pence will become President.
There is a significant segment of the population that has been brainwashed by decades of conservative media and the Republican Party to the point where they can’t function in a democracy — and don’t want to.

You Think We Have Trouble Now? Read Doonesbury Today.

Replace conservative with liberal and Republican with Democrat and your statement holds just as much water.

I would remind you it’s not the Republicans and the conservatives who for almost 2 years now have been trying to remove a democratically elected president from office just because he’s not the one they voted for

The overwhelming evidence is that he was NOT democratically elected, but rather lied, cheated and stole his way to the Presidency. He didn’t have the majority of votes, and he used information stolen from the DNC to counter their Electoral College strategy.

Then there’s conspiracy with the Russian hackers, and the attempts to obstruct and discredit the investigation into his corrupt and treasonous actions.

That being said, Democrats are not trying to “overturn” the results of the election. When Trump is removed from office, Pence will become President.

Now you have just gone from pitiful to pathetic. What was it that the hackers of the DNC gave Trump to make all of those voters change their votes?

I will give you credit for an incredible overactive imagination. Nobody is usually capable of making up something that ridiculous.
You want us to believe that anyone would employ you with such a hateful attitude? You must hide it well.

Employed in a highly technical utility- related field in a position that requires background checks regularly. Even in a leadership position. My poker face is astounding. Thankfully most of my co-workers are far closer to my way of thinking than yours.
There is a significant segment of the population that has been brainwashed by decades of conservative media and the Republican Party to the point where they can’t function in a democracy — and don’t want to.

You Think We Have Trouble Now? Read Doonesbury Today.
seems like you have been a little brainwashed yourself......

Democrats aren’t chanting “Lock her up” in unison at every Party event since the election. Or marchingbthrough the streets chanting racist hate towards Jews.

Watching Trumpbots and Russian trolls parrot his daily tweets denigrating his enemies, the media and those who are disloyal is like watching a reality TV version of 1984.

I feel sad for decent Americans.
You want us to believe that anyone would employ you with such a hateful attitude? You must hide it well.

Employed in a highly technical utility- related field in a position that requires background checks regularly. Even in a leadership position. My poker face is astounding. Thankfully most of my co-workers are far closer to my way of thinking than yours.

So you admit to be a lying stack of shit blowhard! That's a start!
taz he's running our government like he was a mafia boss.......he wants your loyalty before what's in the best interests of our country imo....sure we want him out ,he's made a mockery of our nation

The entirety of the federal government has been making a mockery of our nation for a long time. The problem is it only matters to most of you when the other guy is in charge.
what you say is true but imho the boat seems to sail a bit smoother when a dem is in the wh

Believe it or's still not an impeachable offense or against the matter how you try to twist it
I would remind you it’s not the Republicans and the conservatives who for almost 2 years now have been trying to remove a democratically elected president from office just because he’s not the one they voted for
That is so dumb on every level. The republican congress called for the republican DAG to appoint a special counsel, who is also republican. What "democrat" efforts have been made to remove Trump? It's only republicans threatening inpeachment, because only Republicans can threaten this. Amd no mention of the clear efforts of republicans to sabotage a fact finding inveistigation?
Some of us never wanted a Republic/Democracy to begin with. I’m an avowed Authoritarian and have been for years. The vast majority of human beings, never mind Americans don’t deserve a say in their lives. They haven’t proven themselves worthy of Freedom or Rights.

I actually agree with the last sentence.
You want us to believe that anyone would employ you with such a hateful attitude? You must hide it well.

Employed in a highly technical utility- related field in a position that requires background checks regularly. Even in a leadership position. My poker face is astounding. Thankfully most of my co-workers are far closer to my way of thinking than yours.

I thought you were a retired senior, armed to the hilt, living in an isolated region, hoping for an authoritarian dictator to save your ass from the commies.

Every time you post your story changes.
There is a significant segment of the population that has been brainwashed by decades of conservative media and the Republican Party to the point where they can’t function in a democracy — and don’t want to.

You Think We Have Trouble Now? Read Doonesbury Today.
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